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Thread Number: 33885
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Posted by cahaya on 05-21-09 at 04:52 PM
Dick Cheney.

After 8 years of his scum, he's still getting air time? Already touted as Pres candidate for 2012? Scary.

Of course, Bill's got sumthin' to say.


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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Resurrection"
Posted by weltek on 05-21-09 at 05:00 PM
This fits in somehow with the Quepea posts, I'm sure of it.

-A Tribetastic Creation

"RE: Resurrection"
Posted by HistoryDetective on 05-21-09 at 05:06 PM
Hot Pockets?

"We must scrupulously guard the civil rights and civil liberties of all our citizens, whatever their background. We must remember that any oppression, any injustice, any hatred, is a wedge designed to attack our civilization." --- Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 9 January 1940

"RE: Resurrection"
Posted by cahaya on 05-21-09 at 05:14 PM
Well, Max was all but begging for a deep end post, so here goes a shot across the bow.

Yo, ho, ho!

Piracy on the high seas and flying of the Jolly Roger by agman

The simple notion of someone like Cheney resuming national office, given his ethics, is a serious concern to me as an American and, dare I say, even to many mainstream Republicans.

"RE: Resurrection"
Posted by newsomewayne on 05-21-09 at 05:18 PM
LAST EDITED ON 05-21-09 AT 05:18 PM (EST)

You really must listen closer to the Office of Homeland Security. The words mainstream and Republicans are mutually exclusive and by definition may not be used together.

Paid for by AgPAC, a 2008 registered 527 organization.

"RE: Resurrection"
Posted by cahaya on 05-21-09 at 05:26 PM
Well... (looking at the Doom Star)... there went my planet.

"RE: Resurrection"
Posted by zombiebaby on 05-21-09 at 06:01 PM

You've been hotpocketed!

"RE: Resurrection"
Posted by Devious Weasel on 05-21-09 at 05:24 PM
Well the new one seems to fit the resurrection theme.

"RE: Resurrection"
Posted by Estee on 05-21-09 at 06:00 PM
So the question is: how many people does he have to zap with dark lightning before the nomination is his?

Also, what's the functional GOP equivalent to Jar-Jar Binks?

Other than the one which left office in January.

"RE: Resurrection"
Posted by dabo on 05-21-09 at 11:30 PM
Power corrupts.
Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
The absolutely corrupt seek absolute power.

"During his speech last night"
Posted by IceCat on 05-22-09 at 00:05 AM

... he pretty much admitted to being emotionally compromised by his experiences during 911.

He shouldn't be allowed to use that as an excuse for illegal activities while in office and it should certainly disqualify him from holding any position of responsibility, in any sort of organization, during any time in the future.

Total sociopath.

"Not good enough, cahaya"
Posted by Max Headroom on 05-22-09 at 08:07 AM
Estee's words were:

Or I could start a deep-end thread that offended slightly over half of America. Your choice!

While Dick Cheney is indeed offensive, everyone knows that Sarah Palin is the designated GOP presidential candidate for 2012. Your commentary just isn't offensive enough.

"RE: Not good enough, cahaya"
Posted by HistoryDetective on 05-22-09 at 08:16 AM
Palin / Cheney 2012

That would be so 2000!

"We must scrupulously guard the civil rights and civil liberties of all our citizens, whatever their background. We must remember that any oppression, any injustice, any hatred, is a wedge designed to attack our civilization." --- Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 9 January 1940

*keeps fingers crossed that Putin doesn't rear his head and cause mass panic*

"RE: Not good enough, cahaya"
Posted by Estee on 05-22-09 at 08:21 AM
They'd have to build a fence around the country to keep people from getting out.

"RE: Not good enough, cahaya"
Posted by HistoryDetective on 05-22-09 at 08:31 AM
I doubt it. Those who disagreed with Bush / Cheney were invited to leave often enough between 2001 and 2009 that I assume it would become a familiar refrain again under a Bush III Palin / Cheney administration.

"We must scrupulously guard the civil rights and civil liberties of all our citizens, whatever their background. We must remember that any oppression, any injustice, any hatred, is a wedge designed to attack our civilization." --- Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 9 January 1940

"RE: Not good enough, cahaya"
Posted by Estee on 05-22-09 at 08:42 AM
You're looking at it from the wrong angle. Anyone who escapes will have evaded punishment.

"RE: Resurrection"
Posted by Molaholic on 05-22-09 at 09:30 AM
Maybe the nation's favorite Dick needs to get himself a Filipino Male Mail Order Bride.

"It would help if he had the facts on his side..."
Posted by HobbsofMI on 05-22-09 at 09:33 AM
Cheney’s speech contained omissions and misstatements

GO WINGS! 2008 Stanley Cup Champs!
sig JSlice and by IceCat, and bobble head by Tribephyl

"RE: It would help if he had the facts on his side..."
Posted by Estee on 05-22-09 at 10:04 AM
*dies from not-surprise*

"RE: It would help if he had the facts on his side..."
Posted by HobbsofMI on 05-22-09 at 10:14 AM
*does CPR on Estee* This place would not be as much fun without you...

GO WINGS! 2008 Stanley Cup Champs!
sig JSlice and by IceCat, and bobble head by Tribephyl

"RE: It would help if he had the facts on his side..."
Posted by smokeysmom on 05-22-09 at 01:22 PM
I'm going to go out on my usual limb here and opine (as in IMO) (that's IMO) that OT doesn't do deep end anymore. Not a problem for me at all, not a judgement call, not an accusation.

However, to have Cheney come out of his undisclosed location and be crowned as some sort of "equal debater" to our elected president by just about every media outlet angered me alot.

I wasn't surprised that his self-serving sociopathic diatribe included outright lies and misstatement. I was surprised that we felt we had to "debate" with him at all.

Go. back. to. your. undisclosed. location. Or get prosecuted. Just my take.

"RE: It would help if he had the facts on his side..."
Posted by Silvergirl1 on 05-23-09 at 00:47 AM

*sits next to Smokey's Mom*

Agman, 2008

"Mancow Waterboard"
Posted by HobbsofMI on 05-22-09 at 09:50 PM

Listen to what he says about it after 6 seconds.

GO WINGS! 2008 Stanley Cup Champs!
sig JSlice and by IceCat, and bobble head by Tribephyl

"Never happen"
Posted by AyaK on 05-23-09 at 01:02 AM
##### Cheney will never run for president. Never.

The funny thing about Cheney is that he's far too moderate to run. Plus, he doesn't do compromise well. It's his way or the highway. He can cover it up to some extent (i.e., he's very much in favor of same-sex marriage, but he campaigned against it in 2004), but in a Republican presidential campaign, all people will focus on all this

"RE: Never happen"
Posted by samboohoo on 05-24-09 at 11:47 AM
Agree about him never running. I saw a brief clip about this last week, and the analyst said exactly what I was thinking, "Cheney has nothing to lose by doing this."

Whatever. That's what I say about him.

Samboobree, brought to life by Arkie

"RE: Never happen"
Posted by cahaya on 05-25-09 at 01:02 AM
Y'all are probably right. Cheney doesn't need the top job to continue being the White House puppeteer.

Nothing to lose, everything to gain control of.

"Cheney: No link between Saddam Hussein, 9/11"
Posted by HobbsofMI on 06-02-09 at 11:01 AM
LAST EDITED ON 06-02-09 AT 11:02 AM (EST)

Well, I remember at least a dozen times he said there was and now he's saying there was not and go ask Tenet as his prime source convincing him there was one back in 2002. *BOGGLE BIG TIME*

Cheney: No link between Saddam Hussein, 9/11

GO WINGS! 2008 Stanley Cup Champs!
sig JSlice and by IceCat, and bobble head by Tribephyl