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"Impromptu New Year's Eve Party"

Posted by Ahtumbreez on 12-31-08 at 09:20 AM
LAST EDITED ON 12-31-08 AT 10:38 AM (EST)

Come on in and get drunk, it's the only party around that you can drink all day and not wind up with a wicked hang over tomorrow.

I brought the champagne for the 12:00 pm toast
Someone snuck in the bar and hung shiny streamers and left hats and horns last night. So it's got to be an OT New Year's Eve bash.

So get your party on and let it all hang out. I restocked the paper in the copy machine so kingfish, agman and the rest of the cut-ups can start xeroxing their butts anytime now.

Happy New Year's Eve everyone! *blows party whistle

ringing in the 2009 New Year with Agman
etchange some on to someone

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Messages in this discussion
"*waits for the xerox of a fish butt*"
Posted by skye on 12-31-08 at 09:25 AM
Ya. I'm working until 4:30 then it's fondue and movies with Tween Skye.

(The new boy is an EMT and he'll be on a 24 hour shift about an hour away so I'll have to wait until tomorrow for my new year's kiss.)

"I don't think witchcraft is a religion." G.W. Bush

"RE: *waits for the xerox of a fish butt*"
Posted by foonermints on 12-31-08 at 09:56 AM
Spare us all the fish butt, please.

Why not look at this?

"Oh foonses"
Posted by moonbaby on 12-31-08 at 11:50 AM
I knew I could count on you to post this-thank you! I saw it last night-which was good because it's cloudy here today. If anyone's got a clear sky tonight try to check it out. Beautimous!

"There's even more"
Posted by foonermints on 01-02-09 at 07:40 AM
The Chupacabra Knows!
CTgirl Chupacabra!

"Oh cool!"
Posted by moonbaby on 01-02-09 at 10:56 PM
The sky isn't as cloudy as earlier-if it clears up more and I wake up in the middle of night this is worth a look!
¡Gracias, Chupacabra!

Posted by foonermints on 12-31-08 at 09:27 AM
A little drinkie-poo before going in to work won't hurt.

~The Army of foonermints!

"RE: Impromptu New Year's Eve Party"
Posted by grit on 12-31-08 at 09:27 AM
*runs in*

*chugs entire bottle of champagne*

*gets naked*

*blows party whistle*

*passes out in punch bowl*

Handcrafted by RollDdice

Woo Hoo!

"RE: Impromptu New Year's Eve Party"
Posted by samboohoo on 12-31-08 at 09:29 AM
*takes pictures for Estee's revenge*

Tis the season.

Posted by moonbaby on 12-31-08 at 11:51 AM
Speed partier.

"RE: Impromptu New Year's Eve Party"
Posted by Buggy on 12-31-08 at 09:32 AM
I'm off to work in a few minutes, but will come by later, save me something to drink

Party On , OT!

"RE: Impromptu New Year's Eve Party"
Posted by Snidget on 12-31-08 at 09:35 AM
*stares at bottle of Cava in fridge*

Do y'all think it will interact with the cold medication I'm taking.

*blows nose*

Who needs a noise maker when I can make that much noise all by myself.

"RE: Impromptu New Year's Eve Party"
Posted by jbug on 12-31-08 at 09:58 AM
Wow a party? Since I'm still on vacation I can drink all day long - and all night long....kewl.

I brought some of these cheap cheezy tiaras

and some hats too

Now, where's the punch bowl and what's in it?

Agman has me jumping in the cold!

"RE: Impromptu New Year's Eve Party"
Posted by grit on 12-31-08 at 10:01 AM
Now, where's the punch bowl and what's in it?

*hic* me *hic*

"RE: Impromptu New Year's Eve Party"
Posted by jbug on 12-31-08 at 10:21 AM
~~~jumps into punch bowl with grit~~~
Oh, you say you fell in? No matter; I'll join you anyway.

"RE: Impromptu New Year's Eve Party"
Posted by Maroonclown on 12-31-08 at 10:01 AM
*tries to zip up party dress*

Those extra couple of holiday pounds are doing me no favours. No, wait. Cleavage city!! (.)(.)

*blows noisemaker* TWEEEE

"RE: Impromptu New Year's Eve Party"
Posted by bullzeye on 12-31-08 at 10:40 AM
No, wait. Cleavage city!! (.)(.)

Well, you just brought Vince out didn't you?

Made by Maroonclown; resurrected by Agdude.

"RE: Impromptu New Year's Eve Party"
Posted by vince3 on 12-31-08 at 11:33 AM

I was arriving at my own pace, thankyouverymuch!

"RE: Impromptu New Year's Eve Party"
Posted by agman on 12-31-08 at 02:04 PM
LAST EDITED ON 12-31-08 AT 02:05 PM (EST)

And she "aroused" my interest also

"RE: Impromptu New Year's Eve Party"
Posted by Breezy on 12-31-08 at 10:07 AM
I need a drinkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!

"RE: Impromptu New Year's Eve Party"
Posted by Devious Weasel on 12-31-08 at 10:34 AM
Is that picture of you actual size?

Posted by Breezy on 12-31-08 at 10:48 AM

But I don't have green hair.

"RE: Ummmm"
Posted by Devious Weasel on 12-31-08 at 11:42 AM
But if I got you the wig, you'd wear it, right?

"RE: Impromptu New Year's Eve Party"
Posted by bullzeye on 12-31-08 at 10:24 AM
I'll have to pop back later. Must pick up DW and DS at the airport this afternoon so no drinkies until after we are all safe and sound back home.

Have fun til I get back!

Made by Maroonclown; resurrected by Agdude.

Not to imply you wouldn't have fun anyway. Or, that the fun will end when I come back. This is really a "no win" for at this stage isn't it?

"RE: Impromptu New Year's Eve Party"
Posted by Maroonclown on 12-31-08 at 10:29 AM
Not to imply you wouldn't have fun anyway.

I'm Canadian bland and incapable of having fun.

"RE: Impromptu New Year's Eve Party"
Posted by Starshine on 12-31-08 at 10:35 AM
No-one with a cleavage like that could possibly be bland

"RE: Impromptu New Year's Eve Party"
Posted by Ahtumbreez on 12-31-08 at 10:41 AM
But I do think she may be cold *grin

ringing in the 2009 New Year with Agman

"RE: Impromptu New Year's Eve Party"
Posted by northernlights on 12-31-08 at 11:26 PM

What's a girl gotta do to get a drink around here?

"RE: Impromptu New Year's Eve Party"
Posted by Snidget on 12-31-08 at 11:38 PM
bouncing up and down helps.

Hopefully you'll find something here you like

"RE: Impromptu New Year's Eve Party"
Posted by suzzee on 12-31-08 at 10:49 AM
Goodness, you peeps start early! Can someone make me a good margarita? A traditional one, on the rocks, no slushies please kthx

Suzzopolis by Tribe

"RE: Impromptu New Year's Eve Party"
Posted by Snidget on 12-31-08 at 10:56 AM

From the Bah Humbug Shop of Agman

"RE: Impromptu New Year's Eve Party"
Posted by suzzee on 12-31-08 at 11:07 AM
I.am.drooling. That looks good even at this hour. I've got some really good tequila here, I'm going to have to go out & get the rest of the fixins & make one....or two....or three.

Fear and Loathing Tribe style 2008

"RE: Impromptu New Year's Eve Party"
Posted by Ahtumbreez on 12-31-08 at 11:12 AM
I'll take two of those 'Ritas.

ringing in the 2009 New Year with Agman

"Ask and ye shall receive..."
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 01-02-09 at 09:26 AM

Hey, whatever floats your boat, right?

Got manged by Slice

Stinky Musings

"RE: Impromptu New Year's Eve Party"
Posted by zombiebaby on 12-31-08 at 10:53 AM
I'll be here! I want some Starbucks liquor or make me a martini with it!

Right now the flu bug has taken DH and he is home sick and teh 2 year old is now pooping everywhere.

It's gonna be a looooong day and night.

Chillin' with Arkie

"RE: Impromptu New Year's Eve Party"
Posted by ginger on 12-31-08 at 11:08 AM
Can't buy Stoli in the current Ginger Economy so have lugged this enormous $13.00 bottle of Smirnoff "extra smooth" (yeah, that's the "good stuff", right) in. Anyone bring the Jello?

There's ALWAYS room for Jello.

"RE: Impromptu New Year's Eve Party"
Posted by anotherkim on 12-31-08 at 07:50 PM
I have a pint of Smirnoff in a plastic bottle in my suitcase. I'm a cheap drunk, lol.

Kimmah Says
--will be spiking my red bull very soon

"RE: Impromptu New Year's Eve Party"
Posted by Snidget on 12-31-08 at 07:58 PM
Oh great a wired, drunk Kimmah with wings.

So who is going to keep her out of the ceiling fan?

"RE: Impromptu New Year's Eve Party"
Posted by MandyM on 12-31-08 at 08:00 PM
I thought that was your job, Snidget?

MM I just wish that there was a way that I could choose for others not to be bigots. - HD

"RE: Impromptu New Year's Eve Party"
Posted by Snidget on 12-31-08 at 08:04 PM
I've had way too much of the Cava for that.

Spanish Sparkling Wine...mmmmmmm tiny bubbles

"RE: Impromptu New Year's Eve Party"
Posted by MandyM on 12-31-08 at 08:07 PM
I know, we'll make Estee do it!

MM *gets out ukelele* *clears throat* Tiny Bubbles...Tiny Bubbles

"RE: Impromptu New Year's Eve Party"
Posted by Snidget on 12-31-08 at 09:08 PM
I didn't know you could use the verb "to make" and the name "Estee" as the object in the same sentence like that.

in the wine
makes me happy
makes me feel fine!

"RE: Impromptu New Year's Eve Party"
Posted by MandyM on 12-31-08 at 11:34 AM
WOO HOO! Happy New Year's everybody!

Chug chug chug.

Let me know when it's time to start doing the bunny hop!

MM I just wish that there was a way that I could choose for others not to be bigots. - HD

"RE: Impromptu New Year's Eve Party"
Posted by Ahtumbreez on 12-31-08 at 11:39 AM
I'm not sure about the Bunny Hop but I think Ginger's ready to start up the Limbo.

ringing in the 2009 New Year with Agman

"RE: Impromptu New Year's Eve Party"
Posted by MandyM on 12-31-08 at 02:04 PM
The limbo AND jello shots - that Ginger, she's fun!

MM *practices limbo shimmy*

"RE: Impromptu New Year's Eve Party"
Posted by DebCapsFan on 12-31-08 at 12:38 PM
Happy New Year OT hostess with the mostest and everyone!!

Pretty soon I can say I'm getting married this year.

"RE: Impromptu New Year's Eve Party"
Posted by Molaholic on 12-31-08 at 12:48 PM
Just who is this "party whistle" character and why is he getting so much special attention?

runs away before PG13 police charge in

"RE: Impromptu New Year's Eve Party"
Posted by Ahtumbreez on 12-31-08 at 01:21 PM
*schnort <----that's a drunken snort in case you didn't know

ringing in the 2009 New Year with Agman

"RE: Impromptu New Year's Eve Party"
Posted by grit on 01-02-09 at 10:00 AM
Just who is this "party whistle" character and why is he getting so much special attention?

Geez, I just got that....

Somebody pass the industrial-sized bottle of Motrin, please.

I got sliced!

2009 is off to a slow start...

"I brought the fireworks!"
Posted by CTgirl on 12-31-08 at 02:00 PM
Bundle up - there's a lot of snow out there. Someone better get Grit a jacket.

Cheers to Tribe! Happy New Year!

Posted by moonbaby on 12-31-08 at 02:39 PM
Very nice!

If the snow keeps up we can make a snowman! We just have to keep lights away from it.

All those crazy peeps who are going to be in Times Square tonight will be freezing their patooties off.

Who wants more champagne? Raise your hand!


"RE: Oooooooo!"
Posted by suzzee on 12-31-08 at 06:08 PM

ooh, ooh,ooh!!!

In yo' face. (thx Tribe)

"RE: Oooooooo!"
Posted by MandyM on 12-31-08 at 06:21 PM
Can I have some Coor's Light instead?

MM I just wish that there was a way that I could choose for others not to be bigots. - HD

Posted by Sunny_Bunny on 12-31-08 at 02:52 PM
Count us in!

Oh, and a happy new year for ALL of us!

"RE: Impromptu New Year's Eve Party"
Posted by Seana on 12-31-08 at 03:13 PM
Yay! Happy New Year! I made star-shaped cupcakes and peanut butter cookies. Please also help yourselves to ice cream.


Thanks fooner and moonie! Now we'll get to see the 'celestial display'.

"RE: Impromptu New Year's Eve Party"
Posted by jbug on 12-31-08 at 03:20 PM
Would that be snow ice cream?

Sharnina decorated me
~~~~wishing for snow so we can have snow ice cream~~~~

"RE: Impromptu New Year's Eve Party"
Posted by Seana on 12-31-08 at 03:27 PM
It's vanilla, which is like snow in colour, not so much in taste and texture. We did get snow here last night: about 3 inches maybe. Nice and fluffy. It looks purty.

Thanks agman!

"RE: Impromptu New Year's Eve Party"
Posted by suzzee on 12-31-08 at 06:10 PM
Watch out where the huskies go and don't you eat that yellow snow!

Fear and Loathing Tribe style 2008

"2008 in review"
Posted by jbug on 12-31-08 at 05:11 PM
Here's something to make everyone at the party laugh..


Uncle Jay explains the news.

Handcrafted by RollDdice

"RE: 2008 in review"
Posted by suzzee on 12-31-08 at 06:18 PM
Yay for Uncle Jay! I loved the gas prices part

Fear and Loathing Tribe style 2008

"Happy New Year"
Posted by mysticwolf on 12-31-08 at 09:13 PM

My BIL is now living down here and put in wireless; he's close enough to my MIL that I can steal his bandwidth from here. The rest of the group is down at his place; I'm having a good time, but I'm not really fit company tonight, and my one SIL has been behaving like a beyotch toward me; I don't need it--at least not tonight.

The change of scenery has been good for me. I'm actually waking up without my alarm clock, usually at 8:30 a.m., or so--first or second up every morning. They're trying to convince me to sell out, simplify my life, and buy a trailer down here. Maybe; but not exactly here, if I do. I'm neither ready to make a choice of which 2 pets could come with me, nor am I willing to live in a mobile home park where I'm quite this close to my In-Laws, even if I do love my MIL. I'm too private a person to be comfortable with them looking out their doors to see if I'm home or who is over--things they all say they don't do, that I watch them do daily.

The cost of living is less, there is sun, it is warmer, and given that there are more zoos and aquariums in the area, along with the fact that I'm certified in SCUBA, job prospects might be better here, although I haven't seen anything on-line or in the paper, yet. The mail lady is nice. We were speaking this morning and it turns out that she and her husband also buy, refurbish, and flip, mobile homes. They know all the parks. She's promised to draw up a list of parks that would at least accomodate my pets and drop it off on Friday with the mail. She also said that most parks in the area don't run quite like this one--she referenced the Gestapo, and I just had to chuckle. While the people are very nice, they do seem to have an awful lot of unnecessary rules and take an inordinate amount of interest in what their neighbors are doing.

Yesterday was superb. I had a peep meet with taffnic (her first). She brought along her 12-yr. old neice and one of her neice's friends--both very nice and well mannered young ladies, honours students both--and we went to the Lowry Zoo. Yes, I have a pic, and I'll post more on that later after I have access to photo reduction software. (Actually, I though taff might want to post the details, but if she doesn't I will. It was a really fun day at a great zoo.)

The other day we went to Tarpon Springs and watched the sponge fishing boats--and then stopped at the beach to watch the sunset over the ocean (*sigh*). Today we went to St. John's Pass. Nice days at the pier--even though my 14 yr. old niece spent the better part of the afternoon pouting. Seems she finally found the exact t-shirt her 15 yr. old boyfriend asked her to buy for him--in his size, even. Black--with the statement "Please tell your boobs to quit staring at my eyes." Gee, my BIL wasn't as thrilled at her find as she was. Go figure!

I'm finally strting to relax a little and my SIL was pushing me to stay for a bit. She didn't have to push too hard. I found an excellent price on a return ticket for the 13th. They're leaving on Saturday, and they've agreed to take my big suitcase back with them and come to pick me up when I arrive in Detroit, which I thought was very, very, nice of them.

For less than $10/day I get to spend an additional 10 days in the healing sun. Of course, that leaves me dependant on other BIL (whom I love dearly) and beyotchy SIL for any transportation, but I can deal with it. I just hang out with my MIL. Heck, I won $16 at BINGO last night, evidently we shuffle (shuffleboard) on Friday, and I was informed this morning that we'll be attending a variety show next week. I guess last year's Black-face Al Jolsen impersonator was hilarious. (Gawd help me. I've been promised it's a different show this year, thank you, Lord.)

At the moment, I can't deal with the gaiety so I am glad of my solitude. It gives me a bit of time to reflect, remember, and cherish--what I had in my life with John, and what I still have; in my life with family, and friends, both in the physical and virtual sense (it's wrong for me to refer to people here as being in the virtual world--you've all proven to be very real and precious people, and friends).

My New Year's wish for you all:

May you, each and every one of you--along with those that you love and hold dear--have a joyous and blessed New Year. May you find only kindness and fortune in the months to come. May you be protected from ill. May you be insulated from harm. May only goodness and benefit come your way. May you be surrounded by friends, as you have all surrounded me; and may you never need. Let winds blow soft and gentle, tempered by your desire. Let sleep be restful and restorative, and waking hours filled with joy, and love, and wonder. May your dreams and memories all be sweet. May you be happy.

I love you all.

Happy New Year.

Together thanks to Glow

"RE: Happy New Year"
Posted by Snidget on 12-31-08 at 09:28 PM

Glad you are finding some healing and restoration during your trip.

I'm home enjoying a bottle of bubbly. I really don't like the drive home even though they have some fun stuff going on down in Raleigh before the Acorn drop.

"RE: Happy New Year"
Posted by jbug on 12-31-08 at 09:50 PM
{{hugs}} Mystic. I'm glad the change has been good.
FL is quite different from your neck of the woods. And if the community your MIL lives in is a senior or retirement community? I know exactly what you are going thru! LOL
But trust me; they're not all like that.
Continue to have a restful vacation and here's wishing the best for you in 2009.

"RE: Happy New Year"
Posted by MandyM on 12-31-08 at 10:09 PM
I'm glad you're finding some peace, Mystic and I hope 2009 will be kind to you. This is my first New Year's Eve all by myself ever in my whole life, so I can relate. I had offers, but didn't feel like being around people this year.

Here is to a WONDERFUL 2009 for EVERYONE!

MM I just wish that there was a way that I could choose for others not to be bigots. - HD

"RE: Happy New Year"
Posted by vince3 on 12-31-08 at 10:39 PM

So beautiful, the wishes.

I'm glad you've had a restful time down there, and you do need some time to yourself as well. I have no clue if moving down there would be better or not, but I trust you'll do whatever is best for you. Enjoy the extra time down in Florida.

I also am alone tonight, kinda. I'm at my grandparent's house.... well it's actually mine now. My grandma's dog is still here, currently sleeping. I'm watching college bowl games, because there isn't much else on, considering that Discovery has some weird Science of Execution Devices show on all through the night (fun topic for New Year's, guys!) and Food Network is marathonning the most recent Next Food Network Star season.

It snowed up here, with a few white-outs at times. The total was only about an 1" or 2, however. It's gonna be bitterly cold for those who are doing First Night downtown, as well.

Happy New Year, Mystic. May all of us who lost someone this past year have a better 2009!

"RE: Happy New Year"
Posted by suzzee on 12-31-08 at 11:25 PM
I'm fairly new around here and don't know everyone well yet but I'm finding this to be a fascinating place full of good and loyal friends. Mystic, your wishes for everyone were touching and heartfelt and appreciated. I do wish the same to you. Safe travels.

Peace on Earth (thx Tribe)

"RE: Happy New Year"
Posted by Silvergirl1 on 01-01-09 at 00:11 AM

Florida sure sounds lovely. I'd enjoyed it back when my in-laws had us down for a visit in the 90's. It turned out to be the last few years for FIL. He died of cancer in 1999.

I'm glad to hear you are doing okay there with the visit. It does sound like it would be a good move for you in some ways, but having nosy people watching you would not be good. I'm private that way myself.

Anyway, thanks for the New Year's wishes. I wish you the best back, and hope you find some comfort and joy in the coming year. It has been a tough one for you, and I think of you often. *smooches and hugs*

Agman, 2008

Posted by foonermints on 01-01-09 at 00:14 AM
You gonna dah?

Anyone that loves animals is welcome in our house.

"RE: Happy New Year"
Posted by cahaya on 01-01-09 at 00:39 AM
Mystic, you seem to like some aspects of where you are now and you've already seriously considered some of your options as a new year unfolds. As you wish us, I wish you in return.

I know just from my wife's experience falling and breaking her arm during an ice drizzle recently, sometimes harm does come our way. Even in times of adversity we can find happiness within ourselves and with each other, although it may not be easy. You've been through so much this year, more than I can imagine experiencing in such a short time, so I wish you well as you do me.

In kind, I love you too.

Happy New Year!

Coolness, a first with taffnic!

"RE: Happy New Year"
Posted by Sunny_Bunny on 01-01-09 at 02:13 AM
(((((((((((((((((((Hugs and smoochies)))))))))))))))))

Thank you for the beautiful wishes Mystic.

May you find continued healing and love that grows throughout the new year, and always remember that we love you very much.

Bunny and Ra

"RE: Happy New Year"
Posted by frisky on 01-01-09 at 02:36 AM
*throws drunken arm around Mystie*

When I think of how sh*tty 2008 was for me, and I am sofa king glad it's over, I think of you, Mystie, and I am just so.glad.it.is.done. Srsly. May 2009 bring you as much peace as you have right now with your family in that beautiful place, and more of it, more often.

Excpet for the effin SIL. Give her a *clawsnag* for me.

Perpetual *headbutt* compliments of Rolly.

"RE: Happy New Year"
Posted by Starshine on 01-01-09 at 04:30 AM
Thank you for your wishes Mystic, and I would like to wish the same to you.


"Poor Anderson Cooper"
Posted by Snidget on 12-31-08 at 11:09 PM
I'm not sure he's going to survive all the way to midnight, much less 1 am next to Kathy Griffin.

I think her asking if Sanjay Gupta can give her a pap smear just about killed him and that was only 5 minutes in.

"RE: Poor Anderson Cooper"
Posted by Molaholic on 01-01-09 at 00:30 AM
Anderson Cooper and Kathy Griffin.

What more could I ask for?

Deceiving players since 2001

a gift from agman 2007

"RE: Impromptu New Year's Eve Party"
Posted by Coconut on 12-31-08 at 11:12 PM
Hey, kiddos!

Our party has wound down (it involved skating on our miniscule backyard rink, playing Go Fish, eating cupcakes, and watching Air Farce and junior hockey- a munchkin-oriented evening!). I'm just nursing a Scotch before bed.

/old and boring

Coconut: Taking the grammer police to a whole new level.

"RE: Impromptu New Year's Eve Party"
Posted by Scarlett O Hara on 12-31-08 at 11:59 PM
Happy New Year!!! Who's the first to get a kiss at the drop of the ball?!

FISH by agman

Read me.

"Happy New Year!"
Posted by cahaya on 01-01-09 at 00:03 AM

Smurfed by Icey.

"RE: Impromptu New Year's Eve Party"
Posted by Silvergirl1 on 01-01-09 at 00:12 AM

Happy New Year, OT!!!


Agman, 2008

"swooping in"
Posted by jbug on 01-01-09 at 00:26 AM
to block any drunken swoops

"RE: swooping in"
Posted by cahaya on 01-01-09 at 00:46 AM
Ma'am, we need to see your swooping license.

And would you care to walk between these lines as a test of your sobriety? (Yes, that blank line just above, where you're supposed to read between these two.)

"RE: swooping in"
Posted by jbug on 01-01-09 at 11:28 AM
I don't have my swooping license yet. I think it's supposed to be in the mail.
But I have a blocking license......
Only it's generic - anyone can use it.

"RE: swooping in"
Posted by cahaya on 01-01-09 at 11:38 AM
You've passed the 'sobriety roadblock' test, ma'am.

Smurfy snowy holiday present by agman

Happy New Year!

Posted by mrc on 01-01-09 at 01:17 AM
There's only confetti, empty champagne bottles, and puke in here. What happened to the par-tay?!

A Slice of Manga

"RE: Wheeee!!!!"
Posted by Snidget on 01-01-09 at 07:50 AM
That's what you get for trying to be fashionably late.

"RE: Wheeee!!!!"
Posted by mrc on 01-01-09 at 11:22 AM
I was wearing a prairie skirt and a lampshade, if that's considered fashionable.

A Slice of Manga

"RE: Wheeee!!!!"
Posted by foonermints on 01-01-09 at 11:59 AM
LAST EDITED ON 01-01-09 AT 12:06 PM (EST)

I blame the Rose Parade.

"RE: Wheeee!!!!"
Posted by Snidget on 01-02-09 at 10:41 AM
On you, anything is fashionable.

"RE: Impromptu New Year's Eve Party"
Posted by anotherkim on 01-01-09 at 02:34 AM

I never did break out the Smirnoff. I had a couple of Michelob Ultras with a friend who was hosting a karaoke party here in Chattanooga. I sang "Something to Talk About" and "Wanted Dead or Alive" before calling it a night. I was back at my parents' house in time to see in 2009 with my kids. I watched ##### Clark on abc and I have to say, I think it's time for him to step out of the spotlight. It was just uncomfortable seeing him try to speak clearly and he looks downright ghoulish these days. I'm sure I'm unamerican for saying this, but patriotism be damned--if ##### Clark looks like Charlie McCarthy's grandpa, then it needs to be addressed as does the giant elephant in the room that has garbled speech.

Kimmah Says
--and with that, I've probably doomed my 2009, but best wishes to all and to all a good year!

"RE: Impromptu New Year's Eve Party"
Posted by frisky on 01-01-09 at 02:40 AM
Dammit! I forgot to watch the trainwrecque that is Dicque!

Kimmah sings?

And you didn't sing "All I Wanna Do Is Make Love To You" by Heart??! Isn't that, like, HUGE in karaokeland?

Perpetual *headbutt* compliments of Rolly.

"RE: Impromptu New Year's Eve Party"
Posted by CTgirl on 01-01-09 at 11:57 AM
ITA Kimmah, it was painful to watch Dick Clark. He proved a point a few years ago when he came back from his stroke to do the New Year's Eve show but now it is time for him to retire. There is nothing sentimental about listening to his garbled speech year after year.


Cheers to Tribe!

Posted by foonermints on 01-01-09 at 10:09 AM
*stumbles over **twitchies***
*throws bottles in recycle bin* (Holey MOLEY!)
*puts apsrin on table*

I could use some zHrelp here. Tummy! Did you make this mess?

"RE: Impromptu New Year's Eve Party"
Posted by Max Headroom on 01-02-09 at 10:11 AM
*looks around after massive Guitar Hero marathon*

Did something happen recently?

Another catchy agman siggie

"RE: Impromptu New Year's Eve Party"
Posted by agman on 01-02-09 at 11:26 AM

>Did something happen recently?

I would appear there was a long, drawn out, deep-ended political discussion going on here!