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Thread Number: 23769
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Original Message
"Good News!"

Posted by HistoryDetective on 01-13-06 at 06:34 PM
Many of you know that last spring the Customs and Immigration Service rejected exBF's application for a green card. ExBF is a nurse in a cardiac unit at a hospital in Baltimore, making the rejection especially confusing. ExBF appealed the decision.

Today he received a letter notifying him that his application for a green card has been accepted. Yay! It took ten years for him to get to this point. I wish him the best now.

Many thanks again for everybody who wrote letters on his behalf last spring.

Sigs by Tribephyl and Syren. Bouncie by IceCat. One and Only WeinerGuy.
"We must scrupulously guard the civil rights and civil liberties of all our citizens, whatever their background. We must remember that any oppression, any injustice, any hatred, is a wedge designed to attack our civilization." --- Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 9 January 1940

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Good News!"
Posted by volsfan on 01-13-06 at 06:36 PM
That is great news! Are you going out tonight to celebrate.

"RE: Good News!"
Posted by HistoryDetective on 01-13-06 at 07:08 PM

Well, we're both going out. He's having dinner with a co-worker and I have a date later tonight.

Sigs by Tribephyl Seana and Syren. Bouncie by IceCat. One and Only WeinerGuy.

"RE: Good News!"
Posted by Red_Dobie on 01-13-06 at 06:43 PM
That's great news, HD!

Ten years to get to this point? Unbelievable. He's going to have to frame that letter.

"RE: Good News!"
Posted by AugustGirl on 01-13-06 at 06:43 PM
That is indeed very good news, HD. I wish for him the best, and as a resident of the state of Maryland, I am grateful that he wants to stay here.

It's an Arkie.

"RE: Good News!"
Posted by skye on 01-13-06 at 06:43 PM
Hugs and kisses to you both. (I feel the need to fondle some hot guys today.)

"I don't think witchcraft is a religion." G.W. Bush

"RE: Good News!"
Posted by HobbsofMI on 01-13-06 at 06:57 PM
Well it's about time they did something right...I felt his pain all the way....one more step for us and then Mrs. Hobbs will have her perminent green card.

sig by PM and bouncy by IceCat

"RE: Good News!"
Posted by brvnkrz on 01-13-06 at 07:00 PM
Yay for him, HD. That's awesome news. *smooch*

"RE: Good News!"
Posted by greenmonstah on 01-13-06 at 07:14 PM
Yay, yay, yay, yay! Wonderful!

Do green monstahs need geen cards?

"RE: Good News!"
Posted by mysticwolf on 01-13-06 at 10:26 PM
Great news, HD! Glad to know that the system works correctly (and humanely) sometimes.

A Super Syren Siggie

"RE: Good News!"
Posted by frisky on 01-13-06 at 10:57 PM
Yeah, I remember this! That's greats news, HD!

Rolly made this.

"RE: Good News!"
Posted by txmomma26 on 01-14-06 at 09:29 AM
Very good news, indeed. Congrats to him.

Winter decor by Arkie

"RE: Good News!"
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 01-14-06 at 09:35 AM
Great news, HD! North America needs more decent people working in skilled jobs and I'm glad to see the immigration B.S. has been worked out in his favour.

I lived the immigration carp vicariously through my Slovak sister-in-law who had to jump through all kinds of hoops to permanently settle here. I remember reading about all kinds of criminals who were allowed to enter Canada and live off the welfare rolls while they're giving carp to sis-in-law who speaks 6 languages, is highly-skilled and works in a law office as a translator/paralegal.

Check out my Survivor Guatemala Finale episode summary

Scratch and sniff
"Tsk, tsk. Pepe's messing with the newbies again." Spidey, 3/30/05

"RE: Good News!"
Posted by Tiggertramp on 01-14-06 at 12:11 PM

I am so glad to hear that! Congrats!

Excellent siggy by JSlice, Worm by the Fab IceCat And Icey bounced me! Yippee!!
I wish I were a glow worm, A glow worm's never glum...Cuz how can you be grumpy, When the sun shines out your bum??

"RE: Good News!"
Posted by jkokoj on 01-14-06 at 07:36 PM
That is awesome HD...very happy for him and all your efforts and support you provided to him. *smooch*

"RE: Good News!"
Posted by dabo on 01-15-06 at 01:59 AM

Yay! And Big Congrats!

"RE: Good News!"
Posted by wandacal on 01-15-06 at 02:18 AM
Congrats to him!

The fact that you care so much for your ex and his well-being moves me deeply.

Then again.

I have first-hand experience with how caring and loving you are...

Classic Syren at work!

You WILL be at the OT Nation-wide Peep Meet!
Or ELSE....

"RE: Good News!"
Posted by HistoryDetective on 01-15-06 at 07:05 PM
Thanks, Wanda ... but believe me, I also have lots of "You can just go to hell days" where he is concerned as well. I'm just hoping that this will make him a happier person in general so the next guy has a lot less crap to deal with.

Sigs by Tribephyl and Syren. Bouncie by IceCat. One and Only WeinerGuy.

"RE: Good News!"
Posted by Bobdechemist on 01-15-06 at 10:38 AM

I guess I better cancel the Bob special letter.

"RE: Good News!"
Posted by Snidget on 01-15-06 at 10:41 AM
Woo Hoo!!!

I know that can be a long painful process to go through.

Imaginary friends by Bob!

"RE: Good News!"
Posted by ARnutz on 01-15-06 at 01:11 PM
Congrats to exBF!

I'm sure he is relieved!

"RE: Good News!"
Posted by DooWahDitty on 01-16-06 at 00:29 AM
Congratulations! on your generosity and your patience and perseverance. Only those of us who have been through a relationship with a foreigner know what this entails.

I went through the immigration process with my ex-husband and believe me, when you sign that Affidavit of Support it's a sobering moment. Good thing you didn't have to marry the dude!

"RE: Good News!"
Posted by samboohoo on 01-16-06 at 08:56 AM
Yay, HD! That is wonderful news.

Slice & Dice Chop Shop 2004