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"I need the power of OT"

Posted by geg6 on 03-14-07 at 10:19 AM
I am calling on OT to help out a very, very dear friend.

My friend Cora is the daughter-in-law of another very close close friend of mine (some of you may remember my friend, Lil Spoiled Rotten). Cora is only 23 years old and the mother of a small daughter, Saige, who is 3 years old, and the wife of my friend, Tiger.

I just found out that they had to take her to the hospital last night with what they thought was a respiratory flu that may be turning into pneumonia. Instead, it turns out she had a heart attack. They could not regulate her heart and so they inserted a pace maker.

The pace maker did not correct the situation. They have just transferred her to one of the larger hospitals in Pittsburgh. They have no idea why this is happening. She has no history of heart problems, no cholesterol or blood pressure problems, no reason that makes sense.

I am just stunned by this.

Please keep her, her husband, and her little girl in your thoughts today.

Thanks ahead of time, guys.

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: I need the power of OT"
Posted by HobbsofMI on 03-14-07 at 10:27 AM
Scary....but will do.....thoughts and prayer for her and her family and you to get threw this.

Save the Cheerleader Save the World
sig by Syren and bouncy by IceCat

"RE: I need the power of OT"
Posted by Magnolia_Rocker on 03-14-07 at 10:29 AM
Oh wow. So young.....I'll definitely send out positive thoughts for her and her family and friends.

A Tribe Original!

"RE: I need the power of OT"
Posted by Snidget on 03-14-07 at 10:36 AM

Sending good vibes her way. Hoping the very quickly find the problem and that they are able to fix it and restore her to health.

"RE: I need the power of OT"
Posted by nailbone on 03-14-07 at 10:39 AM
Thoughts and prayers for all of you.

"RE: I need the power of OT"
Posted by dragonflies on 03-14-07 at 10:41 AM
Aw geg!

I'll be praying for all of you, including the doctors, that they find the wisdom to figure out the problem soon!

Slice & Dice Sigpic Chop Shop 2005

"RE: I need the power of OT"
Posted by MKitty on 03-14-07 at 11:00 AM
So sorry to hear that Geg. She will be in my thoughts.

"RE: I need the power of OT"
Posted by Prof_ Wagstaff on 03-14-07 at 11:08 AM
Geg, I'm so very sorry to hear this.
You will all be in my thoughts.


"RE: I need the power of OT"
Posted by Lasann on 03-14-07 at 11:17 AM
Saige is such a cute name!

I will keep them in my thoughts for the next couple of days.

It a Tribe original!!!

"RE: I need the power of OT"
Posted by PagongRatEater on 03-14-07 at 11:20 AM
Prayers have been sent and I sincerely hope that they find out what to do with her. Strength for her and peace for her family.

"RE: I need the power of OT"
Posted by EMTBGRL on 03-14-07 at 11:22 AM
They could not regulate her heart
>and so they inserted a
>pace maker. The pace maker did not correct
>the situation.

WOW! That's awfully scary. -- I'd be stunned too.

>Please keep her, her husband, and
>her little girl in your
>thoughts today.

Aw, Geg,
Will do! ******POSITIVE THOUGHTS THEIR WAY**********

Keep us posted!

"RE: I need the power of OT"
Posted by geg6 on 03-14-07 at 11:28 AM
Yeah, you'd certainly think a pace maker would at least get her stabilized. I can't believe it didn't.

This whole thing seems surreal.

Totally healthy and only 23 years old one minute.

And then this. I'm so terrified for Tiger and Saige.

"RE: I need the power of OT"
Posted by EMTBGRL on 03-14-07 at 11:56 AM
>Yeah, you'd certainly think a pace
>maker would at least get
>her stabilized. I can't
>believe it didn't.

To be honest? I can't believe it either..and sorry this is happening to your friend. I can only imagine how SHE feels about the whole thing-- it's terrifying to go from "healthy" to "heart sick"

That's why it's called a "pace" maker..and is a drastic measure for someone who doesn't have prior heart health issues, and isn't brought back into a normal rhythm. ???

Maybe this is a stupid question..but, any chance the person reading the EKG is new? or that the pace maker isn't?

(not trying to scare. Just trying to bring up possibilities.) I look for things that are outside the patient's health.

Still sending good vibes and positive thoughts!

I hope that hospital staff up in Pittsburgh treats her like GOLD.

"RE: I need the power of OT"
Posted by geg6 on 03-14-07 at 12:46 PM
>Maybe this is a stupid question..but,
>any chance the person reading
>the EKG is new? or
>that the pace maker isn't?

From the information I have right now, all I know is that they had the pace maker in for 12 hours and it still wasn't having an effect. I have to assume they did several EKGs during that period, but I don't know for sure. As for which pace maker they used, I have no clue. All I know is that I've never heard of a pace maker that didn't get the heart beating correctly rather quickly. But I'm not a medical person, so I can't really judge.

>(not trying to scare. Just trying
>to bring up possibilities.) I
>look for things that are
>outside the patient's health.

I sure hope that's where the problem lies.

>I hope that hospital staff up
>in Pittsburgh treats her like

Well, she's at UPMC-Presbyterian and that's one of the best hospitals in the whole country. I've had lots of friends and family members treated there (one of my friends got his double lung transplant there) and they got wonderful care there. I have no doubt that they will take excellent care of her.

"RE: I need the power of OT"
Posted by jbug on 03-14-07 at 11:25 AM
I certainly believe in the power of prayer. God is so powerful!
So here's prayers for your friends and for the doctors.

Handcrafted by RollDdice

"RE: I need the power of OT"
Posted by Glow on 03-14-07 at 11:37 AM
*good thoughts*


"RE: I need the power of OT"
Posted by FishWoman on 03-14-07 at 11:39 AM
I am sending out positive thoughts.

That is so scary. I hope the doctors can resolve the situation.

~Frozen FishSticks by Arkie~

"RE: I need the power of OT"
Posted by ginger on 03-14-07 at 12:51 PM
Any friend of Geg's gets all my best, most positive thoughts and wishes.

(((HUGS))) gorgeous girl...

"RE: I need the power of OT"
Posted by AyaK on 03-14-07 at 12:52 PM
Best wishes to everyone. I'll try to send positive thoughts their way today.

"RE: I need the power of OT"
Posted by bullzeye on 03-14-07 at 01:00 PM
23? Wow - so not fair.

Warm thoughts and well wishes to all geg.

A birthday present from Tribe

"RE: I need the power of OT"
Posted by buckeyegirl on 03-14-07 at 01:07 PM
((hugs))) My thoughts and prayers are with you and your friend. I hope she gets better.

"RE: I need the power of OT"
Posted by mysticwolf on 03-14-07 at 01:10 PM
Wow! Hope they find the cause & that your friend has a speedy recovery. I'll keep her, and her family in my thoughts. *sending good vives*

A Tribal Christmas blogging's scary

"RE: I need the power of OT"
Posted by Bobdechemist on 03-14-07 at 06:16 PM
23 is very young.

Good thoughts.

"RE: I need the power of OT"
Posted by KeithFan on 03-14-07 at 06:20 PM
I hate seeing the young 'uns hurting. My thoughts and prayers go out to them.

"RE: I need the power of OT"
Posted by Estee on 03-14-07 at 06:35 PM
May her doctor have the insight levels of Perry Cox and Gregory House combined. (And the bedside manner of pretty much anyone else.)

"RE: I need the power of OT"
Posted by probably clueless on 03-14-07 at 06:37 PM
posative posetive posytive.... fuck....

wishing the best.

Handcrafted by RollDice®

"RE: I need the power of OT"
Posted by CutsyTootsy on 03-14-07 at 07:13 PM
Wow. Cora is in my prayers tonight. Good thoughts to you too.

A Syren original

"RE: I need the power of OT"
Posted by frodis on 03-14-07 at 07:28 PM
All of the positive vibes I can muster are headed your way, Geg. That's very scary. I'm glad that she's getting good medical care, and I hope that this mystery is solved quickly.

Peachy blossoms courtesy of Arkie!

"RE: I need the power of OT"
Posted by Silvergirl1 on 03-14-07 at 08:04 PM

Sending positive thoughts and prayers to your friend and her family.

Clickable sig

"RE: I need the power of OT"
Posted by ARnutz on 03-14-07 at 08:05 PM
*sends good vibes*

"RE: I need the power of OT"
Posted by volsfan on 03-14-07 at 09:22 PM
I'm with Nutz!

*good vibes*

"RE: I need the power of OT"
Posted by TVFreak on 03-14-07 at 09:55 PM
I had a scare last month. I had to undergo emergency surgery. It was very scary for me, but much more so for my husband, kids, and family.

I'm sending all of my good vibes and prayers to your friend and her family/friends!

"RE: I need the power of OT"
Posted by foonermints on 03-14-07 at 10:20 PM
Your friends and their doctors have our most positive thoughts and prayers.

Handmade by the incredibly talented Syren

"RE: I need the power of OT"
Posted by Wallflower66 on 03-14-07 at 11:23 PM
Wow. How sad. Get well soon, Cora.

"RE: I need the power of OT"
Posted by qwertypie on 03-15-07 at 00:24 AM
Way too young. I will send whatever thoughts, vibes you think will help.

Slice & Dice Chop Shop 2004

"RE: I need the power of OT"
Posted by motormouth on 03-15-07 at 03:16 AM
*sending good vibes*

Posted by geg6 on 03-15-07 at 07:16 AM
Okay, I have the latest. It's bad news/good news, of course.

They have found out what the problem is. It seems that Cora contracted a virus that attacked her heart. It is a very serious situation.

When I last spoke to her mother-in-law last evening, this is where it all stood.

At that point, Cora was unconscious and on a respirator. She was going into kidney failure and the fear was that she would go into complete organ failure. The doctors had just spoken to them about the next steps. They told the family that they wanted to operate within the hour as they feared she would die if they did not. The operation was to implant some sort of pumps to do what her heart muscles could no longer do. They were not sure she would make it through the surgery but they felt that her youth and general good health would get her through. They were told that if she made it through the surgery, the chances were very good that the pumps would work and that the statistics showed that about 75% of the patients did well after that. They would keep the pumps in for 6 months and see how it went. If, however, the pumps did not do the job, the next step would be a heart transplant.

Lil Spoiled Rotten told me the surgery would take 5 to 6 hours and that if anything went badly, she'd call and let me know even if she knew I'd be asleep. When I got up this morning, I had no messages. That's very good news.

I hope to hear from her later today and am still sending out my positive vibes. I hope that you will all continue to do so also.

I can't thank you all enough for your support and I have passed along your good wishes to her family. They are all touched by the kindness of all of you strangers. I told them that OT is one of the most powerful energies on earth and what wonderful people you all are. And I truly believe that.

*smooches* to you all.

Posted by TVFreak on 03-15-07 at 07:41 AM
Thanks for keeping us updated.

Sending all my positive vibes Cora's way today.

Posted by DebCapsFan on 03-15-07 at 08:14 AM
What kind of virus? I hope she makes it through the surgery. It sounds like the recovery will be hard, but she has a chance. Keep us posted.

Posted by Ahtumbreez on 03-15-07 at 09:24 AM

geg- she's in my thoughts.

My mom's bestfriend had a heart transplant 5 years ago due to a virus that attacked her heart. The docs at the time said it was a rare event but that they were seeing more and more cases of it. Kinda scary.

Flo worked in the healthcare field as a surgical nurse. Is Cora associated with healthcare. Just wondering.

Posted by geg6 on 03-15-07 at 09:39 AM
Interesting about your friend, Tummy. And very scary for health care workers, I'm thinking.

As a matter of fact, Cora is currently in a BS program in nursing. She is in her second year and plans to specialize in pediatric nursing. Assuming, however, she is able to continue. As a part of her training, she has, of course, been involved with patients as part of her clinical training.

I just got an email with another update. They put 3 pumps in her, one for each side of her heart and one in her leg. They expect to take the one in her leg out within a day or two and the other two will remain. They have told the family that she will be in ICU for at least a month and then move her into a regular room for another month. She will not be released to go home, but will continue her recovery at a rehabilitation center for an unspecified period. Once in rehab, they say they will monitor the pumps for 3-6 months. At that point, they will determine whether or not she will be put on the heart transplant list.

She is, of course, still unconscious but doing as well as can be expected. They are hopeful that they can take the respirator out within the next few days.

Please keep her in your thoughts. And, again, thanks to all of you for your concern.

Posted by dragonflies on 03-15-07 at 12:55 PM
Wow. That is just incredible geg!

The power of OT is in full swing here! No matter how diverse we are, when we come together we are a powerful force.

Posted by Ahtumbreez on 03-16-07 at 12:20 PM
If things get to the heart transplant stage and she needs someone to talk to that has gone thru basically the same thing, let me know.

I'm sure Flo would talk and listen to her.

Hugs geg.

Posted by weltek on 03-15-07 at 10:30 AM
Wow, what an insane situation. You always read about these odd cases, but never think they'll hurt anyone you actually know.

*hugs to you*

Posted by foonermints on 03-15-07 at 11:52 AM
We are still keeping all our best thoughts for Cora and her family.

and you, of course.

Posted by Snidget on 03-15-07 at 12:19 PM
Thank goodness they figured it out and got her on a treatment that should help.

Praying that her heart heals with the additional help and she will recover fully.

Posted by geg6 on 03-16-07 at 08:34 AM
Cora is finally awake and somewhat aware, if confused. She's still on the respirator but is expected to be taken off it by tomorrow at the latest.

She's been told what happened but doesn't yet seem to understand fully. Which is to be expected due to all the heavy meds she's on.

But her personality is apparently intact. She can't talk but she gave her father-in-law the finger!!!!! LOL!

Posted by bullzeye on 03-16-07 at 08:38 AM
She can't talk but she gave her father-in-law the finger!!!!! LOL!

That is hilarious! She sounds like she is a fighter - and that should bode very well for her recovery.

A birthday present from Tribe

Posted by Snidget on 03-16-07 at 09:01 AM
LOL! Yep that sounds like a good sign.

Hoping her recovery goes as smoothly and rapidly as possible.

"I know that there are people who do not love their fellow man, and I hate people like that!" Tom Lehrer

Posted by Glow on 03-16-07 at 08:49 AM
Thanks for updating, geg. I'm still sending those good thoughts. {{hug}}

"Just read updates"
Posted by EMTBGRL on 03-16-07 at 10:14 AM

What an awful thing to happen to your friend! I'm glad they figured out the problem. May Cora heal quickly and well. More positive energy and prayers her way, comin' up!

-Agree with PRE, Cora sounds like a fighter, and that will bode well for her recovery stages.

"RE: Just read updates"
Posted by bullzeye on 03-16-07 at 10:26 AM
-Agree with PRE, Cora sounds like a fighter,

Hmmmm....not certain if being mixed up with Pre is a complement, or a terrifying notion....

A birthday present from Tribe

"RE: Just read updates"
Posted by dragonflies on 03-16-07 at 11:58 AM
LAST EDITED ON 03-16-07 AT 11:59 AM (EST)


Oh wait, you aren't PRE! Well, smooch anyway

I'm glad to hear she is conscious again geg! We will continue to pray for Cora!

"RE: Just read updates"
Posted by EMTBGRL on 03-16-07 at 01:26 PM
>Hmmmm....not certain if being mixed up
>with Pre is a complement,
>or a terrifying notion....

Oh, definitely a compliment! I like everyone!

(that's what I get for not checking before posting and being pre-coffee.)

What's up, bullzeye?

Posted by geg6 on 03-19-07 at 01:30 PM
Well, she's now completely awake and aware. So far the pumps are working well. And she sat up for about 5 minutes yesterday. So that's the good news.

Bad news is that they cannot yet take out the respirator. Her kidneys are quite damaged and the extent of damage to her liver is not yet determined.

Beyond all of this, the doctors are saying she is a miracle. They said they have never seen a heart as damaged as hers in a person who is still alive.

I told her via text message that it's all due to OT.

Thanks again, guys. And keep sending those good wishes.

Posted by Snidget on 03-19-07 at 02:05 PM
Glad to hear she is doing as well as she is.

The people I've known that were in that "miracle you are alive" sort of situation have always ended up doing really well in the end.

Hoping your friend is one more of them.

Posted by ARnutz on 03-19-07 at 02:12 PM
*sends stronger good vibes to get her over the worst of it all*

Posted by weltek on 03-19-07 at 03:36 PM
It's good there is a glimmer of hope in this. Her sheer determination is going to help her get through this, I'm sure.

Posted by mysticwolf on 03-19-07 at 04:17 PM
Sorry I missed your previous updates, but I haven't stopped sending good thoughts her way. Glad to hear she's alert and hope that the rest of the news keeps getting better. Tell her to hang in there. She has a lot of people pulling for her.

Tribe sent springtime flowers! blogging's scary

"RE: I need the power of OT"
Posted by Seana on 03-19-07 at 02:25 PM
Good thoughts for your friend and her family have already been sent.