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Thread Number: 2595
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"in honor of my 101 i'd like to ask you all a few questions"

Posted by bubsy on 07-28-02 at 11:39 AM
1: what's your favorite place to be?

2: what's your favorite all time food?

3: if you could go back in time to any decade what one would it be?

4: if you could learn more about someone on this board other than the people you already know and talk to all the time, who would it be?

and the last question, what was your dream job when you were growing up? - or if you're still growing up, what IS your dreamjob? - or if you want a different job than you have now and youre already grown up, what is that dreamjob... (you get the picture...)

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"RE: in honor of my 101 i'd like to ask you all a few questions"
Posted by Crimsyn on 07-28-02 at 05:40 PM
Grats on 101! I love questions like these.

1: My favorite place to be at the moment is in bed passed out alseep. But normally my favorire place to be is England. Can't wait to go back.

2: Favorite all time food would have to be Ice Cream. It comes in a thousand flavors and a variety of styles. Gotta love it.

3: Hmm If I could go back to any decade, it would have to be the 60's. I would fit right in.

4: Hmm, someone on this board I'd like to get know more would prolly have to be JeffGator. He seems really intersting.

My dream job when I was a little girl: Marine Biologist
Dream job nowdays: Internet Tech Support for Stream International.

Dance your cares away...

"RE: in honor of my 101 i'd like to ask you all a few questions"
Posted by Kermit the Vixen on 07-28-02 at 06:26 PM
1: what's your favorite place to be?
This is easy - it's somthing I say all the time. My favorite place to be in all the world is the bow of a sailboat. My dad has a sailboat and first thing after setting sail, I grab a cold one and head for the bow. So peaceful, wind blowing through your hair, waves splashing around you, getting tan.... no place like it.

2: what's your favorite all time food?
Pizza. Either pepperoni, or BBQ chicken. Although I did recently have a "ranch" pizza that had ranch dressing instead of pizza sauce. It was quite tasty!

3: if you could go back in time to any decade what one would it be?
The 80's. I get it now and I have the money to be hip. I was in high school back then and had too many restrictions. But how much fun to have blue hair and be cool???

4: if you could learn more about someone on this board other than the people you already know and talk to all the time, who would it be?
I guess Bebo. I had alot of fun with her during the Trivia contest and she seems to be alot of fun (and she seems witty)

and the last question, what was your dream job when you were growing up? - or if you're still growing up, what IS your dreamjob? - or if you want a different job than you have now and youre already grown up, what is that dreamjob...
(you get the picture...)

When I was a kid, I always wanted to be a veteranarian. I love the job I have now, but I'd say my TRUE dream job would be an entrepreneur with lots of businesses and lots of people making money just for me!!! I want to be independantly wealthy....

Why are you looking at me? Stop looking at me. I said, STOP -- wait, what? OK, never mind.

"RE: in honor of my 101 i'd like to ask you all a few questions"
Posted by sherlock on 07-28-02 at 09:06 PM
1. England. I agree with crimsyn, and I'd love to see a Manchester United futebol game.

2. Pizza.

3. The 60's. It seems like it would be a fun and crazy decade.

4. Toughie! Hmmmm, perhaps Icecat.

5. Dream job? Doctor, I guess. More specifically, pediatrician.

"RE: in honor of my 101 i'd like to ask you all a few questions"
Posted by curious on 07-28-02 at 10:00 PM
LAST EDITED ON 07-28-02 AT 10:04 PM (EST)

1: what's your favorite place to be? I love being in the carribean - white sand beaches, nice temperature year round & clear bule water (a nice change from our smelly polluted Great Lakes)

2: what's your favorite all time food? Candy apples

3: if you could go back in time to any decade what one would it be? Back to the 90's, so I could study a lot harder at university than I did.

4: if you could learn more about someone on this board Hard to choose just one, so I'll name a few: The mods (SB, Ice Cat, AyaK & sleeeve) because of their incredible intelligence & fantastic spoilers. Also a few intriging posters: Bebo, LadyT, SurvivinDawg, Femme & PePe (to name a few)

5: what was your dream job when you were growing up? or if you want a different job than you have now and youre already grown up, what is that dreamjob... I always wanted to be (& still do) an astronaut.

"RE: in honor of my 101 i'd like to ask you all a few questions"
Posted by Drive My Car on 07-28-02 at 10:17 PM
Great thresd Bubs!!

1: what's your favorite place to be?


2: what's your favorite all time food?

This sounds silly but i think I have to say Bread! I love bread, all kinds of bread, sandwiches are the BEST!

3: if you could go back in time to any decade what one would it

The 50's

4: if you could learn more about someone on this board other than the people you already know and talk to all the time, who would it be?

I know so many peeps here ( comes with being around awhile) I think Katem, he is smart, funny, and basically adorable.

and the last question, what was your dream job when you were growing up? - or if you're still growing up, what IS your dreamjob? - or if you want a different job than you have now and youre already grown up, what is that dreamjob... (you get the picture...)

I wanted to do Make up for the movies. Not just glamour stuff, but the real art, effects make up. never did anything with it.

"RE: in honor of my 101 i'd like to ask you all a few questions"
Posted by Survivorerist on 07-29-02 at 05:00 AM
First of all, congrats on your 101, bubsy! Now onto the questions...

1. Contrary to popular belief, my answer to this one is simply outside. It doesn't matter where; the world is such a big place you can't help but want to explore it

2. Besides anything that my mom makes , I'd probably have to say fish. There are so many ways to make it and so many different kinds, it's hard to choose a single favourite, but I personally could never get bored with fish.

3. The 1920s. The world was such a booming place in this decade, and people all-around were living fantastic, happy, heavenly lives. It would be just exciting to go back to this time.

4. Ooh, there are so many to choose from. From among those I don't know too much about, I'd probably have to pick Nailbone (who always seems to make me laugh), cyclehausen (from the mole forums, because he is a very smart guy), meemo (an all-around good man), anotherkim (who I have had to privilege to talk to a bit but not to really get to know) and Northernlights (for the same reasons; she has a lot of interesting stories to tell).

5. At this point in time, I'd have to say Game Show host because, really, who wouldn't want to host their own game show? If not that, my dream job would be Late Night Talkshow Host, like David Letterman.

Enjoy your next 101, bubsy!


Survivorerist - Oh where oh where did my sig pic go?

(Courtesy of Strider )

"Oh my heck, I'm so very glad that that's over. The 2001-2 television season was, for this sofa spud, cruelly and unusually punishing."
-Antonia Zerbisias, The Toronto Star

"RE: in honor of my 101 i'd like to ask you all a few questions"
Posted by Asrai on 07-29-02 at 05:36 AM
1: What's your favorite place to be? I would have to say around water of any kind. The beach, pool, lake, river, ocean, you get the picture!!

2: What's your favorite all time food? Homemade mac-n-cheese. Not that instant crap, but the big kind with real cheese that you bake in the oven!

3: If you could go back in time to any decade what one would it be? I would love to go back to the real Cowboy and Indian era. I can't resist a cowboy!

4: If you could learn more about someone on this board other than the people you already know and talk to all the time, who would it be? Oh my...tough one. I can't choose just one. Let's see....Buggy, True, LadyT, and Bebo because I just love these gals so much! Meemo and Frau Hexe to talk deep spiritual beliefs with. See, it's too hard! Some others I would love to get to know better would be: Sherpa, Sleeeve, Nailbone, Pepe, Packman, Mistofleas, Sheila, Magic Star, etc. There are so many peeps here that I have, in one way or another, connected with. I just love this place. You really don't know how much!!!

And the last question, what was your dream job when you were growing up? - or if you're still growing up, what IS your dreamjob? - or if you want a different job than you have now and youre already grown up, what is that dreamjob... (you get the picture...) I always wanted to be a vet. Then I wanted to have my own ranch with horses and such. I also wanted to be a marine biologist and work with Sea World! Then I wanted to be the sports trainer for the USA olympic track team. Too many dreams that didn't pan out! Oh well, I'm a great Mom and wife! That counts for everything!

"RE: in honor of my 101 i'd like to ask you all a few questions"
Posted by Naked on 07-29-02 at 07:02 AM
LAST EDITED ON 07-29-02 AT 07:32 AM (EST)

1: what's your favorite place to be?
Right here right now, there is no other place that I'd rather be...

2: what's your favorite all time food?
When I was a kid it was Pizza until I ate so much of it at a birthday party and threw up. I still like it, but my favorite now would be Surf and turf... Steak and Lobster.

3: if you could go back in time to any decade what one would it be?
The 30's. The 0030's. I'd love to see events unfold around Jesus's life.

4: if you could learn more about someone on this board other than the people you already know and talk to all the time, who would it be?
There are so many people that Id love to hand out with...
GT, Ayak, Sleeve, Buggsy, Dalton, Icecat, Pepe, Femme, Webby, Jeffgator, Teddy-Bear, ZZZ, Bungler, Fraux Hexe, Itzy, and a ton of others... sorry to leave you off if I missed you. Oh.. Also... Shakes.. Next time I'm in Chicago, I'm going to look you up and invite you to a socks game.

and the last question, what was your dream job when you were growing up? - or if you're still growing up, what IS your dreamjob? - or if you want a different job than you have now and youre already grown up, what is that dreamjob... (you get the picture...)
My dreamjob would be a music carreer. I am doing a pretty good job in that right now.

"RE: in honor of my 101 i'd like to ask you all a few questions"
Posted by smiley on 07-29-02 at 08:15 AM
congrats bubsy! after 4 years I am finally getting up to that number as well LOL

1: what's your favorite place to be?... lazing on some tropical island, pina colada in one hand and a good book in another surrounded by tanned good looking guys!

2: what's your favorite all time food?...hmm this is a hard one coz i love all sorts of food. I think i am going to go with buggy and say bread because I could never go on the atkins diet and cut out my fav source of carbs *LOL*

3: if you could go back in time to any decade what one would it be?...this is hard too, but even though I lived through the 80s it was such a fun time. Great music!

4: if you could learn more about someone on this board other than the people you already know and talk to all the time, who would it be?...I think I would say just about everyone coz I don't know much about anyone *L*.

and the last question, what was your dream job when you were growing up? -
I always wanted to be a travel agent because I love travelling....if I ever get bored being a doctor thats what I think I will do *L*

"RE: in honor of my 101 i'd like to ask you all a few questions"
Posted by Teddy_Bear on 07-29-02 at 09:03 AM
LAST EDITED ON 07-29-02 AT 06:05 PM (EST)

Happy 101 Bubsy, great thresd!!!

#1: My favourite place to be would have to be Switzerland--beautiful country, Italy--same reason;

I've never been to, but would love to visit Thailand, Nepal, India, Japan,

Hungary and Czecholovakia--My parents' birth places.

I 've been to San Franscisco and New York, and would love to go back. If it wern't for the earthquakes, I'd probably move there (S.F.).

#2: Hmmmmm, it would be one of the following: either my favourite dessert=Nocciola Gelato/italian hazlenut icecream, an exotic Thai fruit known as jackfruit, or lobster.

#3: My favourite decade would be, either the 1920's--30's, cuz I'm a jazz freak,

mid-to late 1900's in either England or France, cuz I love impressionist, and Pre-Raphelite art,

or 25-50 years into the future, cuz I also happen to be a sci-fi buff.

#4: Hmmmm this one's really tough, because I've interacted privately with so many peeps off of this board--whether in CHAT, emails, or Private Messages;

so in order to answer this question, I will either mention those whom I've had no private correspondence with or minimal.

I would like to get to know better--in no particular order: Naked--musicians fascinate me, AyaK--just because; I can imagine us actively fighting our pet liberal causes together. IceCat--who could teach me--I hope--to be a graphics genius like him,

moonbaby, because she had me LMAO in CHAT--it only happened twice *grin*, Bebo, cuz she's a riot, Kokoro, cuz he's soooh adorable *sigh*,

Samian--I need to know my rights, Frau Hexe and NightScribe, cuz I could learn a lot from them, Outfrontgirl--need to catch up on my 19th century novels,

VampKira--cuz she such a sweetheart, Silvergirl1, cuz she sounds like a lot of fun, Jizzy, cuz he's funny, and I love to join him in a shower.

and Herekittykitty, cuz I want to really understand the secret life of cats, and so many others, my sleep-deprived brain can't think of right now.

My dream job is to be some kind of writer/playwrite/novelist/poet/journalist/etc.

It is not necessary to accept everything as true, one must only accept it as necessary.

|=Unrepentant Hardcore Smiley Thief
Light a Virtual Candle
Eleanor Roosevelt: No one can make YOU feel inferior without YOUR consent!

"RE: in honor of my 101 i'd like to ask you all a few questions"
Posted by herekittykitty on 07-29-02 at 12:33 PM
Thanks Teddy Bear

>and Herekittykitty, cuz I want to
>really understand the secret life
>of cats,

I wish I could tell you Teddy, but then it wouldn't be a secret anymore

"RE: in honor of my 101 i'd like to ask you all a few questions"
Posted by nailbone on 07-29-02 at 10:22 AM
>1: what's your favorite place to
I love the mountains...I love the rolling hills...I love the..oh, ahem, sorry. I love to be outside anywhere, but as of our vacation in June, my favorite place is the Iberostar Tucan resort in Playa del Carmen, Mexico.

>2: what's your favorite all time
Hmmmm...tough choice. Any kind of Mexican food is top of the list, though. BBQ is a close second.

>3: if you could go back
>in time to any decade
>what one would it be?
The 50's, absolutely. Love the music, the simple lifestyle (at least what I know about it).

>4: if you could learn more
>about someone on this board
>other than the people you
>already know and talk to
>all the time, who would
>it be?
Whew!! Hard to chose. I'd like to get to know Sami better, but she's out cuz I talk to her often. My initial (but not only)choices would be Buggy, Mon Cherie, Meemo, and SurvivinDawg. Others I'd especially like to meet - Bebo, Gator, MakeItStop, Misto, Pepe, Sherp, snooch, Sir Erist, JiZZ and Shakes.

>and the last question, what was
>your dream job when you
>were growing up? - or
>if you're still growing up,
>what IS your dreamjob? -
>or if you want a
>different job than you have
>now and youre already grown
>up, what is that dreamjob...
>(you get the picture...)
I think being a detective would be fun.


- This Space For Rent

Daytime, nighttime, anytime, things go better with Rock! - Def Leppard

"RE: in honor of my 101 i'd like to ask you all a few questions"
Posted by sticks on 07-29-02 at 12:44 PM
1: what's your favorite place to

Close call between at the beach and out on the boat. I'll have to go with the boat so I could ski or wake board behind it.

2: what's your favorite all time

Definitely seafood!

3: if you could go back
in time to any decade
what one would it be?

The roaring 20s, I'd be a flapper.

4: if you could learn more
about someone on this board
other than the people you
already know and talk to
all the time, who would
it be?

Um, lots of people. Probably Bebo or Samiam or Buggy or Vampkira. Or Tamia (just kidding).

and the last question, what was
your dream job when you
were growing up? - or
if you're still growing up,
what IS your dreamjob? -
or if you want a
different job than you have
now and youre already grown
up, what is that dreamjob...
(you get the picture...)

My dream job was and still is to be a professional soccer coach. I chose to go with a close second- accountant!

"RE: in honor of my 101 i'd like to ask you all a few questions"
Posted by PackMan on 07-29-02 at 01:14 PM

Good questions. Tough to pick just one thing for most.

>1: what's your favorite place to

The beach - soaking rays, sand between the toes, marguarita in hand, and Buffett on the stereo.

>2: what's your favorite all time

Pizza. Thin crust with the works. I still go on an occasional weekend binge when I eat nothing but pizza (usually involving a big sports-viewing weekend).

>3: if you could go back
>in time to any decade
>what one would it be?

Turn of the century. I would love to be alive when the Wright Brothers made the first flight.

>4: if you could learn more
>about someone on this board
>other than the people you
>already know and talk to
>all the time, who would
>it be?

I always enjoy reading her posts, and I love the sigpic.

Small note to quell any, "What about me?" thoughts. - there are many others I would like to get to know, but I will adhere to the limits of this particular question and choose only one.

>and the last question, what was
>your dream job when you
>were growing up? - or
>if you're still growing up,
>what IS your dreamjob? -
>or if you want a
>different job than you have
>now and youre already grown
>up, what is that dreamjob...
>(you get the picture...)

As a small child, I wanted to be a baseball player. As I got older, I just wanted to be a father. I have three kids now, and the work is hard. But I wouldn't trade it for anything. I used to love the Mastercard commercial that goes through all the career questions, then comes to the clincher - "Remembering who you work for...Priceless."

The rest is just stuff.


"When the only tool you own is a hammer, all problems begin to resemble a nail." - Abraham Maslow

"RE: in honor of my 101 i'd like to ask you all a few questions"
Posted by Bebo on 07-29-02 at 01:57 PM
1: what's your favorite place to be?

In bed on a Saturday morning when I don't have to be anywhere at any particular time...I can just stay and veg.

2: what's your favorite all time food?

While I am a non-recovering chocoholic, I will show my Chesapeake Bay roots and choose steamed blue crabs loaded with Old Bay seasoning.

3: if you could go back in time to any decade what one would it be?

The roaring 20s - I would have been a cute flapper.

4: if you could learn more about someone on this board other than the people you already know and talk to all the time, who would it be?

Ooooh, this is hard...and not just because I was delightedly flattered to see my name on so many lists! Like PackMan, I'm going to stick to the rules and only pick one, but I'm loving the chance to get to know so many of you better! As I've been hanging out here at OT, I've been learning so much about you kewl people. I'll have to hang out here more.

If I had to choose just one, it would be FrauHexe. We're different in a number of ways, so I could learn a lot from her. Plus, she's a writer, and I admire her writing style and would love to pick her brain about writing. I also would end up getting a special 2 for 1 deal and get to know Scribe better too.

and the last question, what was your dream job when you were growing up? - or if you're still growing up, what IS your dreamjob? - or if you want a different job than you have now and youre already grown up, what is that dreamjob... (you get the picture...)

Oh, I went through so many dream jobs as a little kid - actress, singer, right fielder for the Baltimore Orioles (yeah, so what if I'm a girl?)...now my dream job is writer.

This little light of mine...I'm gonna let it shine!

"RE: in honor of my 101 i'd like to ask you all a few questions"
Posted by Sophie on 07-29-02 at 03:30 PM
>1: what's your favorite place to

on the ice, in figure skates, preferably in front of an audience.
2nd choice: on stage, in a theatre

>2: what's your favorite all time

pasta and cheesecake

>3: if you could go back
>in time to any decade
>what one would it be?
Do I have to choose a decade? Probably the 20's...I'd really like to go back to the mideival times...(I know I spelled it wrong).
>4: if you could learn more
>about someone on this board
>other than the people you
>already know and talk to
>all the time, who would
>it be?

Femme...she's fascinating...has a fantastic attitude...

>and the last question, what was
>your dream job when you
>were growing up?

When I was a little kid I wanted to be an actor...now my dream job would be to be a director on Broadway or an Internationally known figure skating coach...

Good post!


"RE: in honor of my 101 i'd like to ask you all a few questions"
Posted by Asrai on 07-29-02 at 04:03 PM
>>4: if you could learn more about someone on this board other than the people you already know and talk to all the time, who would it be?

Femme...she's fascinating...has a fantastic attitude...<<

Yes, she is fascinating. But as far as that fantastic attitude, just catch her without a Pepsi!!! Oh man, she's gonna be pissed! I sure hope she has that fantastic attitude when she sees this!!!

Great choice, Sophie. Femme is the best!

PS - she just IMed me and she has DSL, but no phone. Yep, there goes that fantastic attitude!!! HeeHee!

"RE: in honor of my 101 i'd like to ask you all a few questions"
Posted by Femme on 07-29-02 at 04:41 PM
Sophie, I love you. You're my favorite!

As for the GD phone co, they can kiss my bootie. What the freak is up with a stupid website that only lists PHONE NUMBERS in their contact info? IF I'M TRYING TO CONTACT YOU BECAUSE MY PHONE IS OUT, HOW THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO REACH YOU???

As for you, Asrai, you're in the dog house for leaving me here with no one to go to the beach/pool/mall with.

Femme - doesn't do payphones.

"RE: in honor of my 101 i'd like to ask you all a few questions"
Posted by Sophie on 07-29-02 at 04:47 PM
LOL...love ya too Femme!

You can come here and I will go to the beach with you...as long as we bring those Margaritas with us!

Asrai...you are welcome to come as well! lol...


"RE: in honor of my 101 i'd like to ask you all a few questions"
Posted by Asrai on 07-29-02 at 04:52 PM
Woohoo! I'm going to Sophies!!!!!!

"RE: in honor of my 101 i'd like to ask you all a few questions"
Posted by Sophie on 07-29-02 at 05:11 PM
Yay! I'm going to have visitors! Anyone else interested in having margaritas with us?


"RE: in honor of my 101 i'd like to ask you all a few questions"
Posted by snoocharoo on 07-29-02 at 03:54 PM
1: what's your favorite place to be?
My favorite place to be is my home with my hubby, kid and pets. If it were in a mountain valley next to a lake it would be my MOST FAVORITE PLACE EVER.

2: what's your favorite all time food?
Alaskan King Crab legs with drawn butter and lemon.

3: if you could go back in time to any decade what one would it be?
It depends on whether I'd have to stay in that decade and would I have Y2002 knowledge. If I were just me Y2002 Snooch travelling back in time I'd go waaaaaaay back to when the human race came into being. If I had to live in the decade I'd go back to the 90's.

4: if you could learn more about someone on this board other than the people you already know and talk to all the time, who would it be?

Hmmmm...Webby, Shakes, Naked.

and the last question, what was your dream job when you were growing up? - or if you're still growing up, what IS your dreamjob? - or if you want a different job than you have now and youre already grown up, what is that dreamjob... (you get the picture...)

There are so many things I still want to be: a peditrician, a botanist/herbologist, forensic biologist, environmental scientist, veterinarian. Too bad I hate school ...

"RE: in honor of my 101 i'd like to ask you all a few questions"
Posted by PagongRatEater on 07-29-02 at 04:04 PM
>1: what's your favorite place to
Vacation - specifically Walt Disney World.

>2: what's your favorite all time
Bacon cheese-burger....could explain why I had to go on a diet.

>3: if you could go back
>in time to any decade
>what one would it be?
The 50's. I'm such a traditionalist and it just seemed to be a much simpler time.
>4: if you could learn more
>about someone on this board
>other than the people you
>already know and talk to
>all the time, who would
>it be?
Bebo. She is just so cool for a rude, snotty uber-#####. Though it might be cool to find out how AyaK finds so much time for the boards AND obscure reading...

>and the last question, what was
>your dream job when you
>were growing up? - or
>if you're still growing up,
>what IS your dreamjob? -
>or if you want a
>different job than you have
>now and youre already grown
>up, what is that dreamjob...
>(you get the picture...)

Alright, this is total cheese, but you asked...POTUS. I would LOVE to be President, though I'd settle for Congress.

"RE: in honor of my 101 i'd like to ask you all a few questions"
Posted by nailbone on 07-29-02 at 04:57 PM

>Alright, this is total cheese, but
>you asked...POTUS.

Tom Clancy fan?

- This Space For Rent

Daytime, nighttime, anytime, things go better with Rock! - Def Leppard

"Congrats Bubsy, now here am I, a DAW"
Posted by Meemo on 07-29-02 at 04:16 PM
1: what's your favorite place to be?
A combination of a couple previous answers: on a boat in the Caribbean. For those of you who have been there, you'll understand. For those who have not, you've got to do it. I'm making myself homesick just thinking about it.

Second pick would be Switzerland. Like TB said, it's a gorgeous place, with friendly people.

2: what's your favorite all time food?

3: if you could go back in time to any decade what one would it be?
Probably the 90's because I would be back in high school/university and I would do so much better the second time around.

4: if you could learn more about someone on this board other than the people you already know and talk to all the time, who would it be?

Wow, tough one. I will throw out a few that immediately come to mind..... Nailbone (because I wonder just what kind of job allows him so much time online ); Bebo, because she just comes across as a fascinating and intriguing personality (); and IceCat, because he is somewhat mysterious, yet so creative.

what was your dream job when you were growing up?

I first wanted to be an archaeologist like Indiana Jones, until I realized that was just a glorified portrayal and that I would have to read lots of books and study rocks. I'd also say a PR rep for a pro sports team. I love sports, and love publicity (hence the "Half man, half amazing, all DAW" slogan).

But I gotta say that nothing tops what I'm doing right now as a minister. I don't know if any of you understand (or care to) what I mean by a "higher calling", but there is no greater sense of personal fulfillment.

Everyday is a gift you've been given, Make the most of the time, every minute you're livin'

"RE: in honor of my 101 i'd like to ask you all a few questions"
Posted by L82LIFE on 07-29-02 at 04:40 PM
1: what's your favorite place to be?
Home is my fave place to be. Hawaii is fave place to visit.

2: what's your favorite all time food?
Ice cream.

3: if you could go back in time to any decade what one would it be?
The 50's. Simple times, great music.

4: if you could learn more about someone on this board other than the people you already know and talk to all the time, who would it be?
Ayak always blows me away with his knowledge. I imagine he has some very interesting stories.

and the last question, what was your dream job when you were growing up?
Now it would be to own a bookstore. As a child, I wanted to be a film star.LOL

Congrats on the 101 posts, Bubsy!

"RE: in honor of my 101 i'd like to ask you all a few questions"
Posted by Red Lady on 07-29-02 at 05:21 PM
1: Where's your favorite place to be?
A cozy Bed & Breakfast room anywhere along the California coast, as long as I am with my *sigh* husband! Long naps, massages, jaquzzis, romantic strolls along the beach, private time with NO kids. A quiet escape from an otherwise hectic reality!

2: What's your favorite all time food?
I'm from Wisconsin and California. "It's the cheese, man!"
Please don't compare me with Amy on BB3! Extra-sharp cheddar, smelly Camembert, tangy Blue, stringy mozarella, runny brie...I just know I was a mouse in another life! My second favorite is SUSHI! Much better for the waistline, I might add!
3: If you could go back in time to any decade what one would it be?
The 70's because that was the decade I started college and met my first husband. What I wanted to do was get my G.E. from a Jr. College and then transfer to Chico State in Calif. Instead, I met my future "ex" in PoliSci the first year of J.C. and I ended up staying in L.A. because I had a *swoon* boyfriend and transferred to a local Cal State Northridge instead of fulfilling my dream to go to Chico. That one decision, was a major life choice on my part...one I would gladly go back in time and correct, if I could.

4: If you could learn more about someone on this board other than the people you already know and talk to all the time, who would it be?
Well I bummed...no one wants to get to know me better *boo hoo*
But I am really intrigued by SherpaDave. I think it's his eyes! Also, he invited posters from The Mole to come over to the Story Board competition, and from there it was an easy jump to OT. Thanks, Dave (P.S. I'm still waiting for some feedback from you on SB )
5.What was your dream job when you were growing up?
You guys aren't gonna believe this, but remember I was a child of the 50's, the era so many have wished to venture back to...
Anyway, I always wanted to be a SECREATARY when I grew up! Just like my dear ol' mom! I even majored in "Secretarial Science" in junior college! Shorthand, typing, filing, oh boy...what a goal in life! Anyway, I ended up a Vice President/Branch Manager for the 3rd largest bank in Calif, so I guess all was not lost!
- or -
What IS your dreamjob?
My soul screams: WRITE

Oh my heck, Bubsy, these were hard questions!
Red Lady

"RE: in honor of my 101 i'd like to ask you all a few questions"
Posted by northernlights on 07-29-02 at 10:57 PM
Congrats on passing 100 Bubsy and the great questions...

>1: what's your favorite place to be?

After a few weeks of camping, home sure feels good, but I'm sure if you ask me this same question after I've been home for a couple weeks, I would say camping! Had the same feeling while in the Dominican in April (gotta love those Iberostars Nailbone). It was like living in a dream but it sure was good to get back to the familiarity of home.

>2: what's your favorite all time food?

My all-time favorite comfort food - Macaroni & Cheese. Pasta is likely the one food that I would have the biggest problem giving up.

>3: if you could go back in time to any decade what one would it be?

I'm thinking that being a "grown-up" in the 60's would have been cool - after all, they were pretty cool as a kid!

>4: if you could learn more about someone on this board
>other than the people you already know and talk to all the time, who would it be?

As much as I like to play by the rules, I don't think I can narrow this down to just one person. How about a top 10 - five males & 5 females?

Leif - his posts always made me laugh and I wish he was around here more often, IceCat - such a mysterious cool cat, Sir - the feeling is mutual my young friend, Supes - actually, I'd like to talk to Mrs. Supes to find out what the man-o-steel is like IRL, Sleeeve - because I know so little about him other than all the girls dream of him, Roni - she's such a sweetie and I'd like to get to know her better, Moonie - so much fun in chat but I don't really know much about her, Java - where have you been girl, I miss you, Sheila - lots of fun to chat with and a very good shoulder to lean on, and finally, Mandy - so funny, such a babe, and so sweet too. I could go on and on (big surprize - lol) so don't think that I don't want to know more about the rest of you too, but it took me over 45 minutes just to narrow it down to 10!

>and the last question, what was your dream job when you
>were growing up?

Growing up I wanted to be a teacher like my Mom or a Mountie like her brother (my favorite uncle).

>now and youre already grown up, what is that dreamjob...

...now I just want to be retired!