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Thread Number: 1109
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"Compassion and Concern"

Posted by MakeItStop on 08-31-01 at 04:32 PM
First, let me apologize for bringing up this subject again. I know that many of you feel that enough has been said. Second, let me say that I am not taking sides. I wasn't involved and I don't have all the facts. I think that we all agree that misunderstandings occurred and feelings got hurt. And perhaps things were said that people wish they hadn't said. Third, I am not blaming anyone for anything. I just want to express my concern.

I have a deep concern that two valuable members (two that I know of, are there others?) of this community are not posting any more. Am I the only one that has noticed this? This greatly concerns me. Why aren't they posting? My only guess is that they don't feel welcome here anymore (for whatever reason, the reason doesn't matter). Perhaps, they feel like outcasts. This could not have been the end result that we were looking for, could it? Well, they are not outcasts in my mind, they are valuable members of this community and I want them to know that I welcome them back with open arms. I know that you all are compassionate people. Can't we show compassion for two of our own? I hope so. I hope it's not too late.

MakeItStop - who hopes that no ones feelings got hurt over this post.

P.S. I originally posted this on the BV forum but I think some of you are boycotting that forum, so I am posting it here.

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Compassion and Concern"
Posted by dangerkitty on 08-31-01 at 05:23 PM
Make It Stop, thank you for your brave and thoughfully written post. I share your concern and compassion. I do think this post is best placed on the OT board rather than BV, so I'm going to respond to it here.

I actually have a lot of thoughts around this whole issue, but now is not the time to go into that. Just speaking for myself, I am calling out to those of you who are not posting, who are not sure if you are welcome, who wonder how they are being perceived due to their friendships and interactions, ANYONE who is uncomfortable or unsure about what to do now: I care about you. I miss you. I want to see your posts here. I won't invalidate your feelings by saying anything like "you shouldn't feel that way...", "don't think that..." etc. I am not in your shoes, and I won't presume to tell you how to feel. I can only tell you how I feel: I care about you. I miss you. I want to see your posts here.

If you think that I'm talking to you, I am.


"RE: Compassion and Concern"
Posted by VampKira on 08-31-01 at 05:49 PM
MIS... my opinion may differ somwhat from our wonderful Dangerkitty. My feelings are this, and then I will NOT comment any further on the matter.. I believe that the thresd that AK started on BV says it all.. All had a chance to respond and express their feelings.. My opinion is that if some people choose not to post right now.. or ever again for that matter, perhaps there is a reason for that....We should all just let this die. The debate has gone on too long, and I for one am SICK of it..

"See, it's not about races...just places, faces...Where your blood
comes from is where your space is. I've seen the bright get duller... I'm not gonna spend my life being a color."

Du ar min hjälte, Supermänniska

"RE: Compassion and Concern"
Posted by ItzLisa on 08-31-01 at 06:58 PM
MakeItStop, you have a heart of gold for posting this.

My position on it is that two of the people who went after each other's throats last week are both very close friends. I have stayed out of it, much as I've wanted to speak up, because to show support for one is to show disloyalty to the other. And so here I am, not knowing how it started, not knowing who's wrong and who's right, and not really caring. Like Vampy, I wish it would just die out now. Like DangerKitty, I wish those not posting would come back and know. I sincerly hope both parties know that, despite my silence, I love them both very much. Beyond that, this is all I can speak out about it.

(With the exception of either shtooping or killing interns, I'd make a hell of a politician, wouldn't I?)


"RE: Compassion and Concern"
Posted by VampKira on 08-31-01 at 11:33 PM
Guess what folks... I lied.. That's right.. your Vampy lied.. I lied because I said I would have nothing more to say on this matter.. and I AM going to say something again. NOT that I wanted to.. I feel compelled to. *SIGH*

This issue.. which, I would wager most of you only THINK you know the facts to, should have been dropped with the thresds on BV. I understand.. believe me I do MIS, at your desire for peace and harmony here. I have ALWAYS maintained that as one of my highest priorities for this place.

I am posting again because of e mails I have recieved, which some of you seem to think that my post above was dicouraging anyone else from posting and expressing their feelings.. That is NOT what I intended.. I simply was giving my OWN opinion on this matter, which I believe has been beaten to DEATH!!!

The people that are central and important in this issue, along with the Webmasters, are fully aware of all the facts, as I would think would be evident by AK's posts on BV. There was no "one sided view" of things.. I can assure you of that.

As to why I have not e mailed those of you who have e mailed me concerning this whole issue.. It is NOT because I am ignoring you. I feel as if I have dealt with this long enough, and I HAVE.. regardlees what some of you may think.. tried to help resolve this over the past month or so.. and I do believe that all was done that could have been. by ALL concerned.

I am sorry that people are hurting.. truly I am. And if by my posting this, I discourage more people from speaking out, I apologize..and would encourage you to please DO post your thoughts.. But I am now going to totally distance myself from this particular issue, bescause as I see it.. It HAS been dealt with.. and in a fair and respectful manner. For those of you that disagree, that is your right, and I respect that.. I only hope you will respect mine as well..

"See, it's not about races...just places, faces...Where your blood
comes from is where your space is. I've seen the bright get duller... I'm not gonna spend my life being a color."

Du ar min hjälte, Supermänniska

"RE: Compassion and Concern"
Posted by Survivorerist on 09-01-01 at 00:44 AM
I don't know much about this situation, but I am 100% sure of one thing. S3 is a new season. What's done is done. I would really enjoy it if we all got back together to have some fun. That's what we're all about, and that's what we should be doing. I think that's all I have to say. Keep smiling!

"Aren't instruments fun?"
-Alyson Hennigan, American Pie 2

"RE: Compassion and Concern"
Posted by SherpaDave on 09-05-01 at 02:11 AM
Amen. I know more than I want to know about this issue, frankly, and yet still not enough to make a qualified stand on it.

S3's a comin'. Let's all get back to what we do best: Outspoil. Outspoof. Outrageous.

"RE: Compassion and Concern"
Posted by LadyT on 09-01-01 at 00:53 AM
My sleeping pill has kicked in but I want to post something. So here goes. I have to say it took me twenty minutes to write this, I am so loopy right now, but MIS I wanted to thank you for posting this. You too are very valuable here and I for one, welcome your post. Please don't flame me if this is really messed up.

I too do not lnow all the facts here, however, I believe that Webby and AyaK have handled this matter. I truly believe they reviewed the facts, and came to their decision for the best of the community. Feelings get hurt all the time. When its bad, the big guns come in and fix it for the best of everyone involved. The people involved may have chosen to step back and cool off first, heal, adn let the matter fade into a distant memory before they feel ready to join in the fun.

Or they could be on vacation

"So what are my chances
of honest advances
I'd say low
Better to win
by admitting my sin
than to lose with a halo"

"RE: Compassion and Concern"
Posted by dabo on 09-05-01 at 03:07 AM
LAST EDITED ON 09-05-01 AT 09:29 AM (EST)

There are places I remember All my life
Though some have changed
Some forever not for better
Some have gone and some remain

All these places had their moments
With lovers and friends I still can recall
Some are dead and some are living
In my life I've loved them all

But of all those friends and lovers
There is no one compares with you
And these mem'ries lose their meaning
When I think of love as something new

Though I know I'll never lose affection
For people and things that went before
I know I'll often stop and think about them
In my life I'll love you more

Though I know I'll never lose affection
For people and things that went before
I know I'll often stop and think about them
In my life I'll love you more
In my life I'll love you more.

Okay, people, let's get down to cases. No one has been declaired persona non grata around here, not by anyone. A situation arose where a valued poster was considered by some to have crossed some lines, that is all; and that valued poster is still regarded as a friend and a member of the community here -- by everyone! I've had some discussions with people in chat and no one is trying to make anyone vanish here, just resolve some personal differences. People are people, there are bound to be conflicts from time to time, the thing to do is learn from those conflicts and make peace and move on, and that is all anyone is really asking here. Some people are fed up, understandably because they feel they've been pounding their heads, to quote a band, "against some mad bugger's wall." (Don't take that personally, anyone, that's just to describe how some people feel, it's not to call anyone a mad bugger.)

This is a matter of ettiquette needing to be revisitied, possibly revised. If anyone has any suggestions to make here, please do so. My own suggestion would be that some things said in chat or in personal messages are not intended to be posted about, they should be regarded as priviledged information and respected as such.

Okay, now get on with your lives and enjoying your places in this community, and I mean everyone of you!

"If the race of man should be left naked upon a desert island, we should become extinct in six weeks. A few individuals might linger, but in a year would become worse than monkeys." (Samuel Butler, "Erewhon")