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Thread Number: 19416
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Original Message
"How is this possible?"

Posted by kyngsladye on 03-27-05 at 02:15 PM

I'm wearing a new pair of pajamas. The pants come all the way up to above my belly button--that is, until I sit down. Half of my rear is now hanging out the back. Luckily, the pajama top is long enough to cover the exposure. How is this possible?

La Métropole
I'm just pleased that I have my granny panties on so that I can look cool with my undies showing.

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: How is this possible?"
Posted by CantStandToLook on 03-27-05 at 02:22 PM
Normally I would say just say no to crack...but in this case, I think a little crack would do the soul good

Kick ass new siggy by Syren

"RE: How is this possible?"
Posted by thecontender on 03-27-05 at 08:56 PM
LMSFAO @ this thread)

Ummm you have the pj bottoms on backwards or you have one huuumungus rear LOL

Since I know you not, I can't really say but them was my two cents and two conclusions *ggggg*

Maybe in a past life you were a plumber?

"RE: How is this possible?"
Posted by kyngsladye on 03-27-05 at 09:45 PM

Ahhh, but my humongous ass is a well-known fact in these parts. It matches the rack.

La Métropole
*pushes the button for level 9*

"RE: How is this possible?"
Posted by J Slice on 03-27-05 at 09:48 PM
Me too.

And mine has tattoos on it.

One of which is a stained glass window.

Thusly, my ass is a work of architecture.

I don't have to prove that I'm creative - Talking Heads, "Artists Only"

"RE: How is this possible?"
Posted by Cygnus X1 on 03-27-05 at 11:11 PM
Reminds me of something John McLaughlin once said to the rotund Jack Germond:

"Last week they had the Nude Olympics, complete with track and field, volleyball, and body painting. Jack, if you had been there, you would have been the Sistine Chapel!"

Issue Number Two...

"Best ##### quote"
Posted by RollDdice on 03-28-05 at 02:55 AM
Cygnus reminded me of the best a$$ quote I can recall.

When Tom Arnold was still married to Roseanne, he said, "I talked Rosie into tattooing 'Property of Tom Arnold' on her rear end. I just learned that I'm the third largest property owner in California."

"RE: How is this possible?"
Posted by Cygnus X1 on 03-27-05 at 11:15 PM
Static cling?

The pajamas stayed put and your body shifted?


Not sure I want to go there much beyond that.

"RE: How is this possible?"
Posted by foonermints on 03-27-05 at 11:44 PM
It doesn't say "Tommy Hilfiger" on the label, right?

"RE: How is this possible?"
Posted by kyngsladye on 03-28-05 at 00:01 AM

Nope. No Tommy Hilfiger.

La Métropole

"RE: How is this possible?"
Posted by foonermints on 03-28-05 at 00:16 AM
Made in China? Everything is made in China?

CQ's A$$ finale hero
probably for the chenbot