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"How old were you when?"

Posted by jbug on 06-02-09 at 04:00 PM
Companion thread to Boo's generation
I don't know what in that thread made me think of some of these things . . . I guess just thinking back to younger days . . .

In no particular order & if applicable, of course.

1. You got your first kiss (other than from a family member)?

2. You stayed overnight at a friend's (or relative) house without mom or dad?

3. You went on your first date?

4. You fell in love for the first time?

5. You lost your virginity?

6. You first flew on an airplane?

7. You first saw an ocean?

What other firsts?

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"RE: How old were you when?"
Posted by Ahtumbreez on 06-02-09 at 04:20 PM
1. You got your first kiss (other than from a family member)?

I remember kissing a boy in 1st grade and getting in trouble for it. He was cute. His name was Mikey.

2. You stayed overnight at a friend's (or relative) house without mom or dad?

I can't remember but it was a Brownie friend so maybe 1st grade.

3. You went on your first date?

Not a family member right? Oh, wait I'm not from Arkansas. Ummm, 1st real date 16.

4. You fell in love for the first time?

1st grade - Mikey. Second time - Senior summer with a college guy, Daryl. *sigh

5. You lost your virginity?

Freshman yr of college - 18 yrs old. That college guy above. *sigh

6. You first flew on an airplane?

18 - Spring Break to Mexico

7. You first saw an ocean?

3 yrs old

Mangalicious by The Slice

"RE: How old were you when?"
Posted by Molaholic on 06-02-09 at 04:29 PM
LAST EDITED ON 06-02-09 AT 04:32 PM (EST)

OK, I'll go first second...

1. You got your first kiss (other than from a family member)?
I'm guessing about four or five. There was this cute neighbor girl, Sally, she was a blond...

2. You stayed overnight at a friend's (or relative) house without mom or dad?
Not counting being at grandma's house and falling asleep -- six. My friends down the block - Jeff, Jim, and Jay.

3. You went on your first date?
Well, being most liberal with the definition of 'date', it would have to be when I was 12. Teri and I went to see a movie. She shared some of her JuJubees

4. You fell in love for the first time?
Moments after getting those JuJubees...

5. You lost your virginity?
Lost, found, who knows?

6. You first flew on an airplane?
I was 10. We flew from Los Angeles to San Francisco to visit my uncle. I remember looking for the parachutes under the seats. (This was just before I learned that older sisters tell lies...)

7. You first saw an ocean?
Well, since I live about five miles from the Pacific Ocean, and we used to go to the beach often, I was probably very young.

blame agman

"RE: How old were you when?"
Posted by Ahtumbreez on 06-02-09 at 04:51 PM
I love your #4 answer. *grin

Mangalicious by The Slice

"RE: How old were you when?"
Posted by DoodleBug on 06-02-09 at 04:43 PM
LAST EDITED ON 06-02-09 AT 04:59 PM (EST)

1. You got your first kiss (other than from a family member)? 12

2. You stayed overnight at a friend's (or relative) house without mom or dad? probably 2 or younger, at Grandma's

3. You went on your first date? 13 for a Jr. High Dance

4. You fell in love for the first time? 12, see #1

5. You lost your virginity? 16, unfortunately not with #4

6. You first flew on an airplane? 10

7. You first saw an ocean? 23 on my honeymoon

Other firsts......

8. What was your first job? I worked at World's of Fun in Kansas City - 18 years

9. What was your first car? Chevy Celebrity, 16 years

10. Who did you see during your first concert? Def Leppard - Hysteria Tour, 14 years

ETA how old I was on those last three. OOPS!

"RE: How old were you when?"
Posted by J Slice on 06-02-09 at 04:45 PM
1. You got your first kiss (other than from a family member)?

14. A dear preppy boy named Mark (we were terribly mismatched but dated for 6 months or so). I think he's in business school now.

2. You stayed overnight at a friend's (or relative) house without mom or dad?

I stayed at New Jersey grandma and grandpa's when I was 4 with my sister; I slept over at my friend Sarah's house when I was 5.

3. You went on your first date?

Well, using the word "date" loosely, about 12. Saw Space Jam with this dude from Hebrew school.

4. You fell in love for the first time?

Probably when I was 16; a really, nice fellow named Doug. I did him wrong, and couldn't forgive myself, so I let him go.

5. You lost your virginity?

About 2 days before 17.

6. You first flew on an airplane?

I was really, really young, like 3-4 months or something. I managed my first superleg flight at 8 months, when the family went to Maui. Somewhere, there are adorable pictures of me as a cuddly-uddly baby in a sunhat.

7. You first saw an ocean?

Probably like 3 weeks. My folks live about 3 blocks from the ocean.

Because this is closer to how I look...

"RE: How old were you when?"
Posted by VisionQuest on 06-02-09 at 05:09 PM
1. You got your first kiss (other than from a family member)?
12 years old at my best friends b-day party, 7 minutes in the closet game.

2. You stayed overnight at a friend's (or relative) house without mom or dad?
5, at my neighbor Missy's (same best friend from above)

3. You went on your first date?
13 - some horror movie I think called Mortuary - it was terrible.

4. You fell in love for the first time?

5. You lost your virginity?
15 to my first love, we broke up about a month later, so much for true love.

6. You first flew on an airplane?
15 - I don't think this has anything to do with number 4 and 5.

7. You first saw an ocean?
21 - 1st time at the beach even though I only live about 5 hours away. My parents got a pool when I was 4 so our backyard was our vacation place for as long as I remember.

"RE: How old were you when?"
Posted by mysticwolf on 06-02-09 at 05:23 PM
1. You got your first kiss (other than from a family member)? Probably from a family friend/pseudo relative when I was brought home from the hospital. No? Not that kind of a kiss? Then I guess it would have been in Kindergarten. I was 4 and his name was Dusty R. We had such a crush n each other.

2. You stayed overnight at a friend's (or relative) house without mom or dad? I stayed over with my (paternal side) Grandmother and Aunt on a regular basis from my earliest days. First "trip" overnight without mom or dad was when I flew by myself to Columbus to stay with my sister so I'd miss my Grandmother's funeral. I was 6.

3. You went on your first date? I'm not sure that I've ever been on an actual date.

4. You fell in love for the first time? See #1. Dusty.

5. You lost your virginity? When I was married and 17.

6. You first flew on an airplane? See #2. Six.

7. You first saw an ocean? Two for the Atlantic. Ten when my Aunt & I went to Hawaii and I first saw the Pacific.

"RE: How old were you when?"
Posted by Capn2patch on 06-02-09 at 11:37 PM
1. You got your first kiss? ...it would have been in Kindergarten. I was 4 ... We had such a crush n each other.

Little did you know, he only wanted to get into your diaper

Tribute to Hockey In Hamilton

"RE: How old were you when?"
Posted by Sagebrush Dan on 06-02-09 at 05:34 PM
1. You got your first kiss (other than from a family member)? The third grade from Karen. I saw her about 12 years later, and she didn't know who I was.

2. You stayed overnight at a friend's (or relative) house without mom or dad? Four

3. You went on your first date? nine

4. You fell in love for the first time? 15

5. You lost your virginity? which time?

6. You first flew on an airplane? 18

7. You first saw an ocean? 8

"RE: How old were you when?"
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 06-02-09 at 05:45 PM
#5 ... both, of course.

"RE: How old were you when?"
Posted by Sagebrush Dan on 06-02-09 at 11:58 PM
Still a virgin for one.

"RE: How old were you when?"
Posted by arkiegrl on 06-02-09 at 05:37 PM
1. You got your first kiss (other than from a family member)?

2. You stayed overnight at a friend's (or relative) house without mom or dad?
probably around 6 (relative's house); 7 or 8 for staying at a friend's.

3. You went on your first date?

4. You fell in love for the first time?

5. You lost your virginity?

6. You first flew on an airplane?

7. You first saw an ocean?

"RE: How old were you when?"
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 06-02-09 at 05:40 PM
LAST EDITED ON 06-02-09 AT 05:44 PM (EST)

1. You got your first kiss (other than from a family member)?
That I know of - age 14 with a French girl while on an exchange trip, I can't even recall her name outright - Maribel for some reason jumps to mind. But so does the name Anneliese. I'm sure I only kissed one girl during my three weeks there.

2. You stayed overnight at a friend's (or relative) house without mom or dad?
Most probably with my childhood best bud, Paul, whom I've known since I was 4. It wasn't long after that that we were constantly going over to each other's place.

3. You went on your first date?
14, during the exchange trips to England and France. There were maybe 3 or 4 of them as a lot of us were 'getting curious' for the first time being in a different culture while away for six weeks in all.

4. You fell in love for the first time?
Good question, I don't have a memory of the first time I thought in particular, "this is love".

5. You lost your virginity?

6. You first flew on an airplane?
Probably when I was a tyke as my family moved around a lot between birth and age 7, and my grandmother was in Toronto so we'd have gone to visit her. The first time I can definitively recall being on a plane was when I was 7 and we were moving to Vancouver.

7. You first saw an ocean?
Probably about age 2 as we lived in Nova Scotia when I was that age.

Stinky Musings <--- blog's been updated!

"RE: How old were you when?"
Posted by sittem on 06-02-09 at 07:01 PM
In no particular order & if applicable, of course.

1. You got your first kiss (other than from a family member)?
13 with Joanne - 1961

2. You stayed overnight at a friend's (or relative) house without mom or dad?
7 with Billy L - 1955

3. You went on your first date?
13 to the Ice Follies with J

4. You fell in love for the first time?
Only time - 20 in 1968 with Kathy who became my wife

5. You lost your virginity?
22 in 1971

6. You first flew on an airplane?
19 in 1968

7. You first saw an ocean?
9 in 1957 during a trip to Florida

What other firsts?
Are you kidding? I'm lucky I could remember those. How about first trip overseas - 55 in 2004

2002 IceCat Originals, Inc. All rights reserved.

"RE: How old were you when?"
Posted by jbug on 06-02-09 at 07:52 PM
Looks at first kiss -
looks at year -
Are you really Chachi?

"RE: How old were you when?"
Posted by sittem on 06-03-09 at 05:59 PM
dayam...ya got me

2002 IceCat Originals, Inc. All rights reserved.

"RE: How old were you when?"
Posted by Starshine on 06-02-09 at 07:03 PM
LAST EDITED ON 06-02-09 AT 07:04 PM (EST)

1. You got your first kiss (other than from a family member)?

About 3, with Alice, we were best friends at the time, I also introduced her to alcohol (or at least the doctor was called because we had been drinking my Mothers perfume)

2. You stayed overnight at a friend's (or relative) house without mom or dad?

18 months - My parents went on holiday to Greece or Lanzarote, cannot remember which, and left me with my Grandparents

3. You went on your first date?

16 - Shy Bunny

4. You fell in love for the first time?

15, saw her at her sisters funeral quite recently, and she is still one of the most gorgeous people I have ever met

5. You lost your virginity?

A lot later than I would have done if I could have my time again

6. You first flew on an aeroplane?

About four, when my parents took me to Majorca

7. You first saw an ocean?

That I remember, probably about seven, in France, so I had crossed the sea to get there, and had seen (and bathed) in the Med on earlier trips, but this was the first time I realised that there were seas and just how big they were

What other firsts?

My Brothers first full sentence was "I went to the doctors today, for myself not for <Starshine>"

J Slice what a cool lady

Just another Sleeperbloke

Something or Other

The doctor said "Don't worry it tastes horrible they wont have drunk much!"

"RE: How old were you when?"
Posted by qwertypie on 06-02-09 at 09:58 PM
LAST EDITED ON 06-02-09 AT 09:59 PM (EST)

Are you sure you didn't live in my neighborhood? Many a boy got his stomach pumped from drinking his mom's perfume. I guess our doctor decided stomach pumping would be an excellent way to teach them not to do that again.

"RE: How old were you when?"
Posted by Lasann on 06-02-09 at 07:09 PM
1. You got your first kiss (other than from a family member)?
I don't remember but some frisky country boy tried to feel me up in 6th grade.

2. You stayed overnight at a friend's (or relative) house without mom or dad?
Grandparents when I was 7

3. You went on your first date?
Double date with my sister - I was probably in 5th grade

4. You fell in love for the first time?
Real love - 19

5. You lost your virginity?
This needs a discussion thread - days before 16

6. You first flew on an airplane?

7. You first saw an ocean?
Myrtle Beach at 14

"RE: How old were you when?"
Posted by samboohoo on 06-03-09 at 10:13 AM
"This needs a discussion thread . . ."

I agree, so I started one.

Samboobree, brought to life by Arkie

"RE: How old were you when?"
Posted by Sunny_Bunny on 06-02-09 at 07:30 PM
1. You got your first kiss (other than from a family member)? 13

2. You stayed overnight at a friend's (or relative) house without mom or dad? 8

3. You went on your first date? 14, but it was a group thing. 16 when I could go out *gasp* alone with a boy. lol

4. You fell in love for the first time? 14, we met when we were both cast in a community theater production of The Music Man.

5. You lost your virginity? 18

6. You first flew on an airplane? 4

7. You first saw an ocean? Although I don't remember it, I was about 2 I think.

"RE: How old were you when?"
Posted by CTgirl on 06-02-09 at 08:28 PM
1. You got your first kiss (other than from a family member)? 13. I was at a going-away party for Jimmy Edgar.

2. You stayed overnight at a friend's (or relative) house without mom or dad? I don't remember so I must've been pretty young.

3. You went on your first date? 16 - and I drove because I was a few months older and already had my license.

4. You fell in love for the first time? 18 - end of freshman year in college

5. You lost your virginity? Ditto to #4

6. You first flew on an airplane? I had just turned 14 and flew to Chicago to visit a friend who had moved there.

7. You first saw an ocean? 4 weeks - my parents took me to my grandparents cottage in Massachusetts.

What other firsts? I ate my first tomato at age 38!

"RE: How old were you when?"
Posted by jbug on 06-02-09 at 08:30 PM
Was there a reason for waiting till 38 to eat a tomato?
Oh, wait - is that code?

"RE: How old were you when?"
Posted by CTgirl on 06-02-09 at 11:06 PM
Nope, not code (unless you want it to be! )

I never tried a tomato because I didn't think I liked them! I am a reformed picky eater.

"RE: How old were you when?"
Posted by samboohoo on 06-02-09 at 09:18 PM
1. You got your first kiss (other than from a family member)?

Second grade in the tunnel on the playground. His name was Kevin, and I kissed him and ran.

2. You stayed overnight at a friend's (or relative) house without mom or dad?

Probably 6 or 7.

3. You went on your first date?

14. I will have to update about this another time.

4. You fell in love for the first time?

14, see Number 3

5. You lost your virginity?

*sigh* Much younger than I should have. Dare I say see Number 3 & 4.

6. You first flew on an airplane?


7. You first saw an ocean?

Ocean? I would have to say 13, Hilton Head Island on a youth retreat. I had been to the river before.

What other firsts?

First time not carded for alcohol?

Late 20s. I still get carded for buying a lottery ticket by one particular woman, but I rarely get carded for alcohol anymore.

Samboobree, brought to life by Arkie

"RE: How old were you when?"
Posted by cahaya on 06-02-09 at 09:53 PM
1. You got your first kiss (other than from a family member)? 12. First date, junior high live band sockhop on the gym floor. Sweet.

2. You stayed overnight at a friend's (or relative) house without mom or dad? The earliest recollection I have here is sleeping in one of my folks' friends' apartments and them rushing us out with smoke up in the ceiling. About 2 years old then, I still don't know the whole story.

3. You went on your first date? See number one. (Do you realize how insanely brave I had to be just to dial her phone number and ask to go with her?)

4. You fell in love for the first time? True love? At the advanced age of 26, when I first met my wife (to be).

5. You lost your virginity? No comment.

6. You first flew on an airplane? Again 12, with my dad and uncle from Indy to Chicago with a day trip to the Museum of Science and Industry. It was kind of amazing (and scary), the pilot landed the single-prop 4-passenger craft (with me up front!) at Midway in total fog. We didn't even see the runway until we walked out.

7. You first saw an ocean? If Florida counts. when I was 13 and got a free trip to Disneyland with a beach hotel as an Indy News Honor Carrier. I first saw the Pacific at 28 when DW and I went to Malaysia after our university studies.

What other firsts? I first posted here when I was 48. (Is that old, or what?)

Ragtop Ride by foonermints

"RE: How old were you when?"
Posted by kidflash212 on 06-02-09 at 09:55 PM
1. You got your first
kiss (other than from a
family member)?

First time ever at 14, in a game of spin the bottle with Mindy. First time with a male? 18

2. You stayed overnight at
a friend's (or relative) house
without mom or dad?

Probably 10 or 11 - my cousin Danny's.

3. You went on your
first date?

Female - 11 or 12
Male - 18

4. You fell in love
for the first time?
14 - with Steven in High School

5. You lost your virginity?
Male - 18
Female - will never happen

6. You first flew on
an airplane?
27 - Received my tickets in the mail the day of a major plane crash on US Air. My tickets were for US Air.

7. You first saw an
3 or 4 months, New York borders the ocean and we drove past the ocean all the time.

What other firsts?

15 - first time I was hit on by a tony award winning actor. Strangely, it has happened twice more since.

"RE: How old were you when?"
Posted by Sagebrush Dan on 06-03-09 at 00:00 AM
Re #15: Is Hugh Jackman still stalking you?

"RE: How old were you when?"
Posted by kidflash212 on 06-03-09 at 09:40 AM
If only -

all three were of the slightly sleazy older men variety. Only one is anyone likely to have heard of - Jim Dale.

"RE: How old were you when?"
Posted by Sagebrush Dan on 06-03-09 at 07:14 PM
Had to look him up. Him? And.....?

"RE: How old were you when?"
Posted by Scuba Steve on 06-02-09 at 09:59 PM
>1. You got your first
>kiss (other than from a
>family member)?

Never been kissed.

>2. You stayed overnight at
>a friend's (or relative) house
>without mom or dad?

4th grade.

>3. You went on your
>first date?

Does prom count? Because that's the only real date I've been on, and that was with a friend.

>4. You fell in love
>for the first time?

Never really fell in love with anyone.

>5. You lost your virginity?

Still a virgin.

>6. You first flew on
>an airplane?

I have not flown. It's not that I don't want to. I have never had a chance to. My younger sister has been on one, and I haven't which ticked me off for a bit.

>7. You first saw an

1995 is the first I remember when I went to Key West.

"RE: How old were you when?"
Posted by Capn2patch on 06-03-09 at 00:59 AM
This has been a great read, thanks for posting this JB.

1. You got your first kiss (other than from a family member)?
Summer break after grade 6, my friend Denis and I played spin the bottle with some girls from school. I was so innocent, as I'm sure everyone else that was there. One of those special moments.

2. You stayed overnight at a friend's (or relative) house without mom or dad?
About 11, I got permission to go on an overnight hiking trip. I remember really wanting to go with my friends (who were older) but my parents wouldn't let me. A short time before they were to leave, I remember asking my Dad and he would say "no". Then I would ask him again some other way (you know the drill ) finally he said "go ask your mother". Ha! what a cop-out. It's been a lifelong love ever since.

3. You went on your first date?
Grade 7. I asked a girl from my grade to go out with me. We went out that night with some friends and I remember things going well, problem was I was so shy I never spoke to her again. She sent friends later to tell me she was breaking up with me. I had better things to do anyway. I think.

4. You fell in love for the first time?
Real, true, deep, puppy love. Summer vacation, I was 14. We were camping at the KOA in the Sault and I met a girl from Toronto, we spent four maybe five glorious days together. When I got back home we would write (this is a while ago). This writing lasted quite a while, after college in my 21st year, I had an opportunity to go to Toronto for training at my new job and I gave her a call when I got there. The memories and the words in those letters were better than the cold meeting we had. Maybe I was shy, maybe my expectations were too high, who knows. We never spoke again.

5. You lost your virginity?

6. You first flew on an airplane?

7. You first saw an ocean?
I'll let you know when I see one.

Other firsts......

8. What was your first job?
newspaper route.

9. What was your first car?
Dodge Omni

10. Who did you see during your first concert?
KISS, Sudbury Arena

Tribute to Hockey In Hamilton

"RE: How old were you when?"
Posted by Sagebrush Dan on 06-03-09 at 02:19 AM
The mighty scourge of the seas is a scurvy landlubber??

"RE: How old were you when?"
Posted by jbug on 06-03-09 at 09:44 AM
Who woulda thunk it?

"RE: How old were you when?"
Posted by Capn2patch on 06-03-09 at 08:34 PM
That's Mr. Landlubber to you.

The truth of the matter is that originally for me, Captain Two Patch was never about being a pirate. It was a joke about the Captain of the Prestige, who must've been wearing two patches when he steered his tanker to the bottom of the ocean.

Silly Dan, I've never been to sea.

Now Billy mind you...

"RE: How old were you when?"
Posted by nailbone on 06-03-09 at 12:15 PM
1. You got your first kiss (other than from a family member)? 3

2. You stayed overnight at a friend's (or relative) house without mom or dad? 12 or 13

3. You went on your first date? 12

4. You fell in love for the first time? 7

5. You lost your virginity? 23

6. You first flew on an airplane? I don't remember

7. You first saw an ocean? 9 or 10, I think

"RE: How old were you when?"
Posted by jbug on 06-03-09 at 01:33 PM
Oops! I've enjoyed all the reading so much I forgot to answer!

1. You got your first kiss (other than from a family member)? I really can not remember (I'm old )

2. You stayed overnight at a friend's (or relative) house without mom or dad? can't remember age - but was more than likely at my grandparents

3. You went on your first date? 15 & that was just riding home with him from church - if you call that a date. Actually going on a date would have been 16 - & that is the guy I ended up marrying - the first time

4. You fell in love for the first time? I thought I was in love once when I was about 10; I think it was just a crush

5. You lost your virginity? 18 - when I got married.

6. You first flew on an airplane? 17 - After I graduated I flew to CO to visit my sister & new niece

7. You first saw an ocean? probably 8? We started going to FL for vacations when little brother was pretty little - he was probably only 3 or so.

Summertime 2009 with smokeysmom

"RE: How old were you when?"
Posted by Riordan on 06-03-09 at 03:34 PM
1. You got your first kiss (other than from a family member)?
3 - every morning he'd walk to my door, ring the bell, kiss me and leave. 13 - first real kiss. It's still the best one I've ever had.

2. You stayed overnight at a friend's (or relative) house without mom or dad? 3 or younger

3. You went on your first date? 16

4. You fell in love for the first time? 13

5. You lost your virginity? too young

6. You first flew on an airplane? 19

7. You first saw an ocean? 1

"RE: How old were you when?"
Posted by sica077 on 06-04-09 at 08:45 AM
1. You got your first kiss (other than from a family member)?
Ahh, Kindergarten, when I married Phil .

2. You stayed overnight at a friend's (or relative) house without mom or dad?
I stayed at my grandmother's house a lot from age 3 up. But my first time at a friend's house I was about 7 and I called home for my mom to pick me up because my friend's house was really scary at night!

3. You went on your first date?
When I was 15 and we went bowling.

4. You fell in love for the first time?
Well, I thought I had fallen in love at 15 only to realize two years later that it wasn't love. So, I was 17, and it was with DH!

5. You lost your virginity?
Ugh, 15 and what a stupid mistake! See #4 if neccessary.

6. You first flew on an airplane?
I was 7 and terrified. We were flying to Florida to visit Disney and Sea World so that made up for my terror.

7. You first saw an ocean?
See #6

"RE: How old were you when?"
Posted by kingfish on 06-04-09 at 09:31 AM
LAST EDITED ON 06-04-09 AT 09:44 AM (EST)

1. First kiss with a two legged biped? Susan, 1st grade. Worshipped her from afar, and one day I just kissed her. And ran away (ETA: Boo, LOL!)

2. You stayed overnight at a friend's (or relative) house without mom or dad? 1st grade, friend who lived in the country and had horses and cows. Rode a cow. Not a typo.

3. You went on your first date? Jr High, Susanne. Preacher’s daughter. Even first base was off limits. Couldn't even square up to bunt.

4. You fell in love for the first time? (ref #1) Susan. First adult human? Danielle. Also first affair with a crazy lady. There have been others.

5. You lost your virginity? College, (late bloomer), old timey formal arranged date with a girl from a sister school, I think it was her first too, we both got drunk and fumbled our way thru a boink. We did not stop there.

6. You first flew on an airplane? TTA, to Mexico, during college.

7. You first saw an ocean? Pre-1st grade, Atlantic off of Florida, fishing trip with my brother and Dad, caught a freezer full (back before limits were instituted, and Dad caught most of them, of course) of grouper and snapper and had to return after half a day. First time seasick, also.

What other firsts?

First drink, 4th grade, snuck into parent’s supply of Mogen David Grape wine, got tipsy whipsy, too. And kinda like a newborn's imprinting of its mothers face, I was imprinted with Mogen David grape wine.

First Beer: Stolen at night from Yacht club storage room and taken out on pier and consumed warm, in company of fellow thieves. Best beer I ever had, and, as with the wine, I was imprinted with a certain taste in beer.

First Football game in person: Jr High, I was a band nerd, Baritone, probably explaining number 5 above. I did go to all the games from Jr thru Sr High.

First car wreck: 16, mad at Mom for making me do something I didn't want to, took a lake road turn too fast and rolled my Dad's Opel Kadet. Sturdy little car though, I was shaken but unhurt, and there were a few wrinkles in the fenders/roof, but no broken glass and all I had to do was put the fan belt back on and I drove it home. Very slowly.

Learned a lesson about driving while under the influence of emotions that day.