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"DUH! moments"

Posted by grit on 12-16-09 at 03:04 PM
Every once in a while, I'll have what I call a DUH! moment.

I participated in one of my husband's DUH! moments on Saturday. We were on the Westside Highway in NYC and driving back home when we hit really bad traffic near the Javits Center. My husband decided he wanted to go over to the east side to avoid the traffic. I hit "Detour" on the GPS and it directed us down 34th Street.

So we went. Did I mention it was on a Saturday evening? In December? Two weeks before Christmas? The traffic was obscene. There were throngs of people standing in the street right outside Macy's. We would have been better off staying on the west side. My husband, trying to see the bright side of the situation, said that maybe we could find a parking spot and get something to eat. Sure. And Santa Claus is real.

Then, on Monday, I had my very own personal DUH! moment (that I can't blame on my husband) when I went shopping for gifts for my clients. I figured I needed 10 gifts so I had a great idea. I would buy 2 cases of wine (1 white and 1 red), 10 baskets, and some nice Lindt or Ghiradelli chocolates and make up some baskets. The extra 2 bottles of white and 2 bottles of red would be for me. Good plan, right?

After I bought the wine and headed to the craft store, I remembered that two of my clients don't drink. Then I remembered that it probably would not be a good idea to give a wine basket to my newest client, who is the director of a faith-based men's alcohol and drug rehabilitation center. And I'm pretty sure he's a graduate of the program, as are most of the other men who work there.

So now I have 5 bottles of wine - which can't be returned because of a NYS law. DUH! What's a girl to do?

Handcrafted by the incredibly wonderful RollDdice

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: DUH! moments"
Posted by Snidget on 12-16-09 at 03:06 PM
Party at Grit's house!!!

"RE: DUH! moments"
Posted by kidflash212 on 12-16-09 at 03:06 PM
An OT wine tasting party?

Recently seen on my cable guide - Grit TV on the CUNY channel. Can I be a guest?

"RE: DUH! moments"
Posted by grit on 12-16-09 at 04:00 PM
I Googled GritTV - I obviously had NO input into the programming of that show.

My gritTV would probably have:

- Shows that teach you how to make your house look clean to everyone else in the family yet take only minutes to clean, leaving you plenty of time to read and surf the RTVW boards.
"Why won't this closet door close?" "Don't open that closet door!"
"Hey - why is the bed 3" higher than it was this morning?" "Don't look underneath!"

-Shows that allow people to call in and complain about insignificant things. The callers would have to be funny. If they're not or they cross the line and start talking about serious issues or (dog forbid) politics, they'll get cut off and the producers of the show will share the caller's phone number with every telemarketer in the country.

-Cooking shows that only use dark chocolate and red wine as the ingredients.

-Talk shows where stupid girls would come on and force a guy to take a paternity test because he HAS to be the baby daddy (because she ain't slept with no one else) only to find out that the guy's best friend (or maybe it was his brother) is actually the father. At this point in the show, grit would whip out a machine gun and get rid of them all for polluting our country with stupidity.

-Reality TV shows where the contestants actually have to have real survival skills to live in the wild, actual musical/dancing talent, or be tall/skinny/young/pretty enough to be a top model.

-News shows where the tell you the weather at the beginning of the newscast rather than teasing you for the whole hour and there are NO sports scores. Ever.

a birthday present from agman

"RE: DUH! moments"
Posted by kingfish on 12-16-09 at 03:16 PM
"The extra 2 bottles of white and 2 bottles of red would be for me. Good plan, right?"

Even I could tell where this plan was headed.

"RE: DUH! moments"
Posted by grit on 12-16-09 at 03:19 PM
I wasn't going to drink them all at once. Duh!

"RE: DUH! moments"
Posted by Max Headroom on 12-16-09 at 03:26 PM
Is it too late to ship Secret Santa gifts? And can I volunteer to be your Secret Santa recipient?

"RE: DUH! moments"
Posted by grit on 12-16-09 at 03:41 PM
I bet you're wishing you hadn't used a fake address on your gift to me last year. DUH!

Handcrafted by the incredibly wonderful RollDdice

I bet your friend Shelby wouldn't mind getting a present...

"RE: DUH! moments"
Posted by Max Headroom on 12-16-09 at 03:49 PM
This time I was planning on giving you my real address.

"RE: DUH! moments"
Posted by grit on 12-16-09 at 04:02 PM
Yeah, yeah, yeah, you just want me to send some babysitters.

Handcrafted by the incredibly wonderful RollDdice

If I send the older one, can she bring her boyfriend? And then leave him there?

"RE: DUH! moments"
Posted by kidflash212 on 12-17-09 at 12:39 PM
Are you sure you're not my sister? Same first name, lives in NY and she has been trying to rid herself of my neice's boyfriend for weeks now.

Weird. You haven't worked as an EMT have you?

"RE: DUH! moments"
Posted by Estee on 12-16-09 at 03:32 PM
First, pour all the wine into a mostly-waterproof box...

"RE: DUH! moments"
Posted by jbug on 12-16-09 at 03:59 PM
So, this is an invite, right?

Agman is definitely on my list (& twin Cyndi too)

"RE: DUH! moments"
Posted by grit on 12-16-09 at 04:06 PM
*does the math*

grit + 10 bottles of wine, um, carry the 3, divide by the square root of 42 = NO!

I was just confessing to my stupidity and wondering if anyone else had something dumb to confess.

Nice try, though!

Handcrafted by the incredibly wonderful RollDdice

Like I'm really going to share my wine. Next you'll be asking me to share my dark chocolate too!

"RE: DUH! moments"
Posted by Ahtumbreez on 12-16-09 at 05:24 PM
I confessed my stupid in the Cooking Club thread. I ain't gonna do it here too!

"RE: DUH! moments"
Posted by Molaholic on 12-16-09 at 04:03 PM
This has happened at least twice in the last month...

In the teacher restroom (stall), somebody put an extra roll of toilet paper perched on top of the wall-mounted roll. A slight *bump* and that extra roll takes a tumble.


Could not have had better aim if it was intentional. So much for redundancy.

A Molaholic Christmas from Agman ©MMIX

"RE: DUH! moments"
Posted by frodis on 12-16-09 at 04:05 PM
I have Duh! moments daily. I really am fairly stupid.

"RE: DUH! moments"
Posted by grit on 12-16-09 at 04:07 PM
No, you're not stupid. Your brains are slightly addled because you have small children. Having children sucks your brain cells out. Don't worry. Have some wine and chocolate. It will make everything better.

"RE: DUH! moments"
Posted by frodis on 12-16-09 at 04:12 PM
The nice thing is that most of my Duh! moments do happen at home with only the children present, and they don't realize (yet) what a moron I am.

I mentioned in Snidget's Random thread that I just noticed yesterday that I've been spelling my coworker's name wrong for 5 years. That's awesome.

Today's Duh! moment involved scooping some mac and cheese into a clear hard plastic-ish bowl that I bought for 33 cents on summer clearance at the grocery store. The bowl made some unusual noises and when I looked, it had cracked into a zillion pieces, internally. The lesson here is that I shouldn't be buying 33-cent dishes.

"RE: DUH! moments"
Posted by samboohoo on 12-16-09 at 04:12 PM
Me too.

Samboobree, brought to life by Arkie

"RE: DUH! moments"
Posted by weltek on 12-16-09 at 04:37 PM
LOL-The wine thing sounds like something I would do.
*gets in line for one of Grit's giftbaskets*

-A Tribetastic Creation

"RE: DUH! moments"
Posted by CTgirl on 12-16-09 at 07:42 PM
You could say it was a DUH! moment, or maybe, subconsciously you bought the extra wine on purpose.

I'll take the extra white wine as I know you are a red wine drinker!

"RE: DUH! moments"
Posted by qwertypie on 12-21-09 at 01:50 AM
I thought it was brilliant planning, myself.

"RE: DUH! moments"
Posted by cahaya on 12-16-09 at 09:35 PM
A crossthresd Duh moment (see the 10 items thresd).

With a grocery list almost long as a kid's Santa wish list (and a $200 receipt even longer than that), I bought fettucini instead of vermicelli for last night's spaghetti dinner. Oops. This particular brand has the same color/style boxes for all of them.

Actually, it turned out to be surprisingly good.

"RE: DUH! moments"
Posted by jbug on 12-17-09 at 09:29 AM
LAST EDITED ON 12-17-09 AT 09:29 AM (EST)

The Miata got a flat about 2 weeks ago; it's been too cold to get out try to fix it - & with another vehicle to drive, why get out in the cold?

Long story short, I stood in the middle of the shop turning round and round and round looking for the scissor jack. Our shop is well organized but I couldn't see it anywhere! It's in its own little gray plastic box - easy to identify - but not there.
So I looked in the other smaller shed; not there. I went back into the shop - again in the middle - and turn round and round. I was getting very frustrated. I had to jack the car up (& the scissor jack is much easier than getting the jack out of the trunk & all).
I finally stepped down out of the shop and turned around & looked back.
You know where this is going right?

The jack was right in the middle of the floor beside DH's small took box. I had been standing right on top of it while turning round and round.

Crusin w/ Tribe

E cause ifentify isn't the word I needed

"RE: DUH! moments"
Posted by Brownroach on 12-17-09 at 03:56 PM
You tried to drive across 34th Street on a Saturday in December?



I'll have a glass of red, please.

"RE: DUH! moments"
Posted by grit on 12-17-09 at 05:40 PM
Finally, someone who truly gets how stupid I am!

another agman creation

What makes you think there's any wine left?

"RE: DUH! moments"
Posted by Brownroach on 12-17-09 at 06:04 PM
I've had many a duh moment, though I can't think of one right now. (When I do I'm sure I'll also think, "Duh! How could I forget that one?")

Oh, nothing. Just asking, in case. Were you driving home from the Pearl River Mart?

"RE: DUH! moments"
Posted by grit on 12-17-09 at 07:30 PM
Well, when you finally think of it, make sure you post it in this thresd.

Handcrafted by the incredibly wonderful RollDdice

As a matter of fact, we were. I picked up several tins of loose tea.

Posted by foonermints on 12-20-09 at 06:56 PM
I can't leave grit with poop on her head.

"RE: DUH! moments"
Posted by Seana on 12-20-09 at 10:41 PM
I once took my grandmother to Lake Erie. She and my grandfather had build a cottage up there in the 50's and had sold it in the 80's, but she liked to go up to the area from time to time for a visit.

Nana had had a stroke and was in a wheelchair. We ended up stopping in Port Dover at the Timmy's and I couldn't find a parking spot. Nan said: "Well, how about that one?" and I said "I can't go there, that one's for handicapped." I even had her permit on the dash.


"RE: DUH! moments"
Posted by Max Headroom on 12-20-09 at 10:41 PM
I just realized that I had one in the Survivor Office Pool game. I picked the same survivor twice in a row. DUH!

A foonerunt creation