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"words are not enough...."

Posted by I_AM_HE on 11-22-02 at 01:06 AM

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"RE: words are not enough...."
Posted by fivestarwheezy on 11-22-02 at 01:21 AM
Show me, show you. Catchy.

"Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds." Albert Einstein


"RE: words are not enough...."
Posted by I_AM_HE on 11-22-02 at 02:04 AM
the following is a translation shamelessly stolen (with permission, so i guess its not really stealing, but oh well) from a friend on another message board

He has a fishhead because soy sauce comes in a fish shape like that in Japanese lunch boxes.

There is a double meaning to Kikko Man as the super hero and the soy sauce product name.

Text at the beginning:
"All good children
Should watch tv with a light on
and not sit close to the screen."

Text when standing on the lightpost: "You should fight Kikkoman"

The song:

First slide: "Kikkoman came from the soybean planet.
Second: "Kikkoman is a hero."
The text on the second:
"This will explain about the Kikko Punch. The power of the punch from his perfect body is beyond description. In addition, when he makes soy suace he always uses his glove so if someone gets punched they will get itchy!"
Third slide of text on the bottom has to do with what was just said.
Fourth slide: He puts soy sauce on food and it gets a great taste!
The characters here with their eyes blocked out are copied from another magazine.
Fifth: (It says "Sauce Man" on the guy's underwear here.) It is not a problem to eat out somewhere (because soy sauce makes any food taste good).
Sixth: Same message and this guy's undies say "Vinegar Man."
Seventh: His special skill is the Kikko Punch!
Eighth: The cat thing is wondering if he should use salt or soy sauce for the eggs. Kikkoman says: "Of course you want to use soy sauce for sunny side up eggs, don't you?"
Ninth: In the clouds it says "Thank you, Kikkoman." The cat was so happy because he used the soy sauce and the taste was good.
Ten and a few more:
Show me, show you
Kikkoman, Kikkoman.
Show me, show you
Kikkoman, Kikkomaaan!
(this is a pun since the sound of show you means 'soy sauce' in Japanese)
When he is hanging off the giant flying soy sauce fish it says in the text:
"Good children should not imitate this!!"
Back at him on the motorcycle:
"Kikkoman comes from a soybean planet"
Next: On motorcycle: "Kikkoman is a really cool guy."
Then: "Soy sauce is good for your health." And he's smoking a cigarette. hehe
And: "Soy sauce has the ability to kill bacteria."
The guy covered in soy sauce (is a character in a Japanese cartoon) says: "Yeah, that's right."
Then: "Sauce and ketchup are no match for soy sauce."
And: "His special skill is the Kikko Beam"
Follows: The cat thing is still thinking about what to use for his food.
Kikkoman gets pissed and says: "I told you that you just need to use soy sauce for your food!!"
Kikkoman kills the cat because of it and the commentary says "That was too harsh a punishment, Kikkoman."
Then the chorus again.
Then the female: On the corner when they are in bed it says the same thing about not imitating it. hehe

"RE: words are not enough...."
Posted by kyngsladye on 11-22-02 at 03:17 AM
WOW! See now that is a commercial that I love!!! And I was totally cracking up at the cigarette and the sex.


"RE: words are not enough...."
Posted by Efjendar on 11-22-02 at 04:45 AM
I'm glad I clicked on that, too funny. Americans have superheroes in tights but Japanese superheroes need only wear a mewashi to cover up the important bits.

"RE: words are not enough...."
Posted by LionChow on 11-22-02 at 08:12 AM
Well, that was certainly "interesting"! I particularly enjoyed "square root cube head." WTF?

Good one, He!

and he's so smooth with the women too.

"RE: words are not enough...."
Posted by Drive My Car on 11-22-02 at 09:06 AM

(thanks He, I needed that, not sure why I needed it, I just did)

"RE: words are not enough...."
Posted by Swami on 11-22-02 at 11:24 AM
That was hilarious, He! I watched it twice & sent the link to my sister. Now I want a Kikkoman action figure for Xmas--he's too cool. I'm also craving Japanese food. Good thing I have a large (quart-sized) bottle of Kikkoman Shoyu in my frige.

Thanks for the translation too!

"RE: words are not enough...."
Posted by PapaBear on 11-22-02 at 11:32 AM
LAST EDITED ON 11-22-02 AT 11:33 AM (EST)

I'm glad that I had my speakers turned down before I started that up here at work. Where in the heck did you ever find that? That was one of the funniest things I have ever seen. And the translation is almost as funny as the commercial (?) itself.

Thanks for my morning fun, He!

"RE: words are not enough...."
Posted by Schnookie Palookie on 11-22-02 at 11:35 AM
That was funny. Reminds me of the cartoon from Saturday Night Live.

Why did they have to kill the poor kitty at the end? *sob*

My idea of housework is to sweep the room with a glance

"What the Hell was that!"
Posted by Q on 11-22-02 at 11:37 AM
I could not stop laughing on that one. At least its better than "Battling Seizure Robots"


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