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"Advice for a Desperate Housewife?"

Posted by frisky on 10-31-04 at 11:15 PM
The dilemma:

1. Desperate Housewives is on tonight. I have satellite. The kids were still hyper when the 9:00 show started, so I thought I would wait until either the 10:00 or the midnight show.

2. DH has control of the remote.

3. DH is in a major snit. He's been snarly all night, with EVERYONE. I already said something to him about loading the washer without starting it, and he jumped down my throat. And I don't mean that in a good way.

4. DH just started watching the 10:00 showing of "Shallow Hal." It isn't over until 12:30.

So, what should I do? Let me just make it clear that missing Desperate Housewives tonight is NOT an option.


Yes, kitties can have blogs, too.

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Messages in this discussion
"It will be on again"
Posted by moonbaby on 10-31-04 at 11:20 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-31-04 AT 11:26 PM (EST)

next Saturday. Forgot to add that I try to avoid snits in any way, shape or form. What's a few days viewing delay versus a ceasing of snitiness?

"RE: It will be on again"
Posted by frisky on 10-31-04 at 11:24 PM
Really? I didn't know they were showing them twice a week!

Thanks, moon.

Now I just have to make sure that I have control of the remote on Saturday.

Yes, kitties can have blogs, too.

Posted by moonbaby on 10-31-04 at 11:29 PM
he may lose interest in Shallow Hal and go to sleep, in which case you can watch your show tonight-if you can stay up that late.

I love the Saturday do-over thing!

"RE: Advice for a Desperate Housewife?"
Posted by Puffy on 10-31-04 at 11:39 PM
I'm surprised that it's on 3 times in one night! Is that some Canadian custom that I don't know about? I guess you could always take a bath..

"RE: Advice for a Desperate Housewife?"
Posted by frisky on 11-01-04 at 00:20 AM
It's the wonders of satellite, Puff! I can be an east coaster AND a west coaster without leaving the comfort of my own home!

Yes, kitties can have blogs, too.

"RE: Advice for a Desperate Housewife?"
Posted by 63_Stingray on 11-01-04 at 00:46 AM
LAST EDITED ON 11-01-04 AT 00:49 AM (EST)

Get one of those clickers that turns off the tv where ever you are and make like you're having cable trouble. Are those your babies? They are a-dor-able!

"Two words"
Posted by Gothmog on 10-31-04 at 11:41 PM
Rubber Mallet.

Or? start conspicuously reading a biography of Lorena Bobbitt and make the odd comment: "very interesting....."

"RE: Two words"
Posted by frisky on 11-01-04 at 00:21 AM
I was hoping someone would post with instructions on how to make a weapon out of a remote control.

Yes, kitties can have blogs, too.

"RE: Advice for a Desperate Housewife?"
Posted by Femme on 11-01-04 at 00:25 AM
You let your husband hold the remote? Why, whatever would make you do such a silly thing?


"RE: Advice for a Desperate Housewife?"
Posted by 63_Stingray on 11-01-04 at 00:51 AM
That's part of marital law isn't it? Men are masters of the remote?

"RE: Advice for a Desperate Housewife?"
Posted by Surveysez on 11-01-04 at 00:55 AM
That's how you tell what sex a hamster is. Toss a remote in the cage and if they grab on, you have a male hamster.

I wish I had advise for you Frisky. I am watching the 10 one tonight, so have to run right NOW.

"RE: Advice for a Desperate Housewife?"
Posted by 63_Stingray on 11-01-04 at 01:40 AM
Isn't "Desperate Housewives" just "Sex in the City" moved to suburbia or am I missing something?

"RE: Advice for a Desperate Housewife?"
Posted by Surveysez on 11-01-04 at 02:57 AM
OK. Took advantage of the quiet after Desparate Housewives to watch the tape I made of Firefly this morning as well.

DH was in control of the remote here, too, Frisky, but I used the upstairs TV and second receiver. We got the receiver for next to nothing from friends who were switching satellite companies and it only costs a few bucks a month to have the second one active. It's great for the kids and me to be able to watch different shows.

"RE: Advice for a Desperate Housewife?"
Posted by Swami on 11-01-04 at 09:56 AM
Where are they showing Firefly, so you could tape it? I loved that show! I was so bummed that nobody picked it up after one season!

Where? Where? Where?

It's not the voting that's democracy; it's the counting. --Josef Stalin

"RE: Advice for a Desperate Housewife?"
Posted by Surveysez on 11-01-04 at 10:01 AM
I have satellite like Frisky. It's on, in proper viewing order, on the Space Channel on Sunday mornings, mountain time at 9. Yesterday was Jayne, the hero to the mudders episode. I so hope when the movie is done, it is not a disappointment. The characters were so well drawn.

"Moot point now but..."
Posted by wandacal on 11-01-04 at 04:18 AM
... Why is hubby anywhere even NEAR the TV set?

Isn't there a - "garage and a lot of inanimate wooden objects sitting next to a tablesaw with no instructions,(since he doesn't need them), that need to be formed into a patio cover and since Home Depot over-charges on labor anyway he can do a much better job himself as soon as Ron and Mike come over with a case of beer and honey can you make some bologna sandwiches for us and tell my Mom I'm not here?"

Jeez Frisky... You are soooo whupped.

Modified by JSlice

I WISH John watched more TV....

"RE: Moot point now but..."
Posted by frisky on 11-01-04 at 10:58 AM
BWWWAAAAHAAHAAHAA!! *waits for tears of laughter to clear from eyes*

OMG, Wanda, this DH wouldn't know what to do with a garage if he had one. He can't even screw in a lightbulb, and I don't mean that in a good way.

We are all safer if DH is sitting in front of the TV with nothing more than a harmless remote in his hand.

Needless to say, DH got tired of Shallow Hal and crawled up to bed in time for me to watch the midnight viewing of Desperate Housewives.

Yes, kitties can have blogs, too.

"RE: Moot point now but..."
Posted by Glow on 11-01-04 at 11:01 AM
I'm glad you got to watch it. I can see how he got tired of Shallow Hal.

I had a problem re-entering the bar the other night, btw.

"RE: Advice for a Desperate Housewife?"
Posted by mrc on 11-01-04 at 12:03 PM
Find a young high-school athelete or a cut gardener, have meaningless sex, soap yourself up washing the car, then run nekkid around the nieghborhood.

Slice & Dice Chop Shop 2004
Having missed this show, that's all I've gotten from the previews.

"The Answer is Obvious"
Posted by MTW1961 on 11-01-04 at 12:39 PM
SIGH....DirecTV with TiVo! Record two shows while you watch a third. Never have to worry about when a show ACTUALLY airs; just watchat your convenience - and skip the commercials!

Handcrafted by RollDdice!

*scritches Frisky under the chin and behind the ears*