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"The War On Eggnog"

Posted by dabo on 12-17-09 at 00:54 AM
LAST EDITED ON 12-17-09 AT 11:27 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 12-17-09 AT 00:57 AM (EST)

Personally, I hate this stuff, it tastes awful and it's thick and is hard to swallow, very tough, I hate it,. And it tastes awful. And does anyone seriously believe Santa even cares. He is much more into the cookies. And it really is awful tasting. Fruitcake is much better than eggnog.

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Messages in this discussion
"Hold on!"
Posted by cahaya on 12-17-09 at 01:12 AM
My Grandma made the tastiest egg nog I've ever had.

Smurfy snowy holiday present by agman

What a buzz for a kid.

"RE: The War On Eggnog"
Posted by bondt007 on 12-17-09 at 01:26 AM
Add a bit of Makers Mark...

"RE: The War On Eggnog"
Posted by weltek on 12-17-09 at 10:02 AM
With good booze is the only way I'll drink eggnog. Knob Creek is my preferred.

-A Tribetastic Creation

"RE: The War On Eggnog"
Posted by grit on 12-17-09 at 12:27 PM
See, eggnog can't be any good if you have to add booze to make it palatable.

Just skip the nog and drink the booze.

Handcrafted by the incredibly wonderful RollDdice

"RE: The War On Eggnog"
Posted by Ahtumbreez on 12-17-09 at 08:12 AM
*sits in the corner, eating fruitcake and sipping eggnog. And my eggnog has lots of nutmeg floating on top.

"The nutmeg is key"
Posted by moonbaby on 12-17-09 at 02:01 PM
and for me it has to be the kind in a carton from the supermarket. I can see the possiblity of homemade eggnog being blucky, what with weird eggy consistency things going on.

"RE: The War On Eggnog"
Posted by grit on 12-17-09 at 08:18 AM
It's like drinking milky snot.

Handcrafted by the incredibly wonderful RollDdice

"RE: The War On Eggnog"
Posted by Karchita on 12-17-09 at 12:47 PM
Exactly. My long standing policy on eggnog is that I would rather drink a glass of snot. Eeeewww.

Christmasized by the one and only Sharnina

"RE: The War On Eggnog"
Posted by samboohoo on 12-17-09 at 08:37 AM
Meh. A good friend of ours makes it each year and sends it to our house. DH drinks is up. I might have one sip or so. Not really a fan.

Samboobree, brought to life by Arkie

"RE: The War On Eggnog"
Posted by jbug on 12-17-09 at 09:46 AM
I have never tasked egg nogg. (sounds like thise should be on a thread for revealing something about yourself no one knows, huh ?)

It just never looked appealing and something about the idea of whisked scrambled eggs to drink?
No thank you.

Sharnina decorated me

"RE: The War On Eggnog"
Posted by Glow on 12-17-09 at 09:47 AM
You're not putting enough rum in it.

"RE: The War On Eggnog"
Posted by maroonclowns mom on 12-17-09 at 09:53 AM

Up here, they throw in some rum and call it "moose milk"

"RE: The War On Eggnog"
Posted by sica077 on 12-17-09 at 10:45 AM
Skim milk I can tolerate. Whole milk makes me cringe. Eggnog? Just the smell makes me a little woozy...

Bears, Beets, Battlestar Galactica
I've been 'patched

"But I love it!"
Posted by Silvergirl1 on 12-17-09 at 12:04 PM

I didn't know there were so many people who didn't like eggnog. I am tempted to buy some, but it's loaded with fat and calories. I don't drink rum, so mine in non-alcoholic, butI still want some.

Other peeps can have my fruitcake, though.

An IceCat original, 2009

"RE: The War On Eggnog"
Posted by Tahj on 12-17-09 at 12:19 PM
Quit bashing eggnog! It taste good, really good. Really, really, really good.
You're 100% wrong. That is all.

It's a Tribe!

"RE: The War On Eggnog"
Posted by MKitty on 12-17-09 at 01:04 PM
I agree Tahj! I ADORE eggnog! I usually cut it half and half with milk so it isn't too strong, and then if you add rum....mmmmmm...LOVE IT!!!

In fact, I even made eggnog ice-cream the other day....yum....

*Christmas Cheer from Sharnina*

"RE: The War On Eggnog"
Posted by MKitty on 12-17-09 at 03:01 PM
Actually, I just rememebered the other thing I do with eggnog...put it in my coffee to make a festive coffee (instead of cream!) I have been enjoying eggnog in my coffee as a replacement for cream for the last two weeks!

*Christmas Cheer from Sharnina*

"RE: The War On Eggnog"
Posted by Ahtumbreez on 12-17-09 at 03:03 PM
I made egg-nog french toast most Christmas mornings. Mmmmm.

"RE: The War On Eggnog"
Posted by Seana on 12-17-09 at 09:40 PM
I like it in coffee instead of cream too! And I cut it with milk if I'm just drinking it plain.

Usually I only go through one carton, though. Then I'm done with nog for the year.

Cheer by agman

"RE: The War On Eggnog"
Posted by sharnina on 12-17-09 at 08:00 PM
I enjoyed an Egg-nog steamer at Starbuck's the other day. YUM!

"RE: The War On Eggnog"
Posted by J Slice on 12-17-09 at 12:30 PM
This is some kind of gentile thing, isn't it.

The thick opacity of the stuff always grossed me out. Plus I can't think of a less-appetizing sounding word than "nog". I'll just take the bourbon straight, thankyouverymuch. (I also prefer Knob Creek, Weltek).

"RE: The War On Eggnog"
Posted by kidflash212 on 12-17-09 at 01:02 PM
It's the EGG part that puts me off, NOG I can live with (I liked him on DS9). Drinking eggs sounds nasty.

There was a dish I used to order from a Columbian restaurant called Ropa Vieja. Delicious but I'm glad they listed it in Spanish on the menu. "Old Clothes" doesn't sound so appetizing and I probably wouldn't have ordered it.

And thanks for the awesome siggie

"RE: The War On Eggnog"
Posted by J Slice on 12-17-09 at 01:24 PM
Ropa Vieja is basically yum incarnate.

I'm hell of ticked I don't have Photoshop anymore. I really need new sigs, but I can't make them. I so desperately need to make a new Mets sig. Glad you still love yours, though.

"RE: The War On Eggnog"
Posted by Seana on 12-17-09 at 09:44 PM
I feel your Photoshopless pain. I downloaded a freebie graphics program called GIMP, but either I'm too stupid to learn it or it sucks.

I made this sig a long time ago. RIP Seana's Photoshop Elements.

"for the uninformed"
Posted by Molaholic on 12-17-09 at 03:58 PM
Nog - Your Friendly Neighborhood Dabbo Girl procurer.

"RE: The War On Eggnog"
Posted by Brownroach on 12-17-09 at 01:07 PM
Egg nog = good. Fruitcake = bad.

Except for Jamaican Black Cake, which is very very good.

"I can remember"
Posted by Molaholic on 12-17-09 at 03:52 PM
LAST EDITED ON 12-17-09 AT 03:54 PM (EST)

using eggnog (sans booze - I was nine) instead of milk for a nice bowl of Cap'n Crunch. Talk about your sugar rush...

"RE: I can remember"
Posted by weltek on 12-17-09 at 05:14 PM
My teeth and stomach hurt just reading that.

-A Tribetastic Creation

"RE: The War On Eggnog"
Posted by Ahtumbreez on 12-17-09 at 05:29 PM
All you eggnog and fruitcake haters can just kiss my candy canes! --insert a raspberry blowing animated emoticon here--

"RE: The War On Eggnog"
Posted by grit on 12-17-09 at 05:42 PM
*pelts Tummy with eggs*

*pours milk on Tummy*

*sprinkles nutmeg on Tummy* (because I read somewhere that nutmeg makes all the difference)

"RE: The War On Eggnog"
Posted by Ahtumbreez on 12-17-09 at 05:46 PM
I could go in so many ways with that, unfortunately none of them are pg-13!

"RE: The War On Eggnog"
Posted by foonermints on 12-17-09 at 09:59 PM
*spikes Tummy's Eggnog*
*pours tumbler of Maker's Mark for grit*

*Watches both with great fascination*

"RE: The War On Eggnog"
Posted by Snidget on 12-17-09 at 08:08 PM
Tummy, is this the emoticon you need?

Now I'm craving me some fruitcake and nog!

"RE: The War On Eggnog"
Posted by Ahtumbreez on 12-18-09 at 10:22 AM
That's the one! Now could you manage to turn it in Fooners direction?

"RE: The War On Eggnog"
Posted by grit on 12-18-09 at 10:25 AM
Phew! I thought you were going to use it on me.

Handcrafted by the incredibly wonderful RollDdice

Did I mention that, besides eggnog, I also hate fruitcake? Well, that's not totally true. I do love me some fooner...

"RE: The War On Eggnog"
Posted by Ahtumbreez on 12-18-09 at 10:49 AM
Hahaha snort - that was pretty funny!

Posted by foonermints on 12-18-09 at 10:13 PM
Well, haven't we come a long way from the "I love foonermint" haiku?
Oh.. I wrote that, didn't I?

Look! An Abbot razzy:

foonermint: always taking things very personally

"RE: The War On Eggnog"
Posted by samboohoo on 12-18-09 at 10:32 AM
MMmmmmmm. Given the choice of candy canes or fruit cake, I'll take the candy canes.

Samboobree, brought to life by Arkie

"RE: The War On Eggnog"
Posted by frodis on 12-18-09 at 11:04 AM
I like eggnog. It's very rich and I have a low richness threshhold, so for me a little goes a long way, but I do enjoy it.

Question: Cold eggnog or hot? A few years ago I was at someone's house and they offered me an eggnog, which I accepted. I was then handed a mug of hot eggnog. I've only ever had it cold, so was a little put off by it hot.

I have has eggnog lattes and used egnog creamer in coffee, but that was more coffee than nog so it wasn't as odd.

~Iced by Arkie!~

"RE: The War On Eggnog"
Posted by Karchita on 12-18-09 at 10:23 PM
Warm eggnog? The closer to body temp, the harder to tell from snot.

Eeewww, eeewww, and double eewww.