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"Who's had/has braces?"

Posted by Smooth23 on 06-20-06 at 04:07 PM
Well, I'm 21 this sunday and just got braces to fix my wonkey crooked teeth. Odd feeling to say the least, not to comfortable right now. Just wondering who of you all has had braces in the past or has them right now. Any of you who have had them as an adult?

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"RE: Who's had/has braces?"
Posted by mtopaz on 06-20-06 at 04:12 PM
Hi Smooth! I have a small mouth (which is often a surprise to people who haven't met me in person), but I had a lot of teeth. Lots of kids in my family, so no orthodentia until I was an adult and could pay for it myself. I had 6 teeth removed before I could have the braces put on. That was not fun!

It does feel wierd at first but you get used to it. Then every month when they tighten them a little bit, you'll be sore for a few days. Take Advil as needed, especially before bed at night to help you go to sleep.

Also, if you don't have one, get a Waterpik to keep your teeth clean and healthy.

Sig pic by JSlice

"RE: Who's had/has braces?"
Posted by Smooth23 on 06-20-06 at 04:22 PM
I actually have a waterpik already, and I love it. That+sonicare elite brush=super duper.

Except for ending slavery, fascism, nazism and Communism, war has never solved anything.

"RE: Who's had/has braces?"
Posted by nailbone on 06-20-06 at 04:48 PM
The sonicare deal made my kids' mouths hurt. Too much vibration on the metal or something.

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"RE: Who's had/has braces?"
Posted by nailbone on 06-20-06 at 04:15 PM
I had 'em when I was a kid, and both kids just got them off. DW has them now, and they've done wonders for her teeth, and self-esteem.

Second that about the WaterPik. And ALWAYS wear your retainers when the time comes. When I had mine as a kid, they didn't give the "from now on" retainers, and so my teeth did some shifting over the years, and aren't as straight anymore.

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"RE: Who's had/has braces?"
Posted by mtopaz on 06-20-06 at 05:47 PM
so my teeth did some shifting over the years, and aren't as straight anymore.

Mine have shifted too, although they are still pretty straight and a vast improvement over the original look I had. Plus, the slightly imperfect look is in now. It adds character.

Sig pic by JSlice

"RE: Who's had/has braces?"
Posted by cahaya on 06-21-06 at 01:05 AM
Same here about the braces and the slight shifting over time. They probably settled in fairly permanently after about 5 years.

It adds character.

Well, you've already got lots of that!

An Arkie Asian creation, with Foo dog images by Bob.

My teeth were so bad, the incisors went up into the palate, not down as they should have. The surgery was rather bloody, but the same afternoon I went and shot my best-ever round of golf! Musta been the painkillers.

"RE: Who's had/has braces?"
Posted by SilverStar on 06-20-06 at 04:22 PM
I've never had braces. My sister's teeth were worse than mine when we were kids, so she got the braces. I would love straight teeth, but don't really have the money for it. I'm very interested in those Invisalign braces though. I would love to have those. Maybe one day...

"RE: Who's had/has braces?"
Posted by Smooth23 on 06-20-06 at 04:34 PM
I've seen invisalign on people before. For one, you have to have pretty good teeth to begin with. Then, they are not invisible at all, pretty obvious really and kind of make your teeth look dirty. My braces are all metal-and are about half the size of clear ones so pretty comfortable. Oh yeah, invisalign is more expensive than traditional.

Except for ending slavery, fascism, nazism and Communism, war has never solved anything.

"RE: Who's had/has braces?"
Posted by Brownroach on 06-20-06 at 04:42 PM
LAST EDITED ON 06-20-06 AT 04:43 PM (EST)

My sister's teeth were worse than mine when we were kids, so she got the braces.

I can relate -- in my case, mine weren't that bad and my brother's were worse so he got them. But given how they've gradually shifted over the years, I kind of wish I'd gotten them too. I don't know if I care enough to do anything about it now though.

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"RE: Who's had/has braces?"
Posted by ginger on 06-20-06 at 04:23 PM
I haven't but EVERYONE here is getting adult braces! I almost feel left out!

"RE: Who's had/has braces?"
Posted by byoffer on 06-20-06 at 04:23 PM
Don't let people make fun of you for wearing braces. Sure, they may not look cool, but they are better than letting your pants fall down....


Defying death since 02 June 06

"RE: Who's had/has braces?"
Posted by Seabisquit on 06-20-06 at 04:45 PM
Never needed braces, thank goodness. But just wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday...a little early. Happy 21st.

sig by sharnina

"RE: Who's had/has braces?"
Posted by Cyndimaus on 06-20-06 at 04:48 PM
How about someone who SHOULD have braces? That would be me! We could never afford them when I was a kid and maybe someday I'll get them. It would be nice to have straighter teeth. Good luck with yours!

sig courtesy of Cygnus

"RE: Who's had/has braces?"
Posted by qwertypie on 06-20-06 at 08:46 PM
Had them when I was 12 (with head gear and elastic bands --- how is that for COOL?). The teeth have shifted a bit over the years, but still much improved over the original overbite and vampire fangs I had. I do have TMJ problems tho' which is a common problem for people that had head gear back then.

And stay away from the roasted almonds. I cracked several bands because of them.
And take the advil when they are tightened.

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"RE: Who's had/has braces?"
Posted by mysticwolf on 06-20-06 at 09:49 PM
Had them as a kid. Lucky/unlucky situation. They pulled 4 teeth and used braces to shift the others into those spaces to make room for my wisdom teeth. So, I didn't have to have them on all of my teeth, 'cause it was shifting, not straightening. Just a couple on the sides and back, along with the rubber bands. And, I had an inner bar on the lower teeth. Then a retainer after for awhile.

Pulling the teeth was not good. Had a bad reaction to the anesthetic and it fueled my fear of dentists. Still have my wisdom teeth. One is capped in gold. When it broke I was so afraid of having it pulled they capped it for me. Something they don't usually do. They had to use gold because it was still growing. *shrug* I dunno. That's what they said at any rate.

Remember that when I had the braces I got into the habit of resting my upper lip on top of the bar. It was weird when they came off and I couldn't do that any more.

My lower front teeth are cramped again and I found out that they now recommend that once you have braces you should keep wearing a retainer at night to maintain it. Kind of wish they'd known that then.

Did you get the new "invisible" ones I've seen advertised? I'd consider those to recorrect the lowers if I had the money.

Puppy Lvoe from Tribe blogging's scary

"RE: Who's had/has braces?"
Posted by Smooth23 on 06-21-06 at 02:40 PM
Nope, no hiding them for me, straight ol stainless steel. They are however much much smaller than I remember my sisters' when she had them some 8 years ago. Don't even stick out from the teeth 1mm.

Except for ending slavery, fascism, nazism and Communism, war has never solved anything.