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"A Cold Day Game"

Posted by Canada Girl on 01-29-04 at 11:21 AM
LAST EDITED ON 01-29-04 AT 11:23 AM (EST)

Now, I'm pretty sure that I am the coldest person on OT. I'm also the dumbest because I didn't check if anyone had posted the penguin game yet. I'm a big cold idiot.

Use this post to complain about your weather or make fun of me

Just so you know, it was -44.9c with a windchill of -53 yesterday morning here. ONLY -42 this morning! Why anyone would live here is beyond me. This is insane!

Here's the game if you haven't played it yet:

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Messages in this discussion
"I am an idiot too!!"
Posted by KScott on 01-29-04 at 11:26 AM
I posted the game on another of my boards only to find it had been posted before. Oh well, they got a big chuckle out of it!

a proud Lvoe Butt Connector

"RE: A Cold Day Game"
Posted by KObrien_fan on 01-29-04 at 11:26 AM
CG, that is downright arctic, wow!

Surgeon General G.A.W.K.U.R's of OT

"RE: A Cold Day Game"
Posted by Schnookie Palookie on 01-29-04 at 11:28 AM
Ouch! Shiver me timbers, that's Sofa King cold!

DH was in Montreal this week then flew into Michigan last night and had to drive in snow flurries for 2-3 hours. Of course, when he called me, I didn't dare complain that it's chilly here in Atlanta LOL.

Here's a *BIG WARM HUG* for you CG!

Purrrrfect Siggy by the Talented Kittyloaf
*it was cold by our standards ... -7C last night*

"RE: A Cold Day Game"
Posted by KObrien_fan on 01-29-04 at 11:29 AM
HIYA NOOKIE! (just sayin )

Surgeon General G.A.W.K.U.R's of OT

"RE: A Cold Day Game"
Posted by Schnookie Palookie on 01-29-04 at 11:36 AM
Morning Katie! *smooch*

Purrrrfect Siggy by the Talented Kittyloaf
*Proud Member of the SoBe Lvoe Butt Connectors*

"RE: A Cold Day Game"
Posted by KObrien_fan on 01-29-04 at 11:39 AM
*Smoosh* and *Bumble*

Surgeon General G.A.W.K.U.R's of OT

"RE: A Cold Day Game"
Posted by nailbone on 01-29-04 at 11:28 AM
41 here, and sunny. S'posed to get up to 55.

Neener neener neeneeeer!!

Sandra, Panama's Sole Survivor

OT Studmuffin of the Year '03, Prince of Passion, Royal Liaison to Illicit Activities, SB Video Historian, and Vice-President of the GAWKUR Alliance o-
Cool new sig courtesy of Jslice

Not exactly tropical, but compared to where you're at...

"RE: A Cold Day Game"
Posted by Canada Girl on 01-29-04 at 11:33 AM

Wow, I wish I was you...

"RE: A Cold Day Game"
Posted by LeftPinky on 01-29-04 at 12:49 PM
We're supposed to hit 57, but WINDY... I may blow to Texas to visit you Boner!

created by the amazing JSlice!
Perhaps OT could blow some hot air north?

"RE: A Cold Day Game"
Posted by GrendelsMom on 01-29-04 at 01:35 PM
If there's one thing we're good at here at OT, it's blowing hot air.

gotta lvoe the loaf
Oh, and Pinky? *stalk*

"RE: A Cold Day Game"
Posted by aethelstan on 01-29-04 at 11:28 AM
Just so you know, it was -44.9c with a windchill of -53 yesterday morning here. ONLY -42 this morning! Why anyone would live here is beyond me. This is insane!

*raises hand*
I swear I will never complain about balmy windchills in the -30's ever again.

© Kittyloaf Creations, 2004
Hadn't tried the game before but I got 321 eet!

"RE: A Cold Day Game"
Posted by Tiggertramp on 01-29-04 at 11:34 AM
Okay, Fahrenheit/Celsius....that involves math which is too much like work.

It is -14F right now here in Minnecolda. Windchills make it feel like -33F. So, it's kinda tropical in comparison right?? No heat in my car, yep. It's so good to be me.

"RE: A Cold Day Game"
Posted by SurvivaBear on 01-29-04 at 11:40 AM
Barrow, AK -26...-14 C
Dayton, OH -16...-6 C
Honolulu, HI 20...26 C
St. Louis, MO -16...-7 C
West Palm Beach, FL 13...21 C

Thought you might like the temp ranges for some different cities. It is frigid in Dayton and I have had enough. I am ready to move. Suggestions?

Beware the Bear!

"RE: A Cold Day Game"
Posted by Schnookie Palookie on 01-29-04 at 11:42 AM
Hellooooooooooooooo SurvivaBear!!! So nice to see you around here. Missed you! *smooch*

Purrrrfect Siggy by the Talented Kittyloaf
*Proud Member of the SoBe Lvoe Butt Connectors*

"RE: A Cold Day Game"
Posted by Tiggertramp on 01-29-04 at 11:43 AM
Ummmm. Why is Hawaii cold?? Who is messing with our universe?

"RE: A Cold Day Game"
Posted by Schnookie Palookie on 01-29-04 at 11:58 AM
20-26C is 68-78F

Pretty nice I'd say. Still probably a bit chilly for Hawaii though.

Purrrrfect Siggy by the Talented Kittyloaf
*Proud Member of the SoBe Lvoe Butt Connectors*

"RE: A Cold Day Game"
Posted by Tiggertramp on 01-29-04 at 01:19 PM
That's what I'm saying. My reality is that Hawaii is supposed to 80-85F ALL the time. SO I can get through this crap. It is NOT supposed to be below 75 degrees. That is just WRONG for a tropical island I dream about. I have to have my dream or I'll die.

Again. Involves math. Never could figure celsius crap out...

"New Orleans"
Posted by bebekid on 01-29-04 at 11:52 AM
The ten day forecast has the low not going below 34. And the highest high I saw is 69 on Groundhog's Day.

-we are thinking of moving there one day.

"San Francisco"
Posted by ginger on 01-29-04 at 03:40 PM

I'll leave the Golden Gate unlatched.

"You Canadian peeps..."
Posted by FesterFan1 on 01-29-04 at 11:50 AM
LAST EDITED ON 01-29-04 AT 11:51 AM (EST)

are in-freaking-sane. It's been in the teens here (a heatwave by your standards), and it's all I can do to get out of bed in the morning. Do you all have dead nerve endings to cope with the cold, or what?

Winter. Sucks.

Why don't I live in San Diego?

Today it's supposed to be in the mid-30s. Yippee-friggin-doo.

"RE: You Canadian peeps..."
Posted by Canada Girl on 01-29-04 at 12:01 PM
I KNOW! This is absolute insanity. No one should live like this.

When I checked the weather yesterday morning my son said "Shouldn't they just close down the city?". I said YES! It's freakin ridiculous.

People's cars are just dying in the streets and they have to leave them because it's too cold to wait for a tow truck!

I've had it. I want to move NOW.

"Winter does suck."
Posted by bebekid on 01-29-04 at 12:02 PM
OT, you will never hear me complain about warm or even hot weather. You have my permission to whack me if you do.

I grew up in South Louisiana. Yes, it gets hot there in the Summer. But see, unlike when it is 15 below somewhere up North, when it is 95 degrees out, you can go jump in a pool! Or run through a sprinkler! Or go for a snow cone or ice cream run!

"RE: You Canadian peeps..."
Posted by ginger on 01-29-04 at 03:41 PM
You forgot to send your video to the Real World office.

"RE: A Cold Day Game"
Posted by ashleybfogg on 01-29-04 at 12:29 PM
I'm sitting here in sweats, wearing a turtleneck and my super warmest hoodie, feeling shivery. My inside temp says 53! sheesh I'm a lightweight!
I think of you and ęthelstan, and all you poor babies in snow and wonder ... how do you do it?

brrrr. warm hugs, CG!

"RE: A Cold Day Game"
Posted by Lisapooh on 01-29-04 at 12:32 PM
Hey CG! We love you - cold hands warm heart and stuff!

"RE: A Cold Day Game"
Posted by L82LIFE on 01-29-04 at 01:15 PM
Brrrrr. That's just way too cold. I whine when it gets in the 30's here.

Today it's sunny, but we had some massive fog all last week. We're supposed to get to the high 50's today, so I can't complain (but I still will.LOL).

Keep warm, CG. Hope you have about 5 electric blankies.

"RE: A Cold Day Game"
Posted by buckeyegirl on 01-29-04 at 01:15 PM
Ok, I can't complain about it being -10 below here yesterday anymore. I tried the game, but the computer I'm on took too long to load, so I'll have to play another time.

Goodwill Ambassador to the G.A.W.K.U.R. Division of OT
--misses her own computer

"RE: A Cold Day Game"
Posted by frisky on 01-29-04 at 01:39 PM
*cuddles* for CG!

We're at a -21 windchill, but it feels mild compared to what we've had the last couple of weeks. I guess now that we finally have sun it just *feels* warmer.

I'm anemic, so you can usually subtract about 5 degrees from the temperature. So really, we're at -21 with windchill, or -26 with friskychill.

Card-carrying RBBRTFHLA/Sugar Ho Division
Non-Embezzling GAWKUR Treasurer

"RE: A Cold Day Game"
Posted by Bbear on 01-29-04 at 02:03 PM
I will never again complain about 47 degrees and rain, rain, rain here on the west coast of Canada. You poor thing, we do feel for ya'll out there in the deep freeze. Parts of BC are in the freezer too, but here on the island it's slightly warmer.

That being said... I still have southern blood and I'm COLD!!! I still can't tell celcius temp so I keep the F. therms handy so I can see what the "real" temprature is!

Texas - Margaritaville - LOTR - Canada
a jslice creation

"RE: A Cold Day Game"
Posted by Leif Eriksen on 01-29-04 at 02:08 PM
LAST EDITED ON 01-29-04 AT 02:09 PM (EST)

The big news on The National last night is that Key Lake was the coldest spot in the world yesterday. Big news for Saskatchewan.

I worked in Key Lake for a little over a month, years ago. It was cold at that time too, and windy. One of the masons left his truck window open about 10 mm and the whole inside of the cab was completely filled with hard packed snow the next morning. The truck was sitting in the right direction to the wind I suppose. A labourer spent the whole day with a scrapper, a hammer and a bolster to remove the snow from the cab. I have pictures somewhere, I must find them.

I bet that river is steaming by the Bess!

"lovable asshole-type"
Leif Eriksen knows about the cold

"RE: A Cold Day Game"
Posted by ashleybfogg on 01-29-04 at 02:13 PM
so, if I may ask...
how do you golf? or does golfing skip winter altogether?

ashlet.california lightweight.looking for trouble.

"RE: A Cold Day Game"
Posted by ginger on 01-29-04 at 03:42 PM
Methinks Ashlet and I need to open an OT Winter Sanctuary or something...a kinder, gentler Paradice Motel, if you will.

"RE: A Cold Day Game"
Posted by ginger on 01-29-04 at 03:39 PM
If you don't mind a sleeping bag on the couch, fly on down -- we act all upset if it drizzles a little and have not seen snow or ice for many many years...

"ok heres the plan:"
Posted by Esbea on 01-29-04 at 03:44 PM
put the hula skirt on Frosty
go to the airport, leave Canada
go to Fiji
never return

thats what Id do

"You win."
Posted by Coconut on 01-29-04 at 07:32 PM
it FINALLY warmed up here after a week of -35 + windchill weather.

now, it's a balmy -15 (-25 windchill) and blizzarding. Not bad.

The day Dominou was born? -50 with wind.

"RE: You win."
Posted by Bbear on 01-29-04 at 07:33 PM
You really don't want a weather report from here... it's rotten, really! Foul nasty weather... umm hmmm yep!

Texas - Margaritaville - LOTR - Canada
a jslice creation

"RE: A Cold Day Game"
Posted by pythonfan on 01-30-04 at 11:14 AM
I almost feel warm compared to you.

I haven't even wanted to look since I got up. But at 7 a.m. it was -8 (F) with -24 windchill.

I live in an old crappy house, with drafts and a big crack in the foundation (going to look for my OWN house today)

and I don't want to see my heat bill.

Weeeeeeeeee that was fun. I got a 300 (once LOL)

It takes 43 muscles to frown and 17 to smile, but it doesn't take any to just sit there with a dumb look on your face.