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"Heart Attack a la Mode"

Posted by frisky on 09-21-04 at 04:24 PM
So I'm enjoying some Sex in a Pan leftovers. The fridge at work is really cold, so it's almost like ice cream. I'm all happy and *lick* *lick* *lickin* it like a kitten.

Then the phone rings. It's DH. Not just any normal DH, but psycho DH. He's breathing hard, but not for the right reasons. "Kitten wasn't on the bus! Call the school and find out where he is!" he says through hyper-breaths. So I hang up and look at the clock, which, I might add, is always wrong.

It's 4:05. It's a big day for my youngest kitten, 4 years old; it's his first ride home on the school bus! We've been talking to him about it all week, getting him all excited. DH has been nervous about it. I told him "let kitten grow up, DH. Let him go on the bus like a big boy. The school will take care of him." So I diligently wrote a note to the teacher in the "note book" she gave us for this purpose: "Male Kitten will be taking the bus home today." I gave the bus number and everything.

So, now I have this phone call. The bus has arrived, with no kitten!

I call the transportation office and it's voice mail. The direct number goes straight to voice mail because of the "high volume of phone calls" they're getting. So I call the school board. The nice lady tells me she'll put me through to a real person, the supervisor at the transportation office. After listening to that horrible "Hang On, Schloopy" song, I get voice mail.

Then my message light starts blinking. It's DD, my female kitten. She tells me that a call came from the school. Male kitten is at the school and DH is on his way to get him.

So, for now, the crisis has been averted, but my Sex has gotten all melty, and DH is probably tearing strips out of the teacher as I write. Poor kitten.

Slice n' Dice's Sigpic Chop Shop 2004

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Heart Attack a la Mode"
Posted by seahorse on 09-21-04 at 04:29 PM
Gee frisky, I thought a kitten was only a kitten for a year then they becomes full grown cats.

©Slice & Dice Chop Shop 2004

"RE: Heart Attack a la Mode"
Posted by Puffy on 09-21-04 at 04:31 PM
And you'll probably get a big I told you so from DH when you get home.
My mom used to make a "Better than Sex" cake. Can you imagine your mother making "Better than Sex" and having to comment on it to her? I missed the Sex in the Pan cake. All I thought of was this picture that I had posted to you in another thread:

Posted by moonbaby on 09-21-04 at 04:31 PM
How scary! Yikes! That poor kitten!

You need that melty Sex to calm you down. *grin*

"RE: Heart Attack a la Mode"
Posted by greenmonstah on 09-21-04 at 04:33 PM
Was the sex in the pan long and drawn out or fast and furious?

Handcrafted by RollDdice

*smooch* Give the kitten a hug!

"RE: Heart Attack a la Mode"
Posted by Pensha26 on 09-21-04 at 05:04 PM
Please stop all this sex talk. It is making feel all kind of funny and there is nothing I can do because DW is on the shelf recovering from having the baby.


"RE: Heart Attack a la Mode"
Posted by greenmonstah on 09-21-04 at 05:08 PM
I thought we were talking about cake...

"RE: Heart Attack a la Mode"
Posted by Schnookie Palookie on 09-21-04 at 04:34 PM
I can't imagine a scarier phone call to receive. I'm glad your little kitten was found and *BIG HUGS* cause I know you're gonna get an earful when you get home.


"RE: Heart Attack a la Mode"
Posted by greenmonstah on 09-21-04 at 04:36 PM
" I can't imagine a scarier phone call to receive."

What a fun game!

Handcrafted by RollDdice

I will call you sometime this week. <smirk>

Oh yes: *smooch*

"RE: Heart Attack a la Mode"
Posted by Schnookie Palookie on 09-21-04 at 04:39 PM
You big tease


"RE: Heart Attack a la Mode"
Posted by miamicatt on 09-21-04 at 04:39 PM
I'm not familiar with this "sex in a pan" of which you speak, but it sounds an awful lot like my neighbor's "mom's famous dessert" that she brought to our Survivor party the other night.

Can you enlighten me?

MC Kitt-Katt in the hizzouse

"RE: Heart Attack a la Mode"
Posted by frisky on 09-21-04 at 05:46 PM
Sex in a Pan is layers of sweetened cream cheese, choco pudding, vanilla pudding and whipped cream on a nut crust.

You, Catt, may be more interested in this dish:

1 spice or German chocolate cake mix
1 white cake mix
2 large pkg vanilla instant pudding mix, prepared (I like Bird's® dessert mix)
1 large pkg vanilla sandwich cookies
green food coloring
12 small Tootsie Rolls®

1 new kitty litter pan
1 new plastic kitty litter pan liner
1 new pooper scooper

Slice n' Dice's Sigpic Chop Shop 2004

"I made this recipe once..."
Posted by IceCat on 09-21-04 at 07:18 PM
... the recipe I had didn't use the word 'new', though. I suppose in retrospect that was a pretty important omission.

Posted by moonbaby on 09-21-04 at 07:23 PM
and EW EW EW.

The picture alone tells a tale of a dessert (did I spell that right? I don't mean like Lawrence of Arabia desert) item that might actually be passed by...kinda like the bucket o dirt one with the chocolate pudding and the gummi worms. My nieces order that at Friday's. I hope they never add the litter box to the menu, lol!

"Those calls are fun"
Posted by Breezy on 09-21-04 at 04:41 PM

But call me when your kitten arrives at school in pajamas and you get the call from teacher that you're kitten needs some clothes brought to him. DH still hasn't lived that one down.

IceCat is da man! GO PACK GO!!!!

"RE: Those calls are fun"
Posted by AugustGirl on 09-21-04 at 04:56 PM
I love that story, Breezy.

*smooch* to you, ya big cheese head.

"RE: Those calls are fun"
Posted by greenmonstah on 09-21-04 at 05:07 PM
Dear August Girl:
Please note: Cheese is not a hair product.
Regards from you stylist,

Handcrafted by RollDdice


"RE: Those calls are fun"
Posted by AugustGirl on 09-21-04 at 05:11 PM
Dear Monstay,
Now you tell me.


"RE: Those calls are fun"
Posted by Pensha26 on 09-21-04 at 04:58 PM
At least they did not go #1 or #2 in the PJs. That would have been embarrassing and worse off then just in the PJs.

"RE: Those calls are fun"
Posted by greenmonstah on 09-21-04 at 05:09 PM
Nookie wears Depends.TM

She has a #1 problem.

"RE: Those calls are fun"
Posted by greenmonstah on 09-21-04 at 04:58 PM
I'd say that mistake? Should cost him one puppy.

Handcrafted by RollDdice

*smooch to sistah breezy*

"There's an idea"
Posted by Breezy on 09-21-04 at 05:01 PM
I'll give him two list, my want for Birthday list and then a list of all the stupid things he's done. Think it will work?

"RE: There's an idea"
Posted by Schnookie Palookie on 09-21-04 at 05:02 PM
That 2nd list will be a very loooooooooooooooong list

"Title for second list"
Posted by Breezy on 09-21-04 at 05:03 PM
Dear Gimpazoid:

"RE: Title for second list"
Posted by miamicatt on 09-21-04 at 05:15 PM
The PJ thing was pretty silly indeed, but I defy anyone's DH to come up with something stupider than "The Legend of the Frozen Pepsi" from our house...

MC Kitt-Katt in the hizzouse

"RE: Title for second list"
Posted by AugustGirl on 09-21-04 at 05:17 PM
Oooooooo! I love that story too!

-- *heating* Catt since forever

"RE: Title for second list"
Posted by miamicatt on 09-21-04 at 05:45 PM
And he tried to freeze a Sprite the other day. Some people never learn. *sigh*

Always *heating* Augie

"RE: Title for second list"
Posted by AugustGirl on 09-21-04 at 05:50 PM
You probably need to put a lock on the freezer.

And Catt? I think Frisky doesn't love us anymore. She posts about her melty Sex and leaves. No recipe. Nuttin'.

Where is the recipe? I want the recipe! I want the recipe!


"RE: Title for second list"
Posted by Estee on 09-21-04 at 05:58 PM
The what?

(Why would anyone freeze Pepsi? It tastes horrible at any temperature.)

"RE: There's an idea"
Posted by greenmonstah on 09-21-04 at 05:04 PM
I think it is a good starting point...make it into a match game...

Handcrafted by RollDdice

Just match the right gift with the correct stupid move.

"RE: Those calls are fun"
Posted by frisky on 09-21-04 at 05:48 PM
Oh, yes, Breezy! I remember the day poor BreezyGirl showed up at school in her jammie-jam-jams. Poor kid.

Slice n' Dice's Sigpic Chop Shop 2004

"Whew...that was close"
Posted by Pensha26 on 09-21-04 at 04:56 PM
I am happy that the little kitten was found. I can only imagine how terrified all of you were.

"RE: Heart Attack a la Mode"
Posted by AugustGirl on 09-21-04 at 04:58 PM
I'm glad your kitten was found, and I'm sorry your Sex got all melty.

And I want the recipe too! Not for lost kitten, for the Sex.

"RE: Heart Attack a la Mode"
Posted by frisky on 09-21-04 at 05:51 PM
Sex in a Pan


1 cup Flour
1/2 cup Butter
1 cup Crushed Pecans
3 tbsp Sugar

Melt butter and stir into dry ingredients.
Press in to the base of a cake pan and bake at 350 F for 25 mins, or until just brown and firm.
Leave to cool completely


8 oz Cream Cheese
1 cup Icing Sugar
1 packet instant Chocolate Pudding
1 packet instant Vanilla Pudding
3 cups Milk
Whipping Cream
Chocolate Bar (best at room temperature for shaving)

Whisk together cream cheese and icing sugar. Spread over base.
Whisk together instant pudding mixes and milk. Spread over cream cheese layer.
Cover the top with whipped cream and shaved chocolate flakes.
Chill for 2 hours before serving.

I don't combine the two puddings; I mix half the milk with the choco and half the milk with the vanilla to make two layers.

Enjoy. If you don't like this, you can try Catt's favourite dish in my post above.

Slice n' Dice's Sigpic Chop Shop 2004

"RE: Heart Attack a la Mode"
Posted by AugustGirl on 09-21-04 at 05:59 PM
*throws cat nip*

*scritches under frisky's chin*

Thank you sweetie.

And ignore my whining in another post over there *points up*. *smooch*

"RE: Heart Attack a la Mode"
Posted by miamicatt on 09-21-04 at 06:03 PM
Yup, that's "Mom's Famous Dessert" alright. We used pistachios instead of pecans though.

And Kitty Litter Cake? Gets served every year at Halloween in the Catt house.

MC Kitt-Katt in the hizzouse

"RE: Heart Attack a la Mode"
Posted by frisky on 09-21-04 at 05:54 PM

The school was mad at DH for not picking up the kitten. They said we needed to "officially" inform them that he would be taking the bus. Apparently, my note was not read by the teacher because the teacher wasn't there. It was a supply teacher, and she must not have the authority to read notes.

So, our good name, the Frisky's, has been muddied at kitten's school.

Slice n' Dice's Sigpic Chop Shop 2004

"RE: Heart Attack a la Mode"
Posted by Puffy on 09-21-04 at 07:02 PM
Will this go on Kitten's permanent record?

Handcrafted at midnight by RollDDice

"RE: Heart Attack a la Mode"
Posted by Estee on 09-21-04 at 05:59 PM
Relax... all is well, the kitten is safe, the school can be made to regret its existence in a few hours, and the sex can always be re-frozen at need. I think.

(I'm so confused. I thought cold was what you went for when you were trying to avoid -- skip it.)

"RE: Heart Attack a la Mode"
Posted by deerhunter on 09-21-04 at 06:04 PM
I hope you are feeling better now Frisky.

Slice n' Dice's Sigpic Chop Shop 2004

(sex in a pan)*snicker*

"Where are the censors?!?!?"
Posted by IceCat on 09-21-04 at 07:20 PM
'... but my Sex has gotten all melty...'


"RE: Where are the censors?!?!?"
Posted by seahorse on 09-22-04 at 08:51 AM
That sounds like PG 13 to me.

©Slice & Dice Chop Shop 2004