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"Happy Mothers Day!"

Posted by probably clueless on 05-09-04 at 06:22 AM
To all you current and future mothers, have a beautiful day.

A Kittyloaf®Original
*Miss you mom...RIP*

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Happy Mothers Day!"
Posted by popcorn_with_sam on 05-09-04 at 06:27 AM
Happy Mother's Day!!

I came home last night and found some lilacs in a tin can on my porch.

"Aww, shucks"
Posted by LozengeofLove on 05-09-04 at 06:30 AM
I knew I was forgetting something this morning...Happy Mother's Day Mom! Your card *might* be late.
And to all the wonderful Moms of OT, the amount of patience, understanding, and love you show for your children (even the times they may be almost unbearable) is gratifying. I hope one day when I become a parent I can be as cool as you ladies are.

"RE: Happy Mothers Day!"
Posted by AugustGirl on 05-09-04 at 06:49 AM
And a gentle reminder to all of you who still have your Mom with you to appreciate her. I still have my Mom, but Alzheimer's takes more and more of her away every day.

I love you Mom!

*smooches* to Clueless

"Thank you!"
Posted by anotherkim on 05-09-04 at 08:46 AM
My two oldest children (10 and 5) woke me up singing an original song (It's Mother's Day, It's Mother's Day) and bearing a tray with breakfast on it. I have to say that they did an excellent job (even if I don't like cold cereal). They didn't try to cook anything and they didn't make a mess. It was lovely.

Miscellaneous Ramblings
--must go call my mom

"RE: Thank you!"
Posted by Puffy on 05-09-04 at 02:50 PM
DH asked if he could make me breakfast. I usually have just cold cereal in the morning, so he whipped up some nice corn flakes and milk in a bowl. What a guy!

AKA Puff Homes
sig pic courtesy of J Slice

"RE: Happy Mothers Day!"
Posted by udg on 05-09-04 at 08:51 AM
Thanks! My kids (6 & 4 - the baby is too little) made me cards. My 6 year old wrote (with daddy's help):

Dear Momma,
I love you, because you give us food and water to stay alive, and you help me play chess with Sam a lot.


"RE: Happy Mothers Day!"
Posted by StarryLuna on 05-09-04 at 09:15 AM
Happy Mothers Day to all the Moms! Enjoy the time you get to spend with your children or your mothers today. My mom lives 600 miles away, so its rare that I get to spend Mothers Day with her.

"No woman ever falls in love with a man unless she has a better opinion of him than he deserves."

"RE: Happy Mothers Day!"
Posted by zombiebaby on 05-09-04 at 09:17 AM
I got to sleep in late today! Mmmm...refreshed!

One more of J Slice's Awesome Creations!

"You don't need pants for the victory dance"

"RE: Happy Mothers Day!"
Posted by brvnkrz on 05-09-04 at 11:18 AM
Happy Mother's day to all the OT Moms. I plan on spoiling my Mom today with homemade meal and my company. LOL (although in my teens she would have preferred that I spend the day elsewhere)

if you don't have anything nice to say, come sit next to me.
CASH Wine gopher

"RE: Happy Mothers Day!"
Posted by Tiggertramp on 05-09-04 at 11:40 AM
Happy Mommy's day all OT Mommy's!!! You all rock for putting up with children.

Yeah! Yippee! And *smooshes*

Excellent siggy by JSlice, Worm by the Fab IceCat
I wish I were a glow worm, A glow worm's never glum...Cuz how can you be grumpy, When the sun shines out your bum??

"RE: Happy Mothers Day!"
Posted by ballerina_of_doom on 05-09-04 at 12:27 PM
Happy Mother's Day

*special hugs to clueless* i miss my mom, too. I wonder if all the Heaven moms get together on mother's day and talk about us...that kind of scares me, actually.

*hugs to all*

"RE: Happy Mothers Day!"
Posted by Puffy on 05-09-04 at 02:49 PM
Yeh, they're probably all up there laughing now..at the memories of us as kids and at us having to deal with our kids now. Did you mom ever say " I hope you have a kid just like you?" or " I hope your kid treats you the same way that you are treating me."

AKA Puff Homes
sig pic courtesy of J Slice

"RE: Happy Mothers Day!"
Posted by ballerina_of_doom on 05-09-04 at 03:12 PM
Oh yeah, my mother loved to say that, too! I can picture her up there laughing at me right now with an unexpected addition at my age...LOL I just know she's enjoying this immensely.

Here's to them...and here's to us.

though i miss her a lot...and wish she could be here now....i'm glad i have an angel close by.

"RE: Happy Mothers Day!"
Posted by Sunny_Bunny on 05-09-04 at 01:46 PM
I was so spoiled! My eldest son (18) had a date today, so we had Mothers day yesterday. He came in holding aloft a desert he had made himself, and announced that he and his brother (13) were taking me out to dinner. After I took Steven back to his place, Brian couldn't wait to tell me in the car on our way home "Mum, Steven can't really cook, so I had to help him make that dessert." LMAO.

smooch to all of you who no longer have your Mum's to celebrate with. Remember that they are still with you today, just watching from a lovelier view.

"RE: Happy Mothers Day!"
Posted by deerhunter on 05-09-04 at 02:22 PM
HAPPY MOTHERS DAY to all moms. Hope you all have a wonderful day.

*hugs* for OT moms!

"RE: Happy Mothers Day!"
Posted by Drive My Car on 05-09-04 at 02:53 PM
Happy Mothers Day all!

Special *hugs* to those who don't have their mothers with them.

I got to sleep in, and Hubby made bacon and eggs for me and Mom.
I gave myself a present yesterday when I took my adorable child to the movies.
Later we are having strawberry shortcake.

Wishing much love to you all!

"RE: Happy Mothers Day!"
Posted by minkey on 05-09-04 at 05:33 PM
Happy Mother's Day!!

This is my second Mother's Day and "baby chaos" is still too young to do anything special for me. He gives to me everyday, though; wish it were all good . Fifteen months is a very challenging age, but I try to cherish every moment knowing that I'll turn around someday and he'll have stolen our car to go out to meet his skanky girlfriend.

Hubbie took our sweetie for several hours this morning. That was great!!

"RE: Happy Mothers Day!"
Posted by Magic Fingers on 05-09-04 at 07:30 PM
Happy Mother's Day to all the other mothers also!!

I am so very blessed to have all my kids here today. My college daughter arrived last night with my new grandson (7 weeks old). HE IS SO CUTE!!! My mother and mother-in-law both arrive here tomorrow. My kids got me new computer stuff...lol...and took me out to dinner. Just having them all here was the best Mother's Day present I could ask for.

now they all want free massages!!

"RE: Happy Mothers Day!"
Posted by Wheezy on 05-10-04 at 00:27 AM
Thanks, Clueless...

I got a Jeff Gordon action figure. 'nuff said.
