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Thread Number: 1244
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"Vamp's Clarification Thresd......"

Posted by BigBastard on 09-22-01 at 10:28 PM
Hello everyone. I decided I needed to do a thresd to address some issues that have come up recently.
First of all.. I realize there has been some controversy as to the nature of the discussions in the bar. Some feel that there should be no discussion of BB or LC there, and those who wish to discuss it, should go to the BB room.

My feelings on it are this. I have NO problem whatsoever with BB being discussed in the bar. That doesn't always mean I want to talk about it.. because sometimes I don't, althoguh there are times I do wish to. Last night, I popped in for a few minutes, and the Bar was empty. I found this strange, so I decided to check the BB room. There were about 8 or so people in there discussing various things. I chatted for a bit, and then thought it would be funny if I said that I needed a drink, and so I switched back to the bar. Once there, I thought I would just wait and see if anyone wondered where I was, and so I thought I would stay there to see who popped in. I then went about getting some work around here done, and then when someone would pop in, I would hear the door, and go over to my computer, and say hello to whoever popped in. Some of you, I understand... are under the impression that I wanted you all to follow me in there, bcause I was upset that everyone was in BB.... NOTHING could be further from the truth!!! I intended to come back into BB.. if everyone was still there when I was done here, but my evening got away from me, and I never even made it on the boards the rest of the night.

To all of those that thuoght I was upset, or that I have ANY type of problem with anything being discussed in ANY of our rooms, I just wanted to let you know that is NOT the case.. I am happy to be with my friends, no matter what room they choose.

I am also aware, although not as much as I am about the BB problem... that there may be other tensions in chat as well. I do not want to see anyone feeling left out, or slighted in any way. Let us all try and remember that we came here for Survivor, but we stayed for another resaon. Because we felt a connection, and a sense of community here, that was warm, and fun. All I am saying is let's respect one another, as we do those people in our "real" lives. And try also to remember, that we all have different tastes.. likes and dislikes, and that is what makes our conversations fun and interesting.

In my opinion, No topic should be off limits in the bar, and if something that is being discussed is something you would rather not participate in.. You are free to start an additional topic, or pop back in later. I know that I have discussed several things at once in there, and that isn't always easy, but it is always worth it. I do not want to see an "us" and "them" type of seperation. This is not to say that people who do choose to go to a different room because it may be too confusing, or moving too fast, or for any other reason shouldn't.. because that is understandable, at times it can seem overwhelming when it is a full house. Thanks for reading this long thresd.

Vamps luvs ya all!

"Let's spend the night together,
You'll wake up and live forever."
Du ar min hjälte, Supermänniska

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"Psssssst, hey buddy!"
Posted by VampKira on 09-22-01 at 11:37 PM
*whispers to Big Bastard*

Pssssssst! Hey BB! *looks to the left... looks to the right* ShakesvivorBlows already has the poster impersonation thing locked up... nice try though....

"We'll know for the first time,
If we're evil or divine...
We're the last in line." - Ronnie James Dio

Du ar min hjälte, Supermänniska