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"What kind of patient are you?"

Posted by moonbaby on 02-05-04 at 03:21 PM
Say you're not feeling well-how much time do you allow yourself to rest? One day? Two? Or do you go to work when you're sick?

Are you an impatient patient?

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"RE: What kind of patient are you?"
Posted by mistofleas on 02-05-04 at 03:28 PM
When I had my shoulder surgery 1 1/2 ago I went in on Thursday morning, was out Thursday evening and back in the office on Monday.

I was in pain, I shouldn't have done it. I was told I needed to take 3 weeks off. But I can't sit around that long. I think that is also the reason why I still have pain today.

--has patience with everyone but herself

"RE: What kind of patient are you?"
Posted by weltek on 02-05-04 at 03:28 PM
If I'm just a little stuffed up and achy, I go to work.
If I'm feeling feverish, stuffy, sick to my stomach, I stay home for a day and usually feel well enough to go in the next day.
If I have the stomach flu, strep or such, I'm home til I feel better.

-Do you need an excuse to go home?

"RE: What kind of patient are you?"
Posted by LeftPinky on 02-05-04 at 03:35 PM
I always go to work, it's easier than cleaning up after the idiots that tried to do your work for you.

created by the amazing JSlice!
Of course, I now work at home?

"RE: What kind of patient are you?"
Posted by FarmBoy on 02-05-04 at 03:39 PM
Guilty. My parents instilled that great work ethic in me. I go to work if at all possible. I'm also scared about what will happen to my desk if I'm not there.

Bovinated BR549- An Original Draco Masterpiece

"RE: What kind of patient are you?"
Posted by Bucky Katt on 02-05-04 at 03:42 PM
I have a 50% rule. If I can do my work at half-speed or better I go into work and if I can't I stay home because I figure I will do more harm then good. I average less then one sick day per year.

"How 'bout a birdy? I got a little birdy right here."

"RE: What kind of patient are you?"
Posted by Schnookie Palookie on 02-05-04 at 04:05 PM
Hey Moonie! Are you feeling any better today? *HUGS*

If I'm sick with a cold/flu, I usually take 1 day off from work. However, I have spent too many days at work suffering severe migraines. Not fun.

I'm a good patient. I'm so appreciative of anything that someone does to help me. I never get it, but I'd be appreciative if I did LOL.

Sometimes, when I'm sick,I just want to do nothing and be pampered but it doesn't happen. I still have to cook dinner or whatever else needs to be done.

Nookie's babies

"RE: What kind of patient are you?"
Posted by Coconut on 02-05-04 at 05:29 PM
They don't pay for a sub unless we're sick for more than two weeks, so if I call in sick, it just screws up my term schedule. I'll go in, teach like a zombie, and come home.

Would wait on Nookie hand and foot if it were possible.

"RE: What kind of patient are you?"
Posted by L82LIFE on 02-05-04 at 04:14 PM
I rarely call in sick, unless I'm really hurting. I'll usually go in and sometimes if things get worse, I'll go home an hour or two early to get some rest. If I do take a day off, it's only one day. I can take off from the place, but not the work-it waits for me, so my desk is piled when I do come back.

I try to rest when I don't feel well, but I'm not a good napper. It's hard for me to fall asleep in the daytime. Mr. L8 usually fixes me something to eat (if I feel like it), but he doesn't clean the kitchen afterward. Grrrr.

I usually just want to be left alone when I'm sick.

"RE: What kind of patient are you?"
Posted by tig_ger on 02-05-04 at 04:23 PM
I'm a terrible patient.

I have absolutely no patience.

I work from home when I'm contagious and go into work as soon as I think I'm over it.

My DH is an eternally patient wonderful man to put up with me when I'm sick.

(*whispers*) My theory is that if you are going to be sick, you may as well be miserable at work. Take a sick day to do something fun when you feel fine.

"RE: What kind of patient are you?"
Posted by DoodleBug on 02-05-04 at 04:30 PM
I stay home if I have a fever or can't stop throwing up. Otherwise, I'm usually at work.

Snazzy new sigpic by Slice
I'm a very impatient patient.

"Oh I'm very patient!"
Posted by Sheila on 02-05-04 at 04:40 PM
I do my job and get everyone out the door to do their job and then I go back to bed. I repeat this process for as many days as possible.