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"Share your good news here!"

Posted by zombiebaby on 05-10-06 at 04:20 PM
C'mon spill any good news here! Or any hopeful news!

My good news? I have discovered these delicious almonds. Maui onion and garlic flavored. Yum!


Siggy conceived by Arkie, gestating done by Zombs

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Share your good news here!"
Posted by nailbone on 05-10-06 at 04:21 PM
Good news? Other than my proud daddy news? I leave for Mexico a week from tomorrow!

Sig by Slice

Holey carp! My blog! MySpace!
Official OT Tassel Adjuster o-

"RE: Share your good news here!"
Posted by zombiebaby on 05-10-06 at 04:23 PM
That's right! You will be wearing just your hat right?

"RE: Share your good news here!"
Posted by nailbone on 05-10-06 at 04:24 PM
Both hats.

Sig by Slice

Holey carp! My blog! MySpace!
Official OT Tassel Adjuster o-

You'll have to ask Meemo about that.

"RE: Share your good news here!"
Posted by greenmonstah on 05-10-06 at 04:26 PM
Both ten gallon, of course.

Hi Cupcake! Congrats on your news!

"RE: Share your good news here!"
Posted by nailbone on 05-10-06 at 04:30 PM
Of course!

Sig by Slice

Holey carp! My blog! MySpace!
Official OT Tassel Adjuster o-

Thanks! *smooch*

"RE: Share your good news here!"
Posted by zombiebaby on 05-10-06 at 04:27 PM
I assume one is your dress up hat and the other your casual.

"RE: Share your good news here!"
Posted by nailbone on 05-10-06 at 04:30 PM
Both are sombreros.

Sig by Slice

Holey carp! My blog! MySpace!
Official OT Tassel Adjuster o-

"RE: Share your good news here!"
Posted by weltek on 05-10-06 at 04:25 PM
I have some, but I think I'll wait & see who else has good news first.

"RE: Share your good news here!"
Posted by greenmonstah on 05-10-06 at 04:27 PM
Let me guess! Listerine has a new cheese flavoured mouthwash?
Swish, swish, swish!

"RE: Share your good news here!"
Posted by brvnkrz on 05-10-06 at 04:29 PM
*snort* You're goofy. I sure hope I get to meet you someday in person. I bet you're kinda fun.

One nation under George, divided.

"RE: Share your good news here!"
Posted by zombiebaby on 05-10-06 at 04:31 PM
Is the wine train stopping in Boston?

Things are running quicker here no?

"RE: Share your good news here!"
Posted by brvnkrz on 05-10-06 at 04:33 PM
Much quicker. I was getting frustrated. I was even going to spill the mystery of my post. *smirk*

One nation under George, divided.

Posted by weltek on 05-10-06 at 04:40 PM
No! Seriously?
So effing jealous.

"RE: Gasp!"
Posted by brvnkrz on 05-10-06 at 04:44 PM
I can't get on to post it though. *pout*

One nation under George, divided.

"RE: Gasp!"
Posted by weltek on 05-10-06 at 04:44 PM
That's funny. I was able to complain just fine a minute ago.

"RE: Gasp!"
Posted by brvnkrz on 05-10-06 at 04:47 PM
I just got in. I posted. *hops*

One nation under George, divided.

"RE: Share your good news here!"
Posted by greenmonstah on 05-10-06 at 04:25 PM
Great news! I found my finger! It was in the blender!

"RE: Share your good news here!"
Posted by zombiebaby on 05-10-06 at 04:28 PM

I told you it was there and not in the pie!

"RE: Share your good news here!"
Posted by brvnkrz on 05-10-06 at 04:26 PM
Ooooh, I love good news. *sits and waits to see who has good news*

One nation under George, divided.

"RE: Share your good news here!"
Posted by greenmonstah on 05-10-06 at 04:28 PM
Your good news, is my good news.

Remember. Fine dining on Sunday. Bring your best pant suit.

"RE: Share your good news here!"
Posted by brvnkrz on 05-10-06 at 04:29 PM
Oh. Um. Okay. *puts prairie skirt away*

One nation under George, divided.

"RE: Share your good news here!"
Posted by zombiebaby on 05-10-06 at 04:29 PM
*sits really close to Knockers*

No one is commenting on my nuts here.

"RE: Share your good news here!"
Posted by brvnkrz on 05-10-06 at 04:30 PM
Your nuts give me gas.

One nation under George, divided.

"RE: Share your good news here!"
Posted by nailbone on 05-10-06 at 04:31 PM
No one is commenting on my nuts here.

Mine either.

Sig by Slice

Holey carp! My blog! MySpace!
Official OT Tassel Adjuster o-

"RE: Share your good news here!"
Posted by zombiebaby on 05-10-06 at 04:37 PM
Well while you are on the beach I assume they will be a little salty!

"RE: Share your good news here!"
Posted by Buggy on 05-10-06 at 05:13 PM
That is some good news.

"RE: Share your good news here!"
Posted by buckeyegirl on 05-10-06 at 04:31 PM
LAST EDITED ON 05-10-06 AT 04:31 PM (EST)

I discovered the best candy..this reese's cup like creation covered in fudge like chocolate and they come in a package of 4, and each one has a different topping..(m&ms, nestle crunch etc.) It's divine...

Eta...i really should've read the above posts before blinding posting...

Handcrafted by RollDdice!

"RE: Share your good news here!"
Posted by zombiebaby on 05-10-06 at 04:32 PM
Do tell more!

Watermelon roll season! (It was you right?)

"RE: Share your good news here!"
Posted by Bobdechemist on 05-10-06 at 04:40 PM
Ben and Jerry's Ice cream was on sale 2 for $5 and I'll be home before Mr Bob tonight.


Happy wife!

"RE: Share your good news here!"
Posted by zombiebaby on 05-10-06 at 04:41 PM
What flavors?

I like root beer floats!

"RE: Share your good news here!"
Posted by Bobdechemist on 05-10-06 at 04:52 PM
Kitchen Sink and Cherry Garcia.

I love Cherry Garcia

I just realised I need to skip the gym in order to beat Mr Bob home for the ice cream. Is that bad?

"RE: Share your good news here!"
Posted by zombiebaby on 05-10-06 at 04:57 PM
Not at all. All that rushing will burn extra calories. Plus I hear if you load up the spoon with a lot of ice cream it is good resistance training.

"My news"
Posted by weltek on 05-10-06 at 04:46 PM
My boss finally got approval for my 10% raise. The bad news? I don't think I'll see it til Sept. Something about university budget freezes while the budgets are in review.

"RE: My news"
Posted by zombiebaby on 05-10-06 at 04:47 PM
Yay! No more plastic dishes!

Will you get retroactive pay?

Siggy conceived by Arkie, gestating done by Zombs

"RE: My news"
Posted by weltek on 05-11-06 at 09:18 AM
*snort* You know, you bring up a good point about retro pay.

"RE: My news"
Posted by brvnkrz on 05-10-06 at 04:48 PM
Yay!! September is just around the corner. *smooch*

One nation under George, divided.

"RE: Share your good news here!"
Posted by Molaholic on 05-10-06 at 04:57 PM

We've passed the half-way point in state mandated testing and I still have my sanity.

30 instructional days left (and counting)

"Either we are alone in the universe or we are not. The prospect of either is simply astonishing." Carl Sagan

"RE: Share your good news here!"
Posted by zombiebaby on 05-10-06 at 05:08 PM
Ahh summer! Hang in there the end is in sight!

Siggy conceived by Arkie, gestating done by Zombs

"RE: Share your good news here!"
Posted by mysticwolf on 05-10-06 at 05:00 PM
DH spotted an ad in the paper from Bowling Green State University offering people with a B.A. & 24 hrs. of math or science an accelerated summer session to get accredited in education, followed by enrollment in their Masters of Education program. The very best part? At no cost!!!!

He absolutely loved substitute teaching for the middle school math and science classes. He's been trying to find a way to get accredited ever since. But, so far, everyone has told him he would need to go back to get a second B.A. in Ed before he could either receive accreditation or enroll in a Masters program. There's no grant or loan money for a second B.A., so up until this point he's been stymied.

He meets with them on the 16th, and could be teaching in the fall. Woo and frickin' Hoo!!!!!

An Arkie curious cub blogging's scary

"RE: Share your good news here!"
Posted by zombiebaby on 05-10-06 at 05:07 PM
That is great! I know how hard it is to get a teaching degree later on! DH has been getting his BA in history but had to drop the education major due to him not being able to student teach. He works full time during the day and there is no way we could afford it.

I hope he can teach in the fall! Good for Mr. Wolf!

Posted by mysticwolf on 05-10-06 at 05:17 PM
"Good for Mr. Wolf!" That actually was my maiden name.

An Arkie curious cub blogging's scary

"RE: snicker"
Posted by Buggy on 05-10-06 at 05:44 PM
Great news, Mystic!

I'll think him some good thoughts.

"RE: Share your good news here!"
Posted by cahaya on 05-10-06 at 07:05 PM
Wow, great news! Glad for you and DH, as it looks like an opportunity not to pass up, especially since it comes at no cost except his time. Cheers, and good luck to your DH!

I'm looking along the same lines here, with an MBA looking for a teaching position in undergrad/HS business. Will be meeting with a close friend in this line tomorrow to open some doors.

An Arkie Asian creation, with Foo dog images by Bob.

"RE: Share your good news here!"
Posted by mysticwolf on 05-10-06 at 08:14 PM
Good luck! I'll keep my fingers crossed that IN is more sensible than OH is. Here they don't care if you have a BA or an MBA. If it's not in Ed you can't teach except as a sub. Even then, unless it's a subject that you have your degree in, you can't sub in the same class for more than 10 days in a row.

When they had dh subbing for a math class for the entire first quarter they had to play games so that it looked like he didn't have the class more than 10 days straight. They'd call in another sub & call dh in for a different class, then they'd switch them after they came in so that he got his class back.

See, his degree is in Business Admin. & his 20+ yrs. of experience is in computers. According to the state that's not math. Asshats.

Puppy Lvoe from Tribe blogging's scary

"RE: Share your good news here!"
Posted by Buggy on 05-10-06 at 05:12 PM
I had the day off work.
I got a nooner.
10 more school days til summer vacation!

"RE: Share your good news here!"
Posted by zombiebaby on 05-10-06 at 05:14 PM
Do you get the whole summer off or do you have summer school to work?

Nooner? Please give details!

"RE: Share your good news here!"
Posted by Buggy on 05-10-06 at 05:42 PM

I get the summer off, though I should be looking for a summer job.

Details??? Ummm, Hubby comes home for lunch, I was here at lunch time and when a Mommy and a Daddy love each other very much they kiss.

"RE: Share your good news here!"
Posted by Estee on 05-10-06 at 05:26 PM
A DJerk on a local radio station took his rivalry with another DJ to a whole new part of the sub-basement by threatening to molest his rival's four year-old daughter, and apparently followed that up by passing out directions to her preschool, all on the air. Why is this good news? Because DJerk was suspended, pending being fired, pending being blackballed, and possibly even being brought up on criminal charges for threatening the welfare of a minor. Yes, we've got free speech. In this case, this included the radio station having the freedom to tell him to shut up.

"RE: Share your good news here!"
Posted by zombiebaby on 05-10-06 at 05:31 PM
I just saw this on the local news. Absolutely disgusting the conduct of the DJ.

Siggy conceived by Arkie, gestating done by Zombs

"Mother's Day"
Posted by Buggy on 05-10-06 at 05:50 PM
I just got the best Mothers Day card!!!
My Baby made it all by herself in Tech Ap class at school.

It's very pretty and has ladybugs all over it, but the best part is the MOTHER poem. It made me laugh so hard I have to share it.

Loves Me
Says weirdO stuff
Gives me Tasty food
Also gives me Hugs
Likes Lady BuggiEs
Not very good at Running

Oh ya, I cried, with laughter

"RE: Mother's Day"
Posted by zombiebaby on 05-10-06 at 08:02 PM
That poem is great! I love the "Not good at Running!"

Siggy conceived by Arkie, gestating done by Zombs

Posted by mom2bjm on 05-10-06 at 06:44 PM
So are you saying the bun in the oven has almonds??

Another fabulous Siggie from Cyg!

"RE: Almonds?"
Posted by zombiebaby on 05-10-06 at 08:03 PM
No that I know of! I just have been eating. We won't find out if there are almonds or not for another few weeks I am afraid!

Siggy conceived by Arkie, gestating done by Zombs

"RE: Share your good news here!"
Posted by Molaholic on 05-10-06 at 09:31 PM
OK, the real Good News

My niece's graduation

Two -- count them, TWO Bachelor's Degrees xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxProud Uncle!

"RE: Share your good news here!"
Posted by AZ_Leo on 05-10-06 at 10:06 PM
Good news: Stats final (last thing of the semester) was last night.

Bad news: Have to wait a week before I find out if I totally screwed it up or not.

"RE: Share your good news here!"
Posted by EMTBGRL on 05-11-06 at 00:20 AM
1) My sister is relocating from 2,000 miles away to 2 hours away, in June. She's bringing my perfect li'l niece and nephew with her. Yayyy!!

2) After two years, my modification for child support request (filed July 13, 2004) might actually be going forward. *sigh* (Absent parent--her father-- pays $168/ month from an old, open order from 1997, and has for a year and a half, and nothing before that.) Although, I am told that I should get an attorney (now? after two years?) and that this will take several more months. Yeah. "Dad's" upset that I invoked my legal rights -- he doesn't want to pay support. His wife isn't terribly fond of that idea, either. (Awww) I am being blamed for "causing stress in their marriage" over this. Too funny! (Daughter born: 1989. They got married: Sept. 11, 2000) --I haven't spoken to him in almost two years. He has a telephone relationship with our daughter. Last he saw her? Dec. 2004. Next visit? Dec. 2006. (if he doesn't cancel, again.) Nice guy, eh?

::drumroll for BEST news::

3) I never married my daughter's father!!

Can I hear a HALLELUJAH!

"RE: Share your good news here!"
Posted by dragonflies on 05-11-06 at 08:11 AM
8 days and 23 hours from now I'll be on a plane to Aruba! (well, first to Detroit). The expected high temp is 91F that day, with NO rain!

Beats the heck out of our weather. Glad I don't live in North WI, where they are expecting snow today!

Sigs by Cyg

"RE: Share your good news here!"
Posted by Silvergirl1 on 05-11-06 at 08:58 AM

Free internet access at home through the local library, even though it's only dialup, it's better than paying PeoplePC 10.95 a month.

The PeoplePC people were really nice, though.

Spring sig pic by Arkiegrl! Bouncing starfish by Ice Cat!

We can't get DSL here yet, so no high speed for us. Swim with me

"RE: Share your good news here!"
Posted by syren on 05-11-06 at 09:51 AM
We got married.


Posted by cqvenus on 05-11-06 at 03:51 PM

enough talk of "we got married."

where are the PIX???

"RE: Share your good news here!"
Posted by geg6 on 05-11-06 at 09:52 AM
My good news is that my phone company is not one of the three identified as having allowed the NSA to trace the activity of their customers' phone patterns.


Goddess of the Steeler Nation

"RE: Share your good news here!"
Posted by thndrkttn on 05-11-06 at 09:53 AM
It's on my blog but figured I would post it here too.

We are adopting this lovely, older gentlemen from a rescue in Nevada. His name is Bear. He's 8 years old and he's flying to his forever home with us the day after tomorrow. The rescue took him to the vet yesterday to get his health cert. to travel and he weighs a whopping 98 pounds. Thea is going to be absolutely beside herself with a new playmate. I hope our house survives.

DH is thrilled that his name is Bear. The Grateful Dead's soundboard guy was named Bear and then you have the perfuctory dancing bears. I like to think he's the latter.

"RE: Share your good news here!"
Posted by Silvergirl1 on 05-12-06 at 07:06 AM

Congrats! Bear has lovely eyes and a sweet smile.

Spring sig pic by Arkiegrl! Bouncing starfish by Ice Cat!

DH is putting up a fence so we can adopt a little dog later this year. Swim with me

"RE: Share your good news here!"
Posted by DebCapsFan on 05-11-06 at 10:19 AM
I'm a mom. This is Ari.

Of course, he's the most adorable kitten ever. He thinks EVERYTHING is so interesting. I got him several toys, and his favorite things in my apartment are my welcome mat and my cell phone charger.

He's also super chatty. *yawn*

"RE: Share your good news here!"
Posted by thndrkttn on 05-11-06 at 10:27 AM
Is that a flame point lynx Ragdoll?!!!

He's beautiful!

"RE: Share your good news here!"
Posted by DebCapsFan on 05-11-06 at 11:01 AM
Dang, you're good. He's a cream lynx point Ragamuffin.*smooches*

I've never had a pet...except for Jeff (an African rock lizard) so this is all new and exciting territory for me.

"RE: Share your good news here!"
Posted by thndrkttn on 05-11-06 at 11:09 AM
AHA! I was super close! What's the muffin part?

We have a blue bi-color lynx named Ryan and I'm very familiar with all the colors. I recognized the tail and the eyes immediately.

Ragdolls are super talkitive. Ryan will answer me almost every time I say his name. They aren't very independant, AT ALL. Cling to you like Saran wrap. Ryan doesn't do it quite as much anymore due to Thea following me everywhere but sometimes he follows with her. Once we get Bear, I am going to have a herd of animals following me around the house. LOL!

"RE: Share your good news here!"
Posted by DebCapsFan on 05-11-06 at 02:43 PM
Ragamuffins are very similar to dolls, but are their own breed.
He is very interested in everything I'm doing all the time. LOL at your animal parade. That sounds so cute.

"RE: Share your good news here!"
Posted by thndrkttn on 05-11-06 at 03:14 PM

Ryan's breeder said that male Rags are especially clingy to their humans. The females not so much. I see that with my in-laws two female Ragdolls. Congrats on your new addition!

Posted by cqvenus on 05-11-06 at 03:52 PM

i LOVE him!

and i don't even like cats!

(don't tell)

~ cq

"RE: Share your good news here!"
Posted by Silvergirl1 on 05-12-06 at 07:16 AM

I love his blue eyes. Have fun! Buy him some catnip and watch him "get high".

Spring sig pic by Arkiegrl! Bouncing starfish by Ice Cat!

Our kitty likes to steal beanie babies. Swim with me

"RE: Share your good news here!"
Posted by Penelope Le Pew on 05-11-06 at 03:54 PM
Good news! My daugther got out of the operation.. to have tubes inserted in her ears. She says everything is louder.

I am pissed about the interpreter thing at the hospital. The hospital wanted the interpreter to leave before my daugther was discharged. I insisted that interpreter stayed with me until daugther's done. oh well.

"RE: Share your good news here!"
Posted by EMTBGRL on 05-11-06 at 05:59 PM
I am pissed about the
>interpreter thing at the hospital.
> The hospital wanted the
>interpreter to leave before my
>daugther was discharged. I
>insisted that interpreter stayed with
>me until daugther's done.
>oh well.

Ummm...asking an interpreter to leave a hospital setting is illegal under (ADA) American Disabilities Act. The interpreter is required to remain for the time that the child/ parent requests interpreting, regardless of who is paying for the interpreter! If the hospital wanted the interpreter to leave to save money, (disgusting, if that's the case) the hospital broke the law. To be fair, the interpreter is supposed to know that, too. (and probably does) -- Were you assigned an interpreter from the hospital? or did you use an agency? If you used an agency, and the interpreter LEFT before services were done being needed? Please report the interpreter AND the hospital.

My second language--American Sign Language.

"RE: Share your good news here!"
Posted by Penelope Le Pew on 05-12-06 at 06:33 AM
I am Canadian. We have stinking Canadian Disability Act. ADA is way better there. Long way to fight and improve in Canada. I have lived in USA for two years and I loved it there. The malls have TTY in USA and sadly most malls in Canada do not have any!!!! Just airports.

I report this incident to Canadian Hearing Society. Hospital asked for an interpreter as per my request.

Interpreter stayed with me until 2 pm and she is good.

"RE: Share your good news here!"
Posted by Lisapooh on 05-11-06 at 04:40 PM
I'm off tomorrow. that's good enough for me!

"RE: Share your good news here!"
Posted by Lasann on 05-12-06 at 08:40 AM
One week from today I'm flying to Phoenix to visit my aunt for a couple of days. Then we're driving to Durango Colorado to stay for a week.

It will be so freaking good to be away from work!