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"People Mag. article - Reality TV What's real? What's fake?"

Posted by rjrabbit on 05-08-04 at 08:50 PM
I got my People magazine today. A reality TV cover with no Survior pictures? Donald Trump in the upper left corner URG. I don't want to see his face! Other pics were alright, Nick and Jessica, Jesse, Simon and Paula.

Good article. Has anyone read it? What did you think?

I knew they couldn't do all the stuff in one day on Queer Eye!

Stunt doubles used on S2 of Survivor to get the right camera angles? I hadn't heard that one.

The Bachelor uses alcohol to get the girls to open up? That's not a surprise.

The recap clips at the end of the AI telecast are from rehearsals? Read that one in TV Guide a month ago.

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"RE: People Mag. article - Reality TV What's real? What's fake?"
Posted by shedevil on 05-08-04 at 09:11 PM
I posted that at the A.I. forum earlier, it was pretty interesting reading. I think that a lot more happens at A.I., like with the voting. What do you think?

"RE: People Mag. article - Reality TV What's real? What's fake?"
Posted by rjrabbit on 05-08-04 at 09:34 PM
Well, in the article they insist that the voting is on the "up-and-up". I think if they could do something about the vote, Jennifer would still be in the competition!

"RE: People Mag. article - Reality TV What's real? What's fake?"
Posted by shedevil on 05-08-04 at 09:44 PM
You might be right but on the other hand, a lot of people think they have planned this season around Latoya the big secret that got let out of the bag. Who knows?

"RE: People Mag. article - Reality TV What's real? What's fake?"
Posted by Lost Scottsman on 05-09-04 at 12:39 PM
LAST EDITED ON 05-09-04 AT 12:39 PM (EST)

I don't have any doubt that there are rehersals, re-takes, etc. It's all entertainment and it's all about ratings. THe editing is just great.

How many times have we watched Survivor and from what we are shown we are just SURE that so and so is going home, or it will be a spilt vote and then the votes are read and it's a landslide for someone we weren't expecting. When Big Tom got voted out, the editing made us sure that Rob, Amber and Big Tom would vote for Jenna and that Rupert and Jenna were going to try to swing Big Tom to vote for Amber. Surprise, every vote for Big Tom. I am glad tonight is the last of it.

I am glad that SB OT gives us a place to play but I am not a fan of "reality TV". I've got some prime ocean front property in Tulsa for all those who believe reality TV is "real".

"RE: People Mag. article - Reality TV What's real? What's fake?"
Posted by deerhunter on 05-09-04 at 02:28 PM
I've got some prime
ocean front property in Tulsa
for all those who believe
reality TV is "real".

How much you asking for that property?

Always wanted Ocean Front property! HEHE!

"RE: People Mag. article - Reality TV What's real? What's fake?"
Posted by rjrabbit on 05-09-04 at 02:40 PM
*smooches* deer.
Missed you last night. Did you have a hot date?

"RE: People Mag. article - Reality TV What's real? What's fake?"
Posted by deerhunter on 05-09-04 at 03:07 PM
*smooch* Rabbit! No date. Helped a buddy go get a pickup truck from his brother. Then just sat around with him and his wife watching movies.

Boring huh?

"RE: People Mag. article - Reality TV What's real? What's fake?"
Posted by rjrabbit on 05-09-04 at 07:54 PM
Not to me. I love getting together with friends. You're a good friend to help your buddy with the truck.

"RE: People Mag. article - Reality TV What's real? What's fake?"
Posted by deerhunter on 05-09-04 at 09:49 PM
I meant boring as, I didn't go partying, didn't participate in O.I.! I usually spend most of my time with my friend and his wife. We've been friends for 20 years. He's helping me rebuild 1 of my cars. We always help each other and never ask for money or Paybacks. He's a TRUE friend!

Did you get a chance to get in your hot-tub? Hope so.

"RE: People Mag. article - Reality TV What's real? What's fake?"
Posted by Lost Scottsman on 05-09-04 at 03:05 PM
For you my friend a special deal, I'll trade ya for a bridage in NY.

"RE: People Mag. article - Reality TV What's real? What's fake?"
Posted by deerhunter on 05-09-04 at 03:09 PM
Sounds good to me!

When do you want to sign the papers?

"What's real:"
Posted by Tiggertramp on 05-09-04 at 03:42 PM
That we get hooked and watch every freaking minute they spew out for our brains to numb faster. AND that the production costs are so much cheaper than that of oh, let's say 'Friends' where the stars were making a million a freaking episode so they make a mint.

What's fake: The staging, the whole show itself, the peeps are real, not actors, although I bet some are hired to create drama, or intentionally cast to create it and hey, it's still cheap! And you can "create" scenes to create your drama. i.e. no TV just plenty of alcohol for the bachelorettes. Nothing else to do but get wasted and be stupid for the camera.

And there is the almighty POWERFUL editting to emote whatever feeling they want to from the audience. To get, again...survey says....'higher ratings' for what?? NOTHING!!!

We the American public are dumbing down and our television clearly reflects that.

Excellent siggy by JSlice, Worm by the Fab IceCat
I wish I were a glow worm, A glow worm's never glum...Cuz how can you be grumpy, When the sun shines out your bum??

"RE: What's real:"
Posted by Lost Scottsman on 05-09-04 at 04:04 PM
We the American public are dumbing down and our television clearly reflects that.

Is TV changing to meet the mind set of the American Public or is the American Public being "dumbed down" by the tripe they push on us from the all powerful tube?

We sit at home and scan channels. Even with cable there is very little worth watching on the tube. If I am in control of the remote we watch History, National Geographic, Discovery, or HGTV channel. Sometimes AMC or Bravo. Basically TV is a vast wasteland for us to sit down, turn on the tube and turn off our minds and do as we are told.

Ted Turner? weilds WAY too much power over the American Public. "Here watch this movie for the umpteenth time and by these products." Just say no to lame television programming...

"RE: What's real:"
Posted by deerhunter on 05-09-04 at 05:43 PM
But you are gonna watch Survivor aren't you? HEHE! I agree that reality TV is not reality.

Know anyone interested in a Hotel in Marvin's Gardens? I'd be willing to trade for something else.