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"More This or That"

Posted by Drive My Car on 07-26-02 at 01:17 PM
How about some mindless entertainment??
Had a lot of help on this one, so I bring you.....

True and Buggy's This or That List

*Spiders or Snakes

*Mayo or Miricle Whip

*Zoo or Aquarium

*Cosby or Ozzy

*Roller Coaster or Ferris Wheel

*Cheetos or Fritos

*Tattoo or Mini Me

*Grapes- Red or Green

*Twilight Zone or X Files

*Wile E Coyote or Roadrunner

*Short or Long

*Mary Kate or Ashley

*American Idol or Star Search

*Ruffles or Lays

*BBQ style or Sour Cream and Onion

*Garden Gnomes or Pink Flamingos

*Anyone remember American Gothic? ( the show, not the painting)

*Granny Panties or Thong

*Shave or Wax

*Mole or Amazing Race

*Tonya or Toni

*HBO or Showtime

*Ann Curry or Julie Chen

*Matt Lauer - old Hair or New

*Tom Cruise or Nicole Kidman

*Bob Villa or Norm Abrahms

*Has anyone seen Insomniac on Comedy Central??

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"RE: More This or That"
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 07-26-02 at 01:28 PM
Yay... a tag team effort!

*Spiders or Snakes

*Mayo or Miricle Whip

*Zoo or Aquarium

*Cosby or Ozzy

*Roller Coaster or Ferris Wheel

*Cheetos or Fritos

*Tattoo or Mini Me

*Grapes- Red or Green

*Twilight Zone or X Files

*Wile E Coyote or Roadrunner

*Short or Long uh... depends on what we are talking about!

*Mary Kate or Ashley -- gotta go with my daughter's name.

*American Idol or Star Search (must say I've never watched either)

*Ruffles or Lays

*BBQ style or Sour Cream and Onion

*Garden Gnomes or Pink Flamingos

*Anyone remember American Gothic? (the show, not the painting)

*Granny Panties or Thong

*Shave or Wax

*Mole or Amazing Race

*Tonya or Toni -- we're talking about Tonya Harding or Toni Morrison right? I'll go with Toni Morrison.

*HBO or Showtime

*Ann Curry or Julie Chen

*Matt Lauer - old Hair or New

*Tom Cruise or Nicole Kidman

*Bob Vila or Norm Abrahms -- can I put in a write-in vote for Tim Allen (Home Improvement)?

*Has anyone seen Insomniac on Comedy Central??


"RE: More This or That"
Posted by samiam on 07-26-02 at 01:38 PM
*Spiders or Snakes

Scared to death of spiders.

*Mayo or Miricle Whip

*Zoo or Aquarium

*Cosby or Ozzy

*Roller Coaster or Ferris Wheel

*Cheetos or Fritos

*Tattoo or Mini Me

*Grapes- Red or Green

frozen red grapes...mmmmm

*Twilight Zone or X Files

*Wile E Coyote or Roadrunner

*Short or Long

*Mary Kate or Ashley

I tried to choose, I really did. But number one, the thought of either of the Olsen twins gives me hives. And number two, there's a difference?

*American Idol or Star Search

Ed McMahon must die.

*Ruffles or Lays

*BBQ style or Sour Cream and Onion

Actually, I prefer plain, but if I had to eat one, it would be BBQ.

*Garden Gnomes or Pink Flamingos

*Anyone remember American Gothic? ( the show, not the painting)

Yes, I kept meaning to watch it, but never did.

*Granny Panties or Thong

*Shave or Wax

*Mole or Amazing Race

No contest. I want to have Anderson Cooper's bastard children.

*Tonya or Toni

Let's see, ho-bag or psycho? I'll go with the psycho; there's at least a chance of seeing significant bloodshed.

*HBO or Showtime

*Ann Curry or Julie Chen

Julie Chen must die.

*Matt Lauer - old Hair or New

Completely uninformed choice, as I couldn't tell you what either looks like. But the thought of "old hair"...ewwww.

*Tom Cruise or Nicole Kidman

*Bob Villa or Norm Abrahms

Being a good Southern girl, I can't go with someone whose show has "Yankee" in the title *grin*

*Has anyone seen Insomniac on Comedy Central??

There's something watchable on there besides South Park?

God used to be my co-pilot, but then we crashed in the Andes and I had to eat Him.

"RE: More This or That"
Posted by Lisapooh on 07-26-02 at 01:38 PM

True and Buggy's This or That List
Something from 2 of my favorite peeps - I'm SO in!


Miracle Whip


Ozzy - although I've never seen this show, I'm rejecting Cosby on principle. And I read a copy of the letter Sharon Osbourne wrote Cosby in the National Enquirer and it rocked!

Roller Coaster

Cheetos - not even close

Mini Me


Twilight Zone or X Files - neither (it is too an option)

Wile E Coyote - I wanna see him eat that bird just once!


Mary Kate- she's way more talented. lol

American Idol



Garden Gnomes or Pink Flamingos - both

Anyone remember American Gothic? ( the show, not the painting) - nope

Granny Panties - thongs are just uncomfortable people.


Amazing Race

Toni - psycho bimbo trumps just plain bimbo

HBO or Showtime - don't'get either

Ann Curry or Julie Chen - I have a girl crush on both of them

Matt Lauer - old Hair

Nicole Kidman

*Bob Villa or Norm Abrahms - I dunno

*Has anyone seen Insomniac on Comedy Central?? nope

Thank you, you sweet, sultry sensational goddesses!

"RE: More This or That"
Posted by Femme on 07-26-02 at 01:38 PM
True and Buggy's This or That List

Oh, I can't decide, I love ya both.

*Spiders or Snakes

*Mayo or Miricle Whip
actually, mustard... but mayo if I have to choose.

*Zoo or Aquarium
I always get sunburned at the zoo.

*Cosby or Ozzy
Don't think I need to explain

*Roller Coaster or Ferris Wheel
Is there any question?

*Cheetos or Fritos
But, only if they're the chili-cheese ones.

*Tattoo or Mini Me
Mini-me is freaky. Well, so was Tattoo, but at least he was on a gorgeous island...

*Grapes- Red or Green
Seedless, though.

*Twilight Zone or X Files
Love the old ones.

*Wile E Coyote or Roadrunner
Poor guy. (RR is a b!tch)

*Short or Long
Ummmm, does this mean what I think it means?

*Mary Kate or Ashley
Don't really care for the name Ashley (sorry Ashmo...) and since they're both the same in my eyes...

*American Idol or Star Search
I've never watched AI, but it was all about SS when I was a kid.

*Ruffles or Lays
Hate ridges.

*BBQ style or Sour Cream and Onion
They're yummy.

*Garden Gnomes or Pink Flamingos
We had these growing up... more as a joke than anything else...

*Anyone remember American Gothic? (the show, not the painting)

*Granny Panties or Thong

*Shave or Wax
We all know what you ladies do... (yor personalities are showing...)

*Mole or Amazing Race
Just cause it's on and it's in my mind...

*Tonya or Toni
I don't watch BB, but Sheila says I'm like Tonya, since I always have a drink in my hand... that IS who I'm thinking of right.

*HBO or Showtime
I have both and hate both, just hate HBO less.

*Ann Curry or Julie Chen
Can't be worse than Chen

*Matt Lauer - old Hair or New
He used to be cute.

*Tom Cruise or Nicole Kidman
Hate her voice, and she needs a better foundation

*Bob Villa or Norm Abrahms
He's a real life Al, Bob is just annoying anymore.

*Has anyone seen Insomniac on Comedy Central??
I see the previews like 6 billion times a day... does that count?

Umm, I like the little Ebug better, I think. Oh, that wasn't part of the questions?


"RE: More This or That"
Posted by Sheila on 07-26-02 at 02:38 PM
I'm like Tonya, since I always have a drink in my hand... that IS who I'm thinking of right.

ROFL!!!! AMY has a drink in her hand always! Tonya, well, I'm not gonna say anything about what might be in her hand.

must now turn the computer off and FINISH packing!

"RE: More This or That"
Posted by Red Lady on 07-26-02 at 01:55 PM
>*Spiders or Snakes: Altho both are on Red Lady's "yuck" list.
>*Mayo or Miricle Whip White turkey meat leftover from Thanksgiving dinner on white bread w/ iceberg lettuce and DO NOT add mayo! Must be Miracle Whip and none other! Try it and you'll see...
>*Zoo or Aquarium: Where else would one find Pink Flamingos?!
>*Cosby or Ozzy Cosby looses especially after negative Ozzy comments in paper.
>*Roller Coaster or Ferris Wheel My husband and I shared a private kiss on the top of a stopped Ferris Wheel at the Boardwalk in Santa Cruz...I'll never forget! (Besides, roller coaster's turn Red green!)
>*Cheetos or Fritos Cheetos leave my fingers too orange!
>*Tattoo or Mini Me Altho, Red Lady did meet Tattoo's cousin at a beach bar in Malibu year's ago...
>*Grapes- Red or Green: As long as they are seedless!
>*Twilight Zone or X Files: Rod Sterling was, and still is, ahead of his time...brilliant man...I have watched every episode many times over.
>*Wile E Coyote or Roadrunner: He needs to stop using those #!@!!* ACME products! Beep...Beep...
>*Short or Long Long, flamingo legs!
>*Mary Kate or Ashley: I prefer MaryAshley since I can never tell them apart...they are just *too* cute! Ohhh.
>*American Idol or Star Search: British Bites Big Time!
>*Ruffles or Lays: Betcha can't eat only one!
>*BBQ style or Sour Cream and
: Then breath in someone's face and watch their expression!
>*Garden Gnomes or
Red Lady always remains loyal and true.
>*Anyone remember American Gothic? ( the
>show, not the painting) I remember the ads for Am. Gothic, but prefer the painting
>*Granny Panties or Thong : At Red Lady's stage of life, she chooses comfort over style...saves the thongs for "other" times *modestly blushes*
>*Shave or Wax: We ARE getting personal here, aren't we!
*blushes a deeper shade of red*
>*Mole or Amazing Race: Only 2 episodes remain, can't wait for Mole3!
>*Tonya or Toni (Who's Toni? Another booby blonde?!)
>*HBO or Showtime: Neither, thank you I'll stick with basic cable.
>*Ann Curry or Julie Chen: Gotta love to hate her! She looks lost EVEN WITH cue cards!
>*Matt Lauer - old Hair or New:
Red Lady loves both looks..he's just plain yummy! BUT, what about Dan Rather's crew cut vs. Matt's?
>*Tom Cruise or Nicole Kidman Class act vs. Pretty Boy
>*Bob Villa or Norm Abrahms: Remember, measure twice, cut once!
>*Has anyone seen Insomniac on Comedy
>Central?? YES! *enthusiastic clapping* Such an amazingly funny half hour! I hope he comes to Red Lady's home town some evening!

This was lots of fun! *tips hat to True & Buggy*
Red Lady

"RE: More This or That"
Posted by katem on 07-26-02 at 01:59 PM
LAST EDITED ON 07-26-02 AT 02:06 PM (EST)

>*Spiders or Snakes I hate spiders.
>* Mayo or Miricle Whip. But only Best Foods.
>*Zoo or Aquarium
>*Cosby or Ozzy
>* Roller Coaster or Ferris Wheel
>*Cheetos or Fritos
>*Tattoo or Mini Me
>*Grapes- Red or Green
>*Twilight Zone or X Files
>* Wile E Coyote or Roadrunner
>*Short or Long
>*Mary Kate or Ashley. NEITHER !!!!
>* American Idol or Star Search
>* Ruffles or Lays
>*BBQ style or Sour Cream and

>*Garden Gnomes or Pink Flamingos In honor of my new friend Red Lady.
>*Anyone remember American Gothic? ( the
>show, not the painting) Yes, the Gary Cole show, produced by one of the Hardy Boys (Shaun Cassidy)
>*Granny Panties or Thong
>* Shave or Wax
>*Mole or Amazing Race. TIE !!!!
>* Tonya or Toni. I was going to say Toni, in honor of Shakes, but I just couldn't
>* HBO or Showtime. Even though Showtime has Queer as Folk.
>* Ann Curry or Julie Chen. Julie Chen is clueless.
>*Matt Lauer - old Hair
>or New
>*Tom Cruise or Nicole Kidman
>* Bob Villa or Norm Abrahms
>*Has anyone seen Insomniac on Comedy

NO !!!!

2002 IceCat Originals, Inc. All rights reserved.

"RE: More This or That"
Posted by Red Lady on 07-26-02 at 06:19 PM
"*Garden Gnomes or Pink Flamingos In honor of my new friend Red Lady."

I am truly honored, Katem! Thx
Kindest Regards,
Red Lady!

"RE: More This or That"
Posted by Asrai on 07-26-02 at 02:16 PM
LAST EDITED ON 07-29-02 AT 02:44 PM (EST)

Well, it's about damn time we had another one of these!

*Spiders or Snakes - Dad had them when I was younger.

*Mayo or Miricle Whip - Ewww, not "Miracle Sh!t"

*Zoo or Aquarium - anything with water is better!

*Cosby or Ozzy - He's a riot!

*Roller Coaster or Ferris Wheel - I'm a roller coaster freak!

*Cheetos or Fritos - It ain't easy being cheesey!

*Tattoo or Mini Me - He had a lot more personality, although my oldest daughter has earned the nick name of mini me 'cuz she looks axactly as me when I was her age! Poor kid!

*Grapes- Red or Green

*Twilight Zone or X Files - So much scarier!

*Wile E Coyote or Roadrunner

*Short or Long - It's gotta be long, baby! Oh you don't mean that way....ummm!

*Mary Kate or Ashley - The tomboy always rules!!!

*American Idol or Star Search - the original

*Ruffles or Lays - Yummy!

*BBQ style or Sour Cream and Onion - I prefer plain, but BBQ is a close second!

*Garden Gnomes or Pink Flamingos - some peeps had their yard full of these things at Christmas. Too funny!

*Anyone remember American Gothic? ( the show, not the painting) - No!

*Granny Panties or Thong - Umm, neither!

*Shave or Wax

*Mole or Amazing Race - The mole 'cuz it's so sneaky smart, but I love an all out race. So, I choose both.

*Tonya or Toni - No clue here! Sorry

*HBO or Showtime - because I have it and not Showtime.

*Ann Curry or Julie Chen

*Matt Lauer - old Hair or New - but really...who cares?!

*Tom Cruise or Nicole Kidman - Nicole is a b!tch!

*Bob Villa or Norm Abrahms - Can we just kill Bob Villa off the show??? Edited 'cuz AnotherKim made me drool when she mentioned Ty Pennington! Yummy!

*Has anyone seen Insomniac on Comedy Central?? No!

"RE: More This or That"
Posted by true on 07-26-02 at 02:19 PM
OH! I want to play!

Pooh, the cheeto question was for you! PVL!!!

*Spiders or Snakes

if I *had* to choose, spiders are easier to stomp on.

*Mayo or Miricle Whip

I can't decide, they both have their uses.

*Zoo or Aquarium

the zoo is too hot.

*Cosby or Ozzy

Cosby is too full of himself.

*Roller Coaster or Ferris Wheel


*Cheetos or Fritos

cheetos for snacking, fritos for dipping

*Tattoo or Mini Me

De Plane De Plane... I dunno, I never saw Austin Powers.

*Grapes- Red or Green

not that I really have a preference

*Twilight Zone or X Files

Neither! I can't stand anything even remotely like either of these.

*Wile E Coyote or Roadrunner

Always root for the underdog.

*Short or Long


*Mary Kate or Ashley

Umm, who thought up this dumb question?

*American Idol or Star Search

Go Kelli! Simon ROCKS! hehehe

*Ruffles or Lays

Wavy Lays

*BBQ style or Sour Cream and Onion


*Garden Gnomes or Pink Flamingos

but I loved The Full Monty, so it's a close one.

*Anyone remember American Gothic? ( the show, not the painting)

Was that the Shaun Cassidy thing?

*Granny Panties or Thong

for the sensible reason Pooh mentioned.

*Shave or Wax


*Mole or Amazing Race

Sami, you'll have to get in line for Anderson. *wink*

*Tonya or Toni

Psycho Ho wins!

*HBO or Showtime

Dunno, don't get either.

*Ann Curry or Julie Chen

Chen is just plain awful.

*Matt Lauer - old Hair or New

while old hair sounds creepy, he now looks like a fool.

*Tom Cruise or Nicole Kidman

DUH! What a weenie.

*Bob Villa or Norm Abrahms

Bob's a crook!

*Has anyone seen Insomniac on Comedy Central??

I'm sure someone has, just not me.


"RE: More This or That"
Posted by sticks on 07-26-02 at 02:20 PM
Spiders or Snakes
>*Mayo or Miricle Whip
>*Zoo or Aquarium
>*Cosby or Ozzy
>*Roller Coaster or Ferris Wheel
>*Cheetos or Fritos
>*Tattoo or Mini Me
>*Grapes- Red or Green
>*Twilight Zone or X Files NEITHER!
>*Wile E Coyote or Roadrunner
>*Short or Long
>*Mary Kate or Ashley BOTH!
>*American Idol or Star Search
>*Ruffles or Lays
>*BBQ style or Sour Cream and

>*Garden Gnomes or Pink Flamingos NEITHER!
>*Anyone remember American Gothic? ( the
>show, not the painting)
>*Granny Panties or Thong
>*Shave or Wax
>*Mole or Amazing Race NEITHER!
>*Tonya or Toni
>*HBO or Showtime
>*Ann Curry or Julie Chen DON'T KNOW WHO THEY ARE
>*Matt Lauer - old Hair
>or New
*Tom Cruise or Nicole Kidman
>*Bob Villa or Norm Abrahms WHO?
>*Has anyone seen Insomniac on Comedy

"RE: More This or That"
Posted by SkyRaider on 07-26-02 at 02:35 PM

I'm always attracted to anything that has both "mindless entertainment" and "Drive My Car" in the same subject. Sort of like getting a double header movie at the drive-in.

*Spiders or Snakes- Snakes. Spiders are sneaky AND little.

*Mayo - the other tastes like, well, what I imagine something else would taste like.

*Aquarium - Why walk around and watch monkeys throw crap at each other when you can sit in a nice dark room and watch the fish swim by?

*Cosby or Ozzy- This is no choice. One is an idiot has-been and the other is just a has-been.

* Ferris Wheel- I like my rides like my women - nice and easy.

*Cheetos- Licking the orange off my fingers saves washes my hands and conserves water.

*Mini Me- That Tattoo annoyed me so much that I stood up and cheered when I read that the little runt blew his brains out in his backyard.

*Grapes- Red or Green- Purple.....Purple is grape color, plain and simple, anything else is yuppie.

*Twilight Zone- Who the hell is David Duchony? And why?

*Wile E Coyote- Can't stand that annoying BEEP BEEP! of the stupid bird.

*Short or Long- Long inhales on a short joint.

*Mary Kate or Ashley - Double your pleasure, double your fun. Why choose?

*American Idol- Anything without Ed McMahan is a blessing.

*Lays - Ruffles ruffles the roof of my mouth.

*BBQ style- Sour cream/Onion tastes like my old socks smell.

*Pink Flamingos - See Tattoo above. I'm sick of seeing those gnomes in every yard.....bseball bat time!

*Anyone remember American Gothic? ( the show, not the painting)- Nope

*Granny Panties- Those thongs don't let the boys hang just right, ya know? Oh! You mean for women to wear and men to see? Still - Granny Panties.

*Shave or Wax- I shave my face, but often think of waxing my moustache into an Oily Pete number.

*Mole or Amazing Race---Tough choice....TAR.

*Tonya or Toni- Toni who? Tonya who? Big TaTa Tonya on BB3? No fake shakes for me, thanks!

*HBO or Showtime- Starz

*Ann Curry or Julie Chen-That's like picking camel toes or camel toes.....no choice here!

*Matt Lauer - old Hair or New- Since I'm in his predicament hairwise, and wear the same as his new one and have for a couple of years.....new.

*Tom Cruise or Nicole Kidman- Mmm...they're both delicious looking.....I think he'd be easier than she, if you know what I mean.

*Bob Villa or Norm Abrahms---Martha Stewart...every man's fantasy...a woman who can actually cook, clean and do thigns around the house, instead of complain about the man not doing it.

*Has anyone seen Insomniac on Comedy Central??- Nope.

"RE: More This or That"
Posted by Meemo on 07-26-02 at 02:47 PM
True and Buggy's This or That List

*Spiders or Snakes

*Mayo or Miricle Whip

*Zoo or Aquarium

*Cosby or Ozzy

*Roller Coaster or Ferris Wheel

*Cheetos or Fritos or how 'bout Doritos? Yummy!

*Tattoo or Mini Me

*Grapes- Red or Green

*Twilight Zone or X Files

*Wile E Coyote or Roadrunner

*Short or Long

*Mary Kate or Ashley ...I just find Mary Kate to be too tempermental

*American Idol or Star Search

*Ruffles or Lays

*BBQ style or Sour Cream and Onion Hands down.....ironically though, I can't stand Sour Cream in it's natural form

*Garden Gnomes or Pink Flamingos ....they remind me of the Bahamas

*Anyone remember American Gothic? ( the show, not the painting)

*Granny Panties or Thong ...although I prefer to wear boxers or boxer-briefs

*Shave or Wax ...I shave every day

*Mole or Amazing Race

*Tonya or Toni

*HBO or Showtime Does the CRTC know about this question?

*Ann Curry or Julie Chen

*Matt Lauer - old Hair or New

*Tom Cruise or Nicole Kidman

*Bob Villa or Norm Abrahms

*Has anyone seen Insomniac on Comedy Central??
not that I can recall....

Thanks you guys! Great list. I'm exhausted now.

Half man, half amazing, all DAW

"RE: More This or That"
Posted by Asrai on 07-27-02 at 02:52 PM
>>*Granny Panties or Thong ...although I prefer to wear boxers or boxer-briefs*<<

Now, this is a visual that brings a smile to my face!!! Thanks!

"RE: More This or That"
Posted by smiley on 07-26-02 at 03:07 PM
*Spiders or Snakes....snakes

*Mayo or Miricle Whip....miricle whip any day

*Zoo or Aquarium...aquarium

*Cosby or Ozzy....neither one

*Roller Coaster or Ferris Wheel...my stomach likes ferris wheels better

*Cheetos or Fritos....fritos but cheezels are way better

*Tattoo or Mini Me....mini me is cuter

*Grapes- Red or Green...green and seedless

*Twilight Zone or X Files....x-files

*Wile E Coyote or Roadrunner....meep meep

*Short or Long....long

*Mary Kate or Ashley....do i have to choose?

*American Idol or Star Search....american idol...go justin!

*Ruffles or Lays....lays sounds so much better

*BBQ style or Sour Cream and Onion....BBQ

*Garden Gnomes or Pink Flamingos...pink flamingos (also the title of a horrendous film)

*Anyone remember American Gothic? ( the show, not the painting) nope

*Granny Panties or Thong...for comfort grannie and for look thong *L*

*Shave or Wax...i cant stand the pain *L*

*Mole or Amazing Race...amazing race rocks

*Tonya or Toni...who are you referring to?

*HBO or Showtime...i dont get either

*Ann Curry or Julie Chen...who are these people?

*Matt Lauer - old Hair or New...new i think

*Tom Cruise or Nicole Kidman...well nicole is an aussie!

*Bob Villa or Norm Abrahms..not familiar with these guys either

*Has anyone seen Insomniac on Comedy Central??...nope

"RE: More This or That"
Posted by northernlights on 07-26-02 at 03:30 PM
>How about some mindless entertainment??

Woohoo - my favorite kind! No brain cramps involved!

>*Spiders or Snakes - I am TERRIFIED of snakes!!!!!!!
>*Mayo or Miricle Whip
>*Zoo or Aquarium
>*Cosby or Ozzy
>*Roller Coaster or Ferris Wheel - Actually like roller coasters better but my neck won't allow me to ride them anymore!
>*Cheetos or Fritos
>*Tattoo or Mini Me
>*Grapes- Red or Green
>*Twilight Zone or X Files
>*Wile E Coyote or Roadrunner
>*Short or Long - We are talking about hair, right?
>*Mary Kate or Ashley - let me call my neice and I'll get back to you.
>*American Idol or Star Search
>*Ruffles or Lays
>*BBQ style or Sour Cream and

>*Garden Gnomes or Pink Flamingos
>*Anyone remember American Gothic? ( the
>show, not the painting) nope
>*Granny Panties or Thong - if these are the only two options, commando!
>*Shave or Wax
>*Mole or Amazing Race
>*Tonya or Toni - more entertainment value.
>*HBO or Showtime
>*Ann Curry or Julie Chen - who's Ann Curry?
>*Matt Lauer - old Hair or New - I dunno - can't remember the old and haven't seen the new...
>*Tom Cruise or Nicole Kidman
>*Bob Villa or Norm Abrahms
>*Has anyone seen Insomniac on Comedy
>Central?? nope

Thanks Buggy & True - just what I needed to finish off the week at work! Have a great (and safe) weekend everyone!

"RE: More This or That"
Posted by moonbaby on 07-26-02 at 03:44 PM
How about some mindless entertainment??

Had a lot of help on this one, so I bring you.....
True and Buggy's This or That List

*Spiders or Snakes-*shudder* neither! But ok spiders squish easier.

*Mayo or Miricle Whip-mayo

*Zoo or Aquarium-zoos make me sad. Aquarium but only if I skip the marine mammals section.

*Cosby or Ozzy-Ozzman

*Roller Coaster or Ferris Wheel-Roller Coaster! Wheeee!

*Cheetos or Fritos-Cheetos! Fritos smell like dog paws.

*Tattoo or Mini Me-Mini Me

*Grapes- Red or Green-Red

*Twilight Zone or X Files-X Files. Get the flashlight Scully!

*Wile E Coyote or Roadrunner-Wile

*Short or Long-hmmmm.....hee hee hee...in regards to what?

*Mary Kate or Ashley-ick ick ick!

*American Idol or Star Search-American Idol? Don't know it.

*Ruffles or Lays-Rrrruffles!

*BBQ style or Sour Cream and Onion-Ew to both. Original plain ol' potato chip. What's that green stuff on them sometimes anyway, you know, that color around the edges? Soylent green?

*Garden Gnomes or Pink Flamingos-both and a fountain with blue water and big colored spot lights

*Anyone remember American Gothic? ( the show, not the painting)nope. But I don't remember much

*Granny Panties or Thong-Big giant underwear from PeeWee's Playhouse!

*Shave or Wax-depends on where.

*Mole or Amazing Race-Kevin!

*Tonya or Toni-?

*HBO or Showtime-HBO. Sopranos, SATC.

*Ann Curry or Julie Chen-?

*Matt Lauer - old Hair or New- He's a cutie no matter what.

*Tom Cruise or Nicole Kidman-Tom Cruise but he kinda scares me with that sharky smile.

*Bob Villa or Norm Abrahms-NORM! Low key reliable Norm.

*Has anyone seen Insomniac on Comedy Central?? I can't stay awake long enough to watch it

Thanks ladies!

"RE: More This or That"
Posted by FesterFan1 on 07-26-02 at 03:46 PM
LAST EDITED ON 07-26-02 AT 03:48 PM (EST)

True and Buggy's This or That List

*Spiders or Snakes

I'm a leg man.

*Mayo or Miricle Whip (and none of this "Lite" stuff either)

Miracle Whip is the work of the devil. If I can't have an all-natural heart attack, then the terrorists win.

*Zoo or Aquarium

Two words: Monkey House

*Cosby or Ozzy

Both overexposed, but I prefer bats to sweaters.

*Roller Coaster or Ferris Wheel

Is this a veiled sex question?...just asking.

*Cheetos or Fritos

Mmmmm....faux cheese dust

*Tattoo or Mini Me

Gotta go bald here.

*Grapes- Red or Green

Tough choice. It's hard to find *really* good red grapes, but when you do, whoa boy!

*Twilight Zone or X Files

Golden Earring rocks! Oh, you meant the show...well that was cool too.

*Wile E Coyote or Roadrunner

Gotta admire a guy who just won't quit.

*Short or Long

C'mon, Short needs all the support it can get.

*Mary Kate or Ashley

That Ashley is just holding Mary Kate back.

*American Idol or Star Search

Rosie O'Donnell with a mullet...now that's entertainment!

*Ruffles or Lays

Heh, heh, she said "lays", heh, heh.

*BBQ style or Sour Cream and

Plain or nothing. If I want dip, I'll get real dip.

*Garden Gnomes or Pink Flamingos

"Nothing says welcome to my home like a 3' dwarf in the hedges."

*Anyone remember American Gothic? ( the show, not the painting)

No, but I remember the kids who used to hang out at the mall with their Cure t-shirts and more mascara than Madonna on meth-amphetamines. Does that count?

*Granny Panties or Thong

As long as *I* don't have to wear them.

*Shave or Wax

No contest.

*Mole or Amazing Race

Hmmm...Amazing Race is the better show, but Anderson is MUCH cooler than Phil.

*Tonya or Toni

I've got a soft spot for trailer-trash.

*HBO or Showtime

That "Not Necessarily the News" show is much better than "The Bizarre Show".

*Ann Curry or Julie Chen

Which one is the Asian one again?

*Matt Lauer - old Hair or New

This would infer that A) I watch the Today Show and B) that I'm awake enough in the morning to notice someone's hair cut. Neither are true.

*Tom Cruise or Nicole Kidman

Tom Cruise is a moron.

*Bob Villa or Norm Abrahms

What can I say, I'm old skool like dat.

*Has anyone seen Insomniac on Comedy Central??

Yes, and having suffered from insomnia I can tell you it's nothing like the show.


"RE: More This or That"
Posted by s_man on 07-26-02 at 03:52 PM
Thanks for the entertainment. Some hard choices, some easy ones:

*Spiders or Snakes

*Mayo or Miricle Whip

*Zoo or Aquarium
-Aquarium (if it is a good interactive one)

*Cosby or Ozzy
-Cosby (havn't seen Ozzy and don't want to)

*Roller Coaster or Ferris Wheel
-Roller Coaster

*Cheetos or Fritos

*Tattoo or Mini Me
-Mini Me

*Grapes- Red or Green
-Red (does it MATTER??)

*Twilight Zone or X Files
-Twilight Zone

*Wile E Coyote or Roadrunner
-The Coyote

*Short or Long
-Long (although I'm not sure of your motives here)

*Mary Kate or Ashley
-Now that they're 16 (I think) - BOTH (j/k)

*American Idol or Star Search

*Ruffles or Lays

*BBQ style or Sour Cream and Onion

*Garden Gnomes or Pink Flamingos
-Flamingos - their delicoius

*Anyone remember American Gothic? ( the show, not the painting)

*Granny Panties or Thong
-Let me see that THONG, that THONG, TH-TH-TH-TH-THONG

*Shave or Wax
-If I get to help - shave

*Mole or Amazing Race

*Tonya or Toni
-Tonya (sorry Shakes, but I didn't watch but 1 or 2 Eps of LC)

*HBO or Showtime

*Ann Curry or Julie Chen
-None of the above

*Matt Lauer - old Hair or New
-no preference

*Tom Cruise or Nicole Kidman
-Nicole (see shave or wax - above)

*Bob Villa or Norm Abrahms
-Bob, I guess

*Has anyone seen Insomniac on Comedy Central??
-No, should I??

"RE: More This or That"
Posted by Red Lady on 07-26-02 at 06:41 PM
LAST EDITED ON 07-26-02 AT 06:43 PM (EST)

>*Garden Gnomes or Pink Flamingos
>-"Flamingos - their delicoius"

May a flock of flying flamingos with flaming diarrhea release flagrantly all over your body...

(j/k btw)
P.S. grammar police: they're as in "they are" and not their as in: Their posture is impeccable. Delicious, I assume, is a simple typo....
Please don't hate me now for pointing this out...you ruffled my feathers!

"RE: More This or That"
Posted by nailbone on 07-26-02 at 03:58 PM
> True and Buggy's This or
>That List

Fun list, y'all!!

>*Spiders or Snakes
>*Mayo or Miracle Whip
>*Zoo or Aquarium
>*Cosby or Ozzy - I know it's not fashionable to like the Cos but I think he's funny. But so is Ozzy, PLUS I like his music
>*Roller Coaster or Ferris Wheel - esp. the Rock'n Roller Coaster at Universal Florida
>*Cheetos or Fritos
>*Tattoo or Mini Me
>*Grapes- Red or Green

>*Twilight Zone or X Files
>*Wile E Coyote or Roadrunner - one of my fave cartoons!! Roadrunner kisk ass!!
>*Short or Long - don't know for sure about this one, but...
>*Mary Kate or Ashley - can't tell a difference
>*American Idol or Star Search - Isn't Ed dead already?
>*Ruffles or Lays - henh henh henh...they said 'lay'...henh henh henh
>*BBQ style or Sour Cream and

>*Garden Gnomes or Pink Flamingos
>*Anyone remember American Gothic? ( the
>show, not the painting) Yep. great show!! For a Hardy Boy, and the pop singer brother of a Partridge, Shaun Cassidy is one warped SOB!!
>*Granny Panties or Thong - I prefer bikini...although not on me...;)
>*Shave or Wax
>*Mole or Amazing Race
>*Tonya or Toni
>*HBO or Showtime
>*Ann Curry or Julie Chen
>*Matt Lauer - old Hair
>or New - LOL at Sami's reaction to "old hair"!!
>*Tom Cruise or Nicole Kidman
>*Bob Vila or Norm Abrahms
>*Has anyone seen Insomniac on Comedy
I've seen the commercials, but not the show.

- This Space For Rent

Daytime, nighttime, anytime, things go better with Rock! - Def Leppard

"RE: More This or That"
Posted by PackMan on 07-26-02 at 03:59 PM
>*Spiders or Snakes - Just like Indiana Jones, I can't stand snakes.
>*Mayo or Miricle Whip
>*Zoo or Aquarium
>*Cosby or Ozzy -I use his material on my kids all the time.
>*Roller Coaster or Ferris Wheel
>*Cheetos or Fritos
>*Tattoo or Mini Me
>*Grapes- Red or Green - Just like M&Ms
>*Twilight Zone or X Files
>*Wile E Coyote or Roadrunner
>*Short or Long
>*Mary Kate or Ashley - Can't tell 'em apart
>*American Idol or Star Search
>*Ruffles or Lays - if I have to choose...but I would ratehr have Utz
>*BBQ style or Sour Cream and

>*Garden Gnomes or Pink Flamingos
>*Anyone remember American Gothic? ( the
>show, not the painting)
>*Granny Panties or Thong
>*Shave or Wax - I won't ask my DW to do anything I wouldn't do
>*Mole or Amazing Race Bring back the Festers!
>*Tonya or Toni - ???
>*HBO or Showtime
>*Ann Curry or Julie Chen
>*Matt Lauer - old Hair
>or New
>*Tom Cruise or Nicole Kidman - I wish they would both just go away
>*Bob Villa or Norm Abrahms
>*Has anyone seen Insomniac on Comedy

Great way to end the week, Buggy and True. Hope everyone has a great weekend.


"When the only tool you own is a hammer, all problems begin to resemble a nail." - Abraham Maslow

"RE: More This or That"
Posted by L82LIFE on 07-26-02 at 04:04 PM
True and Buggy's This or That List

*Spiders or Snakes
Both are horrid, but spiders are smaller.

*Mayo or Miricle Whip

*Zoo or Aquarium

*Cosby or Ozzy
The prince of f-in' darkness.

*Roller Coaster or Ferris Wheel
I'm too much of a wimp for roller coasters these days.

*Cheetos or Fritos

*Tattoo or Mini Me

*Grapes- Red or Green

*Twilight Zone or X Files

*Wile E Coyote or Roadrunner

*Short or Long
Oh My!

*Mary Kate or Ashley - neither

*American Idol or Star Search

*Ruffles or Lays

*BBQ style or Sour Cream and Onion

*Garden Gnomes or Pink Flamingos

*Anyone remember American Gothic? ( the show, not the painting)
Shaun Cassidy *swoon*

*Granny Panties or Thong

*Shave or Wax
Allthough, I've been thinking about switching lately.

*Mole or Amazing Race

*Tonya or Toni
More entertainment value.

*HBO or Showtime
Inside the NFL makes HBO the winner

*Ann Curry or Julie Chen

*Matt Lauer - old Hair or New
The new 'do just isn't right!

*Tom Cruise or Nicole Kidman
Old crushes die hard.

*Bob Villa or Norm Abrahms

*Has anyone seen Insomniac on Comedy Central??
Nope-is it good?

Thanks for the fun, Buggy and True.

"RE: More This or That"
Posted by LadyT on 07-26-02 at 06:28 PM
Granny panties or thongs???
I heard a rumor that you make your granny panties into a thoung *grin*

Lady T-mean Uber b!tch

"RE: More This or That"
Posted by Mon Cherie on 07-26-02 at 07:22 PM




Roller Coaster


Mini Me

Grapes- Red

Twilight Zone



*Mary Kate or Ashley -aren't they the same person?

Star Search


Sour Cream and Onion

Garden Gnomes

*Anyone remember American Gothic? ( the show, not the painting)Yes



Amazing Race



Ann Curry

Matt Lauer - old Hair

Nicole Kidman

Norm Abrahms

*Has anyone seen Insomniac on Comedy Central??


When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us.~ Helen Keller

"RE: More This or That"
Posted by Sophie on 07-26-02 at 09:06 PM
>How about some mindless entertainment??
>Had a lot of help on
>this one, so I bring
> True and Buggy's This or
>That List

>*Spiders or SNAKES
>*MAYO or Miricle Whip
>*COSBY or Ozzy
>*ROLLER COASTER or Ferris Wheel
>*Cheetos or FRITOS
>*TATTOO or Mini Me
>*Grapes- Red or GREEN
>*WILE E COYOTE or Roadrunner
>*Short or LONG?
>*Mary Kate or ASHLEY
>*American Idol or STAR SEARCH
>*Ruffles or LAYS
>*BBQ STYLE or Sour Cream and
>*GARDEN GNOMES or Pink Flamingos
>*Anyone remember American Gothic? ( the
>show, not the painting) NO
>*Granny Panties or THONG
>*SHAVE or Wax
>*TONYA or Toni
>*HBO or Showtime
>*Ann Curry or JULIE CHEN
>*Matt Lauer - old Hair
>*Tom Cruise or NICOLE KIDMAN
>*BOB VILLA or Norm Abrahms
>*Has anyone seen Insomniac on Comedy


"RE: More This or That"
Posted by Crimsyn on 07-26-02 at 09:29 PM
*Spiders or Snakes

*Mayo or Miricle Whip
-Miricle Whip

*Zoo or Aquarium

*Cosby or Ozzy

*Roller Coaster or Ferris Wheel
-Roller Coaster

*Cheetos or Fritos

*Tattoo or Mini Me
-Mini Me

*Grapes- Red or Green

*Twilight Zone or X Files

*Wile E Coyote or Roadrunner
-Roadrunner (only because I used to work for them)

*Short or Long

*Mary Kate or Ashley

*American Idol or Star Search
-Star Search

*Ruffles or Lays

*BBQ style or Sour Cream and Onion
-Sour Cream and Onion

*Garden Gnomes or Pink Flamingos
-Garden Gnomes

*Anyone remember American Gothic? ( the show, not the painting)

*Granny Panties or Thong
-Granny Panties

*Shave or Wax

*Mole or Amazing Race
-Amazing Race

*Tonya or Toni

*HBO or Showtime

*Ann Curry or Julie Chen
-Ann Curry

*Matt Lauer - old Hair or New

*Tom Cruise or Nicole Kidman
-Tom Cruise

*Bob Villa or Norm Abrahms
-Norm Abrahms

*Has anyone seen Insomniac on Comedy Central??
-Yes, Dave Attell is hilarious.

Dance your cares away...

"RE: More This or That"
Posted by Swami on 07-26-02 at 11:20 PM
*Spiders or Snakes
---snakes are more interesting to watch

*Mayo or Miricle Whip
---Miracle Whip

*Zoo or Aquarium
---Aquarium. I love fish and bought my first aquarium when I was 12.

*Cosby or Ozzy

*Roller Coaster or Ferris Wheel
---me before age 30, RC; after age 30, Ferris Wheel

*Cheetos or Fritos
---Chili Cheese Fritos, please

*Tattoo or Mini Me
---Tattoo was more interesting and he could introduce me to Ricardo Montalban

*Grapes- Red or Green

*Twilight Zone or X Files
---early X Files, with Fox Mulder when he and Scully were hot

*Wile E Coyote or Roadrunner
---Coyote, I feel his pain

*Short or Long
Long hair, long walks, long talks, long massages, long schlongs - oops, TMI!

*Mary Kate or Ashley
---who cares

*American Idol or Star Search
---The one without Ed Mcmahon, who is a spawn of Satan

*Ruffles or Lays
---Cheddar Cheese Ruffles

*BBQ style or Sour Cream and Onion

*Garden Gnomes or Pink Flamingos
---Pink Flamingos because they are way classier, and I fear flying flamingos flinging filthy, fragrant droppings or whatever the heck it was Red Lady threatened.

*Anyone remember American Gothic? ( the show, not the painting)

*Granny Panties or Thong
---Go commando, especially on a first date. It gives you a nice sort of secret & seductive edginess without even trying.

*Shave or Wax
---Shave, just like Asrai does (Are you one of us yet, Buggy?)

*Mole or Amazing Race

*Tonya or Toni
---Don't like BB Tonya, never watched Love Cruise, but Tonya Harding could whip both their asses, out-b!tch them with her lips stapled shut, and do a triple lutz afterwards!

*HBO or Showtime
---don't watch

*Ann Curry or Julie Chen
---Ann Curry, whoever she is...

*Matt Lauer - old Hair or New

*Tom Cruise or Nicole Kidman

*Bob Villa or Norm Abrahms

*Has anyone seen Insomniac on Comedy Central??

Thanks, Buggy and True, I feel really mindless now.


"RE: More This or That"
Posted by anotherkim on 07-27-02 at 01:22 AM
>*Spiders or Snakes sooo much scarier
>* Mayo or Miricle Whip MW is disgusting. Period.
>*Zoo or AquariumA/C--need I say more?
>*Cosby or Ozzy as long as he isn't "singing"
>*Roller Coaster or Ferris Wheel If I am going to be up that high, I want it to be over quickly.
>*Cheetos or Fritos (unless they are chili cheese
>*Tattoo or Mini Me Can't go here for either one.
>*Grapes- Red or Green
>*Twilight Zone or X Files Hate 'em both
>*Wile E Coyote or Roadrunner
>*Short or Long
>*Mary Kate or Ashley ICK

>*American Idol or Star Search
>*Ruffles or Lays
>*BBQ style or Sour Cream and
>*Garden Gnomes or Pink Flamingos. Gnomes, like Tatoo or Mini Me, creep me out.
>*Anyone remember American Gothic? (the
>show, not the painting) Never watched it, but I remember the ads--wasn't Shaun Cassidy involved?
>*Granny Panties or Thong
>* Shave or Wax TMI, I think.
>*Mole or Amazing Race
>*Tonya or Toni Who????
>* HBOor Showtime
>*Ann Curry or Julie Chen Both irritate the hell our of me.
>*Matt Lauer - old Hair
>or New New one is soooo bad.
>*Tom Cruise or Nicole Kidman He is too snarky these days.
>*Bob Villa or Norm Abrahms Ty Pennington
>*Has anyone seen Insomniac on Comedy
>Central?? Nope

Just because I have standards, they call me a b*tch. Diana Ross

"RE: More This or That"
Posted by Asrai on 07-29-02 at 02:37 PM
Oh, how could I ever forget Ty?! Hey, I wanna chage my vote! Thank you Kim, for giving me an ultra yummy vision to get ne through the day!

Posted by moonbaby on 07-29-02 at 02:40 PM
Is he the hunky guy on that Trading Spaces show? Woo woo, I'd change my vote too!

"RE: More This or That"
Posted by Teddy_Bear on 07-28-02 at 05:18 AM
> about some mindless entertainment?? Had a lot of help on this one, so I bring you.....

> True and Buggy's This or That List

>*Spiders or Snakes

>Mayo or Miricle Whip

>Zoo or Aquarium

>*Cosby or Ozzy

>*Roller Coaster or Ferris Wheel

>*Cheetos or Fritos

>*Tattoo or Mini Me

>*Grapes- Red or Green

>*Twilight Zone--the B&W one or X Files

>*Wile E Coyote or Roadrunner

>*Short or Long--I just loooove lots of hair on guys--on their heads, so I can run my fingers throught it. OOOPS--OverShare *blush*

>*Mary-Kate-Ashley *grin*

>*American Idol or Star Search--the original, only

>*Ruffles or Lays

>*BBQ style or Sour Cream and

>*Garden Gnomes--makes me think of "The MOLE" or Pink Flamingos

>*Anyone remember American Gothic? ( the
>show, not the painting)

>*Granny Panties--actually, *I* prefer lace or Thong

>*Shave or Wax

>*Mole--YAHOO!!!! Gotta love that fun house *grin* or Amazing Race

>*Tonya or bugeyed Toni

>*HBO or Showtime

>*Ann Curry--who? or Julie Chen

>*Matt Lauer - old Hair
>or New

>*Tom Cruise or Nicole Kidman--Tom is such a bore

>*Bob Villa or Norm Abrahms who?

>*Has anyone seen Insomniac on Comedy
NO--wish I subscribed.

It is not necessary to accept everything as true, one must only accept it as necessary.

Light a Virtual Candle
Eleanor Roosevelt: No one can make YOU feel inferior without YOUR consent!

"RE: More This or That"
Posted by Bebo on 07-29-02 at 07:42 AM
True and Buggy's This or That List

*Spiders or Snakes

*Mayo or Miricle Whip

*Zoo or Aquarium - both

*Cosby or Ozzy

*Roller Coaster or Ferris Wheel - neither, hate heights - give me a ride that goes fast but doesn't have big drops, and I'm happy. I like tamer roller coasters, like Space Mountain.

*Cheetos or Fritos

*Tattoo or Mini Me

*Grapes- Red or Green

*Twilight Zone or X Files - neither, really - used to watch X-Files a while back, though

*Wile E Coyote or Roadrunner

*Short or Long

*Mary Kate or Ashley - duh, neither

*American Idol or Star Search - American Idol's on at the same time as The Mole

*Ruffles or Lays - better for dipping

*BBQ style or Sour Cream and Onion

*Garden Gnomes or Pink Flamingos - I had a company flamingo my sister's yard for her 40th birthday.

*Anyone remember American Gothic? ( the show, not the painting)- heard of it, didn't watch it

*Granny Panties or Thong - neither

*Shave or Wax

*Mole or Amazing Race - BOTH!

*Tonya or Toni

*HBO or Showtime - don't get either, would rather have HBO

*Ann Curry or Julie Chen

*Matt Lauer - old Hair or New

*Tom Cruise or Nicole Kidman

*Bob Villa or Norm Abrahms

*Has anyone seen Insomniac on Comedy Central?? - No

This little light of mine...I'm gonna let it shine!

"RE: More This or That"
Posted by RudyRules on 07-29-02 at 12:58 PM
LAST EDITED ON 07-29-02 AT 01:04 PM (EST)

*Spiders or Snakes

*Mayo or Miricle Whip
M. Whip

*Zoo or Aquarium

*Cosby or Ozzy

*Roller Coaster or Ferris Wheel
R. Coaster

*Cheetos or Fritos
Neither, plain p. Chips for RR.

*Tattoo or Mini Me

*Grapes- Red or Green
Definitely Red!

*Twilight Zone or X Files
T. Zone

*Wile E Coyote or Roadrunner

*Short or Long

*Mary Kate or Ashley
eeny meeny miiny moe...

*American Idol or Star Search
SS (My dog insisted on anything with the initials SS)

*Ruffles or Lays
NOW we're talking! Lays

*BBQ style or Sour Cream and Onion

*Garden Gnomes or Pink Flamingos
Gnomes (just watch out when they come out to play at night - shameless plug for the SSC2 poem - "The Boy in the Bed")

*Anyone remember American Gothic? ( the show, not the painting)

*Granny Panties or Thong

*Shave or Wax

*Mole or Amazing Race
You mean there's another show besides Survivor??
OK, I pick...A. Race

*Tonya or Toni
Toni, You go Bug eyed crazy girl!

*HBO or Showtime
Don't get either one

*Ann Curry or Julie Chen
J. Chen

*Matt Lauer - old Hair or New
Don't really care

*Tom Cruise or Nicole Kidman

*Bob Villa or Norm Abrahms
Bob V.

*Has anyone seen Insomniac on Comedy Central??

"Them people had to be pretty dumb to make their camp in a riverbed." - Rudy Boesch

"RE: More This or That"
Posted by snoocharoo on 07-29-02 at 04:54 PM
True and Buggy's This or That List

*Spiders or Snakes
I like both spiders and snakes and had them as pets when I was a child.

*Mayo or Miricle Whip
Hellman's and only Hellman's

*Zoo or Aquarium
At the Zoo.....

*Cosby or Ozzy
Ozzy, even though I can't <bleeep> understand a <bleeep> Word he <bleep) says.

*Roller Coaster or Ferris Wheel
Roller coaster, sadly since I had spinal surgery my roller coaster days are over but I still enjoy them vicariously through my little Snooch.

*Cheetos or Fritos
Cheetos - they're the cheesiest. I had them for breakfast today with cold sesame noodles.

*Tattoo or Mini Me
Neither...midgets freak me out.

*Grapes- Red or Green

*Twilight Zone or X Files
Both, Twilight Zone is classic and I really like Old X-Files.

*Wile E Coyote or Roadrunner

*Short or Long

*Mary Kate or Ashley
Oh gawd someone get me out of Wal-Mart PLEEEZE!!!!!

*American Idol or Star Search
American Idol

*Ruffles or Lays

*BBQ style or Sour Cream and Onion
Salt and Vinegar

*Garden Gnomes or Pink Flamingos
Pink Flamingos

*Anyone remember American Gothic? ( the show, not the painting)

*Granny Panties or Thong
Thong, th, thong, thong,thong...let me see that thong!

*Shave or Wax
Wax preferred.

*Mole or Amazing Race

*Tonya or Toni

*HBO or Showtime
I don't have premium channels

*Ann Curry or Julie Chen
Ann Curry

*Matt Lauer - old Hair or New
OLD HAIR!!!!!! He looks like a bean head now.

*Tom Cruise or Nicole Kidman
Ugh! Neither. Pompous Hollywood Buttheads

*Bob Villa or Norm Abrahms
No contest, being In New England I have to say Naahm

*Has anyone seen Insomniac on Comedy Central??