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"Oh, great... (More "Passion" Controversy)"

Posted by DSpunk on 03-29-04 at 07:33 PM
Read this, and tell me what you think...

*I* think their reasoning is deplorable and sad... but that's just me.

2 Corinthians 4: 7-15

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"RE: Oh, great... (More "Passion" Controversy)"
Posted by bebekid on 03-29-04 at 08:33 PM
I just wanted to take this opportunity to point out that "The Passion" has grossed over 300 million dollars, and is now ranked #13 on the top domestic grossing movies of all time:


With Holy Week coming up, I think it's safe to say that it will break into the top 10. My husband and I plan to see it again next week, to prepare us for Resurrection Sunday (Easter).

I think this movie's success has exceeded everyone's expectations!

"RE: Oh, great... (More "Passion" Controversy)"
Posted by TechNoir on 03-29-04 at 08:38 PM
To whom is Mr. Gibson donating the profits?

"RE: Oh, great... (More "Passion" Controversy)"
Posted by DSpunk on 03-29-04 at 08:58 PM
I have the same question, Tech. Appealing to faith communities' desire for a biblically accurate portrayal is one thing... Making more than a "fair" profit seems a little contrary to the message put forth by the movie... namely, give without reservation.

I'm hoping that Gibson is actually donating a bunch of money to worthy causes, and yet, in the spirit of one gospel maxim, is not letting his left hand know what his right is doing. (This is a metaphor for keeping one's good works secret, lest they be source of pride.)

"RE: Oh, great... (More "Passion" Controversy)"
Posted by bebekid on 03-29-04 at 08:58 PM
I would expect that Mel would tithe on the gross amount of the profits to the Roman Catholic church. Beyond that, I do not know.

"RE: Oh, great... (More "Passion" Controversy)"
Posted by Esbea on 03-29-04 at 09:03 PM
doesnt he belong to some conservative branch of the Catholic church? The name is escaping me, but I dont think its Roman Catholic.

The louder he talked of his honour, the faster we counted our spoons.

"You're right, Esbea."
Posted by bebekid on 03-29-04 at 09:29 PM
I found an article that said Mel's church is an ultraconservative branch of the Catholic church called "Traditionalism". So I would expect him to tithe to his church, and give offerings over and above the tithe to charities of his choice.

"RE: Oh, great... (More "Passion" Controversy)"
Posted by blacknwhitedog on 03-29-04 at 09:56 PM
Mel Gibson used his own money to produce a piece of "entertainment". Why should he have to donate the profits to anyone?

But anyway, I read (I think in People-sorry I don't have the exact source right now) that he quietly donated $1.5 million to those conjoined twins from the Philipines towards their medical expenses.

I expect he would use the rest of his profits to finance more movie projects.

"RE: Oh, great... (More "Passion" Controversy)"
Posted by KeithFan on 03-29-04 at 08:46 PM
I agree it is sad! HERE is a good result of the movie!

"RE: Oh, great... (More "Passion" Controversy)"
Posted by DSpunk on 03-29-04 at 08:59 PM
Definitely... that awesome!

"RE: Oh, great... (More "Passion" Controversy)"
Posted by bondt007 on 03-29-04 at 09:07 PM

This is a good movie with a great message - the greatest love story of all time - no Jew hating or fighting came of it as the DAW media tried to whip up. This type of thing, and the reporting of it: more DAW!

"As many of my posse know...."
Posted by wandacal on 03-30-04 at 03:51 AM
I saw this film last Friday. I am a Christian, (specifically, baptized Lutheran), and was born and raised in N.Y.C. I have many Jewish friends, mostly by race, a few by religion. (To be specific, 3 Orthodox Jewish.) I spoke to 2 of my Orthodox Jewish friends Sunday night, and they also saw this movie. Not meaning to bore you all with these details; however, I did want to show that I had opinions from all over the place.
I was moved and over-whelmed BEYOND words over this film. I never and still do not blame the Jewish people for Christ's death. My Jewish friends do not take responsibility for Christ's death. This was prophesized. (sp?) Jesus of Nazareth had to die on the cross in order to open up the Gates of Heaven. The beatings? The floggings? The affixing of the crown of thorns? The march towards Gethesda, (again, sp.?)? The actual crucifixtion? All this was due to the cowardice/politics of Pontius Pilate and King Herod, ignited by the hypocrisy of the Pharisees.
OK. Now that many of you are now pissed off at me, (since I have pretty much tended to stay quiet on all things controversial till now), let me say that in my own naive fashion, I see this film as a way of over-coming and understanding SO many differences. I left this movie with not only an even greater loving of my Lord Jesus Christ and His Blessed God our Father; but, also, a greater love of all human-kind.
Misto, and many of us, recently shared our differing thoughts on Easter on a previous thread. The underlying message, I believe, was this:
We all have varying beliefs, thoughts and traditions. In the end, they're ALL good... as long as we respect one another and maintain our faith in whom we believe in. If I may:
God bless you all in what we hold dear to our hearts.


Praise JSlice!