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Thread Number: 13005
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Original Message
"Clap your hands."

Posted by J Slice on 05-10-04 at 05:53 AM

Because I finished my last paper this evening. Not at 6 am, of course, but I haven't been able to fall asleep yet... ::yawn::

Have you ever noticed that all prices end in nine? Damn, that's eerie. - Dante Clerks

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Clap your hands."
Posted by AugustGirl on 05-10-04 at 06:54 AM
*claps hands*

*does happy dance for Slicey*

Yay for Slicey!

"RE: Clap your hands."
Posted by Glow on 05-10-04 at 07:40 AM
Yay! *clapping hands*
Did you fall asleep yet?

an incredible JSlice creation

"RE: Clap your hands."
Posted by greenmonstah on 05-10-04 at 07:43 AM
Good question Glow...

*Does quiet, golf clapping in case Slice went zzzzzzzzzzz*

"RE: Clap your hands."
Posted by Draco Malfoy on 05-10-04 at 07:48 AM
Conga Rats! Lvoe the Animated Clerks siggie too!

"Don't be stupid, Stupid!"

"RE: Clap your hands."
Posted by shedevil on 05-10-04 at 12:47 PM

"RE: Clap your hands."
Posted by greenmonstah on 05-10-04 at 01:04 PM
Dan and you have become such smiley show offs!

"RE: Clap your hands."
Posted by shedevil on 05-10-04 at 01:08 PM
I'm innocent, I swear. Okay I'm not and the truth is, I shared my smiley stash with Dan.

addicted to smilies

"RE: Clap your hands."
Posted by DoodleBug on 05-10-04 at 12:51 PM
Bravo, Slicey. Now get some rest.

Snazzy new sigpic by Slice
Survivor All Stars PTB Champ!

"RE: Clap your hands."
Posted by Tiggertramp on 05-10-04 at 12:52 PM
*claps hands and does happy dance for Slicey*

Yeah for you!

Drinks are on me tonight!!

Excellent siggy by JSlice, Worm by the Fab IceCat
I wish I were a glow worm, A glow worm's never glum...Cuz how can you be grumpy, When the sun shines out your bum??

"RE: Clap your hands."
Posted by J I M B O on 05-10-04 at 02:26 PM
Drinks are on you tonight? or Drinks are on you tonight?

Handcrafted by RollDdice

Man, it's wierd doing the 'innocent flirting' thing with you DH around...

"RE: Clap your hands."
Posted by nailbone on 05-10-04 at 02:19 PM

*smooch* WTG, baby!!

Cool new sig courtesy of Jslice o-

"RE: Clap your hands."
Posted by J Slice on 05-10-04 at 02:42 PM

Heh... even better is the packing-crap-up so I can go home tomorrow... ::glee::

I miss NY!

Have you ever noticed that all prices end in nine? Damn, that's eerie. - Dante Clerks

"RE: Clap your hands."
Posted by Lost Scottsman on 05-10-04 at 03:30 PM
Yea! Done for the summer eh? Good deal. Have fun packing and moving. Any special plans for the summer? Vacation?

"RE: Clap your hands."
Posted by ballerina_of_doom on 05-10-04 at 03:33 PM
Congrats! Bet you're relieved, in a big way!