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Original Message
"Top 10 Clues you might be a Reality TV Addict"

Posted by Teddy_Bear on 05-09-02 at 03:41 AM
#10: You make a post and keep checking back every 10 minutes to see if anyone has responded.

#9: You stay up late in chat rooms waiting in vain for someone to come in and tell you something remotely interesting about your favourite Reality TV Show.

#8: News and news cable shows give you a migraine because no matter how patient you are; they insist on focusing on real news, and won't even attempt to predict who the next Survivor castoff will be.

#7: You refuse to get together with friends on that special night, just in case.

#6: You watch the show and tape it, and re-watch the tape over and over again; trying to find some clues to help you predict the upcoming episode.

#5: You scan the internet like a chicken with its head cut off, desperatly searching for any news about your favourite show.

#4: When people attempt to engage you in conversation; you drift off, and suddenly start rambling on about Survivor.

#3: At the last minute you cancel a hot date, because you have to see it live.

#2: You watch/tape "The Early Show" or "Rosie" every Monday.

And the Number One Clue you're seriously addicted:

#1: You begin to believe everything you read, even if it is on the EZ boards.

Bill Maher: Robert Blake is claiming he's dyslexic. He (Blake) said, he actually intended to pay his wife to off the hit-man.

The Cream rises to the top. So does the scum.
Light a Virtual Candle
Eleanor Roosevelt: No one can make YOU feel inferior without YOUR consent!

Table of contents
  • Deja VU "II" :),VampKira, 09:18 AM, 05-09-02
    • RE: Deja VU "II" :),PagongRatEater, 04:14 PM, 05-09-02
      • RE: Deja VU "II" :),SurvivorBlows, 09:54 AM, 05-10-02
        • RE: Deja VU "II" :),PagongRatEater, 11:10 AM, 05-10-02
        • RE: Deja VU "II" :),sleeeve, 04:50 PM, 05-10-02
        • RE: Deja VU "II" :),VampKira, 07:09 PM, 05-10-02
          • RE: Deja VU "II" :),PepeLePew13, 08:34 AM, 05-13-02
            • RE: Deja VU "II" :),Jizzy, 09:07 AM, 05-13-02
              • RE: Deja VU "II" :),PepeLePew13, 09:10 AM, 05-13-02
        • RE: Deja VU "II" :),JeffGator, 07:01 AM, 05-13-02
  • RE: Top 10 Clues you might be a Reality TV Addict,Femme, 09:40 AM, 05-09-02
  • Speaking of Reality TV Addicts...,PepeLePew13, 09:00 AM, 05-13-02
    • RE: Speaking of Reality TV Addicts...,Teddy_Bear, 03:06 PM, 05-13-02
      • RE: Speaking of Reality TV Addicts...,PepeLePew13, 03:16 PM, 05-13-02
        • RE: Speaking of Reality TV Addicts...,Teddy_Bear, 03:31 PM, 05-13-02

Messages in this discussion
"Deja VU "II" :)"
Posted by VampKira on 05-09-02 at 09:18 AM
Not bad TB..

But this sure reminded me of another TT list called...

'Top Ten Signs You Are A Survivor Addict'

It is on the official SB T-shirts. (I have one) I was gonna post that TT here, but I don't see it in the TT section list, and I have my SB shirt in town at the moment, so I can't even lookat it right now to copy and type it. If I remember correctly, it was a TT compiled by Webby, Superman, and other posters.

Correct Webby?

OOOh! I was just about to post this when I found the thresd that inspired it by doing a search.

Memory Lane is so pretty this time of year! *smiles*

Mmmmmmmmm, blood!

"RE: Deja VU "II" :)"
Posted by PagongRatEater on 05-09-02 at 04:14 PM
LAST EDITED ON 05-09-02 AT 04:17 PM (EST)

WHAT?!?!? I had no idea. Are they going to come up with a T-Shirt with updated logo/Top Ten?

To add to the list:
11) You have fond memories of Jenna's twins and wonder how they are doing.
12) Get a playboy subscription on the off-chance that Maralyn willbe featured this month.

"RE: Deja VU "II" :)"
Posted by SurvivorBlows on 05-10-02 at 09:54 AM
>LAST EDITED ON 05-09-02
>AT 04:17 PM (EST)

>WHAT?!?!? I had no idea.
> Are they going to
>come up with a T-Shirt
>with updated logo/Top Ten?

Until now, I didn't think we'd sold a single one (other than mine) with the existing logo...

Yes Vamp, the "Top Ten Signs" was cobbled together by me one night, but all I did was pull my favorites out of the "you know you're an addict when..." post that you ID'd above.

Below is the back of the shirt (although it's bigger in Real Life.) If anyone is seriously interested in one, I'll create an updated offering with the current logo and colors. Obviously it was created during the original Survivor. Hey, who knows, maybe someone in the S4 Reunion show crowd might be wearing one...


"RE: Deja VU "II" :)"
Posted by PagongRatEater on 05-10-02 at 11:10 AM
I would DEFINITELY buy one. Just let me know that it is available and I will have a major credit card ready (no C.O.D please).

"RE: Deja VU "II" :)"
Posted by sleeeve on 05-10-02 at 04:50 PM
>Until now, I didn't think we'd
>sold a single one (other
>than mine)

> Hey, who knows,
>maybe someone in the S4
>Reunion show crowd might be
>wearing one...

Now... they may not call me a spoiler for nothing, but... why do I get this funny feeling Webby's hinting at something

You never know what might be up my sleeeve...

"RE: Deja VU "II" :)"
Posted by VampKira on 05-10-02 at 07:09 PM
Until now, I didn't think we'd sold a single one (other than mine) with the existing logo...

Wow.. Really Webby? I have one, I know that Kismet has one, and Blu bought one way back when. Don't you have a way to tell how many are sold?

Oh...and I'lll take a new one too if you come out with them. Along with a mug. OK...and probably a mouse pad too.

"RE: Deja VU "II" :)"
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 05-13-02 at 08:34 AM
You're kidding me? There really ARE T-shirts out there with the SBlows.com one on it? Where can I get one?!?

Oh and I'll second the thought for a mug or a mousepad or other marketing ideas for SBlows TTL or any other SBlows related stuff!

"I'm the General and that's that."
Robert DeCanio, April 11/02

"RE: Deja VU "II" :)"
Posted by Jizzy on 05-13-02 at 09:07 AM

Here ya go...

I'm six feet from the edge and I'm thinking maybe six feet under isn't that far down...

"RE: Deja VU "II" :)"
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 05-13-02 at 09:10 AM
Damn, skippy! Thanks a million, Jizzy... amazing that I never knew this existed for as long as I've been here at SBlows.

"I'm the General and that's that."
Robert DeCanio, April 11/02

"RE: Deja VU "II" :)"
Posted by JeffGator on 05-13-02 at 07:01 AM
I love the top 10 list you just posted, and if you just updated the survivorblows logo on the shirts I would buy one in a heart beat, just to let you know

"RE: Top 10 Clues you might be a Reality TV Addict"
Posted by Femme on 05-09-02 at 09:40 AM
TB, I turn my phones off on Thursday's! My mom thinks it's funny to call like 4 times during the show just to frustrate me. So, we turn off all the ringers on Thursday night.

"Speaking of Reality TV Addicts..."
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 05-13-02 at 09:00 AM
Great list, Teddy! I vaguely remember the original list long ago and your list is a nice addition with new ideas...

I was in the bar the other night and some of us were talking about how many had made it to 2000 DAWs... so I've created a list of what I could see -- if I've missed anyone, please feel free to correct me.

I've included AyaK here because AyaK is at 1910 and AyatollahKhomeini is at 1923 -- he changed his ID name out of respect of the victims of the September 11 attacks.

Most DAWS:

1. VampKira - 4071 (plus however many as Lady Electra)
2. AyaK/AyatollahKhomeini - 3833
3. ItzLisa - 3349
4. Drive My Car - 3191 (plus EBug)
5. SurvivorBlows - 2824
6. dabo - 2733
7. George Tirebiter - 2665
8. IceCat - 2468
9. PepeLePew - 2057
10. I couldn't find accurately how many "Irisheyes" had, but I believe LadyT combined with Irisheyes has about 2000.

There's quite a number that are knocking on the door of 2000 as well.

"I'm the General and that's that."
Robert DeCanio, April 11/02

"RE: Speaking of Reality TV Addicts..."
Posted by Teddy_Bear on 05-13-02 at 03:06 PM
Awwwwwww, thanks Pepe

{Hugs}, to you and Penelope, and Congratualations on he impending arrival of your new addition to your familiy. Have you figured out what you and Penelope will call Baby Le Pew , or him/her--I assume you don't know the gender of the upcoming "skunklet" yet.

I didn't respond to your thresd--I've just been informed that SB speak is OK in OT, because I couldn't come up with any suggestions.

BTW, I found out in chat, yesterday that you're a Torontoite like me. Nice to know you Bro!

Bill Maher (about Robert Blake's defence): He claims he's dyslexic. He really intended to pay his wife to off the hit-man.

The Cream rises to the top. So does the scum.
Light a Virtual Candle
Eleanor Roosevelt: No one can make YOU feel inferior without YOUR consent!

"RE: Speaking of Reality TV Addicts..."
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 05-13-02 at 03:16 PM
>{Hugs}, to you and Penelope, and Congratualations
>on he impending arrival of your new addition to
>your familiy. Have you figured out what you and
>Penelope will call Baby Le Pew , or him/her--I assume
>you don't know the gender of the upcoming "skunklet" yet.

Thanks for the best wishes! Nope, it's still way too early to know the gender as the due date's not until January 8th. We have a name or two in mind but will wait until the birth to find out if it's a boy or girl.

>BTW, I found out in chat, yesterday that you're a Torontoite
>like me. Nice to know you Bro!

Technically, I'm now about 45 mins further west from Toronto along the QEW but yep, I grew up in Willowdale.

"I'm the General and that's that."
Robert DeCanio, April 11/02

"RE: Speaking of Reality TV Addicts..."
Posted by Teddy_Bear on 05-13-02 at 03:31 PM
LAST EDITED ON 05-13-02 AT 04:25 PM (EST)

I think it's called Noth Yawk now, but if you hadn't moved we might have actually been neighbours. BTW, you're welcome. I'm glad you're looking forward to your impending "skunket" of joy. Let me know, once it happens, how it feels to be a pappa skunk.

Dubbaya: We're going to get them folk, dead or alive.

The Cream rises to the top. So does the scum.
Light a Virtual Candle
Eleanor Roosevelt: No one can make YOU feel inferior without YOUR consent!