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"Top Ten "LOL" Moments."

Posted by wandacal on 10-30-04 at 05:14 AM
Many of us here get a smirk, chuckle and, at our best, a full-on grin at life's funnier moments. But a full-on, laugh-out-loud, belly-shaking side-acher? IMHO, those moments are rare; therefore, I dedicate this thread to the truly, funny "times of my life".
In honor of those who have made me snort milk out of my nose, this is my list.
In no particular order:

1.)"The Simpsons". Specifically, the "Some Enchanted Evening" episode. Season One. Penny Marshall as the "Babysitter Bandit". Funniest.Episode.Ever.
2.) The movie "The Jerk". Steve Martin is the comedic icon. Period.
3.) The movie "This Is Spinal Tap". Just a glimpse into the genius whose name is Christopher Guest.
4.) George Carlin's comedy album "Class Clown", along with his "Operation Foole" follow-up. Seven dirty words and Catholic school up-bringing were never funnier!
5.) Woody Allen. The movie "Sleeper". I can name at least 4 or 5 of his movies that had me on the floor, but THIS one is the keeper! (His latest, "Anything Else", is pretty damn funny too!)
6.) Rowan Atkinson's stand-up performances. The man is under-rated to the point of sinful.
7.) BuckyKatt and Greenmonstah. Truly, OT's Burns and Allen.
8.) "Monty Python's Flying Circus". The T.V. series. Yeah. The movies were great, but the Sunday night series ROOOOOLED!!!! ("This parakeet I bought from you seems to be dead.")
9. "Curb Your Enthusiasm". (Which "curbs" in with about 70% of all the "Seinfeld" episodes). Dry, sarcastic, dead-pan, bitter New Yorker humor at its best! Larry David is Woody Allen's closest Jewish comedic rival! (No offense to the OT'ers of the Jewish faith!)
9.(a)Most closely tied with? FOX's "Arrested Development". Two words - Jeffrey Tambor!
9.(b)Next most closely tied with? HBO's "The Larry Sanders Show". Two words... AGAIN!... Jeffrey Tambor!
10.) My husband John! I wish you all could meet and hang out with him! He makes me laugh every, single day! 15 years together and he STILL cracks me up!!!


Bonus question - Which SNL season is your favorite?
It will always be the first "Original-not-ready-for-prime-time" cast.
Belushi ROCKS!!!

Go Redskins!
Behold the power of Gothmog

Please consider this an "open" thread! Don't respond to ME... respond with your own "Top Ten"!

Table of contents
  • RE: Top Ten "LOL" Moments.,Schnookie Palookie, 05:36 PM, 10-30-04
  • RE: Top Ten "LOL" Moments.,AugustGirl, 07:01 PM, 10-30-04
    • RE: Top Ten "LOL" Moments.,greenmonstah, 07:08 PM, 10-30-04
      • RE: Top Ten "LOL" Moments.,AugustGirl, 07:22 PM, 10-30-04
        • RE: Top Ten "LOL" Moments.,greenmonstah, 07:27 PM, 10-30-04
      • *gasp*,Deonna, 08:59 PM, 10-30-04
  • RE: Top Ten "LOL" Moments.,greenmonstah, 07:07 PM, 10-30-04
  • Top four :),moonbaby, 08:04 PM, 10-30-04
  • I swear... as God is my witness,IceCat, 08:43 PM, 10-30-04
    • RE: I swear... as God is my witness,ARnutz, 10:40 PM, 10-30-04
  • RE: Top Ten "LOL" Moments.,J Slice, 08:52 PM, 10-30-04
  • And this one...,wandacal, 10:06 PM, 10-30-04
    • RE: And this one...,ARnutz, 10:33 PM, 10-30-04
    • RE: And this one...,AugustGirl, 08:05 AM, 10-31-04
  • RE: Top Ten "LOL" Moments.,frisky, 10:21 PM, 10-30-04
  • RE: Top Ten "LOL" Moments.,ARnutz, 10:47 PM, 10-30-04
  • *snort* A Personal LOL,greenmonstah, 11:16 PM, 10-30-04
    • RE: *snort* A Personal LOL,Schnookie Palookie, 11:25 PM, 10-30-04
      • RE: *snort* A Personal LOL,greenmonstah, 11:28 PM, 10-30-04
        • RE: *snort* A Personal LOL,Schnookie Palookie, 11:30 PM, 10-30-04
  • Richard Pryor,Lasann, 06:10 PM, 10-31-04

Messages in this discussion
"RE: Top Ten "LOL" Moments."
Posted by Schnookie Palookie on 10-30-04 at 05:36 PM
*waves* to Wanda and Johnny. Wanda, you've given me many LOL moments here at OT! Thanks!

The biggest LOL moment I had here was reading Bravey's *poot* story. I tried reading it to my hubby but I couldn't as I was laughing/crying too hard. *waves* to Bravey!

Agree, SNL with Belushi was the best. I also love Dana Carvey.

My hubby also cracks me up often. He's so silly

*ghoulishly brought to you by Phoenix Mons*

"RE: Top Ten "LOL" Moments."
Posted by AugustGirl on 10-30-04 at 07:01 PM
I agree with you on many counts Wanda, especially how much greenmonstah makes me LOL on a daily basis.

"Dirty Rotten Scoundrels" is Steve Martin at his best, and having him play off of Michael Caine was priceless.

"A Fish Called Wanda".
Otto - "Avoid the green ones, they're not ripe yet".

SNL the early years was groundbreaking and HILARIOUS. Jim Belushi and Gilda Radner are sorely missed. The first season is my favorite.

Anything Monty Python.

"Red Dwarf". Man, I love British humor.

Since we're getting into the holiday season, I have to add "A Christmas Story". It cracks me up each and every time I watch it. And I watch it a lot.

Ellen DeGeneres. The lady is a hoot and never fails to make me LOL.

a Gothmog original

"RE: Top Ten "LOL" Moments."
Posted by greenmonstah on 10-30-04 at 07:08 PM
Only boys like Monty Python.

You a boy, Augie?

"RE: Top Ten "LOL" Moments."
Posted by AugustGirl on 10-30-04 at 07:22 PM
You a boy, Augie?

Yes, I'm a boy, Monsty. My screen name of AugustGirl is to just throw everyone off. I'm wacky like that. A big kidder, that's me.

a Gothmog original

I think Pythonfan might take exception to your blanket statement that only boys like Monty Python.

"RE: Top Ten "LOL" Moments."
Posted by greenmonstah on 10-30-04 at 07:27 PM
You really should have used small font when you talked about your girl-ruse.

I also believe that only boys eat graham crackers. Graham crackers are very boyish.

Posted by Deonna on 10-30-04 at 08:59 PM
BAD MONSTY! I can't believe that you are calling our beautiful Augie a boy!


You know I still love you, right?

"RE: Top Ten "LOL" Moments."
Posted by greenmonstah on 10-30-04 at 07:07 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-30-04 AT 07:18 PM (EST)

"Third Rock from the Sun". Best.show.ever. And The Simpson's have an LOL power over me, as well. And Mr Monstah makes me laugh.

Favorite SNL character? I loved all of Martin Short's skits.

*smooch* to Wanda! Bucky Katt is very LOL! Dweeze makes me LOL too. And Gothmog and Doomie. And a whole bunch of other people as well.

"Top four :)"
Posted by moonbaby on 10-30-04 at 08:04 PM
Here's a few:

1-South Park-The Movie. Laughed so hard I cried.
2-Agree about Python. Funny funny stuff....as is....
3-Fawlty Towers. John Cleese is a genius!
4-Austin Powers Goldmember.

Have to agree about The Not Ready for Prime Time Players!

"I swear... as God is my witness"
Posted by IceCat on 10-30-04 at 08:43 PM
... I thought turkeys could fly.

"RE: I swear... as God is my witness"
Posted by ARnutz on 10-30-04 at 10:40 PM
I haven't thought of that in years! That was the best WKRP episode of all!

"RE: Top Ten "LOL" Moments."
Posted by J Slice on 10-30-04 at 08:52 PM
Futurama, baby.

Leela : You can't go to Omega 3. It's forbidden. I forbid you.
Fry : But we have to. The world needs Star Trek to give people hope for the future.
Leela : But it's set 800 years in the past.
Bender : Yeah, why is it so important you?
Fry : Because it... it taught me so much. Like, how you should accept people, whether they be black, white, Klingon or even female...

RIP Franklin and Bertram

"And this one..."
Posted by wandacal on 10-30-04 at 10:06 PM
At the DMV -

Reverend Jim: "Psst. Pssst!!!
Bobby: "What?"
Jim: "What does a yellow light mean?"
Bobby: "Slow down."
Jim: "Ok. What..does..a..yellow..light..mean?"
Bobby: "Slow..down.
Jim: "OK. Whaaat...doesss...aaa...yellooow...liight...meeean?"
Bobby: Sloow...Doooownn...!
Jim: "OK! Whhhhaaaattttt......dooooooeeees.......aaaaaa.....yel-looooooooow.......liiiiiiiiight......."

Go Redskins!
Behold the power of Gothmog

"RE: And this one..."
Posted by ARnutz on 10-30-04 at 10:33 PM
That was hilarious! Thanks for the chuckle.

My stomach hurts!

"RE: And this one..."
Posted by AugustGirl on 10-31-04 at 08:05 AM
Oh my gosh! That is one of the funniest moments ever. Thanks for reminding me Wanda.

I love Reverend Jim.

a Gothmog original

"RE: Top Ten "LOL" Moments."
Posted by frisky on 10-30-04 at 10:21 PM
Harvey Korman: Scarlett, that dress is beautiful!
Carol Burnett: Ah saw it in the windah and ah couldn't resist it!

Yes, kitties can have blogs, too.

"RE: Top Ten "LOL" Moments."
Posted by ARnutz on 10-30-04 at 10:47 PM
Best Steve Martin movie, "The Jerk"

--I was born a poor black child.
--I'm in the phone book!
--All I need is my thermos, my chair, my paddle ball game, my dog... GRRRRR... Well, not my dog... All I need is my thermos, etc.

Love John Belushi! & Eddie Murphy, Chevy Chase, Gilda Radner... *sigh* SNL is not like it used to be!

Also! The movie Office Space!
--I believe you took my stapler.
--I was told I could listen to the radio at a reasonable volume between the hours of 9 and 11."
--I'm gonna need ya ta go ahead and come in on Saturday, ummmm kkkk?

I'm just a squirrel trying to get a nut.

"*snort* A Personal LOL"
Posted by greenmonstah on 10-30-04 at 11:16 PM
I just remembered this one. If I had been posting back when this had happened, this story would have been thread worthy!

One of the questions that I am NOT allowed to ask Mr Monstah is: "Do you know what you are doing?" That is a big no-no.

Well, when we lived in the city we had a roof deck that he insisted needed to be re-stained. So, he went out and bought this stain gun. Well, the stain gun looked mighty powerful and I was immediatley concerned upon seeing it. But! According to our pact, I am forbidden to ask him if he knows what he is doing....

In one of those, I wish I were a fly on the wall moments, the gun thing exploded on him and it...for lack of a better term...stained his face a cherry-wood red color. It took several showers and days to get it off.

That weekend, in addition to not being allowed to say the aforemmentioned phrase, I was also not allowed to tell people that my husband stained himself. (*smirk*)

The good old days...

"RE: *snort* A Personal LOL"
Posted by Schnookie Palookie on 10-30-04 at 11:25 PM

I too must bite my tongue when DH has a home project.

Remind me to tell you the story of how we got a new bathtub/shower stall into our basement when it wouldn't fit through the door

"RE: *snort* A Personal LOL"
Posted by greenmonstah on 10-30-04 at 11:28 PM
This sounds like a commedy of errors. You will have to tell me when we have our next cup of coffee.

I took a four hour nap today and now I am wide awake. Can you tell? I am usually in bed by 9:00.

"RE: *snort* A Personal LOL"
Posted by Schnookie Palookie on 10-30-04 at 11:30 PM

Was wondering why you were up so late. DH has already gone around the house and changed the clocks. He did that at 6 pm tonight LOL.

"Richard Pryor"
Posted by Lasann on 10-31-04 at 06:10 PM
1. Richard Pryor, all of it but the comedy after he burnt himself was priceless.
2. Gilda Radnor with Roseanna Roseanna Danna
3. Carol Burnett show - only time I laughed so hard when alone that I was afraid I'd never breathe again.
4. Dave Chappele's Undercover Brother movie - I just saw it so it's the most recent LOL I've had.
5. Steve Martin's the Jerk is a classic.
6. George Carlin makes me LOL
7. I occasionally see the commercial for the Dean Martin roasts. They make me laugh!
8. Laugh-in started my appreciation of humor.
9. Meet the Parents tickled me and I'm anxious to see Meet the Faulkers.
10. Chris Rock also spins a hilarious story!

Many others . . .
