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"Satan's Official Halloween Rules"

Posted by landruajm on 10-31-04 at 06:41 PM
Sorry I'm running a little late with these (so sue me, I'm the Devil Boy), but I am at least getting them posted as the sun sets.

1. Halloween is far too much fun for children. Rather than risking overstimulation, just lock them in the basement.

1a. Don't forget to leave them a dish of water and their favorite flavor of Pop Tarts.

2. Candy is good. Satan likes just about all chocolate stuff except for Kit-Kats or anything else that mixes the concepts of "candy" and "cookie." There's a special place for the dillweeds who thought that one up.

2a. Like all food sacrifices, candy offerings should be properly wrapped. Satan doesn't bother x-raying unwrapped offerings. He just gives them to poor children.

3. Costumes are an important part of the fun of Halloween. Ladies, I suggest costuming yourselves as cheerleaders, ballerinas, or submissive bondage slaves. Witches are okay, as long as the dress is slinky. Nurses are right out.

3a. And just between us, girls, you won't be needing those panties.

4. The only appropriate costume for men on Halloween is lisping syphilitic pirate. Anything else is just lame.

5. While we're on the topic of guys and Halloween parties, remember, guys: it is considered polite to get really drunk and pay no attention to your date. Especially if she's costumed as a submissive bondage slave.

6. When it comes to tricks, don't waste perfectly good eggs by throwing them at other peoples' property. Scramble them, preferably slightly soft--almost runny, in fact--and put them on a biscuit with some bacon, and include that with your food offering.

7. Speaking of tricks, I hear forty dollars is the going rate.

8. Soaping things as a trick is poor form, unless it's my car and it's raining.

8a. And if it is raining, make sure you get the wheel rims pretty well. They're getting a little scrungy.

9. If you do succumb to the impulse to indulge trick-or-treating, make sure to have single beers available for the parents accompanying the little hobgoblins.

10. Don't let Satan's The Apprentice summary fall below the fold.

I'm sure that if we all follow these rules, we can have a safe and happy Halloween. Thank you for reading.

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Satan's Official Halloween Rules"
Posted by anotherkim on 10-31-04 at 06:45 PM
Me? I'm all about the rules.

--it's part of my arrogant charm, I think

"RE: Satan's Official Halloween Rules"
Posted by wandacal on 10-31-04 at 07:04 PM
Are thongs acceptable?

Behold the power of Gothmog

Note to self: Buy eggs.

"RE: Satan's Official Halloween Rules"
Posted by TechNoir on 10-31-04 at 07:12 PM
You forgot the nun costumes. Surely they are acceptable.

And leave those lights off when you leave the children. They'll fall asleep sooner.

"Sweetie, if you're not living on the edge, then you're taking up space..." Flo Kennedy

"RE: Satan's Official Halloween Rules"
Posted by LeftPinky on 10-31-04 at 07:18 PM
I'm handing out spiked single servings of Kool-Aid. Orange.

PhoenixMons Masterpiece
Costume? Little French maid. Oui Oui!

"RE: Satan's Official Halloween Rules"
Posted by Gothmog on 10-31-04 at 07:19 PM
The only appropriate costume for men on Halloween is lisping syphilitic pirate.

So my Rupert Boneham costume is perfect, then.

Don't forget: an appropriate alternative to "trick-or-treat" is "Dook Sux"

Posted by SurvivaBear on 10-31-04 at 07:23 PM
GM you are too funny! I would love to see you post a picture of that!

I've been Sliced!

Posted by anotherkim on 10-31-04 at 07:27 PM
No, no you don't.


"RE: Satan's Official Halloween Rules"
Posted by AugustGirl on 10-31-04 at 07:33 PM
Um, Satan, sir? I'd like to thank you for the trick you played on FSU yesterday.

a Gothmog original

It was a true treat.

"RE: Satan's Official Halloween Rules"
Posted by landruajm on 10-31-04 at 08:04 PM
Behold the power of summarization.

I forgot to note that capri pants, snapping gum, and a shiv are a pretty damn fine costume as well.

"RE: Satan's Official Halloween Rules"
Posted by Swami on 10-31-04 at 07:37 PM
1. Halloween is far too much fun for children. Rather than risking overstimulation, just lock them in the basement.

1a. Don't forget to leave them a dish of water and their favorite flavor of Pop Tarts.

2. Candy is good. Satan likes just about all chocolate stuff except for Kit-Kats or anything else that mixes the concepts of "candy" and "cookie." There's a special place for the dillweeds who thought that one up.
Mmmmmmm. Me like special places.

2a. Like all food sacrifices, candy offerings should be properly wrapped. Satan doesn't bother x-raying unwrapped offerings. He just gives them to poor children.
That's some kind of "Trickle Down Theory" generosity thing, isn't it?

3. Costumes are an important part of the fun of Halloween. Ladies, I suggest costuming yourselves as cheerleaders, ballerinas, or submissive bondage slaves. Witches are okay, as long as the dress is slinky. Nurses are right out.
I always pick that "bondage" option. Red duct tape for accessorizing is such a nice look. You can barely see the blood.

3a. And just between us, girls, you won't be needing those panties.
What panties?

4. The only appropriate costume for men on Halloween is lisping syphilitic pirate. Anything else is just lame.
Beep. No. Mr Swami breaks out his 80's 3-piece bankers suit and wing tips just for the occasion. Add a nice cape, some sharp teeth and he is a proper GQ vampire.

5. While we're on the topic of guys and Halloween parties, remember, guys: it is considered polite to get really drunk and pay no attention to your date. Especially if she's costumed as a submissive bondage slave.
Just don't forget to find her when you leave the party. Especially if you let some other drunk hold the leash.

6. When it comes to tricks, don't waste perfectly good eggs by throwing them at other peoples' property. Scramble them, preferably slightly soft--almost runny, in fact--and put them on a biscuit with some bacon, and include that with your food offering.
And if the Devil goes belly-up from all that nasty fat on Halloween, then how do we carry on? Oh right--we drink more.

7. Speaking of tricks, I hear forty dollars is the going rate.
You need to start hanging out in classier places, O Red One.

8. Soaping things as a trick is poor form, unless it's my car and it's raining.
Is it raining? Or are you just pissing on my leg?

8a. And if it is raining, make sure you get the wheel rims pretty well. They're getting a little scrungy.
Yes Master.

9. If you do succumb to the impulse to indulge trick-or-treating, make sure to have single beers available for the parents accompanying the little hobgoblins.
As always.

10. Don't let Satan's The Apprentice summary fall below the fold.
Is this some kind of code?

a slice of Slice
If Kali doesn't scare you, nothing will!

"RE: Satan's Official Halloween Rules"
Posted by landruajm on 10-31-04 at 08:06 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-31-04 AT 08:08 PM (EST)

Is it raining? Or are you just pissing on my leg?

That's funny. I just read the "Supreme Court" section of the Jon Stewart book, too.

Is this some kind of code?

Apparently a pretty obscure one.

"lots o' loot"
Posted by sorgee on 10-31-04 at 07:52 PM
so we had beggar's night last night and the kids brought home a ton o' loot. in fact, i have a chocolate bar dangling from my mouth as i write this.

my son went as donald trump. rather than saying "trick or treat" he said "you're fired." the adults got a HUGE kick out of it. he was asked to pose for several pics and he even signed a couple of "autographs" for people. at a few houses he did some deal negotiations to get more candy. it was priceless.

my daughter went as a witch. yawn.

we, as a family, did some soaping trickery to our neighbor who foolishly left his lights on, his car parked outside the garage, but didn't hand out candy. we did a SPECTACULAR job.

apparently friday night he had gone out with his girlfriend to a costume party. she was a "hot witch" and he was a warlock. he did to much drinking and didn't obey rule #5. because of that, they broke up yesterday and he tried to drink away his misery. while we were soaping, he was passed out. just goes to show you what can happen when you don't follow the rules.

Posted by dabo on 10-31-04 at 07:59 PM
Trick Or Treat!

"RE: DingDong"
Posted by SilverStar on 10-31-04 at 08:03 PM
Aaaaaaahhhhh! My eyes!!

One word: GOTHMOG!

"RE: DingDong"
Posted by landruajm on 10-31-04 at 08:07 PM
This is a truly rare thing for me to write:

Dabo wins.

"RE: DingDong"
Posted by Estee on 11-01-04 at 07:54 AM
Does anyone know how to fix a monitor with just a slight case of bullet hole?

(Censored) reflexes.

"RE: Satan's Official Halloween Rules"
Posted by ARnutz on 10-31-04 at 08:14 PM
No fair!!! You were peeking when I picked out my submissive bondage slave costume weren't you?

A J Slice original (c)2004
Forty dollars??? Nope, MY tricks are worth more than that.

"RE: Satan's Official Halloween Rules"
Posted by Sunny_Bunny on 10-31-04 at 09:39 PM
1. Halloween is far too much fun for children. Rather than risking overstimulation, just lock them in the basement.
Oh come on, some of us dont have basements. I just chain mine to the big oak in the backyard. It's great, the dogs can't get enough of it.

1a. Don't forget to leave them a dish of water and their favorite flavor of Pop Tarts?

see above. The hounds here liked the cherry flavored best. oh wait, were the kids supposed to get the poptarts.

2. Candy is good. Satan likes just about all chocolate stuff except for Kit-Kats or anything else that mixes the concepts of "candy" and "cookie." There's a special place for the dillweeds who thought that one up.

Is this the same dillweed who came up with french onion flavored cheetos?

2a. Like all food sacrifices, candy offerings should be properly wrapped. Satan doesn't bother x-raying unwrapped offerings. He just gives them to poor children.

who are you kidding? Satan gives poor kids rolaids, and calls them sweet tarts.

3. Costumes are an important part of the fun of Halloween. Ladies, I suggest costuming yourselves as cheerleaders, ballerinas, or submissive bondage slaves. Witches are okay, as long as the dress is slinky. Nurses are right out.

I don't know about the rest of you, but Ra put in a request for my harem girl outfit-- and I'm already down to 3 veils.

3a. And just between us, girls, you won't be needing those panties.

I told you, I'm wearing veils.

4. The only appropriate costume for men on Halloween is lisping syphilitic pirate. Anything else is just lame.

I don't know about costumes. He changes to his falcon head and sarong, and I go weak in the knees. but, his beak can be a bit of an adventure.

5. While we're on the topic of guys and Halloween parties, remember, guys: it is considered polite to get really drunk and pay no attention to your date. Especially if she's costumed as a submissive bondage slave.

Note to Ra-- you do this, and you will be the one in bondage.

6. When it comes to tricks, don't waste perfectly good eggs by throwing them at other peoples' property. Scramble them, preferably slightly soft--almost runny, in fact--and put them on a biscuit with some bacon, and include that with your food offering.

Oh, no luv. You soft boil it, and have toast and marmalade.

7. Speaking of tricks, I hear forty dollars is the going rate.

Wow luv, you need to find a higher class magician district then

8. Soaping things as a trick is poor form, unless it's my car and it's raining.

Oh, I can think of a few other things to lather up-- Ra is 1/4 cleansing cream

8a. And if it is raining, make sure you get the wheel rims pretty well. They're getting a little scrungy.

The Bunny does not do scrungy, let alone wheel rims.

9. If you do succumb to the impulse to indulge trick-or-treating, make sure to have single beers available for the parents accompanying the little hobgoblins.

Oh please, we just hung a keg with a hampster spigit-like tube from the rafters on our front porch.

10. Don't let Satan's The Apprentice summary fall below the fold.

Done, I'll go read it now.

Icecat is a god.

"RE: Satan's Official Halloween Rules"
Posted by Bebo on 11-01-04 at 11:03 AM
3. Costumes are an important part of the fun of Halloween. Ladies, I suggest costuming yourselves as cheerleaders, ballerinas, or submissive bondage slaves. Witches are okay, as long as the dress is slinky. Nurses are right out.

Sigh. I guess I have to get rid of the best Halloween costume I ever wore:

Fishnet stockings
High heels
Teeny black leather jumper
Tail strategically sticking out from under teeny black leather jumper (so strategic that it prompted at least one man to ask me how I had it in place)

I'd post a picture, but I don't think your ticker could handle it, hon.

Please abide in my words, for my references speak of the truth that is within me.

"RE: Satan's Official Halloween Rules"
Posted by landruajm on 11-01-04 at 11:15 AM
I would never advise you to get rid of something like that. My ideas were just suggestions. There was only one outright prohibition.

You could, uhm, send me the picture and I'll have someone screen it for me.

"RE: Satan's Official Halloween Rules"
Posted by Drive My Car on 11-01-04 at 11:28 AM
I wore this

"RE: Satan's Official Halloween Rules"
Posted by landruajm on 11-01-04 at 11:32 AM
I'm so glad I pre-emptively flirted.

"RE: Satan's Official Halloween Rules"
Posted by Drive My Car on 11-01-04 at 11:34 AM
I miss my old legs.

Yes, the flirt made my day