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"Not going to LA afterall......horrible turn of events"

Posted by shakes the clown on 04-20-05 at 05:56 PM
Jeanette and I were supposed to leave for LA tomorrow to do our interviews for FOX Reality TV, but that's not going to happen.

Jeanette called me at 10am today to tell me she had the itinerary and was printing it out as we spoke. She was really excited for the trip.

20 minutes later she called me crying hysterically that something terrible had happened and she couldn't go to LA.

Jeanette and her daughter recently moved in with Jeanette's boyfriend. He has a 2 year old son who stays with him once a week and every other weekend. His 3rd birthday party was set for next weekend. Jeanette's boyfriend has a lot of guns and since Jeanette and her daughter moved in he was in the process of making sure they were all unloaded and locked away so no one could get to them. This morning he was finishing that up when he had to run to the back of the house to let the dogs in...he placed a gun on his living room table. His son walked by, grabbed the gun and accidentaly shot himself in the head.

He hung on for about 3 hours before dying at the hospital.

To make matters worse, Jeanette's 18 year old daughter had just woken up and had walked into the living room right as it happened so she saw it.

I was at the hospital with Jeanette and about 50 friends and family all day....needless to say it wasn't a fun afternoon.

Jeanette told me that I should still go to LA and do the interview, but obviously I'm not going when my best friend is going through such a tramatic event.

I don't know if its gonna be rescheduled or not...I'll post an update if there is anything to post about.

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Not going to LA afterall......horrible turn of events"
Posted by mrc on 04-20-05 at 05:57 PM
Wow. That is horrible news, shakes. Prayers for your friend's family.

A Nefarious Dice Creation

"RE: Not going to LA afterall......horrible turn of events"
Posted by txmomma26 on 04-20-05 at 05:58 PM
How awful. Hugs to all.

SigPic by Syren

"RE: Not going to LA afterall......horrible turn of events"
Posted by Cygnus X1 on 04-20-05 at 06:00 PM
Aw, man. What a tragedy. God bless, Shakes.

"RE: Not going to LA afterall......horrible turn of events"
Posted by nailbone on 04-20-05 at 06:01 PM
Wow. Thoughts and prayers for all involved.

New from Sigs by Syren!!

Keep lookin' up, cuz that's where it all is. o-

"RE: Not going to LA afterall......horrible turn of events"
Posted by Estee on 04-20-05 at 06:04 PM
Words I'll probably never say again:

Shakes, I'm so sorry...

"RE: Not going to LA afterall......horrible turn of events"
Posted by CantStandToLook on 04-20-05 at 06:04 PM
What an aweful tragedy. It's going to take a lot of time for her to heal and get past all of that but you are a good friend to be there with her and support her and BF through all of this.

"RE: Not going to LA afterall......horrible turn of events"
Posted by Lisapooh on 04-20-05 at 06:09 PM
what can you do or say when in this circumstance? I'm so sorry for your friend and everyone involved. It's a horrible tragedy.

It only takes an instant for something like this to happen.

"RE: Not going to LA afterall......horrible turn of events"
Posted by AugustGirl on 04-20-05 at 06:09 PM
What a horrible thing. I am so sorry to hear this.

"RE: Not going to LA afterall......horrible turn of events"
Posted by Femme on 04-20-05 at 06:11 PM

(((jeanette, the family, the 50 others in tears)))

"RE: Not going to LA afterall......horrible turn of events"
Posted by Mon Cherie on 04-20-05 at 06:16 PM
What a horrible tragedy. My thoughts and prayers are with you all.


Posted by sorgee on 04-20-05 at 06:18 PM
i will make sure that i say a few extra prayers tonight for her and her family, especially for the passage of the little boy. may his road to heaven be paved in gold by guardian angels. they will all be in my thoughts.

(i'm such a mushy sympathy crier. i feel like i'm about to start bawling. this is so sad.)

"RE: Not going to LA afterall......horrible turn of events"
Posted by desert_rhino on 04-20-05 at 06:26 PM
I'm so sorry to hear this. I'll keep them in my thoughts.

"RE: Not going to LA afterall......horrible turn of events"
Posted by motormouth on 04-20-05 at 06:30 PM
What a grievous tragedy. My thoughts go out to all of you.


"RE: Not going to LA afterall......horrible turn of events"
Posted by Surveysez on 04-20-05 at 06:45 PM
The ripples from a tragedy like this affect so many. I'm so sorry for everyone.

"RE: Not going to LA afterall......horrible turn of events"
Posted by Red_Dobie on 04-20-05 at 06:48 PM
What a heart-breaking situation. I'm so sorry for your friend, Jeannette, and her family.

"RE: Not going to LA afterall......horrible turn of events"
Posted by Drive My Car on 04-20-05 at 06:51 PM
Oh no, oh wow, such a senseless horrible accident.
Shakes, I am so sorry.

I know it's hard when a friend is hurting to know what to do, but you just being there for her will help.
I am sending prayers in my heart, that poor family.

You hang in there Mike, You know I heart you, and am sending *HUGS* to you and your friends.

"RE: Not going to LA afterall......horrible turn of events"
Posted by true on 04-20-05 at 06:56 PM
Shakes, I'm so, so sorry. Such a horrible tragedy. You are all in my thoughts.

You are a wonderful friend. Jeanette is really going to need you now, and I know you will be a huge source of strength and comfort to her.

*hugs* to you both.

"RE: Not going to LA afterall......horrible turn of events"
Posted by greenmonstah on 04-20-05 at 07:05 PM
Words are beyond me...what a horrible, tragic nightmare. My deepest condolances.

"RE: Not going to LA afterall......horrible turn of events"
Posted by brvnkrz on 04-20-05 at 07:34 PM
How unbearably sad. My thoughts are with all of those suffering because of this tragedy.

"RE: Not going to LA afterall......horrible turn of events"
Posted by kathliam on 04-20-05 at 07:40 PM
Shakes, 'sorry' just doesn't seem to say enough, but there are no words. Such a sad thing to happen to anyone. I cannot imagine what they are going through. *Hugs* to you for being such a good friend and prayers to Jeanette and her entire family.

"RE: Not going to LA afterall......horrible turn of events"
Posted by zombiebaby on 04-20-05 at 07:45 PM
My heart breaks for the boy's parents. The worst possible tragedy there is.

So sorry for all those around him.

Keep strong.

"RE: Not going to LA afterall......horrible turn of events"
Posted by seahorse on 04-20-05 at 07:58 PM
That is so sad. I am very sorry for Jeanette and her family. They will be in my prayers.

Handcrafted by RollDdice

"RE: Not going to LA afterall......horrible turn of events"
Posted by MTW1961 on 04-20-05 at 08:03 PM
WOW. Sorry, Shakes; that's just terrible.

Handcrafted by RollDDice!

"RE: Not going to LA afterall......horrible turn of events"
Posted by Coconut on 04-20-05 at 08:17 PM
How awful, shakes. My condolences to Jeanette and her family.

"RE: Not going to LA afterall......horrible turn of events"
Posted by PagongRatEater on 04-20-05 at 08:22 PM
I'm so very sorry. I can't even imagine what Jeanette and her boyfriend are going through.

There are simply no words adequate to this kind of tragedy.

You are all in my prayers.

"RE: Not going to LA afterall......horrible turn of events"
Posted by syren on 04-20-05 at 08:23 PM
I am so sorry, Shakes. My heart goes out to you, your friend, and her family.

"RE: Not going to LA afterall......horrible turn of events"
Posted by ARnutz on 04-20-05 at 08:35 PM
Such a terrible tragedy.

My thoughts are with all of you. Big {{{hugs}}}

'nutz: Proud member of the inoffensive OT Triumvirate... and Shroomhater! - shroom go boom!

"Words don't begin to describe..."
Posted by Spanky68 on 04-20-05 at 09:13 PM
how sorry I am to hear this. I pray that everyone involved can heal and that something good will come from it. The boy is in a much better place now.

"RE: Not going to LA afterall......horrible turn of events"
Posted by mysticwolf on 04-20-05 at 09:29 PM
Shakes... I am so very sorry. The words seem empty in the face of such tragedy, but I can't think of anything else to offer other than my sincere condolences to everyone involved.

You, and they, will all be in my thoughts and prayers.

"RE: Not going to LA afterall......horrible turn of events"
Posted by Wheezy on 04-20-05 at 09:33 PM

Good grief.

So sorry, Shakes.

"RE: Not going to LA afterall......horrible turn of events"
Posted by skye on 04-20-05 at 10:01 PM
My most sincere condolances to your friend.

Blessed be

Dressed for Beltane by SigGoddess Syren

"RE: Not going to LA afterall......horrible turn of events"
Posted by dabo on 04-20-05 at 10:04 PM
This is just absolutely horrible. Michael, please extend my deepest sympathies to Jeanette and her family and friends. The grief you must all be going through right now, this is just a most horrible and tragic thing.

"RE: Not going to LA afterall......horrible turn of events"
Posted by TechNoir on 04-20-05 at 10:28 PM
Shit, that's horrible. I'm so sorry.

"RE: Not going to LA afterall......horrible turn of events"
Posted by RudyRules on 04-20-05 at 10:35 PM
My thoughts and prayers are with Jeanette and her family and you and all of her friends.
I am so terribly sorry to hear of this tragedy.

"Them people had to be pretty dumb to make their camp in a riverbed." - Rudy Boesch

"RE: Not going to LA afterall......horrible turn of events"
Posted by Immunegirl on 04-20-05 at 10:40 PM
That is terrible. So sorry to hear about it.

"RE: Not going to LA afterall......horrible turn of events"
Posted by frisky on 04-20-05 at 10:40 PM
Oh my God, how devastating. Your post brought me to tears. My heart goes out to this family.

"RE: Not going to LA afterall......horrible turn of events"
Posted by Seana on 04-20-05 at 10:40 PM
This is absolutely horrible. My condolences to all of you.

"RE: Not going to LA afterall......horrible turn of events"
Posted by sittem on 04-20-05 at 11:06 PM
OMH - just saw the story on the 10 o'clock news. What an awful tragedy. I'm praying for Jeanette and all involved. Thanks for being a good friend to her Michael.

Do you need anything?

2002 IceCat Originals, Inc. All rights reserved.

"RE: Not going to LA afterall......horrible turn of events"
Posted by probably clueless on 04-20-05 at 11:13 PM

"RE: Not going to LA afterall......horrible turn of events"
Posted by volsfan on 04-20-05 at 11:19 PM
LAST EDITED ON 04-20-05 AT 11:22 PM (EST)

All good thoughts and prayers to the family and shakes. {{{HUGS}}} to everyone. Keep us updated.

"Best wishes to you all"
Posted by AyaK on 04-20-05 at 11:23 PM
Who cares about "Love Cruise" after that horrible story?

shakes, I hate to say this ... but you're going to ruin your DAW image if you insist on doing the right thing. My best wishes go out to Jeanette and her daughter ... and I hope they can get through this terrible, terrible tragedy.

May I add that I hate guns? Don't own one, never will, and this is the reason why.

"RE: Best wishes to you all"
Posted by LeftPinky on 04-21-05 at 00:08 AM
Couldn't say it better than Ayak...

Good thoughts and prayers to you, Shakes... and your friend and her family.

"RE: Best wishes to you all"
Posted by HobbsofMI on 04-21-05 at 09:58 AM
I'll add my sympathies to the list for Jannette, her daughter and her bf and it's a terrible, terrible tragedy that she was working on to prevent but somehow it seems like the bf just slipped into old habbit for a second but it only takes a second. I can only hope that people will learn from this and this never happens to any family in the future but I know that's an imposible dream.

created by Syren

"RE: Not going to LA afterall......horrible turn of events"
Posted by Asrai on 04-21-05 at 00:47 AM
Shakes, I am sorry to hear this, hon. I will send prayers/good thoughts your way. My heart goes out to Jeanette, her boyfriend, her daughter, and the boy's family. This is just so sad.


I Will Arrive...

"RE: Not going to LA afterall......horrible turn of events"
Posted by wandacal on 04-21-05 at 00:56 AM
Oh my God! That is horrible! This made me tear up.

God's blessings on Jeanette's boyfriend. The grief and unneccessary, but understandable feelings of guilt, must be tearing him up.

God bless you for being such a good friend to Jeanette.

If a fund of some sort is being set up, will you let us know?

"RE: Not going to LA afterall......horrible turn of events"
Posted by ladycub on 04-21-05 at 01:28 AM
I'm so sorry Shakes. Special prayers for all involved.

"RE: Not going to LA afterall......horrible turn of events"
Posted by KObrien_fan on 04-21-05 at 05:17 AM
Wow, that is a terrible tragedy and I am so sorry to hear that. I am at a loss for words, but indeed will say some prayers.

"RE: Not going to LA afterall......horrible turn of events"
Posted by Silvergirl1 on 04-21-05 at 05:21 AM

I am so sorry to read about this, Shakes. My condolences to you, Jeannette, her family and her BF's family. You are a good friend.


"RE: Not going to LA afterall......horrible turn of events"
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 04-21-05 at 06:54 AM
What a tragedy, sorry to hear the news Shakes. I agree with you that it probably wouldn't have done you much good to go ahead to L.A. and you'd have gotten much more out of being there for Jeannette and offering your support.

Scratch and sniff
"Tsk, tsk. Pepe's messing with the newbies again." Spidey, 3/30/05

"RE: Not going to LA afterall......horrible turn of events"
Posted by Dizwiz on 04-21-05 at 07:39 AM
How horrible. My sympathies to all involved...what a senseless tragedy.

"RE: Not going to LA afterall......horrible turn of events"
Posted by Bobdechemist on 04-21-05 at 07:50 AM
How utterly, utterly awful for everyone involved.
The poor father, he must be so devastatingly guilt ridden. Keep an eye on him.

"RE: Not going to LA afterall......horrible turn of events"
Posted by anotherkim on 04-21-05 at 08:05 AM
This is my worst nightmare come to life.

So sorry, Shakes. What a tragedy.

"RE: Not going to LA afterall......horrible turn of events"
Posted by Glow on 04-21-05 at 08:13 AM
I'm so sorry to hear this, Shakes. Your friend, her family, and all involved are in my thoughts.

"RE: Not going to LA afterall......horrible turn of events"
Posted by Swami on 04-21-05 at 08:13 AM
How very sad, Shakes. How sad. A tragedy for everyone involved, especially the poor little boy.

"RE: Not going to LA afterall......horrible turn of events"
Posted by Bebo on 04-21-05 at 08:14 AM
{{{{{Shakes}}}}} I'm glad she has friends like you to help her and her family through it. My prayers go out to you all.

"RE: Not going to LA afterall......horrible turn of events"
Posted by Breezy on 04-21-05 at 08:17 AM
Oh no!!!!

I'm so sorry. *hug* Give Jeanette and hers our love and support.

Save a horse, ride a cowboy. Sigpic by Syren.

"RE: Not going to LA afterall......horrible turn of events"
Posted by Draco Malfoy on 04-21-05 at 08:20 AM
Wow. Emotional healing energy going out to all of you.

"RE: Not going to LA afterall......horrible turn of events"
Posted by dragonflies on 04-21-05 at 08:24 AM
So sorry to hear this news Shakes.

My prayers go out to all involved.

"RE: Not going to LA afterall......horrible turn of events"
Posted by DontGetMeStarted on 04-21-05 at 08:25 AM
Oh dear G-D, I am so so sorry.

"RE: Not going to LA afterall......horrible turn of events"
Posted by Esbea on 04-21-05 at 08:27 AM
Absolutely horrifying. My condolences to your friend and her family. There are no words, Shakes. Im sure she's grateful to have such a good friend at her side.

No use trying to hide your good heart now...its public record.

"RE: Not going to LA afterall......horrible turn of events"
Posted by SurvivaBear on 04-21-05 at 08:35 AM
Like others, I am speechless . . . nearly breathless. I am so sad for you, Jeanette, her BF, and all others involved. I pray that the peace that passes all understanding will comfort all of you.

"RE: Not going to LA afterall......horrible turn of events"
Posted by geg6 on 04-21-05 at 08:44 AM
What a tragedy. My heart goes out to Jeannette and her boyfriend, her daughter, and their friends and family. They will need the support of good friends like you. Keeping all of you in my thoughts.

I'm such a slut for the blues.
I always suspected a big heart under all the clown makeup.

"RE: Not going to LA afterall......horrible turn of events"
Posted by KScott on 04-21-05 at 08:54 AM
I am so sorry. You and Jeanette's family will be in my thoughts and prayers.

- Sliced!
A good friend will come and bail you out of jail...but a true friend will be sitting next to you saying, "Damn... that was fun!"


"RE: Not going to LA afterall......horrible turn of events"
Posted by LionChow on 04-21-05 at 09:11 AM
Wow, that's so horrible.

Hard to believe making one mistake can have such terrible consequences.

"RE: Not going to LA afterall......horrible turn of events"
Posted by jkokoj on 04-21-05 at 09:39 AM
Oh Shakes I am so sorry for your best friend. {{HUGS}} to you and her, her BF and his family. I will keep them in my thoughts and prayers.

"Give our sympathies to Jeanette"
Posted by weltek on 04-21-05 at 09:55 AM
Wow, what a horrible turn of events. I'm glad you are such a good friend to her. Sounds like she has good people surrounding her. My thoughts are with Jeanette, her boyfriend & familiy.

"So sorry"
Posted by PhoenixMons on 04-21-05 at 10:05 AM
I can only imagine what Jeanette's family is going through right now. A family friend had a toddler die in her home when the toddler got outside in the middle of the night through the doggie door and fell into a kiddie pool and drowned. It was so incredibly difficult for them to deal with. I know it's not exactly the same, but I can appreciate how hard it must be for you as the friend.

I'll be thinking of them and you. Jeanette is lucky to have a friend to lean on right now.

Got blog?

"RE: Not going to LA afterall......horrible turn of events"
Posted by Spidey on 04-21-05 at 10:40 AM
I have no words. Only tears. And hugs. I am so sorry.

"RE: Not going to LA afterall......horrible turn of events"
Posted by blacknwhitedog on 04-21-05 at 11:20 AM
wow, that is so tragic, I am so sorry

glad you could be there for your friend

"RE: Not going to LA afterall......horrible turn of events"
Posted by Devious Weasel on 04-21-05 at 11:27 AM
Not much to add other than my condolences, my prayers, my thoughts, and whatever support you (and more pertinently, Jeanette and her family) can draw from our group here.

"RE: Not going to LA afterall......horrible turn of events"
Posted by Steen on 04-21-05 at 12:43 PM
My prayers are with you and Jeanette's fmaily. This is just awful.

"RE: Not going to LA afterall......horrible turn of events"
Posted by foonermints on 04-21-05 at 12:59 PM
Shakes, I am so sorry! Our thoughts and prayers for you, Jeanette, and everyone. (((HUGS)))

"RE: Not going to LA afterall......horrible turn of events"
Posted by northernlights on 04-21-05 at 01:47 PM
My condolences to you, Jeannette and her family. Such a tragic story. My thoughts and prayers are with you all.

Posted by shakes the clown on 04-21-05 at 02:48 PM
first, thanks everyone for their kind thoughts.

The bad news is that this has been all over the news. The good news is that the media and the police seem to be going out of their way to point out two things....one, that it is being treated as an accident, and two, that the father was a great dad who absolutely loved his son and was always spending time with him. There were lots of interviews with neighbors who said stuff like that.

Some of the "facts" in the stories have been wrong, but nothing substantial.

They are meeting with the police and DCFS tonight...hopefully nothing bad will come of that.

This is just crazy....to think, as I write this me, Jeanette and her boyfriend were supposed to be on a plane right now to LA.

"Thanks for the update"
Posted by true on 04-21-05 at 03:21 PM
I can't imagine having to be questioned by authorites while suffering such a horrible tragedy. My heart really goes out to Jeanette and her family.

Ok, now my heart goes out to you. I'm really sorry your second chance at DAWdom is delayed once again. You know, if I was a superstitous type...first 9/11 now this.

Anyway, I know you are truly concerned for your friend, and that this time, it's really personal, but I did want you to know that I'm also sorry that your opportunity was dashed/delayed once again. I know you must be personally disappointed, and that's ok.

Sending GOOD vibes your way.


"RE: update"
Posted by sittem on 04-21-05 at 06:39 PM
saw the tv report last night and the two newspaper reports today and was going to post one, but then, as I noticed that things stated in the papaer didn't all square with the facts you shared I felt it was not going to be helpful

hang on guy

2002 IceCat Originals, Inc. All rights reserved.

"RE: update"
Posted by MandyM on 04-21-05 at 07:21 PM
Thank you for the update. I am so sorry for Jeanette, her daughter, her BF, his whole family and all of you who are close to them. I will send good thoughts that all goes well tonight with DCFS. I'm so thankful that Jeanette has you to lean on...you will be an invaluable support for her (and her daughter and BF as well) for months to come.

Hang in there and know that we are all in your corner.

MM {{{hugs}}}

"RE: update"
Posted by Drive My Car on 04-22-05 at 08:56 AM

You are a good friend, I am glad they have someone as supportive as you looking out for them.

Sending HUGS to you.

"RE: update"
Posted by Sheila on 04-22-05 at 10:03 AM
What a horrible tragedy! I have read the newspaper reports of the accident and I guess the investigators just want to do their job. However, from everything I did read, it does sound as if they know it was an accident.

Peace be with you, Jeanette, the boy's family and friends as the child is laid to rest.


"RE: Not going to LA afterall......horrible turn of events"
Posted by minitroll on 04-21-05 at 03:08 PM
LAST EDITED ON 04-21-05 AT 03:09 PM (EST)

Thank you for the update Shakes. What a horrible trajedy. My heart goes out to Jeanette, her boyfriend and both their families. You're a good friend Shakes.

"RE: Not going to LA afterall......horrible turn of events"
Posted by iatovttotx78 on 04-21-05 at 07:31 PM
Although we've never really meet/ been introduced, I'd just like to say that I am very sorry for your and your friend's loss. There can't be anything more heartbreaking than the loss of a child. My thoughts are with all those involved.


"RE: Not going to LA afterall......horrible turn of events"
Posted by samboohoo on 04-22-05 at 10:01 AM
I'm so so sorry to hear this terrible news. My thoughts to you and Jeanette.

Crowned by Pooh. Decorated by Syren

"RE: Not going to LA afterall......horrible turn of events"
Posted by Roo on 04-22-05 at 11:32 AM
What a horrible, horrible tragedy. I'm so sorry.