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"Band/Instrument help"

Posted by Asrai on 09-22-04 at 00:17 AM
LAST EDITED ON 09-22-04 AT 08:07 AM (EST)

I know we've talked about being in band and playing a musical instrument in the past, but I have a more specific request. In my county, the 6th graders take a test (advanced hearing test and an apptitude for instrumental music test) that decides if they are musically inclined enough to be part of the program that allows them to be in band. My mid kid, Holly, has tested very high and was invited to a couple of meetings to find out more information. We go back next Monday to sign up for an instrument.

Tonight was the first meeting. We met the band director and were able to hear a few of his students play some of the instruments so that we had more of an idea on what they were. I'm basically leaving the entire decision on what to play to Holly. The only thing I can play is the harmonica and I tinker with my guitar, so I am of no real help. We talked and she raised some questions that I'd like to ask here so we can get a better idea on the pros and cons.

Here is the list of instruments that she has to choose from:
(the ones marked are the ones we heard tonight)

plastic clarinet (WTF?)
*percussion (drum pad, bells and xylophone)
*wooden clarinet
silver trumpet
*alto sax
"F" trombone
tenor sax
*french horn
*Tuba (heard this, but I don't see it on the list)

Here are Holly's thoughts:

She liked the sound of the flute but thinks it takes too much breath. She liked the alto sax but thinks it looks old. She doesn't like the tuba because it's HUGE! The french horn was 'played' by a boy who obviously needs more practice. She didn't get a good feel for it. The trombone has a slide and she just didn't seem to like that. She likes the clarinet but it doesn't sound as pretty as the flute. Percussion looked like it'll take too long to learn, and she wants to play "real" drums, not that little pad.

Her question is: What instrument is best and am I overlooking anything? I don't want to choose one and later on find out that one of the other ones are not as bad as I thought.

Sooo, there you have it. She's my thinker of my 3 girl crew. She takes nothing too lightly and MADE me ask you guys your opinions. Gosh, that makes me sound like I talk a little too much about you guys, huh?!!

Any advice? I'd really like to hear your opinions on this. *I'm* paying for this, I want to make sure that not only is she happy, but I don't want to keep making countless trips to the music store either. Thanks in advance, you guys rock. I know I can count on y'all to help make this decision easier.

"You? Are the poster child for debauchery."~Femme

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Band/Instrument help"
Posted by J Slice on 09-22-04 at 00:32 AM
I was a pretty skilled flautist for about 6 years (5-11th grade)... one thing about it- it's a little tricky at the beginning, it's easy to get decent, and difficult to get good. I took private lessons outside of the playing I did in school, and I soon got to be pretty talented on the thing.

Unfortunately, I never liked the bloody thing. I always wanted to be a drummer.

I would recommend oboe if she's afraid of not having much breath... the double reed makes a lovely noise if she gets good. Also a good instrument to know how to play, as it sounds lovely in orchestras and bands alike.

"A doctor can bury his mistakes but an architect can only advise his clients to plant vines." - Frank Lloyd Wright

"RE: Band/Instrument help"
Posted by DSpunk on 09-22-04 at 01:28 PM
Clarinets are similar, but higher in pitch, and provide a nice foundation for a later transition to saxophone.

Sliced. Again.
At least, that's what I hear. I have no marching band experience myself. Flutes are nice, too, and lung capacity ("breath") increases with practice.

"RE: Band/Instrument help"
Posted by clemsonbeav on 09-22-04 at 00:43 AM
FWIW, the wooden clarinets cost more than the plastic clarinets, but sound generally the same, and look the same, too. I've played clarinet for over 8 years now. (But I still don't know if my clarinet is wooden or plastic!)

As a general rule, trumpet players are cockier than other instruments, and the french horn is a hard instrument to learn how to play well. Xylophone is fun.

My $0.02.


"RE: Band/Instrument help"
Posted by qwertypie on 09-22-04 at 04:53 PM
When I heard plastic clarinet, I thought of recorder (SHUDDER). Still getting therapy for that !

Slice & Dice Chop Shop 2004

"RE: Band/Instrument help"
Posted by Gothmog on 09-22-04 at 00:46 AM
LAST EDITED ON 09-22-04 AT 01:06 AM (EST)

Oboe, sax, and clarinets require lots of reeds--they don't last long, so you'll be replacing them frequently. Also, the screeching will drive you nuts until it's mastered.

Brass instruments are lower maintenance. Also fewer fingerings to learn. If she likes playing melody, then trumpet's the way to go there. Baritones, by the way, are very expensive! Flute is also low maintenance.

Drums are fun, especially if you like to bang. (Insert inappropriate joke here.) But the melody instruments (xylophone, etc.) take lots of practice to master.

Honestly, I don't think it's the choice of instrument that matters. She'll love it if she's given a chance to fall in love with it. Be encouraging and complimentary, take her to concerts and expose her to all kinds of music, and MOST IMPORTANT: do NOT ever force her to practice. Nagging is the quickest way to make her hate it.

One more thing--learn along with her! It's never too late!

"RE: Band/Instrument help"
Posted by desert_rhino on 09-22-04 at 01:01 AM
Every band is short on trombones.

Medium-hard to learn, hard to get really good at, but man, there is NOTHING like it once you do. The unique sound and abilities make it THE jazz instrument, IMHO.

-- JV

I kill thresds. What do you do?

"RE: Band/Instrument help"
Posted by landruajm on 09-22-04 at 01:32 PM
That's because you need 76 of them.

I could do one of those for almost every post in this thread. I just chose to inflict the example on JV.

Oh...trumpet, by the way. Trumpet players have more fun at band camp and grow up thinking they're Satan.

"RE: Band/Instrument help"
Posted by DSpunk on 09-22-04 at 01:54 PM
But the flute is way more entertaining for those, "One time, at band camp" stories.

Sliced. Again.
Just sayin'.

"RE: Band/Instrument help"
Posted by Mysterious Jedi on 09-22-04 at 01:20 AM
It's not really advice, but I've always thought the world could use some more oboe players. Like the flute, it'll take a while to learn because of the breathing technique involved. It's a very unique and beautiful instrument.

Anyway, just thought I'd throw that out there. Good luck with whatever instrument you choose.

"RE: Band/Instrument help"
Posted by Jims02 on 09-22-04 at 01:53 AM
LAST EDITED ON 09-22-04 AT 01:56 AM (EST)

OK, here's what I've gathered, through the 10 years of band:

(By the way, I play the clarinet)

I've found that the clarinet is one of the easier instruments initially. After you get the mouth-part right, the fingers are pretty easy. It's played fairly similarly to a recorder. I think it's one of the more "encouraging/easy" instruments to start. Later, the instrument may become more frustrating, as one hits higher notes.

Plastic clarinets aren't that bad. I played on a plastic one for a long time, and I still do occasionally. It has a brighter sound than a wooden clarinet, if you really listen. However, the timbre distinction isn't *that* noticeable until much later.

In short, plastic clarinets look like wooden ones, are much cheaper, and sound fairly similar. IMO, since wooden ones can be expensive, it's important to know how seriously you want to follow music.

I really like the clarinet because it's very versatile. You can go really low and booming or high and lofty. But that's just my preference. Don't let me sway your daughter's opinion.

The saxophone, I hear, is a little harder than the clarinet to start, but is similar in nature. The tenor sax can be a lot of fun when you get good at it.

The flute has a really pretty sound. My sister plays it, and she does think it takes a considerable amount of breath. Flutes tend to get some interesting music parts and can play a variety of styles. I hear that it is kind of hard to get used to that "blow on the side of the hole" thing though.

Brass instruments, I think, are considerably harder to learn at first. With reeded instruments, you don't have to move your lips as much at first. On a brass instrument, you have to change more consistently. Can be a little discouraging at first, especially for "harder" instruments like the french horn or tuba.

Drums are attractive because it's fun to hit things. Most likely, though, new players start on a snare drum which is OK but not terribly exciting for some.

It basically depends on her tastes. I'm a clarinet person. That's just me. She may turn out to be a "cocky trumpet player."

(I can't resist to still bash trumpets. The ones I know *are* cocky...)

New TAR5 Game - Place your bets!

"One word..."
Posted by wandacal on 09-22-04 at 02:04 AM
... Kazoo.

The name is...IceCat....redux

Although your headaches may not go away.

Posted by moonbaby on 09-22-04 at 09:57 AM

"RE: Band/Instrument help"
Posted by TechNoir on 09-22-04 at 05:55 AM
An alto sax is the sexiest sound that can come out of a musical instrument. Don't know if that makes it a "yes" or "no" for your kid though

Posted by Meemo on 09-22-04 at 11:25 AM
>An alto sax is the sexiest sound that can come out of a musical instrument.

Have I mentioned that I am a semi-pro alto sax player?

My Buescher Tru-Tone Silver Alto Sax (circa 1927) makes beautiful sounds.

Half man, half amazing, all DAW

"RE: Band/Instrument help"
Posted by syren on 09-22-04 at 06:51 AM
Im elementary school, I started with the Cornet, which is like a Trumpet. In jr. High I learned the sax and onto the tenor sax, and also the baritone. In HS all I played was the baritone, and I loved it. It has a wonderful, full sound. However a concert baritone is almost the same size as a tuba, the marching one is smaller, shaped like a trumpet. I think that the Oboe is a great instrument, has a wonderful sound, and alot of people do not play it. If she does choose the flute, then I suggest that eventually she move to the Piccalo (sp?), it is a beautiful instrument.

"RE: Band/Instrument help"
Posted by AugustGirl on 09-22-04 at 07:14 AM
I played the flute for about 5 years. I loved it. Can't say I was any good, but I enjoyed the lessons and I enjoyed being part of the band.

Have to agree with GothMog (what else is new) and if she is given the chance to love it, she will. Be supportive, encouraging, and excited about it, and she will shine even if she isn't a prodigy. The important part is she wants to learn.

Above all else, do NOT do what my brother did every time I practiced.

He ran from the house with his hands over his ears. My brother was (and still is) a big old meanie.

"RE: Band/Instrument help"
Posted by CantStandToLook on 09-22-04 at 07:56 AM
Ok band geek to future band geek. I love my trombone and it's mellow sounds but if I had it to do all over again I'd probably have chosen the trumpet. In organized music a lot of the decision will depend on whether she likes melodies or background. The trumpet gets a lot of the melodies while the trombone and some of the other larger brass instruments usually get background or supporting roles. Woodwinds such as the clarinet and flute also get a lot of the melodies but are more complex instruments than brass and usually get overshadowed by their brass counterparts.

There's my 2 cents. I loved playing in the band and I've played in orchestra, jazz, symphonic, marching you name it. Whichever instrument she chooses, she'll have a great time.

"If you got something to say just say, it's the Motherf***ing Boardroom for Chrissakes" ~ yeah made that one up meself

Posted by weltek on 09-22-04 at 09:10 AM
The sax just has that ultra-cool thing going on. I had a friend who played it in high school & loved it. Me? Never a band person. Oh-another benefit of being a girl & playing sax: the girls then get to hang out with the cool band guys and flirt. Can't do that when you are playing flute.

Handcrafted by RollDdice

"RE: Band/Instrument help"
Posted by LeftPinky on 09-22-04 at 09:15 AM
I've played the flute for nearly 35 years (I also play soprano, alto, tenor & bari sax, piccolo, and various other instruments). It's a lovely instrument that you can use in many places after your life in the school band. The first six months take a lot of work (your daughter won't start it as quickly as the clarinet or saxophone), but then the learning curve loosens up and you have a wonderful time. It is also a great "starter" instrument - many flautists move to oboe (similiar fingering - I could never get the double reed right), saxophone - almost identical fingering and piccolo - same thing. The only maintenance I've done on my instrument is a couple of new sets of pads (over 35 years, not bad).

I would recommend that you find a music store with a "lease to own" program that allows you to change instruments a couple of times if necessary without losing any of your money paid toward purchase.

I always wanted to play the trumpet or drums, but my parents wouldn't let me. I haven't been disappointed with the flute!

Good luck! (My 9 year old started playing the flute in August, we're still in the tough learning curve)...
Slice & Dice Chop Shop 2004

"Hey Pinky!"
Posted by Breezy on 09-22-04 at 09:21 AM
Sure just ruin my post, I just said no one mentioned that the oboe and flute are the same fingering positions (out of the gutter peeps).

"Another note"
Posted by Breezy on 09-22-04 at 09:19 AM
I've seen a few mention the pros for flute and oboe, but they forgot to mention... if you play one you can play the other. Yes it's a different breathe technique but the finger positions for notes are exactly the same.

I started out on the flute in 5th grade, it takes a little to get down the breathing but it's not too hard. My freshman year in HS I switched to oboe, our band didn't have one and we had tons of flutes. I loved the oboe, it has such a different sound. I told my Mom when you hear the duck up there, that's me. *grin* The reeds are more expensive then the clarinets but you just have to be careful with them. I didn't march or do pep band with the oboe, but I still had my flute for those (I also played the drums during those times).

IceCat is da man! GO PACK GO!!!!

"RE: Another note"
Posted by LeftPinky on 09-22-04 at 10:23 AM
Hey, didn't ruin your post, just reinforced that we flute players are awesome!

Slice & Dice Chop Shop 2004
Or rather, you would be awesome if you'd lose the yellow hat!

Posted by Asrai on 09-22-04 at 09:36 AM
Such awesome advice! Thanks sooooo much for this, guys. It's really helping. I read some of these to Holly before she left for school and she said that she is *even* more confused!

I mean it, you guys are *MY* music. Thanks again for all the help, it really means a lot to Holly & I. We have so much to think about, but I don't want to overwhelm her by making her think it's a life or death decision, ya know?

BTW, the director gave us info on the music center that they use. The center has a buy on payment plan deal, a re-rental deal and even a budget select deal for those that qualify. They offer free exchange, free repair, heck....a lot of freebies!

It's crackin' me up how many of you have mentioned the 'cocky' trumpets. The director MUST'VE been a trumpet player, as he made a 'by the way, the trumpet is THE best instrument there is' remark! Had me rollin'!

Once again, muchas gracias, amigos!

"You? Are the poster child for debauchery."~Femme

"RE: WOW!"
Posted by angelworth29 on 09-22-04 at 02:29 PM
I don't know about cocky, but my sister, Holley, played the cornet/trumpet all through school and she loved it. She was actually really good and got to do some solos and stuff at football games. Here in Texas, that's a major thing. She made great friends with all the instruments. Back to the cocky thing, there was always a huge competition going on between her and the other trumpet players for 1st chair. They all thought they were the best. It could be that way with all of the instruments, though, and I wouldn't know. Just another 2 cents. What are you up to, a dollar now?

"RE: Band/Instrument help"
Posted by PhoenixMons on 09-22-04 at 09:43 AM
LAST EDITED ON 09-22-04 AT 09:45 AM (EST)

Well, most of you know that I play drums. My mom is/was a drummer so it was natural for me to gravitate toward drums.

Drums, IMO, are THE instrument. Of course, I am a BIT biased, but the drums really have a HUGE role to play in the band. They have to maintain the rhythm for the rest of the musicians (which is not always easy...often you'll find that the others will tend to speed up as songs progress)...the band leader/conductor, in the end, is secondary to the drums in terms of leading the band. If the drummers are off, the band will be off (you are more inclined to play along with what you HEAR as opposed with what you SEE). If the drummers aren't able to keep the band in check, then it will not be a pretty sound.

Drums are also the most diverse because there is just so much you can play. I play a TON of percussion instruments. I played the standard snare, bass, crash cymbals (which was fun at 9!) from 3rd to 5th. I then played set/kit from 6th to 7th (had an AWESOME band director who was tough as nails but she ROCKED and LOVED having a girl drummer as she was one, too). I played in a lot of honor bands (at that time, it was still pretty rare for girls to be drummers....my mom had to send a note with me when I started band with a little article attached to it saying how unfairly girls are treated if they play/want to play drums - they were trying to get me to play flute or clarinet or sax, but I had already been playing drums for a while) and really loved playing drums.

The xylophone, while not entirely exciting now, will be nice to learn so she can learn to play marimbas when she's in high school (assuming her school will have/teach them - I sometimes forget that not all school shave as many percussion instruments as we, as a performing arts school, had). Marimbas are really cool. I assume you've heard of Lionel Hampton (jazz - master of the marimbas)? He is way cool (and I got to meet him and see him in concert ). If she can isolate different body parts and can do two different things at once (the whole pat head/rub tummy thing) then drumming is perfect. And she will get to play "real" drums later if that's what she's worried about. Gotta start small. I admit that I haven't really heard of using drum pads in a band (I am not even sure I know what kind of drum pad we're talking about...I assume it's some sort of electronic drum machine - one that still requires the basic fundamentals of drumming - I hope it's not some machine where you just push a button and out comes drums). If she does go the percussion route and you think she's serious about it (as she gets going), get her some rudiments books so she can learn terminology and basic sticking drills. That's important if she wants to really play (in high school or whatever). Before long she'll know what a paradiddle and flamacue are (). Being a drummer isn't just a bunch of banging on things (though that's usually what people think of when they think of drums). It's extremely difficult if you are really serious about it. It takes a LOT of practice to become a halfway decent percussionist. But the range of instruments within the percussion family is SO great...she can play snare (which is generally what they all want to play because it's usually got the most intricate rhythms and parts), bass, cymbals, xylophone, marimbas, timpanis (those kettle-like drums at the symphony), timbales, congas, even steel drums (all of which I've played at one point or another)...and TONS more. Drumming is loads of fun and I would recommend it for anyone (well anyone with rhythm!).

As for the others, I would suggest oboe, but oboes are double reed instruments and I've heard they are extremely hard to play. It will certainly be annoying as all hell when she's learning, but if she is serious and gets good enough, there are some amazing oboe scholarships out there (that and the bassoon - one of the main instruments in Peter and the Wolf...though I forget which part...maybe even Peter?). I'd also recommend the trombone. It's great in jazz bands and there's usually not enough trombonists to go around. My dh played trombone in junior high band. He said he could still play if he picked up a trombone today, so I imagine it's pretty easy to get started on once you get the slide positions down. It was like that for me with steel drums. Once you learn where all of the notes are (I played bass steel drums, which consisted of 6 large garbage can looking drums, each of which had 3 notes), you can pick it up easily if you're musically inclined. Trombone seems like it would be totally fun to play. They always have cool parts, too. Like drums, you don't see a whole lot of females playing trombone - so that's always a bonus.

I think if I didn't play drums I'd want to play sax (either alto or tenor...probably tenor). It's a sexy instrument and they get great parts.

My sister played trumpet (whomever said they are usually cocky...that is SO true IMO...and I've known a LOT of trumpet players from elementary on up to my performing groups in high school...they were almost ALL incredibly cocky...in general and about playing trumpet...wonder if that's a character trait that makes people gravitate toward trumpets? Probably since they play lead in most school band situations). She was okay. She was better at violin (which I see is not on the list...bummer cause the strings are way cool). Silver trumpets are WAY cooler than brass ones, IMO...looking at least. All of the guys in my performing arts high school had both and played with their silver trumpets most all the time.

I always wanted to play french horn just because it looked like such a fun instrument. The sound is kinda muffled and the sound isn't as cool as the way the instrument looks.

Flute is pretty and there is ALWAYS a place for flautists...they can play in everything from classical orchestras to jazz bands (jazz flute is really pretty) to mariachi bands (my best friend in h.s. played flute in our orchestra, jazz band, and mariachi band...she played alto sax too, btw)

Ya know what though? I can almost ALWAYS tell what instrument a person plays (or should or would want to play) by looking at him/her. If you show me a pic of your daughter, I can tell you what she should play

Clarinet is cool, but there's the reed issue. Clarinets are one of my favorite musical sounds...very pretty woodsy sound.

Bary and Tuba are instrments I personally wouldn't want to play just because of their size - at this age I'd imagine it'd be hard. But the tuba players in the U of A marching band have the coolest parts (the dancing tubas, as they're called...they are SO cool!). For that alone, I'd learn to play tuba! I just am not really fond of their sound over hte other instruments, but that's a personal thing.

One thing is that I'd definitely leave the decision entirely up to her, as you've planned (and explain the varying expenses to her...which you should be able to get a better idea about by talking to the musical director/teacher at her school). There's nothing worse than a kid playing an instrument he/she doesn't want to play. If my band director had forced me to play the flute I'd probably have shoved it down his throat eventually (it's just not for me, even though I could play it...my best friend taught me a little). You have to be comfortable with the instrument in order to want to play it well enough to make it worth while. I would love for my daughter to want to play drums when she's older, but if she wants to play the trumpet (or nothing at all, which I would be TOTALLY shocked by since she's SOOOOO incredibly musically gifted for her age) I'd be behind her 100%. I'm glad you've left the decision up to Holly! Not a whole lot of parents do that (it seems), so yay you!

Sorry for the novel, I just get a little carried away when talking about music (my love). I hope she finds something she really likes!

"Here is my secret. It's quite simple: One sees clearly only with the heart. Anything essential is invisible to the eyes."

"RE: Band/Instrument help"
Posted by Asrai on 09-22-04 at 10:17 AM
Ya know what though? I can almost ALWAYS tell what instrument a person plays (or should or would want to play) by looking at him/her. If you show me a pic of your daughter, I can tell you what she should play

Funny thing about the tubas. Last college football season, Femme and her hubby drove from Ohio to my place in Indiana to see a Penn State vs. IU game. While tailgating, the IU band came out. The were introduced as "The Marching Hundred" in such a way that I thought we were gonna be spectator to a wrestling or boxing match! They were playing something (I can't remember now) and suddenly they broke out in this funky deal where the tubas were just rockin'! Femme and I cheered so loud and then laughed our tails off. To this day, we'll without warning say to the other.....The Marching Hundred as we start acting like we're playing tubas as we rock out around the room. Needless to say, our husbands aren't amused!!

FWIW, *I* love the drums more than anything. Most of my BF were drummers. I just *swoon* over drummers. The drum pad looks like the top part of the drum. It didn't sound like a drum, but more like using drumsticks on a padded book. We go to a lot of the basketball games here (Indiana, who doesn't go to basketball games?) and the middle school band uses the 'real' drums for that. I'm guessing for learning purposes, learning how to stick, getting the rythym down, etc. they just use the drum pad.

This is the link to the center that we'll be using for her rentals and such. They show the instruments that she can play with the exceptions of the strings. Thanks for all the info everybody. I'm digging all this and wish I was playing in band!

Muncie Music Center

"You? Are the poster child for debauchery."~Femme

"RE: Band/Instrument help"
Posted by nailbone on 09-22-04 at 10:30 AM
Well, *I'm* a drummer (since 7th grade - 30+ years ago), and I don't have much to add to what PM said, except to say there just aren't enough chick drummers.

Seriously, though, they do use that pad thing for learning/practicing/etc. cuz it's not as loud and it's easier for the teacher to talk over it to explain things, and it doesn't require sound-proofing. When the performances come along, she'll be playing a real drum.

And I do want to emphasize that as a percussionist, she'll be able to learn MANY instruments, including keyboard instruments that will allow her to learn to read music. And she'll be better able to choose the level of expertise she wants to reach. If she wants to excel, and she's willing to practice A LOT, she can play lots of different instruments. If she's not highly motivated or a big practicer, there're still percussion instruments that she can play that don't require that much skill or practice.

Handcrafted by RollDdice

Omnia in bonum o-

"RE: Band/Instrument help"
Posted by PhoenixMons on 09-22-04 at 11:14 AM
Ah, see now I didn't think they would use an actual drum pad (the things that look like a cross between a sting ray and a flattened wide-brimmed hat) because I was thinking more in terms of actually PLAYING the drum pad, not just learning on it. It was just before 6 a.m. when I started writing that message (the stupid effing doorbell woke me up...WTF rings a doorbell at 6 a.m.?). That makes sense though. It's easier to learn how to do a lot of things with a rubber drum pad because they bounce back...you can learn how to do drum rolls a LOT easier that way. I just hope they give the kids enough practice on REAL drums before shows and such because it is a lot different playing on the real thing...

That music center sounds cool! I never really dealt with music stores before because my mom had drums already and I had all of my lessons through either my mom or through school (private lessons through my high school).

Picture wise...hmmmmmmm...since I cant see her eyes, I'm going to go with the sax. She looks like she'd enjoy the sax and I can see her rocking out on a sax. Or trunpet (girl trumpet players don't seem to be as cocky as boy trumpet players). Or drums. Actually, she does have a drummer look about her...and that's not just me hoping she'll join the ranks

Funny about the tubas. I haven't seen any other dancing tubas. They do the same little dance every year (with a few minor changes). It's during their exit off the field after their half time show. The tubas and (of course) percussion section are the last to leave the field. The drummers are (damn it's been a LONG time and I don't know if I remember correctly) behind the tuba players and there are about 15 tuba players in a row all dancing their little dance with their tubas. Way cool! Best part of the show (U of A band kinda sucks so, IMO, they are the highlight of the show).

Gotta go get ready. Kaia's got a drs appt today and I haven't started getting ready yet! And my water's already running!

"Here is my secret. It's quite simple: One sees clearly only with the heart. Anything essential is invisible to the eyes."

Posted by wandacal on 09-22-04 at 08:23 PM
*taps foot impatiently*

the stupid effing doorbell woke me up...WTF rings a doorbell at 6 a.m.?)

WTF was it???!!!

The name is...IceCat....redux

Now THIS is the kinda thing that gets me going.

"RE: Well???!!!"
Posted by PhoenixMons on 09-22-04 at 09:13 PM
Stupid workers for my step-dad. He's in underground utilities and they are alway starting on job sites at like 4-5 a.m., so I should be thankful it wasn't earlier. It's always fun having to sleep in the living room on the sleeper sofa. I had to answer the door yesterday at 5:30. I can't wait to get to NY...2 more weeks, 2 more weeks, 2 more weeks!

"Here is my secret. It's quite simple: One sees clearly only with the heart. Anything essential is invisible to the eyes."

"What a cutieface!"
Posted by moonbaby on 09-22-04 at 08:48 PM
Just like her mom!

"RE: Band/Instrument help"
Posted by DSpunk on 09-22-04 at 01:51 PM
PM, you rock! Thanks for that very insightful post. It makes ME want to play drums.

Sliced. Again.

"RE: Band/Instrument help"
Posted by blacknwhitedog on 09-22-04 at 09:49 AM
DH is a trumpet/cornet player and all I can say is he has GREAT LIPS!!!

pick the one that's the easiest to lug around

"forgot to mention:"
Posted by desert_rhino on 09-22-04 at 11:14 AM
My son just got first trumpet in the 8th grade jazz band (which is a tryout band).

As for practice time, we started out easy: He had to spend one hour a night minimum doing homework. Trumpet counts as homework. So does organizing and cleaning your desk in your room. Guess which he chose?

Nowadays, he likes being good at it enough to more or less want to practice with only minimal reminders.

"RE: forgot to mention:"
Posted by PhoenixMons on 09-22-04 at 11:55 AM
Congrats on first trumpet! That's a great accomplishment. Shirking his cleaning duties paid off, at least

"Here is my secret. It's quite simple: One sees clearly only with the heart. Anything essential is invisible to the eyes."

"RE: Band/Instrument help"
Posted by NolayC on 09-22-04 at 12:36 PM
We also had to take a test at the end of 4th grade to see which instruments we'd be eligible to play--we had different band & orchestra. My brother played cello...anywho, I was told I could only play trombone, bari, or tuba. I played trombone from 5-7th grade and then switched to tuba as the band only had one and he was a friend of mine. I didn't take it to on to high school--as we had moved, and the music department was very lacking.
I had many friends in band, and in fact spent many of my free time in the band room--much like Jason Biggs in American Pie, I always was a band geek, I was just never in the band-although I was able to go with them on their trip to Florida when I was a senior...
Most of the girls that I liked played sax or trumpet. Flutes & clarinets were the....well we had names for them and they were none too nice.

Oh.. if I could have chosen an instrument back in 4th grade it would have been drums.

Handcrafted by RollDdice

"RE: Band/Instrument help"
Posted by minitroll on 09-22-04 at 01:37 PM
I played clarinet in junior high and high school, but I would have much preferred the flute. It really doesn't take any more breath than the clarinet, and it sounds much prettier. It also doesn't have that nasty, soggy reed that a clarinet or oboe have.

Sigpic courtesy of the one and only IceCat.

"RE: Band/Instrument help"
Posted by udg on 09-22-04 at 04:39 PM
She should play which ever one she loves. She really won't stick with it if she doesn't. If one doesn't REALLY stand out for her now, rent (or borrow) an instrument first. Let her play it for 3-6 months, and reevaluate from there.

My sister and I both play flute. Having a good instrument matters. Having a good teacher matters. Having a teacher who is a good match for your skills & personality matters.

My sister played Oboe for a while in high school, because she was frustrated with her flute teacher and the band had plenty of flutes but needed an oboe. Now she's the 2nd chair flute in the freshman band at college (she started this month *sniffle*). While I was the "better" musician at the high school level, I think that my sister has the dedication to stick with it and continue playing for life. I think part of the reason for it was that my parents were constantly harping on me to practice. By the time my sister's turn rolled around (she's 8 years younger than I), they mostly left it up to her, and she played when she wanted to, and CHOSE to practice daily.

I took lessons from a couple of different music professors at a local university. My sister started out taking lessons there, then switched to a teacher at a local music store instead.

Slice n' Dice's Sigpic Chop Shop 2004

"RE: Band/Instrument help"
Posted by tvgeek401 on 09-22-04 at 08:43 PM
I took two years of violin (bleh) in jr high then switched to the flute and played for three more years. But I always regretted not being able to play the drums. They get to learn how to play so many different instruments and they get really good at it. very exciting to watch and listen to. So my two cents would be the drums.
As for trumpets, I think being cocky is a prerequisite. Every trumpet player I have ever met has been cocky. Inotolerably so.

Handcrafted by RollDdice