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"?? Fire them all, some, or let it pass??"

Posted by mysticwolf on 05-09-05 at 05:56 PM
DH went in to work yesterday to find that 3 out of the 5 employees scheduled to work for him called off at 1am (within 5 minutes of one another). It was prom night and they were evidently having too good a time to get some sleep before reporting to work.

One of them has called off 3 times at the last minute, in the last month. Another was just hired 2 weeks ago - and this was her second call-off (she was also late her first day at work). The third has had perfect attendance, so far. It sounded like they were passing the phone back & forth to make the calls, so they knew just how short-handed they'd be. They also had the option to request to be off ahead of time. (They've known the schedule for at least 2 weeks.)

Now, this is at a restaurant on the turnpike - on a Sunday, that was also a holiday. They ended up having to "borrow" people from other facilities, and didn't have a full complement of people until 2nd shift started showing up. It inconvenienced (to put it politely) a lot of people - including the customer base (and caused DH to miss my concert - which has me PO'd).

Problem is that they already needed to hire people - and they just had to fire one, had one quit, and a third broke her leg. I think the only reason the kids pulled this is because they figure they can't fire them. Doing so would be problematic for a couple weeks, until school's out - but could be managed.

I say fire 'em all. Let them learn early that the business world doesn't accept that lack of consideration and work ethic. I know my company sure wouldn't put up with it. But, they're kids - graduating kids, yes - but still kids. I think company policy means #1 is gone for sure, maybe #2, as well, but #3 would be management call (it's at-will employment).

What would you do?

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: ?? Fire them all, some, or let it pass??"
Posted by ginger on 05-09-05 at 05:59 PM
I think the one with the (until now) perfect record has to be given a second chance. But go ahead and can the other two.

"RE: ?? Fire them all, some, or let it pass??"
Posted by landruajm on 05-09-05 at 06:23 PM
What Ginger said.

"RE: ?? Fire them all, some, or let it pass??"
Posted by Spidey on 05-09-05 at 06:35 PM
What landru said.

"RE: ?? Fire them all, some, or let it pass??"
Posted by Poncho on 05-10-05 at 08:19 AM
What Spidey said.


"RE: ?? Fire them all, some, or let it pass??"
Posted by nailbone on 05-10-05 at 09:21 AM
What Poncho said.

New from Sigs by Syren!!

Keep lookin' up, cuz that's where it all is. o-

"RE: ?? Fire them all, some, or let it pass??"
Posted by HobbsofMI on 05-10-05 at 10:41 AM
What Nailbone said.

created by Syren

"RE: ?? Fire them all, some, or let it pass??"
Posted by Devious Weasel on 05-10-05 at 11:20 AM
What Hobbs said

"RE: ?? Fire them all, some, or let it pass??"
Posted by Surveysez on 05-10-05 at 12:40 PM
What DW said.

Nothing is fool proof to a sufficiently talented fool.

"RE: ?? Fire them all, some, or let it pass??"
Posted by Emily RugBurn on 05-10-05 at 01:16 PM
LAST EDITED ON 05-10-05 AT 01:16 PM (EST)

What Surveysez... said.

~ EmRB

Generously handcrafted by the Amazing RollDdice; no relation to the Amazing Spider-Man
Pulitzer Prize Winner TeamJoisey: the first to admit he's aroused by my sig pic. Bow, chicka, bow bow!

"RE: ?? Fire them all, some, or let it pass??"
Posted by dragonflies on 05-10-05 at 01:24 PM
what EmRB said

another syren masterpiece

"RE: ?? Fire them all, some, or let it pass??"
Posted by KObrien_fan on 05-09-05 at 06:00 PM
Fire 1 and 2, warn #3. Either that or let them all go, it may be an inconvenience to have to find others, but you can't let that crap go on.

"RE: ?? Fire them all, some, or let it pass??"
Posted by mysticwolf on 05-09-05 at 06:20 PM
That's my position. Hopefully, these kids will be college bound and, even if they choose to make their living in something other than "white collar" work, most companies just won't tolerate it. As someone who was a hiring manager and worked in a manufacturing setting, life was always harder on everyone concerned when someone came in without having learned limits. Better earlier than later.

Posted by PagongRatEater on 05-09-05 at 06:25 PM
Number three should get a warning and perhaps written up, but it wouldn't be fair to fire that one unless you could prove that they weren't sick. The other two have proved themselves to be unreliable and deserve the shaft.

Hiya KT! *SMOOCH!*

"RE: Agree"
Posted by KObrien_fan on 05-09-05 at 07:13 PM
Hiya Pre, I'll raise you two smooshes and a hug!

"RE: ?? Fire them all, some, or let it pass??"
Posted by miamicatt on 05-09-05 at 06:24 PM

RollDdice it was handcrafted by. Thankful Miamicatt is.

"RE: ?? Fire them all, some, or let it pass??"
Posted by ginger on 05-09-05 at 06:39 PM
Boy, SOMEONE's in a Queen of Hearts mood!

OFFFFFFFFFFF with their heads!

"RE: ?? Fire them all, some, or let it pass??"
Posted by miamicatt on 05-09-05 at 09:23 PM
I just channeled the Emporer there for a second....whew! What a rush!

"RE: ?? Fire them all, some, or let it pass??"
Posted by TechNoir on 05-09-05 at 06:37 PM
I am assuming that "called off" means "called in to say they are sick and won't be at work" which we refer to as "called in sick" in my part of the woods.

#1 would have been warned on day one and let go the second time; #2, well I'm likely to warn folks, but this would be a good time to let it go. #3 - nope. Not under any circumstances. Besides, you will give him the opportunity to make sure everybody knows what happened to #1 and #2, and why they were let go. Spreading that through the grapevine is worth a lot.

"If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich." John F. Kennedy

"RE: ?? Fire them all, some, or let it pass??"
Posted by dabo on 05-09-05 at 07:11 PM
ditto, especially the #3 talking about what happened to #1 and #2 part.

"RE: ?? Fire them all, some, or let it pass??"
Posted by cahaya on 05-09-05 at 06:42 PM
Chop, chop, slap, in that order.

Just make sure you follow the relevant federal/state employment laws in doing so.

You're fired! -- Donald Trump (and every other CEO or HR manager sometime during his/her career).

"RE: ?? Fire them all, some, or let it pass??"
Posted by mysticwolf on 05-09-05 at 06:59 PM
Oh, he's had to do it before. See, in our current world of "retraining for increased employment opportunities", he's had to abandon his B.A. & 25yrs. of high-tech management and programming for re-training (8 weeks worth!) as a fast-food Mgr. He's just not entirely sure what the expectation level should be for high-schoolers in their first jobs.

He's feeling down right now. Says he's never worked so hard for so little money. But, it's legal, and it's money...

"RE: ?? Fire them all, some, or let it pass??"
Posted by nailbone on 05-10-05 at 12:35 PM
He's just not entirely sure what the expectation level should be for high-schoolers in their first jobs.

If #1 and #2 were warned the previous times, then firing them will be a good life lesson to all three. I f #1 and #2 weren't warned the previous times, then you'll probably have problems firing them anyway.

New from Sigs by Syren!!

Keep lookin' up, cuz that's where it all is. o-

"RE: ?? Fire them all, some, or let it pass??"
Posted by greenmonstah on 05-09-05 at 07:06 PM
Now this, I like!

Chop, chop, slap!

Posted by Dizwiz on 05-09-05 at 07:53 PM
Chop, chop, slap!
Chop, chop, slap!
Chop, chop, slap!
Chop, chop, slap!
Buddy, you're a boy, make a big noise playing in the street,
Gonna be a big man someday,
You got mud on you face,
You big disgrace,
Kickin' your can all over the place...

"RE: Everybody!"
Posted by mysticwolf on 05-09-05 at 08:10 PM
Thank you! First real LOL I've gotten from him since last night. You rock!

"RE: Everybody!"
Posted by Dizwiz on 05-09-05 at 09:20 PM
I may not rock now, but we will rock you. Oh yes, we will.

Happy to bring a smile!

"RE: ?? Fire them all, some, or let it pass??"
Posted by frisky on 05-09-05 at 10:49 PM
>Chop, chop, slap, in that order.

oooo...hi Cayaha, I'm Frisky, and I'm gonna like you.

*spank* oops, I mean *sniffbutt*

Mystie, the reason these kids do this is because people are letting them get away with it. Hubby needs to show that it isn't acceptable. #3 will straighten up after seeing him chopchop #1 and #2. And the rest of the staff will be afraid.

The world is my litterbox.

"RE: ?? Fire them all, some, or let it pass??"
Posted by mysticwolf on 05-10-05 at 00:03 AM
Actually, the rest of the staff are begging for their hours. Until school's out that's against the law (that's why it would be difficult for a few weeks).

I argree with you, but I want them ALL fired. But that's because it was a good concert performance and it's the first one he's missed. And it was Mothers Day! *pout*

"Evil management trick"
Posted by Bobdechemist on 05-09-05 at 07:39 PM
You say your short staffed so:

Fire #1. He is obviously useless and everyone else will resent him.

Talk to #3 and keep.

Keep #2, but hire some more people. Do what all evil restaurants do and start to slide #2 out, crummy shifts, split shifts, not enough hours. If she learns her lesson, fine, if not, cut down hours and push her out. You may get in trouble if you fire her for minor infractions, but you can always do the nasty crummy shifts trick.

Give your other employees a raise, even a nickle a hour after they stay with no problems for 3 months.

I am evil, yes I is, yes I is!

"RE: Evil management trick"
Posted by Spidey on 05-09-05 at 07:42 PM
You may get in trouble if you fire her for minor infractions,

If it's at-will employment, you can fire them for no reason at all.

And chances are that since they are HS students, they won't have worked enough consecutive time to qualify for any unemployment.

I'd rather be short-handed than keep employees who only hurt the company with their unreliability

"RE: Evil management trick"
Posted by samboohoo on 05-10-05 at 08:30 AM
Agree with the Spidey, I do.

I worked at McD's for a total of 10 years. Back then, you didn't do this kind of crap, you didn't call in unless you were on your deathbed. When I went into managment I had to deal with these types of things all the time. We could not require anyone to go to the doctor when they called in, however, Virginia is an "at-will" state so we either let them go or we cut their hours back so much that they left on their own.

I remember a many day when there were just 3 of us in the store for hours, but a productive little bunch we were.

Icey bounced my Dicey

"RE: Evil management trick"
Posted by HobbsofMI on 05-10-05 at 10:48 AM
The six people of our weekend crew at BK would go out until all hours on Friday and Saturday together, even show up at the store for food at 2am or 3am, but we would always be in and work our ##### off. That way we could cover for someone for a freeze nap and the morning manager could just sit in the office doing paper work.

created by Syren

"You've obviously been..."
Posted by mysticwolf on 05-09-05 at 07:49 PM
in fast-food or restaurants at some point. DH has only been in mgmt. for 3 weeks and he's seen these games played.

But coming from a non-food background, he's not happy about them. (Not to say he won't learn to play them.)

"RE: You've obviously been..."
Posted by Bobdechemist on 05-09-05 at 08:17 PM
I got all my cruel tricks from listening to my friends and sisters bitching about their time as underlings in fast food and other chain employers. Also from reading "Nickled and Dimed" and the "The Dilbert Principle"

Also, I'm naturally evil.

"RE: You've obviously been..."
Posted by mysticwolf on 05-09-05 at 08:23 PM
Ahhh... Your tricks may come in handy. Both DH & I managed to avoid the dreaded fast food and chain retailer employers growing up. His time has come. I fear that mine may eventually follow.

Who says you can't teach an old dog new tricks? Thank you GWB...

"RE: Evil management trick"
Posted by MandyM on 05-09-05 at 08:26 PM
*LOVE* the Evil Management Trick! Seems it would be very effective!

Good luck to your hubby Mystic...I'm sorry he has to deal with this crap.

*Still giggling at the "chop chop slap" above.*

MM I just wish that there was a way that I could choose for others not to be bigots. - HD

"RE: Evil management trick"
Posted by Lisapooh on 05-10-05 at 10:53 AM
yes - the nickel an hour raise does wonders for foolish young morale!

When I was a regular scooper at Baskin Robbins in high school, I was THRILLED - THRILLED - when I was "promoted" to Senior Scooper. i was all excited and proud of my nickel an hour wage and increase in responsibility. Until my dad pointed out that I worked roughly twenty hours a week, so I had assumed responsibility and accountability for a staff of dunces for a whopping $1 a week increase.

"RE: Evil management trick"
Posted by Bebo on 05-10-05 at 11:35 AM
I vote evil management with a twist. Handle #2 like Bob said, but also tell #2 that the next time he/she/it shows up late, that's termination time.

And make an extra point of thanking the other employees who have been showing up on time and have been doing their shifts as scheduled. Yeah, money is a great incentive, but acknowledging efforts has an impact too. And throwing around positive reenforcement right about the time the ax is falling for others can boost morale. That way, DH isn't just known as the hardass who only notices bad things.

"If there was ever a time you wanted permission to run over a clown . . . ."

"RE: ?? Fire them all, some, or let it pass??"
Posted by grit on 05-09-05 at 09:21 PM
I used to be a bookkeeper for a local McDonald's. The first owner I worked for would have kept kids like this because he was shorthanded and figured cr@ppy employees were better than no employees. Unfortunately for him, the kids learned that they could get away with murder and not lose their jobs.

When the new owner came in, he didn't put up with carp like that. No matter how shorthanded they were, people were fired if they pulled stuff like that. In the long run, it ended up being good for the store. The good kids who were busting their butts realized that they were valued employees and the bad kids would either work harder to keep their jobs or quit on their own.

Handcrafted by RollDdice