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Thread Number: 27654
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"More AP Bias?"

Posted by AyaK on 03-16-07 at 06:44 PM
LAST EDITED ON 03-17-07 AT 00:05 AM (EST)

OK, here's the original WaPo story, which broke the news that Senators Levin and Graham went to the Guantanimo trial of KSM: Two Senators watched proceeding

And the WaPo had figured out the reason for their trip to see Khalid shakes Mohammed's trial:

It is unclear why the presence of two senators who helped write the law codifying the tribunals was not announced.

In other words, the trip was for them to see how the tribunals worked.

And here's the senators' joint statement, clearly focused on the procedural elements of the tribunals (and a conclusion about KSM):

Statement of Levin and Graham on Trip to Guantanamo Bay

And Bloomberg reported just that:
Bloomberg: Mohammed Aiming for 'Place in History,' Senators Say

But the AP had its anti-Bush political agenda to push, and it didn't even discuss the reason for their trip until the last three paragraphs of a 16-paragraph story. Instead, Anne Flaherty of the AP focused principally on the fourth paragraph of the eight-paragraph statement and wrote this:
AP: Senators pay heed to prisoner abuse claim

Shouldn't the AP be viewed with the same disdain as Fox News? Maybe it should register as a political lobby.

Edited for spelling. (No, not Tori.)

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