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"Vowels at the end of names"

Posted by mattben on 08-01-08 at 12:37 PM
In the long list of conjecture, I was wondering how many presidents have a vowel at the end of their name. McKinley is an iffy.

I know there was some study done about how the tallest candidate mostly won.

Random crap from me this morn.

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Vowels at the end of names"
Posted by Estee on 08-01-08 at 12:40 PM
Not only that, female Presidents have a combined historical approval rating of 0% in the United States.

"RE: Vowels at the end of names"
Posted by geg6 on 08-01-08 at 12:49 PM
Well, with the exception of Kennedy, all presidents have been of white Anglo-Saxon Protestant background. And since there are very few white Anglo-Saxon names that end with a vowel, there are no presidents whose names end in a vowel. And Dutch really isn't any different than Anglo-Saxon on the ethnicity scale.

"Not this time." Barack Obama 3-18-08

"RE: Vowels at the end of names"
Posted by AyaK on 08-02-08 at 01:57 PM
>Well, with the exception of Kennedy,
>all presidents have been of white Anglo-Saxon Protestant background.
>And since there are very few white Anglo-Saxon names that
>end with a vowel, there are no presidents whose names end in a vowel.

Um, the ghosts of Presidents Monroe, Pierce, Fillmore and Coolidge are calling.

They recommend a remedial history class. The late President Pierce particularly thinks you should remember him, because a subsequent president was a relative. (Hint: the president's mother was named Barbara Pierce before marrying George H.W. Bush.)

"RE: Vowels at the end of names"
Posted by geg6 on 08-04-08 at 08:00 AM
None of those vowels are pronounced in the way that the 'y' (which is an almost vowel) is in Kennedy or the 'a' in Obama would be. And please show me how those names are not fine old English names.

"Not this time." Barack Obama 3-18-08

"RE: Vowels at the end of names"
Posted by AyaK on 08-04-08 at 07:50 PM
None of those vowels are pronounced in the way that the 'y' (which is an almost vowel) is in Kennedy or the 'a' in Obama would be.

So what? That wasn't the question. The question was:

I was wondering how many presidents have a vowel at the end of their name. McKinley is an iffy.

Your answer was:

And since there are very few white Anglo-Saxon names that end with a vowel, there are no presidents whose names end in a vowel.

That is an incorrect answer. Period. End of story.

You can't change the question to what you want it to be, the way that Obama tries to with regard to the surge, just because you were wrong with regard to the question that was actually asked.

"RE: Vowels at the end of names"
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 08-04-08 at 10:32 PM
Sorry geg, I'm with AyaK on this one. The question was how many Presidents have a name ending with a vowel. There's a few.

"RE: Vowels at the end of names"
Posted by geg6 on 08-05-08 at 01:56 PM
Well, perhaps you're perfectly happy to only read things on the surface.

I, however, am not and understood completely based on my experience with this particular poster that there is a high probability that there may have been some underlying undertones (or "dog whistles," so to speak). If I am incorrect about that, I apologize to mattben.

"Not this time." Barack Obama 3-18-08

"RE: Vowels at the end of names"
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 08-01-08 at 05:07 PM
Well, dang, there goes my dream of becoming President.

Wait... Is this mattben's way of telling us he's the next POTUS considering both Matt and Ben don't end with a vowel?

"RE: Vowels at the end of names"
Posted by Estee on 08-01-08 at 05:14 PM
No, he's the current POTUS. And 'Dubya' does.

"RE: Vowels at the end of names"
Posted by Prof_ Wagstaff on 08-01-08 at 05:28 PM
No, he's the current POTUS. And 'Dubya' 'Dumbya' does.

There that's better.

"HOLY #####!"
Posted by Prof_ Wagstaff on 08-01-08 at 05:44 PM
Pepe's pulling into the driveway! Everybody hide!

Arkie and Tummy! Standing there with lampshades on your heads and two lightbulbs in each hand is NOT hiding!

Hi Pepe, I was just checking on the houseplants. What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at the cabin cottage? I'm sure you're in a hurry. Just wait here at the door and I'll run and get whatever you forgot.

Surfkitten Summer Sigshop 2008

"RE: HOLY #####!"
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 08-01-08 at 05:49 PM
I'm still up at the cottage - there's wireless internet in the area, even if it's rather spotty.

Wait, don't tell me the Porsche's already in the lake?

Ah well. At least feed Dingo (our cat), will ya?

"RE: HOLY #####!"
Posted by foonermints on 08-01-08 at 05:55 PM
"Dingo" is the name of the purple cat? OH! good thing Kingfish drug him out of the pool! Wait, that didn't turn out right.

Tribemints© by Tribey

"RE: HOLY #####!"
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 08-11-08 at 09:08 PM
Well, golly... it's been ten days now and the white fur is only NOW starting to reappear...

"False alarm!"
Posted by Prof_ Wagstaff on 08-01-08 at 06:04 PM
LAST EDITED ON 08-01-08 AT 06:23 PM (EST)

Whew! He's still at the cottage.

Kingfish, quit trying to put the cat on the rotisserie. The steaks from the freezer have thawed. Go and put some iodine on those scratches.

"quite", oops Canadian spelling. Fixed that.

Surfkitten Summer Sigshop 2008

"RE: False alarm!"
Posted by foonermints on 08-02-08 at 01:02 PM
I think kingfish is trying to sterilize the owies from the inside.

"RE: False alarm!"
Posted by kingfish on 08-05-08 at 12:55 PM
Zeee Kitties don't bites me.

I bites zee kitties!

Zen, I drinks zee viskey!

"RE: HOLY #####!"
Posted by arkiegrl on 08-01-08 at 07:53 PM
You can't see me! I had my eyes closed! *hic*

"RE: HOLY #####!"
Posted by Ahtumbreez on 08-02-08 at 06:45 PM
Arkie and Tummy! Standing there with lampshades on your heads and two lightbulbs in each hand is NOT hiding!

Somebody. needs to quit pulling on my tassles! That is NOT the lightswitch! *evil eye

Agman took me to the islands

"RE: HOLY #####!"
Posted by Prof_ Wagstaff on 08-02-08 at 07:08 PM
*wispers to cahaya*

Silly Kingfish, I told him it would turn her on.

Surfkitten Summer Sigshop 2008

" I know one.............."
Posted by agman on 08-02-08 at 11:01 AM
Calvin Coolidge

"RE: Vowels at the end of names"
Posted by KeithFan on 08-02-08 at 11:11 AM

That about does it.

"RE: Vowels at the end of names"
Posted by Estee on 08-02-08 at 11:17 AM
Sure, but e is a white vowel.

U is Asian. In case you were wondering.

"RE: Vowels at the end of names"
Posted by KeithFan on 08-02-08 at 11:20 AM
Well, I'm a white Christian landowner, only my vowels count.

"RE: Vowels at the end of names"
Posted by Estee on 08-02-08 at 11:23 AM
Did you know y is bisexual?

"RE: Vowels at the end of names"
Posted by Molaholic on 08-02-08 at 11:37 AM
LAST EDITED ON 08-02-08 AT 11:38 AM (EST)

Did you know y is bisexual?

Shouldn't that be 'bysexual'?

**runs back to Mole Hole**

Now cerumen free!

"RE: Vowels at the end of names"
Posted by Estee on 08-02-08 at 11:50 AM
What the By-Brothers do in the privacy of their own home is none of my business.

"Now you"
Posted by agman on 08-02-08 at 12:31 PM
LAST EDITED ON 08-02-08 AT 12:32 PM (EST)

Now you've done it. How am I gonna teach vowels to my students without laughing?

"RE: Now you"
Posted by Estee on 08-02-08 at 01:10 PM
Don't teach them anything. Then they'll never be considered too smart to be President!

"RE: Now you"
Posted by agman on 08-02-08 at 01:43 PM

The sad thing is that you're probably not that far off!

"RE: Vowels at the end of names"
Posted by byoffer on 08-11-08 at 11:37 PM
I think that some of the things that my by-bro does in the privacy of his own home is your business.

Bystander Spitzer.

"RE: Vowels at the end of names"
Posted by J Slice on 08-02-08 at 01:33 PM
Heh. I have one of those waspy "e"-at-the-end names.

Amusing technicality: My last name is made up. Grandpa Liebowitz picked it up in the 40s

Do you see how they roll?

"What about a vowel at the beginning?"
Posted by Brownroach on 08-05-08 at 11:42 AM

They took office in alphabetical order.

"RE: What about a vowel at the beginning?"
Posted by emydi on 08-05-08 at 01:47 PM
LAST EDITED ON 08-05-08 AT 02:43 PM (EST)


But none with both at beg and end...well until Jan anyway

"RE: What about a vowel at the beginning?"
Posted by Brownroach on 08-05-08 at 01:50 PM

Surfkitten Summer Sigshop 2008

"RE: What about a vowel at the beginning?"
Posted by Max Headroom on 08-05-08 at 02:14 PM

Surfkitten Sigshop Summer 2008

"RE: What about a vowel at the beginning?"
Posted by emydi on 08-05-08 at 02:42 PM
i'm having such a week...ask glowie....

"RE: What about a vowel at the beginning?"
Posted by dabo on 08-12-08 at 11:21 AM

W is a vowel in some words, like cwm. W is shifty like that.

"RE: Vowels at the end of names"
Posted by brvnkrz on 08-12-08 at 09:08 AM
What's a vowel?

An Arkie original.

Posted by Breezy on 08-12-08 at 09:35 AM
Some dang funny stuff in here.

Posted by brvnkrz on 08-12-08 at 09:36 AM
breezY<--that makes you iffy.

An Arkie original.

Posted by Breezy on 08-12-08 at 09:45 AM
Do I know you?


Posted by brvnkrz on 08-12-08 at 09:55 AM
Yes, I am the job hunterer. waaaaaaaaa<--lots of vowels

An Arkie original.

Posted by Breezy on 08-12-08 at 09:56 AM
You're the ignorer. <----- no vowel.

Posted by brvnkrz on 08-12-08 at 09:59 AM
Am not. You still haven't responded. Hrmph.<--also no vowels.

An Arkie original.

Posted by samboohoo on 08-12-08 at 09:41 AM
Funny? I find it rather absurd myself.

surfkitten summer sigshop 2008

Posted by Breezy on 08-12-08 at 09:45 AM
Gave me gigglepants.

Posted by samboohoo on 08-12-08 at 10:11 AM
That's not hard to do.

surfkitten summer sigshop 2008