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"I want this! I have to have it!"

Posted by Breezy on 12-05-04 at 02:45 PM
I saw this on TV last night, my Aunt had told me about it before but I had never seen it. Now I've seen it and I have to have it. I have very little cupboard space in my kitchen, so this would be wonderful.

Smart Spin

Anyone out there have this? Is it as wonderful as I think it is?

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: I want this! I have to have it!"
Posted by AugustGirl on 12-05-04 at 02:51 PM
Oooooo! I have coveted this since I first saw it a few weeks ago. I have resisted the urge to buy becaue I am not sure of the quality of the containers. However, if I knew the Gladware and Ziplock containers would fit in it also, I'd buy it in a heartbeat.

Handcrafted by RollDdice
I'll wait for someone else to be the guinea pig.

"I volunteer"
Posted by Breezy on 12-05-04 at 02:57 PM
I'm planning on making DH order this for me for Christmas as soon as he gets home. I'll let ya know about the quality and if the gladware will fit in it too.

The commercial says they're microwave and dishwasher safe. Sold!

"RE: I volunteer"
Posted by AugustGirl on 12-05-04 at 02:59 PM
Yay Breezy! Way to take one for the team.

Posted by Breezy on 12-05-04 at 03:02 PM
I just feel it's my duty.


"RE: I volunteer"
Posted by udg on 12-05-04 at 03:53 PM
OOOOO! I lost most of my containers in our move almost 4 years ago, but I've been too stubborn to replace them. This does look neat! My only question is, do you have to bolt down the base?

I don't know if you're evil for tempting me like this or marvelous for taking the plunge and getting them first, so we know if they're really worth it.

Slice n' Dice's Sigpic Chop Shop 2004
Evelous? Marvil? I'm so confused.

"RE: I want this! I have to have it!"
Posted by ARnutz on 12-05-04 at 02:53 PM
Ooooh! I want one too! That is cool. I wonder if the containers are a good quality?

Mon Dieu, Mon Cherie... c'est magnifique!!!

"RE: I want this! I have to have it!"
Posted by greenmonstah on 12-05-04 at 06:08 PM
Mr Monstah is a grouch when it comes to our tupperware cabinet. I showed this to him and we got it. They offered an additional set for $14.95 which I excepted...the only thing is that it costs $25.00 to ship the thing...so at the end of my order the $19.99 smart investement came to $73.00 buck-a-roos.

I will forward the bill to Breezy

I will let you know as soon as it comes in...Yay!!!!!! A group project!

"RE: I want this! I have to have it!"
Posted by Wheezy on 12-05-04 at 07:32 PM

Oh my heck, you can do it blindfolded.


That was a silly little part, wasn't it.

"RE: I want this! I have to have it!"
Posted by frisky on 12-05-04 at 10:52 PM
If you must have it, then you must buy it. That's what credit cards are for!

My mother would love this. She's a kitchen gadget ho.

Incessant whining.

"RE: I want this! I have to have it!"
Posted by Glow on 12-06-04 at 01:05 AM
Grisky, your flag is waving.

"RE: I want this! I have to have it!"
Posted by Glow on 12-06-04 at 00:34 AM
I clicked the link, got excited, and was told I don't need any more containers. "Well, yeah, but..." "We don't need any more containers." *sigh*

J'adore ma sig pic de Mon Cherie!

Posted by Breezy on 12-06-04 at 08:12 AM
Want me to call him? I'll set him straight.

Mine is ordered, I can hardly wait for it to come in. *squeal*

"RE: pffftttt"
Posted by Coconut on 12-06-04 at 08:33 AM
Are you squealing because you're taking one for the team?

Mon Cherie est fabuleuse.

My container collection comes from Danone.

"RE: pffftttt"
Posted by Breezy on 12-06-04 at 08:47 AM
Nope, squealing cause I'm excited. Sad, eh?

Who's Danone?

"RE: pffftttt"
Posted by Coconut on 12-06-04 at 10:59 AM

And Danone is a yogurt company.

"RE: pffftttt"
Posted by Breezy on 12-06-04 at 11:05 AM

Ohhhhh Dannon. Why didn't you say so?

"RE: pffftttt"
Posted by Coconut on 12-06-04 at 11:14 AM

See? Easy.

"yeah right"
Posted by Glow on 12-06-04 at 09:24 AM
You could try. Call him now. He's home. Of course. *rolls eyes*

J'adore ma sig pic de Mon Cherie!

"RE: yeah right"
Posted by Breezy on 12-06-04 at 09:53 AM
He knows who I am right? If I say this is Breezy?

Mine.... is out of the drs office and has a stress test on Thursday. If all goes well he goes back to work Monday! *hop*

"RE: yeah right"
Posted by Glow on 12-06-04 at 09:58 AM
Of course he'll know. I saved the f**king hat message. *giggle*

Yay! sendhimtoworksendhimtoworksendhimtoworksendhimtowork

"RE: yeah right"
Posted by Breezy on 12-06-04 at 10:04 AM
LOL the f**king fair to get your f**king hat? Yikes! Mouth on me when drinking. *hangs head*

Keep up the chanting! *smooch*

"RE: yeah right"
Posted by txmomma26 on 12-06-04 at 10:26 AM
Ooooooooh.....So what'd the doctor say Breezy???

And Glowie, why's yours at home???

Posted by Breezy on 12-06-04 at 10:53 AM
If he passes the stress test Thursday, he goes back to work Monday.

"RE: Hopefully"
Posted by txmomma26 on 12-06-04 at 11:08 AM
Okay. Rule #1 - no upsetting Mr. Breezy til after the stress test on Thursday.

Copyright 2004 SyrenSigPics

"RE: Hopefully"
Posted by Breezy on 12-06-04 at 11:10 AM
I figured I'd give him a workout every night this week, so he's ready for the stress test. *grin*

No? Bad idea?

"RE: Hopefully"
Posted by txmomma26 on 12-06-04 at 11:11 AM
That? could be more of a test than he needs

Naughty Breezy

"RE: Hopefully"
Posted by Breezy on 12-06-04 at 11:13 AM
Ok, so just every other night?

Who me?

"RE: Hopefully"
Posted by txmomma26 on 12-06-04 at 11:25 AM
Stress relief is always good for the body. Only you can determine how stressed you are and the type of relief needed.

Has he stopped the over/de-cluttering yet?

Santa's watching, you know.

"RE: Hopefully"
Posted by Breezy on 12-06-04 at 11:29 AM
Not sure what he's up to today. I guess I'll find out when I get home.

Hello!?!?! He ordered me the smart spinny thing. So that must mean I'm good right? *grin*

"RE: Hopefully"
Posted by txmomma26 on 12-06-04 at 11:42 AM
LOL - You mean you don't call and check on him every couple of hours to make sure he hasn't screwed up your whole house?!?!?


Sweetie, that was YOUR credit card, remember?

"RE: Hopefully"
Posted by Breezy on 12-06-04 at 11:54 AM
It doesn't help to call him, he lies.

But it didn't have MY name on it. *pout*

"RE: Hopefully"
Posted by txmomma26 on 12-06-04 at 12:01 PM

Who pays the bill?

"RE: yeah right"
Posted by Glow on 12-06-04 at 10:56 AM
I'll PM you. Check your flag in a few.

"RE: yeah right"
Posted by txmomma26 on 12-06-04 at 11:10 AM
No, check yours!

Copyright 2004 SyrenSigPics

"RE: yeah right"
Posted by Glow on 12-06-04 at 12:39 PM
You are such a sweetheart!!!!!!!!

Just wanted to shout that out. *grin*

"RE: yeah right"
Posted by txmomma26 on 12-06-04 at 12:44 PM
I am not!

Copyright 2004 SyrenSigPics with Beav's pickle

"yeah huh"
Posted by Glow on 12-06-04 at 02:21 PM
Don't let her try to fool you. She really is.

"RE: yeah huh"
Posted by txmomma26 on 12-06-04 at 02:38 PM
Only to the people on my list....*evil laugh*

Copyright 2004 SyrenSigPics with Beav's pickle

"RE: yeah huh"
Posted by Glow on 12-06-04 at 02:46 PM
OMH! I just noticed your pickle. dork

"RE: yeah huh"
Posted by txmomma26 on 12-06-04 at 02:47 PM
I'm not a dork. Beav did that.

Go check out the German pickle thread

"RE: yeah huh"
Posted by Glow on 12-06-04 at 02:51 PM
You're not a dork? I assumed you must be. I already know Beav is. Dorks are cute.

I'm not sure why but German pickle makes me giggle. I? am a dork.

"RE: yeah huh"
Posted by txmomma26 on 12-06-04 at 03:09 PM
LOL - the article was enough to give me fits. I guess if you and Beav are both dorks, I must be in good company, huh?>

Copyright 2004 SyrenSigPics with modifications by Beav

"RE: I want this! I have to have it!"
Posted by txmomma26 on 12-06-04 at 10:25 AM
Okay, I have to say it - this is invented for and by REDNECKS. Just like the damn Pasta Pot (I bought it this weekend). I need one of these. DBF is throwing a fit. "Like we need more crap on the counters." If he'd get his crap off the counters, I'd have a place for it

Let me know how you like it. I may have to get it.

Went to the outlet malls this weekend. Wrapped my own Pasta Pot Christmas present too.

"RE: I want this! I have to have it!"
Posted by Breezy on 12-06-04 at 10:55 AM
You're weird, my neck isn't red. No hickies on me. *grin*

I bought my mixing bowl and towels, but I'm making DH wrap it.

"RE: I want this! I have to have it!"
Posted by txmomma26 on 12-06-04 at 11:07 AM
I'm not weird. Sick, yes. Weird, not so much.

Copyright 2004 SyrenSigPics

Posted by cqvenus on 12-06-04 at 11:10 AM

i know it looks good and sounds good, but in practicality, i personally know i don't have the discipline to restack everything all neat and nice. if i did, i could organize my cabinet simply by stacking everything all neat and nice, and wouldn't need to pay goobles of dollars for tops and bottoms and spinny things.

~ cq

just my two cents

"RE: ummmmm"
Posted by Breezy on 12-06-04 at 11:12 AM
I do restack my containers and put them in the two tubs in the cupboard... but they're all different shapes and sizes so they don't stack well and take up too much room.

Plus it spins, oooohhhhh looky the pretty spinny thing.

"RE: I want this! I have to have it!"
Posted by DoodleBug on 12-06-04 at 11:29 AM
I'm always skeptical on the quality of these things. Lemme know how it goes.

I'm dreaming of a white Christmas.....

"I hear ya..."
Posted by weltek on 12-06-04 at 02:44 PM
I'm still angry over the Eggstractor.

Handcrafted by RollDdice

"So that egg thing?"
Posted by Breezy on 12-06-04 at 02:47 PM
Doesn't work?

"RE: So that egg thing?"
Posted by weltek on 12-06-04 at 02:54 PM
It has about a 5% success rate...I made a big batch of messed up egg salad when we experimented. And it's not just us being uncoordinated. Our Madison "News 3 Investigation Team" had a special on As Seen on TV products & nobody could get the thing to work more than once or twice in a dozen eggs.

Handcrafted by RollDdice

"I wondered..."
Posted by Breezy on 12-06-04 at 03:03 PM
Cause to me, it just didn't look like it would work. How could it?

"RE: I wondered..."
Posted by weltek on 12-06-04 at 03:38 PM
They SAID it would work. Who wouldn't believe the Eggstractor people? I mean, comeon, anyone who cared enough to create a product that peeled eggs MUST be smart. Um, Right?

Handcrafted by RollDdice

"But how?"
Posted by Breezy on 12-06-04 at 03:43 PM
Could you push an egg out of it's shell? It just looked funky to me, I wish it did work though. I'd buy two.

"RE: But how?"
Posted by weltek on 12-06-04 at 03:51 PM
I dunno. I usually tune people out when they go into the "how" portion of the sales. You tapped the egg on a little pin, then put that big plastic tube over it & push, forcing air through the tiny hole in the eggshell-enough to push the innards out. Made sense to me in my rainbow colored world.

So did you have something you need to sell me? Here's my credit card #....

Handcrafted by RollDdice

-Craptastik Gadget Buyer & Pushover
Let me tell you about the GlassWizard. Not so Wizardly.

"Glass Wizard?"
Posted by Breezy on 12-06-04 at 03:54 PM
The only other thing I've bought off the TV like this was my Wall Magic paint thingy. That works great.

Oh yeah, and BM's ofcourse. But that was only after Misto told me too.

"Glass Wizard? "
Posted by txmomma26 on 12-06-04 at 03:56 PM
What's a Glass Wizard? Do I need one of those?

Copyright 2004 SyrenSigPics with modifications by Beav

"RE: I want this! I have to have it!"
Posted by buckeyegirl on 12-06-04 at 11:34 AM
Christmas is saved thanks to Breezy!! I had no idea what to get my mom. She'll love this!!!!!! Thanks so much!!

--would not know what to do w/out OT!

"RE: I want this! I have to have it!"
Posted by MTW1961 on 12-06-04 at 11:46 AM
THAT'S IT!!! A gift for Mom!

BEG, you just made my day!

Handcrafted by RollDdice!

Now, what to get for her husband...

"got it!"
Posted by PagongRatEater on 12-06-04 at 11:43 AM
The DW saw a commercial for this the other night and thought it was just the perfect solution to our stacking and storage needs. So I have one on the way along with my 'free' 6-in-1 ktichen utensil (I've been teasing my wife for months that she was getting one for Christmas, so I HAD to do it).

"RE: got it!"
Posted by buckeyegirl on 12-06-04 at 11:59 AM
OH PRE....I fell for that one as well. My mom is also getting one of those utensils. Let me know if it's as good as it seems.

A J-Slice Christmas Creation

"RE: got it!"
Posted by PagongRatEater on 12-06-04 at 12:10 PM
It can beat eggs AND pick up a thin dime - it's gotta be good!

Posted by Estee on 12-06-04 at 03:47 PM
If most of your plastic food containers were acquired by ordering won-ton soup to go, you may not be in a good position to judge the quality of this product.