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Posted by weltek on 05-17-06 at 11:33 AM
I have several foot related questions for you.

1. Do you have "normal" feet, or do you have issues that make it difficult to find good shoes (e.g., high insteps, flat feet, etc)?

2. Do you walk correctly, or tend to walk to the side of your feet, a bit bow-legged, etc?

3. What type/style of shoes do you wear most of the time? How do your feet feel about that?

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"*squints eyes*"
Posted by zombiebaby on 05-17-06 at 11:39 AM
what are you trying to get me to admit?

Siggy conceived by Arkie, gestating done by Zombs

Why yes I assume this is all about me.

"Two words"
Posted by mrc on 05-20-06 at 10:37 AM
Hairy toes.

*runs away*

"RE: Feet"
Posted by brvnkrz on 05-17-06 at 11:47 AM
I have normal average feet. Size 8 1/2, average width, average arch. My arch used to be higher but it's still a normal arch.

I drag my heels when I walk. So I tend to wear out the heels of my shoes faster than anything.

I wear sneakers 80% of the time and boots and flip flops the rest of the time. Although during the summer months I tend to wear flip flops much more. My feet have no problems with any of those.

One nation under George, divided.

"RE: Feet"
Posted by weltek on 05-17-06 at 12:08 PM
Heel dragger! You and every college student I encounter with flip flops. That sound of flip flops dragging is almost like fingernails on a chalkboard for me.
*evil glare*

"RE: Feet"
Posted by brvnkrz on 05-17-06 at 12:10 PM
*hangs head* I know. And I do it no matter what shoes I am wearing. I'll try not to drag them when we meet. *grin*

One nation under George, divided.

"RE: Feet"
Posted by weltek on 05-17-06 at 12:17 PM
Maybe I'll just request that you never wear shoes. I suppose this limits our choices on restaurants & bars. And will I have to carry on the sidewalks?

"RE: Feet"
Posted by brvnkrz on 05-17-06 at 12:17 PM
I could wear skates, if that would help.

One nation under George, divided.

"RE: Feet"
Posted by nailbone on 05-17-06 at 11:48 AM
I have very ugly feet, and hate to wear sandals/flip-flops in public.

1. I have a slightly high arch. I use the arch-support insoles, but nothing custom-made. Also, my feet sweat badly and I battle the resultant toe fungus issues.

2. I supinate slightly (feet roll outward)

3. I wear casual leather dress shoes during the day, sandals or tennis shoes at home, depending on the weather

Sig by Slice

Holey carp! My blog! MySpace!
Official OT Tassel Adjuster o-

"RE: Feet"
Posted by weltek on 05-17-06 at 12:05 PM
Apparently I supinate also, I just didn't know there was a fancy word for it.

"RE: Feet"
Posted by J Slice on 05-17-06 at 11:49 AM
1. I have bizarrely wide feet for a woman... EE size. It's exceptionally difficult for me to find womens' shoes that fit well.

2. I must walk at least a little weird, since my knee always seems to hurt after a lot of walking.

3. I live in sneakers and flip-flops exclusively, and my feet thank me for it.

Let's go Mets!

"RE: Feet"
Posted by Seana on 05-17-06 at 11:59 AM
My feet are kinda icky. *waves to nailbone*

I have weird stubby toes and the cyst that I had removed about 3.5 years ago seems to be coming back. That's really annoying.

My baby toes are pointy and have a toenail mound rather than a properly-shaped nail.

I have super-hard skin on the pads of my heels and toes. It cracks around the edges sometimes. I want to try that crack cream stuff, but I'm afraid it won't work like all the other things I've tried and then I'll have spent a whole lot of time and money on crap. Again.

Despite their ickiness, I don't cover my feet up and wear sandals/flip flops or even bare feet whenever possible.

My feet are a regular size - no issues with half sizes or width, so at least they have that going for them.

"RE: Feet"
Posted by weltek on 05-17-06 at 12:06 PM
My sister used the Keresal stuff strictly as directed (always wearing socks after putting it on, etc) and found it worked well for her.

"RE: Feet"
Posted by Snidget on 05-17-06 at 12:11 PM
have a toenail mound rather than a properly-shaped nail.

You mean I'm not the only one?

"RE: Feet"
Posted by Seana on 05-17-06 at 02:09 PM
Oh lucky, lucky us. It's hereditary for me - got these toes from my grandfather. Mom has them too. Luckily, my kids got their father's toes. *whew*

weltek: Thanks. Maybe I'll work up the courage to try the Keresal after all.

"RE: Feet"
Posted by Snidget on 05-17-06 at 12:09 PM
1. I have obnoxiously narrow heels. I have been seen to step completely out of a shoe when walking at the store because the heel comes out so much that my toes alone may not keep the shoe on my foot. Basically if it doesn't strap onto my foot in some way I can't wear it. (and no elastic in the strap they still rub the heel even if it is a smaller distance than without the straps...I've had issues finding Mary Janes that actually strap your foot in without the dang elastic they started putting in all of them that makes them unwearable by me) Most of my dress shoes have to be boots, slingbacks or mules. I also seem to have very little padding on the bottoms of my feet so I really need shoes that are well padded. Most of them seem to like to make them wider than normal because it seems only people with wide feet care about comfort so a lot of the companies I would love to buy shoes from don't make them for me at all. I have a friend that worked at good shoe stores with really nice comfort shoes and she has wide feet, so anything she wears that I desparately want will not in anyway fit my feet at all.

*takes a breath* you asked...

I also have loose ankles so I have hard time with the little kitten heel shoes. Put a 4 inch heel on that sucker and they will line that heel up with the center of the foot, but if it is a low heel they just slap that sucker on whereever it happens to land and the shoe sales people look at me like I'm crazy when I can walk fine on sky-high stilettos but not a low heel shoe. I pretty much can only wear low heeled shoes if they have big chuncky heels which often isn't nearly as dressy as I would like them to be.

Let's just move on, shall we.

2. My tendons indicate I could have a tendancy to pronate (roll in) but pretty much my shoes wear evenly across the heel so I walk pretty straight. I was born with hip dysplasia (no I am not a dog, really it happens in humans too, you know) and spent 6 months in casts. The peeps that tortured a helpless infant fixed my hips seemed determined to make my feet point straight forward when I walk and all that so I ended up walking just fine.

3. Generally sneakers or occasionally slip ons that come far enough up the foot they stay on without the heel. For dress, boots, slingbacks or mules, but I don't wear them a lot as most dress shoes don't have the padding I need. I have some Birkenstock sandels I like a lot, but I can't wear them to work as this is a lab, and they frown on that.

"RE: Feet"
Posted by weltek on 05-17-06 at 12:20 PM
You need a foot psychiatrist.

I have to admit, we knew someone recently diagnosed with hip dysplasia and thought "I thought that only happend in dogs." She had surgery, too, but recovered quickly.

"RE: Feet"
Posted by Snidget on 05-17-06 at 12:55 PM
Fortunately by the time I was born with it they figured out how to screen for it early and that casts would fix it and I didn't have to have surgery. A lot of peeps a bit older than me had to do the surgery and cast thing after they started walking and I think that doing it young was probably easier.

The only problem was they had to saw them off like every two weeks and replace them or they could stunt the growth in a baby so I had way too many cast changes and I've got that noise imprinted as very very very bad in my brain. A few things that make that noise will just set off all my "get me outta here NOW!!!!!" reactions. I'm better about it than I was, but my dentist learned to let me know before she turns the drill on.

Oh and that when I got out of casts I was in velcroed on braces when I slept. The doctor swore that little babies can't undo the straps. Every morning Mom would find Baby Snidget with the durn things wrapped around my head. She was skeered that I was going to strangle myself with the durn things.

Posted by Glow on 05-17-06 at 12:09 PM
1. I have normal feet
2. my shoes wear normally
3. comfortable ones (assorted dressy-ish shoes for work, flip flops, tennies, boots)

Can't believe I opened a thread titled "feet". *shudder*

"RE: ewwww"
Posted by brvnkrz on 05-17-06 at 12:11 PM
You have extremely nice feet.

One nation under George, divided.

"RE: ewwww"
Posted by Glow on 05-17-06 at 12:15 PM
*squinty eyes*
Do not touch my feet.
*hides feet under chair*

"RE: ewwww"
Posted by brvnkrz on 05-17-06 at 12:16 PM
I know better. *smooch*

One nation under George, divided.

"RE: Feet"
Posted by geg6 on 05-17-06 at 12:14 PM
FTR, I have the weird second toes that are longer than any of my others. And my sister insists that my toenails (excluding the ones on my big toes) look like M&Ms.

>1. Do you have "normal" feet,
>or do you have issues
>that make it difficult to
>find good shoes (e.g., high
>insteps, flat feet, etc)?

Two things, really. Because of the stupidity of youth, I tend to get corns on my little toes because of years of buying lovely shoes that didn't really fit because "they are cute." I no longer do this, but even a slightly tight fit at the toe will cause a corn. I also have fallen arches from my youth and must have arch support.

>2. Do you walk correctly, or
>tend to walk to the
>side of your feet, a
>bit bow-legged, etc?

Nope. I walk perfectly and the wear on my shoes can prove it.

>3. What type/style of shoes
>do you wear most of
>the time? How do your
>feet feel about that?

It depends. I tend to wear both heels and flats at work or for social events, depending on what I have on. Probably heels most often though. All my boots have heels. I like how heels make my long legs even longer. It's all about the vanity, people.

I wear my bobos (Keds) for casual and have good walkers for my 9 miles weekly. We are talking very casual and it's all about the comfort.

At home, I don't wear shoes. I wear one of my many pairs of Isotoners. It's all about comfort and warmth. My feet tend to be cold even in the heat of midsummer.

Goddess of the Steeler Nation

"RE: Feet"
Posted by nailbone on 05-17-06 at 01:59 PM
FTR, I have the weird second toes that are longer than any of my others.

That's supposed to mean something about your sexuality, but I can't remember what.

Sig by Slice

Holey carp! My blog! MySpace!
Official OT Tassel Adjuster o-

"RE: Feet"
Posted by Prof_ Wagstaff on 05-17-06 at 07:05 PM
It means she's hot!

I hear that Jennifer Aniston has really short second toes.

Sig by Cygnus
"A tyrant must put on the appearance of uncommon devotion to religion. Subjects are less apprehensive of illegal treatment from a ruler whom they consider god-fearing and pious. On the other hand, they do less easily move against him, believing that he has the gods on his side." - Aristotle, philosopher (384-322 BCE)

"RE: Feet"
Posted by motormouth on 05-17-06 at 12:14 PM
Well, for one thing, until right now I didn't know that reading about feet kinda freaks me out.

My feet? Are actually just fine. I don't think of feet as pretty, but if feet *can* be pretty, mine would be. Nothing unusual about them. People always think my feet are small, though they are size 7 1/2 - 8.

I usually wear dressy shoes. I love boots, my platform high heels being my most favorite, then the knee-highs, then my slip on black leather loafers.

I have tennis shoes but don't wear them unless I'll be on my feet, walking for hours.

Beautiful sig by Arkie

And unlike Zombie, I don't have hairy toes!

"RE: Feet"
Posted by SilverStar on 05-17-06 at 12:16 PM
1. I have flat feet and short toes. It's very hard for me to find comfortable shoes. (but I just bought 2 pair of sandals last night. yay!) I also sometimes need a wide width shoe.

2. Hmm. I'm not sure how I walk. I think I walk normal. *shrug*

3. During the week, I mostly wear Doc Martens or tennis shoes to work. On the weekends, I wear tennis shoes or sandals. I really feel like I should get some dressier shoes for work, but I can never find anything comfortable. (see #1.)


"RE: Feet"
Posted by Maroonclown on 05-17-06 at 12:16 PM
LAST EDITED ON 05-17-06 AT 12:17 PM (EST)

1. I have above normal feet. Size 7. They are incredibly beautiful. One of my only features I can brag about.

2. I walk correctly but my mom says I have a tendancy to stomp up stairs like an elephant

3. I wear all sorts of shoes, mostly sneakers though, I've recently turned into a bit of a shoe freak. In summer its bare feet whenever and wherever possible.

My feet love me and I show my appreciation to them to a fault.

ETA - shoe size because it matters

"RE: Feet"
Posted by weltek on 05-17-06 at 12:23 PM
Perhaps you are a shoe freak because you have foot vanity. Like if I had a perfect rack, I'd probably have a ton of cute bras and bikinis.

"RE: Feet"
Posted by Maroonclown on 05-17-06 at 12:35 PM
Agreed. But I can go bare feet wherever I want but, with a nice rack . . .you know what I mean.

arkie spring thing

"RE: Feet"
Posted by miamicatt on 05-17-06 at 12:19 PM
I guess I like my feet - well, lemme say that they are low on the list of things I hate about my body. But they do look kinda freakishly small sometimes -- especially with these bell bottom-ish jeans I'm wearing...my toes barely stick out from under 'em.

1. My feet are small and sometimes the size I need in the shoe I want isn't available. I don't know if that means it's a popular size or if they don't have much of that size in stock. I have a couple of bunyons that prevent me from comfortably wearing some styles of shoes (like those stupid torture devices I wore in D.C.), but for that's it.

2. I don't know actually...now I'll pay more attention to it today. (Which means I will probably fall down...see next line) The wierd part is, if I think too much about walking, I will always trip. If I concentrate on my walking...suddenly I can't seem to walk anymore. I tend to take really short steps and walk kinda fast.

3. Most of the time I wear sandals -- or at least I wear sandals as often as I can. I basically have 4 main pairs of shoes...two pairs on sandals, one black one brown, and two pairs of 'winter shoes', again one black and one brown. The big deal is that they have to be comfortable, because I am on my feet almost all day long. But sandals are my favorite. Even for dress shoes, I will almost always buy sandals.

I think my feet like them too.

"RE: Feet"
Posted by weltek on 05-17-06 at 12:24 PM
LAST EDITED ON 05-17-06 AT 12:24 PM (EST)

I think we are shoe twins.

ETA: Shoes only, not feet. Mine are huge size 10s.

"RE: Feet"
Posted by dragonflies on 05-17-06 at 12:28 PM
1. I have large feet. Started out at a women's size 10, then with each kid increased a half size. Glad I stopped with 2 kids. Also, my 2nd toe is longer than the others, and about even with my big toe.

2. I have arch issues, but nothing major. I had to wear special shoes as a kid, and one day I gave them to a kid with no shoes. Luckily her mom called my mom and gave them back.

3. I used to wear 3+ inch heels all the time. Now I don't. I like to wear all different kinds of shoes. My feet sometimes don't like that, but tough cookies.

Sigs by Cyg

"RE: Feet"
Posted by weltek on 05-17-06 at 01:57 PM
Awww, what a cute story about giving your shoes away!

"RE: Feet"
Posted by samboohoo on 05-17-06 at 01:41 PM
I'm pretty certain my feet are normal. I wear a size 9.5, sometimes 10, depending on the shoe. Pregnancy enlarged my feet.

I walk correctly unless I'm being lazy, in which I drag my feet.

In the summer, I wear sandals. In the winter I wear boots. I also wear tennis shoes for casual wear and for working out. I think my feet are happy. Especially because I don't wear heals.

It's Arkie Love

"RE: Feet"
Posted by Lasann on 05-17-06 at 01:44 PM
Oh, a feet/shoes thread. Yipee!

1. I have normal pretty feet. Once I quit the pointy toe heels my toes returned to near normal. My toes curve from big toe to pinkie toe (big to small) in perfect procession. I do like my feet.

2. I used to walk normally. I practiced in High School so my oobies wouldn't bounce. I didn't like the attention. Also being shy I didn't like walking to the ladies room in a bar with everyone staring (at least I thought they were). Then I broke the ol hip and I limp *sobs uncontrolably*. Ask me after June when I again practice walking totally normally (no bouncing oobies and no limp).

3. I have tons and tons of shoes but I prefer going barefoot. I can't stand anything but sandals in the spring/summer/fall. I have flat sorta dressy sandals for work. I have hiking sandals for weekends and I've purchased some flip-flops for the beach. You've seen the picture. What is it - 35 pairs of shoes overall? My feet are mostly happy.

Heaven on Earth! That’s me lying on the beach *giggle*

"RE: Feet"
Posted by cahaya on 05-17-06 at 02:14 PM
Not quite Bigfoot here, size 13, not easy to find in SE Asia.

For everyday use, I wear a pair of Hush Puppies that I've had for about three years, once resoled (in SE Asia, where it's easy to find a cobbler). Shoes are like jeans - the long you wear them, the more comfortable they are. For serious stuff like business meetings, I'll wear a pair of black, laced dress shoes, with a shine that'd make even the Koreans or Japanese proud (yes, they're serious about their shoe shine!).

I walk with light, straight steps, and have a long stride on a walk. Adopting Asian customs while in the house (shoeless), I usually wear comfortable cotton socks (which also get more comfortable with wearing!).

An Arkie Asian creation, with Foo dog images by Bob.

"RE: Feet"
Posted by Mon Cherie on 05-17-06 at 04:47 PM
LAST EDITED ON 05-17-06 AT 04:50 PM (EST)

1. I think I have normal feet. I had some minor problems when I was younger, but had surgery. I wear a 6 1/2 to a 7 1/2, depends on the shoe. The main issue I have with finding shoes is that those sizes seem to be popular in my area. Usually if I find a pair that I really like that are out of stock, I'll order them.

2. I think I walk correctly. I used to work for a podiatrist, and got used to analyzing peoples' gait, posture, etc, and making orthotics to correct any issues. It's amazing (but really common sense when you think about it) how many people, after using corrective orthotics, reported that problems with their backs and knees had improved greatly. Ok, enough of the lesson.

3. My default shoes are my Birkenstocks, my feet love them very much for their support, comfort, and durability. In summer, it's always them or dressy sandals, unless I'm working out. I have two pairs of athletic shoes, one for walking/jogging/running, and one pair for lower impact activities, such as biking and strength training. It doesn't stay too cold here in winter, so sometimes I can still get away with strappy dress sandals, though I have several pairs of black and brown shoes in different styles. I also have black knee-high stacked heel boots that I can really only wear in winter. Out of all my shoes, those kill my feet the worst. I also wear my Docs a lot in winter.

C'est Moi.
Thanks Syren!
Yes, I used to work with stinky, fugly feet all day. Good preparation if I ever get married.

"Mah tootsies"
Posted by moonbaby on 05-17-06 at 06:54 PM
1. Do you have "normal" feet, or do you have issues that make it difficult to find good shoes (e.g., high insteps, flat feet, etc)?

I have very high arches. My niece recently asked me what was wrong with my feet, that they looked like Barbie feet, lol. I have a bum pinky toe that needed surgery to remove a bone spur. The bone spur is coming back. The doctor wants to remove the bone. Oh YAH, like that's going to happen. But finding shoes to accomodate this little piggy is a problem. I have gotten compliments about my feet but that little toe is just plain awful.

2. Do you walk correctly, or tend to walk to the side of your feet, a bit bow-legged, etc?

I must be doing something wrong because today my ankle swelled up and hurts.

3. What type/style of shoes do you wear most of the time? How do your feet feel about that?

Flat shoes all the time. I'm a giant, ya know. My feet love sandals, flip flops and bareness the best.

"RE: Feet"
Posted by ARnutz on 05-17-06 at 07:03 PM
Oh man! *kicks dirt*

I thought we were gonna talk about cute shoes & stuff. Turns out you just want to know who has weird and deformed feet. Ick!

Feet are disgusting. Rank right down there with buttholes & armpits for me.

Posted by volsfan on 05-20-06 at 09:33 AM
What do you have against buttholes and armpits?

Posted by ARnutz on 05-20-06 at 10:08 AM
I just knew you would show up eventually to ask that question!

Armpits have hair and smell bad. Sometimes, buttholes do too. Feet smell too. I have a high sensitivity to smells. Especially bad ones. Plus, any body part where waste products are emitted, even sweat, are ucky to my germophobic side.

Yes, you may call me weird. *shrug*

Posted by volsfan on 05-20-06 at 10:14 PM
I just HAD to do it!

"RE: Feet"
Posted by Smooth23 on 05-20-06 at 02:43 AM
I have size 10 feet, very wide. At the boot shop I go to for work boots they give me a EE and I ask if they have anything wider at which point they tell me EE is the biggest they carry. Also my big toes are especially big, though all my toes are well shaped. The second smallest toe on my left foot is missing a joint, and consequently the smallest bone at the end of that toe. yes I'm a deformed freak. Also, 12 hours on my feet at work and constantly barefoot at home and any time during the summer I wear sandles has made me have pure leather for soles.

Except for ending slavery, fascism, nazism and Communism, war has never solved anything.

"RE: Feet"
Posted by mrc on 05-20-06 at 10:44 AM
1. Do you have "normal" feet, or do you have issues that make it difficult to find good shoes (e.g., high insteps, flat feet, etc)?

I have high arches. I didn't even realize it until a couple of years ago.

2. Do you walk correctly, or tend to walk to the side of your feet, a bit bow-legged, etc?

My feet tend to roll to the inside when I walk. (What's the fancy word for that?)

3. What type/style of shoes do you wear most of the time? How do your feet feel about that?

During the school year, I usually wear comfortable dress shoes (Clark's) or boots, if snowing. Otherwise, it's tennis shoes. I like sandals, but b/c of the aforementioned arches, I have never found a pair that make me comfortable.

Don't tell my students, but I usually take off my shoes while I am in the office.

Ferociously purrfected by thndrkttn

"RE: Feet"
Posted by mysticwolf on 05-20-06 at 04:43 PM
1. Do you have "normal" feet, or do you have issues that make it difficult to find good shoes (e.g., high insteps, flat feet, etc)? I like my feet. But, I have small feet, 6 - 7, depending on the shoe, and my heels are very narrow. My second toe is also the longest. It makes it very difficult to find high heels that I can wear comfortably, particularly in winter, as most pumps rub my heel raw if they stay on at all, and if the heel is too high my foot slips too far forward and the toes pinch. Slingbacks with a low to medium heel are much better, but generally not appropriate for winter wear. Most shoes, particularly heels, don't seem to be made to fit smaller feet properly.

2. Do you walk correctly, or tend to walk to the side of your feet, a bit bow-legged, etc? I walk correctly.

3. What type/style of shoes do you wear most of the time? How do your feet feel about that? I prefer bare feet as much as possible. Drives dh nuts that, if it's going to be a fast trip, I'll go outside in the snow and ice without shoes. Although, I do have a i]lot of shoes. Including high heels. The problem I have is that they'll be comfortable in the store, but after an few hours of wearing them the comfort is long gone. For the rest of the time, it's either running shoes, sandals, or boots, mostly. My feet like all of those just fine. For dress I generally wear pants & heeled dress boots in order to avoid the whole heels issue. Ticks dh off, 'cause I actually do have nice legs, and he thinks the heels are sexier. He just doesn't seem to understand why "everyone else" can wear heels and I don't seem to be able to. Hard to feel sexy when you're wincing in pain at every step.

Puppy Lvoe from Tribe blogging's scary

"RE: ugly Birkenstocks"
Posted by CouchTater on 05-21-06 at 09:20 AM
I've had a bone spur in my heel for about 1 and 1/2 years, which has made it painful for me to walk.

I just finally went to the foot Dr. who told me what?; wear Birkenstocks! Now, way back in Hippy days, all my friends were wearing Birkenstocks. I thought they were the ugliest shoes ever and even though they were standard Hippy wear, I refused to jump on that boat. I stuck with my Earth Shoes, which as it turns out, were crappy for your feet. I did try a pair of Birkys cause everyone just raved about them, but I also found them to be totally hard and uncomfortable.

Now, I've been wearing them for a couple of weeks and surprise, my feet don't hurt.

Ok, he also told me to get some New Balance walking shoes, which are ugly as hell also, but my feet don't hurt in them as well. So, I'm basically walking around in ugly grandma and Hippy shoes until this thing clears up.

Otherwise, my feet look normal, whatever that is.