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"Reality at Its Most Bizarre..."

Posted by Frau Hexe on 12-09-01 at 03:45 AM
LAST EDITED ON 12-09-01 AT 03:50 AM (EST)

During a six hour drive a few weeks ago, Scribe and I were listening to talk radio, and the particular radio personality who was on began talking about this guy who was going to cut off his own feet and charge to allow people to watch online. That's right, you heard me: a man wants to chop off his own feet and broadcast it for all the world--or at least the sick, twisted-minded parts of the world--to see.

Of course, there's a semi-legitimate story behind it all, which is why it was so intriguing in a really grotesque sort of way. So, we checked out the website. Here's a link: http://www.cutoffmyfeet.com

Fortunately, there are no terribly disturbing images at the site as of yet; although the thought itself is a mite gruesome. Has anyone else heard of this? Has anyone actually paid the $19.99 to join this guy's band of gore-mongers?

Weird, weird, weird, I tell you!

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Reality at Its Most Bizarre..."
Posted by SkyRaider on 12-09-01 at 12:15 PM
It's too bad that the guy put it off from Halloween to past New Year's now.

He could have made a pretty penny auctioning those feet off on e-bay for last minute Xmas shoppers.

They would have made great stocking stuffers.

"RE: Reality at Its Most Bizarre..."
Posted by aymelek on 12-09-01 at 12:20 PM
So would he be cutting off his feet to spite his face? Er, um, or would it be cutting off his feet to spite his nose? No, I mean cut off his nose to spite his feet? Anyone...?

I didn't check the link out as to why he'd be doing such a damn idiotic thing, but he kind of sounds like a desperate attention whore to the MAX. And I though *WE* were bad....! I'd be the first person to secretly replace any anestheic he'd use with water & hand him a rusty saw. Fecking idiot.

"RE: Reality at Its Most Bizarre..."
Posted by SkyRaider on 12-09-01 at 12:40 PM
Maybe he is very tall and has always been teased about it and decided to lose a a couple of feet?

There are soooooo many one-liners for this guy.

"RE: Reality at Its Most Bizarre..."
Posted by VampKira on 12-09-01 at 12:52 PM
Holy moly!

I scanned the site and what I got from it was this.

This guy had a bad accident. He needs his legs amputated so he can get artifical ones. However, Medicaid doesn't cover it.. , so he is planning on doing it himself, charging for peeps to watch it on line, and thet will help pay for future operations and artificial legs.

Paul is using this event as a chance to speak out against the lack of care in the medical field and the insurance industry. He strongly believes that this could make great strides in the much needed insurance and medical reform in the United States. This amputation is simply Paul's way of saying that even though corporate america has refused him, he will get his new prosthetics and improve his quality of life.

Things that make you go, Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.


"RE: Reality at Its Most Bizarre..."
Posted by SkyRaider on 12-09-01 at 01:03 PM
Aw, Vamps, the guy is a phony. The first time someone told me about it was during the summer and he was going to do it Labor Day. Then it was Halloween, now it's after New Year's.

I have an old rusty Boy Scout hatchet here somewhere, if he's really serious about it, I'd give it a whack or two. Of course, I wasn't very good at it as a kid (see my little hand with the two fingers missing?) and it might take a few chops, but I'll get the job done.

Posted by VampKira on 12-09-01 at 01:11 PM
ROFL! Ok, How 'bout I pay YOU the 19.95?


"RE: *goggles*"
Posted by SkyRaider on 12-09-01 at 01:54 PM
<ROFL! Ok, How 'bout I pay YOU the 19.95?>

Sure, what the hell! Do it to my other hand and even the finger count up. Maybe I'll type better then.

"RE: Reality at Its Most Bizarre..."
Posted by aymelek on 12-09-01 at 02:16 PM
Who's to say this guy isn't planning on using mirrors for his performance, like any magician would? I hope his medicare DOES pay for psych evaluations, 'cause this guy really needs it.

Any word on how many people have actually paid to watch this? Maybe that's why he keeps postponing it, because no one has been that dumb.

"RE: Reality at Its Most Bizarre..."
Posted by NightScribe on 12-09-01 at 05:05 PM

Ayms, I think only a handful of people have paid, which might be why he keeps postponing. Maybe 10 or 20 total.

But did you see that guillotine? Yikes! The thought makes me shiver.

"RE: Reality at Its Most Bizarre..."
Posted by SkyRaider on 12-09-01 at 05:30 PM
<But did you see that guillotine? Yikes! The thought makes me shiver.>

That's another reason to distrust the guy. Why go and get some Frenchie thing when there are good 'Merican chain saws on sale at Sears? Hasn't he heard about the economy and what Bush League said to do about it? He could have used it afterwards to saw his little artificial peg legs down to size too. Try THAT with a guillotine!

"A Picture of the Guy..."
Posted by IceCat on 12-09-01 at 05:38 PM

Apparently he "lost his shins in dubyah dubyah 2!"

"RE: A Picture of the Guy..."
Posted by SkyRaider on 12-09-01 at 07:02 PM
<Apparently he "lost his shins in dubyah dubyah 2!">

LOL, Ice! Wonder how many other people watch "King of the Hill?"

"RE: A Picture of the Guy..."
Posted by Lisapooh on 12-10-01 at 06:37 PM
I not only watch King of the Hill - I flipping live it. My uncle recently died - his name? Cotton. And he spoke with such a hick accent that you couldn't understand anything he said. OK - it gets worse. He lost his leg in the Korean War. Ya got that - uncle Cotton, incredibly hard to understand, no leg. Coincidence? I think not.

And let me complete this picture for you. He met his 6th (that's right, 6th that we know of - there's probably more) and final wife under rather unique circumstances. See, she was also an amputee and they met when they both were getting fit for new prosthetic legs.

Welcome to my white trash world. There are a million stories about him - 99% of them are true. 100% of them are bizarre. He was a hoot and a half

"You can lead a horticulture, but you can't make her think"

"RE: A Picture of the Guy..."
Posted by SkyRaider on 12-10-01 at 10:31 PM
<And let me complete this picture for you. He met his 6th (that's right, 6th that we know of - there's probably more) and final wife under rather unique circumstances. See, she was also an amputee and they met when they both were getting fit for new prosthetic legs.>


That is just too, too funny!!

"Tee hee!"
Posted by VampKira on 12-11-01 at 08:13 AM
Oh Pooh! That's priceless! LMAO! You say you have MORE stories about him? *wink* (hint, hint)

Oh.. and Sky?? When I offereed you the $19.95.. that was to watch YOU cut off that guys legs, not cut something of your own off! *smiles*


"RE: Tee hee!"
Posted by Drive My Car on 12-11-01 at 08:20 AM
God there are alot of freaks in this world ( and surprisingly not all of them are in Pooh's family) just kidding sweetie pooh.
Ok all you King watchers, is Bobby Hill gay???

"RE: Tee hee!"
Posted by dabo on 12-11-01 at 10:13 AM
Bobby, gay! Oh, my! (hehehe) Naw, he's just in touch with his feminine side, it's part of his strategy to totally drive his dad bonkers eventually.


"If all machines were to be annihilated at one moment, so that not a knife nor lever nor rag of clothing nor anything whatsoever were left to man but his bare body alone that he was born with, and if all knowledge of mechanical laws were taken from him so that he could make no more machines, and all machine-made food destroyed so that the race of man should be left as it were naked upon a desert island, we should become extinct in six weeks. A few miserable individuals might linger, but even these in a year or two would become worse than monkeys." (Samuel Butler, "Erewhon")

"RE: Tee hee!"
Posted by SkyRaider on 12-11-01 at 11:40 AM
I have to agree with Dabo, I think that Bobby just does the things he does to drive Hank crazy with every Texas father's worst nightmare. I can't quite see Bobby growing up to be Brandon.

On The Simpsons, Waylon Smithers, owner of the world's largest collection of Malibue Stacy dolls is a whole different story though.

One of my favorite exchanges between Smithers and Mr. Burns was when they were discussing dogs:

Smithers: "People like dogs, Mr. Burns."

Burns: "Nonsense. Dogs are idiots! Think about it, Smithers. If I came into your house and started sniffing at your crotch and slobbering all over your face, what would you say? "

Smithers: "Mmm, If you did it, sir?"