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Forum: DCForumID6
Thread Number: 1243
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Original Message
"If I'm wrong...I sincerely apologize!"

Posted by Monkeyboy on 09-22-01 at 10:24 PM
It was my understanding that people were going to come back to the board today and take over and then try to get some people kicked off (or run off) the boards.
It was also my understanding that I was going to be one of the targets for various reasons.
If I'm wrong and took things the wrong way or read more into things that were said.....then I sincerely apologize to Jizzy, IdiotCowboy, Pendragon, True and anybody else I might have offended.
This isn't based on any one single thing I was told.....it was based on a number of things. You're probably thinking my imagination was just running wild...but I don't think that's the case.
I'm hoping this isn't true. If it isn't true...I honestly, sincerely am SORRY for hurting a lot of people's feelings today.
I'm glad the old crew came back and I hope we can all get along again!

If it matters, I have an excuse! I've got some serious family problems right now, and frankly, I'm an emotional wreck. I really wish I had never heard about this right now! I didn't deal with this very well at all.

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: If I'm wrong...I sincerely apologize!"
Posted by LadyT on 09-22-01 at 10:32 PM
Monkey, I am so sorry that you are having such problems. But this is a place that you can say just about anything here. This board is big enough for all of us. Since the 11th, when everything changed drastically in our lives, tensions have run high. Things were said that we all widh we could take back. But that doesn't mean that we can't all co-exist. Lets forgive and forget and move on.

*hugs Monkey Boy, you are the best*


"RE: If I'm wrong...I sincerely apologize!"
Posted by moonbaby on 09-22-01 at 10:42 PM
Monkey, I haven't heard any such thing-as out of the loop as I may be (with life all upside down), it sounds far-fetched to me. I'm sure we have all realized especially lately how precious life is, and too short to be mucking it up with such silly stuff! I am sorry for your troubles, baby, I'm here if you want an ear...or a screen, or keyboard, oh...you know what I mean! *hugs*

"RE: If I'm wrong...I sincerely apologize!"
Posted by VampKira on 09-22-01 at 10:43 PM
I am glad to see you apologized Apeface.. *hug* I can assure you, as I have privately, that NO ONE wants to run ANYONE off of this message board.. The folks that took a bit of time off to regroup, simply decided it would be fun to come back tonight, and have a good time.. a new beginning without ANY reference to the past difficulties, flames, or old tensions. That is what this board has been begging for, and needing.. for some time now. It takes alot of courage to come back after a conflict.. no matter WHAT side of the issue one is on. (You and I both know that, sweetie) After all of the threads asking for peace.. I see that is IS possible tonight.. Let's try and see that continue.. ok?

You are a dear friend to me Apeface.. I am sorry if you didn't think that. I have never stopped posting, and I posted to your Apology thread.. beacuse you are my friend, and you are valuable to me.. I am sorry if you are feeling badly, and things are not well personally for you. I am always going to be here as your friend as long as you want me to.. *BIG HUG*

Yur Vampyre

"We'll know for the first time,
If we're evil or divine...
We're the last in line." - Ronnie James Dio

Du ar min hjälte, Supermänniska

Posted by IceCat on 09-22-01 at 10:46 PM
LAST EDITED ON 09-22-01 AT 10:47 PM (EST)

Bananas are fer eatin'...


fer smokin'!

September 11, 2001

"RE: If I'm wrong...I sincerely apologize!"
Posted by Pendragon on 09-22-01 at 10:51 PM

You and I haven't talked much in the past, but just know that I don't harbor ill feelings toward ANYONE on this board, least of all you. I think most of us just want to move on. I accept your apology.

For what it is worth, I would also like to apologize to you or anyone ON THIS BOARD who I may have offended over the last couple of weeks. It has been a tense time for us all.

Know that I, for one, want us all to shake hands and get on with what this board was meant to be: fun. A diversion. That's it. I think that is what we all want.



"RE: If I'm wrong...I sincerely apologize!"
Posted by Jizzy on 09-22-01 at 10:53 PM
Hey, Monkey...sorry to hear about your family problems. This "situtation" that you speak of is news to me. I came back because I missed having some fun. I have made a bunch of good friends here, and hope to see them soon.

Of course, I would be remiss if I didn't mention that the MAIN reason I decided to come back in here was to get those precious VAMPSLAPS that I love soooo much! hehe

Don't fret it, Monkey..let's all just have some fun!!


Posted by IceCat on 09-22-01 at 11:00 PM
Have you considered you may need to seek out an addiction counselling resource for the VAMPSLAP thing? Just askin'...

September 11, 2001

"RE: Dude..."
Posted by Jizzy on 09-22-01 at 11:29 PM
....been there, done that! Been through the whole SSA (Slapped Silly Anonymous)meetings...still, just can't seem to give it up. And to think, they call alcohol and drugs addicting!

You know what they say...once you've been bitten...(and besides, she brings some pretty good-tasting tonic to the party, as well) hehe


"RE: If I'm wrong...I sincerely apologize!"
Posted by true on 09-22-01 at 11:35 PM
It isn't true Monkey!

I'm sorry your feelings were hurt. Your apology is accepted.

If you're feeling up to it, go post your football picks!


"RE: If I'm wrong...I sincerely apologize!"
Posted by Mon Cherie on 09-23-01 at 00:18 AM
Monkey-honey- I do not know where you got that idea, but you have to know it is not true and that you are loved! I'm sorry to hear about your family problems, I hope everything works out, and we are here to help in whatever way we can!

*Big hugs*

Mon Cherie

Posted by Drive My Car on 09-23-01 at 02:05 AM
Does this mean my Monkey is gonna come play with us now??????
Monkey Baby I got love for you, I am so sorry you are having a bad week, but I really hope you will come leave your troubles behind for a few and have fun here on the nonsense board.
Monkey baby, I saw the mouse!!!!!!!!! he is toying with us.
As far as I go, no hurt feelings, I get you hon.

Kis and I are having a slumber Party, please rrefrig is running, it's a prank call HAHAahahhahahahahaha)
Kismet says she hugs you, me too.

"RE: If I'm wrong...I sincerely apologize!"
Posted by ItzLisa on 09-23-01 at 09:13 AM
LAST EDITED ON 09-23-01 AT 10:54 AM (EST)

Buddy o'mine, I'm so sorry I didn't reply to this sooner, as I couldn't get online last night. I can't imagine ANYONE making you a target, you're far too sweet! I'm sorry about what's going on at home right now (by the way, I can sympathize 'cos the same thing is going on in my family too!), but your friends are here to listen. You can spill your feelings to us anytime.

And YOU have NOTHING to apologize for!

EDIT to clarify my last statement: It was pointed out to me by a private email that this had to do with an argument on another thread. Sorry if I didn't have all my facts. Monkey - Luv ya, hon! You're a very big-hearted guy and I'm glad we're friends!
