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Thread Number: 103
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Original Message
"Attention Zero and Leif............"

Posted by Superman on 11-23-00 at 05:59 AM
I've noticed that most of the heat between you two revolves around religion. I don't know how this began or why, but just for fun let me play Devil's advocate here(no pun intended). I'm gonna throw out some topics for discussion and you two feel free to debate these issues. Most of the rhetoric has now resulted in finger pointing and name calling, and far be it from me to be tardy to a good ass-whooping, but I want to see what you guys have in you, ok?

All of my personal knowledge of religion derives from being brought up in a Baptist church, which I no longer attend, and the King James Version of the Bible. My personal beliefs are probably best described like this; I believe in the biblical god, but disagree with a lot of his actions both today and what is written. So I'm in the center of this arguement and therefore a good moderator. Woohoo!

In the beginning........
So we all know the story of Adam and Eve and how it ended, but have you ever given any real thought to it? Adam and Eve were created pure of heart ignorant of any knowledge of either good nor evil, they were instructed by God to not eat of the Tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil. Fair Enough. They ate, God threw them out of the garden.

My question is this: If Obedience is "good" and disobedience is "evil" then at what point did Adam and Eve know they had done anything wrong? Sure they were told not to do it, but they didn't know wrong from right until AFTER they had eaten of the tree. So were they wrong to eat or was god wrong to cast them out? And if god is all knowing, why didn't he see this coming?

I think one topic is enough to start off with, you never know, this might be fun. Enlighten us.

Table of contents

Messages in this discussion
"RE: Attention Clark Kent aka Superman"
Posted by Leif Eriksen on 11-23-00 at 04:07 PM
"I've noticed that most of the heat between you two revolves around religion."

Zero-brain has religion as his crutch. I am an atheist (no not your "oh my, the priest grabbed my balls so I hate religion and now I am an atheist") so the religion part of the whole matter does not influence me. I have to live with the religious part of the status quo in this country all the time. What I don't savvy is someone like Zero-brain getting on an open forum like this board and pretending he is the chosen one to speak for all the so called christians in this world. And the worst part of all is that he actually believes that is the case.

Furthermore, if you go back in the archives of the "other" board, you will find that he insulted more people than Panic-Attack ever did. His buddy, Rudy's Revenge, was basically in the same mind frame that Zero-brain is. Both so juiced up on their religious freakism that they can't function with anyone except people who believe in the same thing they do and preach it in the same way.

I had a ex-sister-in-law that was born again, about 15 years ago. I still get letters from that freaked out zealot to try to convert me to her way of thinking. This pattern does not change with these type of people.

The best advice I can give Zero-Brain is the same advice I gave my ex-sister-in-law.......keep your fucken nose out of my life, forever. (of course she didn't listen) If that bitch finds out about sending those assinine smiley faces to my house, I will really go over the top. I can just imagine waking up to a lawn full of smiley faces (I woke up to flamingoes on my 40th

That's all for now folks. I feel better now.

"RE: Attention Clark Kent aka Superman"
Posted by zerokewl999999 on 11-29-00 at 05:57 PM
>Zero-brain has religion as his crutch.
> I am an atheist
>(no not your "oh my,
>the priest grabbed my balls
>so I hate religion and
>now I am an atheist")
>so the religion part of
>the whole matter does not
>influence me. I have
>to live with the religious
>part of the status quo
>in this country all the
>time. What I don't
>savvy is someone like Zero-brain
>getting on an open forum
>like this board and pretending
>he is the chosen one
>to speak for all the
>so called christians in this
>world. And the worst
>part of all is that
>he actually believes that is
>the case.

Well, I just speak for who I am: a Christian. Now, who knows, there may be dozens of other Christians, if so I hope they can provide some witness.
Lief, I can't force you to believe anything, all I can tell you is: Jesus loves you.
>Furthermore, if you go back in
>the archives of the "other"
>board, you will find that
>he insulted more people than
>Panic-Attack ever did.
Speaking of the SS board, how is it over there? I haven't been there in ages, don't plan to be.
> His
>buddy, Rudy's Revenge, was basically
>in the same mind frame
>that Zero-brain is.
Hey, speaking of RR, where has he gone to? He seems to have disappeared
> Both
>so juiced up on their
>religious freakism that they can't
>function with anyone except people
>who believe in the same
>thing they do and preach
>it in the same way.
I don't know, I'm functioning pretty well here, ain't I?
>I had a ex-sister-in-law that was
>born again, about 15 years
>ago. I still get
>letters from that freaked out
>zealot to try to convert
>me to her way of
>thinking. This pattern does
>not change with these type
>of people.
Well Jesus commanded us to spread the word, what kind of people would we be if we willingly let people go to Hell. I hope your sister in law succeeds.
>The best advice I can give
>Zero-Brain is the same advice
>I gave my ex-sister-in-law.......keep your
>fucken nose out of my
>life, forever. (of course she
>didn't listen) If that
>bitch finds out about sending
>those assinine smiley faces to
>my house, I will really
>go over the top.
>I can just imagine waking
>up to a lawn full
>of smiley faces (I woke
>up to flamingoes on my
Geez you're pretty immature for a 40 year old
So what's so offensive about hearing about Christ? You can run from the truth all you want to, but eventually it'll catch up to you

>That's all for now folks.
>I feel better now.

"Bye, bye Zero-brain"
Posted by Leif Eriksen on 11-29-00 at 07:56 PM
You hurt my feelings Zero-brain, I won't talk to you again.

My father use to tell me (he is still alive at 88) that a person can only express his or her disgust in a product or person or whatever with one thing and that is a boycott. You are now boycotted Zero-brain.

Leif Ericksen, man of mystery

"RE: Bye, bye Zero-brain"
Posted by zerokewl999999 on 11-30-00 at 07:38 PM
awwwww man, and I was having fun
Still open for questions about the Bible/Christianity


"RE: Attention Zero and Leif............"
Posted by zerokewl999999 on 11-29-00 at 05:50 PM
I'll be glad to
>In the beginning........
>So we all know the story
>of Adam and Eve and
>how it ended, but have
>you ever given any real
>thought to it? Adam and
>Eve were created pure of
>heart ignorant of any knowledge
>of either good nor evil,
>they were instructed by God
>to not eat of the
>Tree of the knowledge of
>Good and Evil. Fair Enough.
>They ate, God threw them
>out of the garden.
> My question is this: If
>Obedience is "good" and disobedience
>is "evil" then at what
>point did Adam and Eve
>know they had done anything
>wrong? Sure they were told
>not to do it, but
>they didn't know wrong from
>right until AFTER they had
>eaten of the tree. So
>were they wrong to eat
>or was god wrong to
>cast them out? And if
>god is all knowing, why
>didn't he see this coming?
Well, God did see it coming, because God is all knowing. But His love is so great that He didn't let that affect His decision.
Adam and Eve did know that God had commanded them not to eat and they did, which was disobediance, the first sin. That caused mankind to have a sinful nature.
Hope that answers that question.
>I think one topic is enough
>to start off with, you
>never know, this might be
>fun. Enlighten us.

It's very fun


"RE: Attention Zero and Leif............"
Posted by Superman on 12-02-00 at 05:33 AM
Ok, Zero in an attempt to keep something going I'm gonna sit in for Leif here.

>Well, God did see it coming, because God is all knowing.
"And the Lord was sorry that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart. Genesis 6:6"
This verse, as you know refered to the state of the world before god destroyed it with the flood. The point of this is this "IF god is all knowing, as you say he is, then how can he feel guilt and sorrow over this? He knew it was gonna happen, right? Why would someone be so cruel as to create a whole world of living, breathing, creatures who never asked to be created only to destroy them, EXPECIALLY considering the fact that (the lord being all-knowing) KNEW that this was going to happen?

>But His love is so great that He didn't let that affect His decision.
"and My wrath will become hot, and I will kill you with the sword; your wives shall be widows, and your children fatherless Exodus 22:24"
"And it came to pass on the way, at the encampment, that the Lord met him and sought to kill him. Ex. 4:24"
"But Joshua said to the people, "You cannot serve the Lord, for He is a holy God. He is a jealous God; He will not forgive your transgressions nor your sins. Jos 24:19"
"But the hand of the Lord was heavy on the people of Ashdod, and He ravaged them and struck them with tumors, both Ashdod and its territory. 1Sa 5:16"
"Then the anger of the Lord was aroused against Uzzah, and God struck him there for his error; and he died there by the ark of God. 2Sa 6: 7"
"Then Nathan departed to his house.And the Lord struck the child that Uriah's wife bore to David, and it became ill. 2Sa 12:15"

......If this is love....i'll take my chances with "just acquainted"

>Adam and Eve did know that God had commanded them not to eat and they did, which was disobediance, the first sin. That caused mankind to have a sinful nature.

Agreed, they knew that God had commanded them not to eat, but what of it? It was decided by God that it was disobediance, but for what reason? Adam and Eve had no idea what they were doing was right or wrong, because until they HAD actually eaten they didn't know what they had done was wrong. Furthermore, what was the purpose of putting the tree in the garden in the first place? Why tempt fate? It's like putting candy in a crib and expecting a baby not to touch eat, you can tell them not to touch it or they will surely die, but just like Adam and Eve, the child would have no idea that it would be wrong to do so. And what are you going to do then, according to the lord, it would be justified to banish the child from the crib. In essence, the lord caused man to have a sinful nature.

>Hope that answers that question.

but, you're right this is fun.

"RE: Attention Zero and Leif............"
Posted by Drive My Car on 12-02-00 at 03:40 PM
I like hearing other peoples views.


"RE: Attention Zero and Leif............"
Posted by Leif Eriksen on 12-04-00 at 01:15 PM
Do me a favor Clark, don't step in for me, OK.

Just some quantum thoughts on the whole religion issue......

If you want to believe that "one man" came to this earth by some mystical process and is going to cure all ills on earth, so be it. I don't give a ##### what you believe except....your assinine ideas are pushed down everyones throats in the media, at work and yes even at play. As they say, "when in Rome, do as the Romans do" which is OK, if your a "believing" person. When you don't "believe" in anything (that is the hard part for most "believers" to fathom") then it is virtually impossible to "do as the Romans do".

The "BIG" picture in all of this is quite simple, we live in a huge universe and whether you believe the experts or not, our knowledge of how big it is expands every year. Far be it for me to tell people not to believe in whatever they want to believe in but... you and I and the earth in general are such a minuscule part of the whole universe that it is ludicrous to believe that we are some kind of "chosen" beings. If a person wants to believe we are that special, go for it. But keep it out of my face, that's all I ask.

Most people can't grasp the whole concept of time, for example, get someone to watch the clock for you. Close your eyes and when you think 7 minutes are up, say so and see how close your guess is. After you do this little experiment with a few of your friends or relatives you will find that probably no one came close to giving an exact answer. Now, tell me, how the hell are you or anyone else going to be able to grasp the idea of a million years. Forget it, it is not part of our make up as humans. We think in terms of what matters to us, basicly in days, weeks, years and generations. The longer the duration, the harder the struggle to grasp the passage of time.

I am, lets say for example, 40 years old. I expect to live to 80. How is it possible to grasp the fact that you have lived only half your life. You can't get a handle on it, really, can you? Now how the hell can you get the handle on a million years. Even if we take the age of the earth as 8000 years (just a guess of what the "believers" think the age of the earth is) can you relate that to anything in your life. Gee, lets see, that is only 1000 of my lives, I can grasp the concept of that! Bullshit.

I have gone on enough, thank-you.

Leif Eriksen, man of mystery

"RE: Attention Zero and Leif............"
Posted by zerokewl999999 on 12-04-00 at 05:25 PM
>Ok, Zero in an attempt to
>keep something going I'm gonna
>sit in for Leif here.

oke doke.
>>Well, God did see it coming, because God is all knowing.

>This verse, as you know refered
>to the state of the
>world before god destroyed it
>with the flood. The point
>of this is this "IF
>god is all knowing, as
>you say he is, then
>how can he feel guilt
>and sorrow over this?
Well, think of this situation:
Say someone you know has cancer(I hope this isn't true for anyone), and the doctor says they're going to die very soon. Now, you know this, right? But don't you still feel bad when they actually die?
> He
>knew it was gonna happen,
>right? Why would someone be
>so cruel as to create
>a whole world of living,
>breathing, creatures who never asked
>to be created only to
>destroy them, EXPECIALLY considering the
>fact that (the lord being
>all-knowing) KNEW that this was
>going to happen?
Well, exactly WHY God created the Earth is still a mystery, no one quite knows for sure. It's something we'll be able to ask Him when we get in Heaven. Though, I think He created us so He could show His love. He knew He would send His son(Jesus) to die on the cross so everyone could join Him in Heaven, on the condition that they accepted Christ as Saviour
>>But His love is so great that He didn't let that affect His decision.
>"and My wrath will become hot,
>and I will kill you
>with the sword; your wives
>shall be widows, and your
>children fatherless Exodus 22:24"
>"And it came to pass on
>the way, at the encampment,
>that the Lord met him
>and sought to kill him.
>Ex. 4:24"
>"But Joshua said to the people,
>"You cannot serve the Lord,
>for He is a holy
>God. He is a jealous
>God; He will not forgive
>your transgressions nor your sins.
>Jos 24:19"
>"But the hand of the Lord
>was heavy on the people
>of Ashdod, and He ravaged
>them and struck them with
>tumors, both Ashdod and its
>territory. 1Sa 5:16"
>"Then the anger of the Lord
>was aroused against Uzzah, and
>God struck him there for
>his error; and he died
>there by the ark of
>God. 2Sa 6: 7"
>"Then Nathan departed to his house.And
>the Lord struck the child
>that Uriah's wife bore to
>David, and it became ill.
>2Sa 12:15"
Well, one of the verses you gave talked about God being a jealous God, which is absolutely true. However, is jealosy always bad?
For those of you who are married or plan to marry, I'll give you this example:
Do you/will you want your spouse to love ONLY yourself(not carrying on affairs)? Now, is this jealosy? absolutely. Is it good jealosy? Also Absolutely
Now, it looks like all your examples came from the Old Testament. God did take severe actions in the past. However, that reflects the Old Covenant that those people were under, which was the Law. When they broke the Law they suffered the consequence, and if we break the Covenant(being the belief in Jesus as Saviour) then we too will suffer the consequences.
>......If this is love....i'll take my
>chances with "just acquainted"
lol. Just remember though, this is ALL Old Testament, the Old Covenant. You don't have to worry about being struck dead for touching and Ark

>Agreed, they knew that God had
>commanded them not to eat,
>but what of it? It
>was decided by God that
>it was disobediance, but for
>what reason? Adam and Eve
>had no idea what they
>were doing was right or
>wrong, because until they HAD
>actually eaten they didn't know
>what they had done was
Well, they knew that God had told them not to eat of the fruit, and they knew they were disobeying Him by eating of it. They were tempted, however, by Satan, who prayed on their greed(telling them they could be like God), and got them to sin.
>Furthermore, what was the
>purpose of putting the tree
>in the garden in the
>first place?
another question that we'll be able to ask God in Heaven.
> Why tempt fate?
>It's like putting candy in
>a crib and expecting a
>baby not to touch eat,
>you can tell them not
>to touch it or they
>will surely die, but just
>like Adam and Eve, the
>child would have no idea
>that it would be wrong
>to do so. And what
>are you going to do
>then, according to the lord,
>it would be justified to
>banish the child from the
>crib. In essence, the lord
>caused man to have a
>sinful nature.
Well, not really. He created us with the free will, which included being able to disobeye Him. They could have resisted the temptation, but they didn't. Did He know this would happen? Absolutely. Why'd He do it anyway? For the exact answer, only God has it.

>>Hope that answers that question.
>but, you're right this is fun.

"RE: Attention Zero and Leif............"
Posted by Leif Eriksen on 12-04-00 at 09:29 PM
If people don't get the drift about this freak, well, I feel sorry for the lot of you. This guy's head is fucked. I read it (his jibberish), but it is hard for me to explain it. The only thing I know for sure is that the guy is an airhead.

Please for my sake and yours, boycott this freak!

Leif Eriksen, man of mystery

"RE: Attention Zero and Leif............"
Posted by zerokewl999999 on 12-05-00 at 10:14 PM
Insightful commentary as usual

-zerokewl man of obviousness

"I've died and reincarnated as a monkey...."
Posted by Monkeyboy on 01-02-01 at 05:18 PM
.....and fallen into the most boring argument in the history of survivor-blows.

However....the Hindu god, Shiva, is the god of creation. ALL other explanations of creation of man are blasphemous.

Hare Krishna!

"RE: I've died and reincarnated as a monkey...."
Posted by Irisheyes on 01-03-01 at 12:04 PM
I beg to differ MB. You forget Zoroaster. Now he was a cool God too.

"RE: I've died and reincarnated as a monkey...."
Posted by Monkeyboy on 01-03-01 at 12:21 PM
Irish eyes....good for you! You sound well balanced. The prophet Zorathrusta was indeed a cool dude. I would say his basic philosophy (enhance your good, suppress your evil) is very Christian, but he was spreading his message thousands of years before Jesus.
However, the writings of the Veda (sacred Hindu scriptures) still preceed Zorathrusta by a couple of thousand years.

"RE: I've died and reincarnated as a monkey...."
Posted by Irisheyes on 01-23-01 at 02:03 PM
You are so right. ANd even though I will probably be hunted down and killed for even countining this topic, but Monkey boy, One word. Goddess.

"RE: I've died and reincarnated as a monkey...."
Posted by Monkeyboy on 01-24-01 at 11:49 AM
Hey Irish-eyes: All my favorite Gods ARE Goddesses! On the island, the monkeys worshipped Colleen as a Goddess. The monkeys wanted to give her Chapstick as an offering. A monkey can only hope to be reincarnated as a Goddess!

Have a nice day! :}

"RE: I've died and reincarnated as a monkey...."
Posted by SurvivorBlows on 01-03-01 at 10:46 PM
>.....and fallen into the most boring
>argument in the history of

I gotta agree, argh... enough already guys... we had a couple of boring arguments here in the summer, but this one takes the prize.

"Beating a dead horse, of course"
Posted by BadAs on 01-19-01 at 06:15 PM
Have you ever noticed how annoying " " someone's entire message back to them can be?
Have you ever noticed that talking religion or politics is a no-no?
Have you ever noticed how many spelling and typo's I make?
Have you ever noticed that LEIF is a "Flammer"?
Have you ever noticed that when Webby speaks people Listen?
Have you ever noticed that I just ramble for the sake of rambling?
Have you ever noticed WHO my least favorite poster is and WHY?
Have you ever just once wanted to reach through the computer and slap a fellow poster?
Have you ever just once shut up on a topic and be civil or it is Sible their MR Viking?
Have you ever realized how boring you can actually be?
Have you ever noticed.......

Anti BA

"RE: Beating a goof,, of course"
Posted by Leif Eriksen on 01-19-01 at 06:28 PM
Provocative, Goof-ass, I didn't really think you had it in you.
A surprise a day; now that is what keeps me coming back.

Is this a flame?????? I don't really know what a flame is, could you enlighten me Mr. Goof-ass?

"lovable asshole-type"
Leif Eriksen

"RE: Beating a Reif,, of course why not"
Posted by BadAs on 01-20-01 at 02:53 PM
So Miss Reif Derikson,
You post upon this board, you act as if the evil hoard.
You provoke the masses with your posting drowl, your personna is that of a century fore gone FOOL!!

You act as if we should care,
your addition to the collective is rather rare,
survival of the fittest you might say,
I strike thee down, with out dispair!!

Vikings, give us a Break,
it's old and tired For chrissake!!

Get a Life we all request.
for $19.99 you can buy one at BEST.

Do us the favor, straighten your act.
The Internet hackers are on your trail,
their mission JIM will not fail.

Opps their goes his vice,
computer failure is never nice.
Hate it when that happens, unfortunate or not
Drop the BS or forgive me naught.


"my name (For crissake) "

"RE: Read this twice Goof-ass so you understand it fully."
Posted by Leif Eriksen on 01-20-01 at 04:36 PM
If, for any reason, something happens to my computer because of the threat that you just made, I will use whatever part of the law is necessary to put you down. Remember the power of subpoena will get you no matter what (read a little about Mafiaboy). I will not take any bullshit from you or anyone else.
I don't care what it costs me, I will bust your balls if you try anything, believe me. I do not want for money at all (I am rich)

This is not some comic book bullshit you are talking. If you can't take a little bit of fun being poked at you, then you should not be on this board.

Don't you dare make any threats to me again.

"lovable asshole-type"
Leif Eriksen

"Gee John B..are you a bit flustered???"
Posted by BadAs on 01-20-01 at 06:55 PM
Mockery and sarcasim, what a travesty of a mockery of a shame. What a great poem it was, and poor little Reif, get's all bent out of shape.
I guess you can dish it out but just can't take it. Oh WELL, your true colors, as they say, have shown through once again.

Laughing hysterically at your response and FEAR of a simple BS post.

The preceeding and above messages were brought to you by the Get A Life Leif Foundation. There are troubled people in Canada, Vancover (actually) that could use all the support and love anyone can muster. For Cris Sake God (or Non_god) help po' little Leif the lost sheep for he has lost his way, Bah, bah, Bah,
" Get a Life Leif (For crissake) "

"RE: Gee John B..are you a bit flustered???"
Posted by Drive My Car on 01-20-01 at 08:21 PM
The Bad Man is back,
and by the looks of things , not taking any prisoners.


P.S. BA, don't you owe me a poem?
I appreciate poetic license.

"RE:John B..??? Is that my name?????? Fool!"
Posted by Leif Eriksen on 01-21-01 at 02:59 PM
If you are so stupid that you can't realize what kind of a threat you made to me, well then I have to assume that you are nothing but some fat-##### that vegitates in his room most of the time on this fantasy world that is the internet.

I have a life, a very rich one at that. I eat little trolls like you for breakfast. Come work in my organization and you will see how long you last. I fool around on this board during the day because I can, no one can tell me not to. Get it, I am the top banana in this organization and I sure do not take kindly to the thought of some low life like you buggering up "my" computer system at "my" business. I may have made the mistake of using my office computer for this little bit of fun I am having, which by the way now has a firewall installed to stop morons like you from fooling with it.

You pissed me off, and yes I am a little miffed at the whole idea of being threatened by some low life loser that I can't get my hands on.

And by the way Drive my Car, I have to think a poem from this ignoramus should not be the highlight of your week.

And by the way goof-ass, I don't know where you got your education or if you are finished with it (Grade 8 or 9 perhaps) but your grammar and spelling are absolutely atrocious. Says something about your intelligence, doesn't it? You, my goof-ass friend, would be a full time job for at least two years for a grammar/ English instructor. In short, you are an idiot.

"lovable asshole-type"
Leif Eriksen

"So how tight is that stick up your..."
Posted by BadAs on 01-21-01 at 04:15 PM
My oh My, how the Loser does fly. Your attempts of intelligence, and sarcasim are only surpassed by your lack of civility. Your statements of wealth, however crude and disfunctional they may be, neither impress us, nor cause anyone to tremble in fear of your arrogance. Your so called, persona, and attitude are far from being acceptible to this happy medium. You don't think you can be touched? You assume that you are some high and mighty individual, that is above and beyond reproach? Are you threating me? Look in the mirror little LEIF, and you might actually see an humman being rather than an arrongant self absorbed shell of an carcuss.

I could give a rats Arse about my typing skills, or my speed typo's and grammar. That is not what makes the world go around. As a matter of fact Dear Leif, I Tip more in a year than you will ever make. I own several companies, and have an extensive resume that would put you to shame. Tell me what company you work for, I shall buy it and fire you!!

I have since the beginning of this message board, been more than fair and helpful to all people regardless of personal opinions. Unfortunately, your attitude has provoked my "Stick up for the little guy" mentality.

See LEIF, you and yours needs to get a life, obviously you are not a Happy camper up their in Vancover. Get some sleep or some exlax to release the "S**T that is piled up so far that it is effecting your cognative thoughts. Damm BOY, and I use the term appropriately since you are just a waste of space, time, and energy, GET A LIFE, get laid or something, smell the roses. Find God or something that will release your pent up frustrations. Life is too short LEIF (John Bower, Vancover Canada). Enjoy it while you can. See if your company offers free counciling, take extra sessions, Hell I will pay for it.. send me the bill..

Big E Enterprises
PO Box 13862
Richmond, VA 23225

SO, Leif, Count up my typo's and grammar errors, and reply with some other smart-ass comment and continue your distructive disfunctional ways, or get a new lease on life and be a happy member of society and contribute to it.

Waiting to see your response, Hoping to see you turn a new LEAF, LEIF


" Get a Life Leif (For crissake) "

"RE: So how tight is that stick up your..."
Posted by Leif Eriksen on 01-24-01 at 11:10 AM
>Waiting to see your response, Hoping
>to see you turn a

Learned alot about you Jon, answered alot of questions I had banging around in my head. (kind of how yours must have got rattled around in that football helmet)

Great business Jon, HokieHaters???? I don't know what a hokie is but having a website called HokieHaters can't be very politically correct, can it????? If you can buy my business with the proceeds from a "store" in a virtual mall selling books with HokieHaters in the title, well buddy, you have done better than I could have imagined.

If, by me, using Eriksen in my nom de plume offends you, just say so, I will change it. You, I am sure have some Nordic blood in you, which, like myself, you should be proud of. Read a little about Leif Eriksen, you may be able to be lucky enough that some of his qualities rub off on you. Maybe your related, who knows.

Anyway, Jon, no hard feelings eh? I will build buildings and you can sell books and stuff and life will carry on.

By the way, I never played football or any other sport when I was young, I liked the library. Somehow it all makes sense now, the spelling and such, doesn't it Jon?

"lovable asshole-type"
Leif Eriksen

"Leif, leif, leif...."
Posted by BadAs on 01-24-01 at 08:40 PM
1) My name is Eric
2) Hokie book is a side project (company # 3 )
3) I am from German decent and am German
4) English is my second language...excuse the typo's and grammar
5) Like you I don't back down from anyone.
6) take a chill pill and all will be cool
7) I graduated from University of Viginia with a triple major and played football.
8) This message board doesn't have spell check nor do I care if something on this venue is misspelled or typed wrong.
9) I like the Viking name, Erik the Red's son...just your constant bashing of other is over the top.
10) sarcasim with humor as oppossed to sarcasim without is a totally different topic. Do a search on your posts and tell me if you honestly think your posts come across as shiny and Happy and witty? Or are the mean spirited, name calling, stand-offish, and rude? Judge thy self!! The jury and the Judge have already spoken.

11) since you spent so much time in the library, it does lead me to believe you are the weak and meek creature you accuse me of being. As well as using a persona to uplift your own feelings of self doubt and worthlessness.
12) Now that I have said that, dear Leif, I will let by gones be by gones, and be the "Bigger MAN" and appoligize if you took offsense to my Bashing you for Bashing. Hope you didn't spend your Construction Bonus on that firewall for nothing. Lastly, Dear John, a name moniquer that suits you well by the way, I hope the "NEW LEAF" (the one you turned) with last better than the old Leif.

Thank you Leif aka John Bower (Vancover, Canada)

Eric Jon G...
Pen name Jon S. Erikson
Richmond VA

"RE: Leif, leif, leif...."
Posted by Leif Eriksen on 01-25-01 at 09:32 AM
LAST EDITED ON 01-25-01 AT 11:16 AM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 01-25-01 AT 09:34 AM (EST)

>1) My name is Eric (My name is not John Bowers)
>2) Hokie book is a side
>project (company # 3 ) (but I still don't know what a hokie is and why you seem to hate them so much, see "10" below
>3) I am from German decent
>and am German (I am of Norwegian descent and "I am Canadian")
>4) English is my second language...excuse
>the typo's and grammar (I do not speak French, OK)
>5) Like you I don't back
>down from anyone. (that makes two of us)
>6) take a chill pill and
>all will be cool (sounds kind of "seventies" but whatever)
>7) I graduated from University of
>Viginia with a triple major
>and played football. (I graduated with a degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Saskatchewan, Class of 1972, I won alot of money playing cards and pool)
>8) This message board doesn't have
>spell check nor do I
>care if something on this
>venue is misspelled or typed
>wrong. (I don't use spell check either, remember I went to the library all my life)
>9) I like the Viking name,
>Erik the Red's son...just your
>constant bashing of other is
>over the top. (point taken)
>10) sarcasim with humor as oppossed
>to sarcasim without is a
>totally different topic. Do
>a search on your posts
>and tell me if you
>honestly think your posts come
>across as shiny and Happy
>and witty? Or are
>the mean spirited, name calling,
>stand-offish, and rude? Judge
>thy self!! The jury and
>the Judge have already spoken. (I guess some are a little mean, especially to Zero, but you are not one of the innocent in this catagory either, Eric)
>11) since you spent so much
>time in the library, it
>does lead me to believe
>you are the weak and
>meek creature you accuse me
>of being. As well as
>using a persona to uplift
>your own feelings of self
>doubt and worthlessness. (I am not weak, and certainly not meek and the only reason I never went into team sports was that I could not be "the boss" and be the controller, I do not take orders well )
>12) Now that I have said
>that, dear Leif, I will
>let by gones be by
>gones, and be the "Bigger
>MAN" and appoligize if you
>took offsense to my Bashing
>you for Bashing. Hope
>you didn't spend your Construction
>Bonus on that firewall for
>nothing. Lastly, Dear John, a
>name moniquer that suits you
>well by the way, I
>hope the "NEW LEAF" (the
>one you turned) with last
>better than the old Leif. (And conversely accept my apologies for any mean things I said about you, you seem like a decent guy after all. Can we kiss and hug now?)
>Thank you Leif aka John Bower
>(Vancover, Canada) (My name is not John Bower, I lied in the registration but I do live in Vancouver, BC)
>Eric Jon G...
>Pen name Jon S. Erikson (cute use of your second and last names)
>Richmond VA (good golfing there I heard, do you golf?)

By the way Eric, this is one of your best spelt and layed out posts, not perfect but pretty good. I commend you on the good job.

"lovable asshole-type"
Leif Eriksen

"thank you Leif.."
Posted by BadAs on 01-25-01 at 10:42 AM
Unfortunately, I do not golf. My left shoulder is permanently damaged. I hurt if for the 15th time in last years National "Full Contact" Flag Football Championship tournament. I retired but have 3 national titles under the belly.

Kiss kiss Leif, Hug Hug, "don't pinch my butt" You are a Hunk of a man their Leif... LOL

I accept full responsibility for my Bashing and appologize to anyone whom might have been offended. (is it who or Whom, Leif?).

Anyway, a final word on HOKIE.. Hokies are the Virginia Tech University, the arch rival of University of Virginia. DO I hate them no, do people in virginia either side with UVA or TECH, YES. Hence a market, Hence a Demand for rival bashing, Hence the book and it's success. Not sure if you are a Sports Fan, but "Fans" are fanatical about their respective teams, and unfortunately "Live" by their teams success and failures.
If you are familar with the NFL, the Redskins & Cowboys are heated rivals on the football feild, Fans of one team "Hate" fans of the other team, it's kind of tradition. Same thing applies for Collegiate rivalries. Hokie's are also the argiculutral school in the state of Virginia, whereas, UVA is the Intellectual version, dating back to 1800's. UVA was founded by Thomas Jefferson, and has graduated several other prominate presidents, governors, actors, artist etc.
The "Old Boy" network at UVA (my school) is strong, and they eat the Hokie Bashing thing up.. (Cha-ching).

I babbled to long, spelled too many things wrong, speed typing and time are not my friends, don't have time to edit, send me an email and the 19th hole will be on me!! Cheers!!

BA shiny and Happy!!

"RE: thank you Leif.."
Posted by Art Vandelay on 05-04-01 at 05:38 PM
>Kiss kiss Leif, Hug Hug,
>"don't pinch my butt"
> You are a Hunk
>of a man their Leif...

Nice to see you guys are friends again, but not
in a homosexual way, that's for sure.

>I accept full responsibility for my
>Bashing and appologize to anyone
>whom might have been offended.
>(is it who or Whom,

I wasn't offended. I was enjoyiong it.

"RE: A message for a brave 4-poster"
Posted by Leif Eriksen on 05-08-01 at 01:45 PM
Hey, Mr. Wannabee Kramer, I don't need a "4 poster" to stick his bloody nose in this skirmish, so buzz off, OK?

Just telling, that's all.

"lovable asshole-type"
Leif Eriksen

"RE: A message for a brave 4-poster"
Posted by VampKira on 05-08-01 at 02:05 PM
>>Hey, Mr. Wannabee Kramer, I don't need a "4 poster" to stick his bloody nose in this skirmish, so buzz off, OK?
Just telling, that's all.<<

The traditional "loveable asshole" welcome... *hugs Leif*


Du ar min hjälte, Supermänniska

Posted by Monkeyboy on 01-19-01 at 06:30 PM
The prophet BA has come back....resurrected so to speak!

Praise him, worship him, and buy him a drink!

He has said to beat a dead horse....so let it be done!

"Once I beat a dead horse"
Posted by Mock Burnett on 01-24-01 at 01:06 AM
It wasn't difficult. Poor thing never got out of the starting position. They had to classify his performance as "Incomplete".
The jockey had to WALK.

Posted by Superman on 01-25-01 at 08:16 AM
..........I'm an instigator.

"RE: Sorry......."
Posted by Monkeyboy on 01-26-01 at 10:22 AM
Geeze Superman.....you Baptists are always provoking people into arguments. Darn troublemaker! (LOL!)

"RE: Just a question "
Posted by Leif Eriksen on 01-26-01 at 11:21 AM
LAST EDITED ON 01-26-01 AT 11:23 AM (EST)

I kind of remember Superman having a monkey with super powers. Your the expert on Monkey's, Monkeyshines, can you remember that? How about you Clark?

I had enough Superman comics as a kid to fill a couple apple boxes. Sold them to buy beer for a weekend party for 2 cents a copy. Damn!!!!

"lovable asshole-type"
Leif Eriksen

"Bump for you Leif fans..."
Posted by Typoman on 05-04-01 at 02:05 PM

"A history lesson"
Posted by flying squirrel on 05-04-01 at 05:25 PM
Everyone who has been around SB since before the start of S2 remembers this thread. I'm glad Typoman brought it back, because in many ways this thread was the transition into all the fun we've had during S2. As you can see, there was a lot of prodding and testing going on between Leif and BA. Both were excellent and clever writers, and neither was the type of person who backed down from a fight. When this ended, they had each revealed a lot of information about themselves -- and what it helped them realize (you do still realize it, right, guys?) is that there was a real human being (with real accomplishments) on the other side of the exchange, not some anonymous and depersonalized imbecile.

On a Web site like this one, where we all hide behind phony screen names (mine being one of the worst), sometimes we stop remembering that that we are communicating with real people. Heck, we forget it about these 16 media whores (Debb, what did you think was going to happen when the media found out you were engaged to your stepson? Are you really that dumb?). We forget it about each other too. A thread like this (hopefully) helps us remember.

This also illustrates how discussions meander on the OT board, doesn't it? A thread started by Superman to mediate the dispute between Leif and zero becomes a flame war and then a resolution between Leif and BA....

"To BA/TY"
Posted by AyatollahKhomeini on 05-04-01 at 05:34 PM
I came here from your link on Kismet's thread. While I think squirrel is right, and that his comments should be the point of this thread, I don't believe that's why you dredged this one up, is it?

You don't really want to re-enact a Round 2 of this battle, do you?

"Round Two?"
Posted by Irisheyes on 05-05-01 at 08:50 PM
I quite enjoyed reading these again, it's been way too long. What I liked was that it was well written and no personal feelings were involved. I love to argue, especially the good fights. Give me a topic and I'll jump in. BA/Typoman and Leif are worthy opponents, those two are the ones that I love to argue my points with the most. Regrettably, it hasn't been as much as during S1's tenure.

My opinion is, and do with it what you want, that people are taking the arguments way too seriously. And I am not talking about Leif and BA. I'm talking about us. Let them fight all they want. Normally they are very articulate and are quite enjoyable.

I think that that the four of them, (BA, Leif, Typoman, and King Oscar) should pick a topic and back their points up with good arguments. And anyone else can join in. But don't personalize it. Just argue and don't get mad.

I said my piece, take it however you want too.
Colby Rules!

"RE: Round Two?"
Posted by Minstrel on 05-06-01 at 05:56 AM
Butting in here for a moment, Adam and Eve had to have faith and trust in GOD. By eating the apple, mistrust was shown and a loss of faith. Thus banishment. There to forthwith, to wander in a sense aimlessly while reflecting on how to regain faith and to seek "him" again. It was a condition that they disobeyed GOD and with that would not benefit from an unconditional covenent with him.

We are in hell, we just don't know it. There is only one way to salvation.

On the lighter side, that way is through Survivor!! Jesus said so!! LOL!!

"RE: Round Two?"
Posted by Cherberrie on 05-06-01 at 07:45 AM

On the lighter side, that way is through Survivor!! Jesus said so!! LOL!!

Thank-you for lightening your post up!


"RE: Round Two?"
Posted by desert_rhino on 05-08-01 at 02:19 PM
(Hoping like Hell that Minstrel has his/her tongue FIRMLY planted in his/her cheek... The alternative is tooooooo scary.)

We are in hell, we just don't know it. There is only one way to salvation. On the lighter side, that way is through Survivor!! Jesus said so!! LOL!!

I could have sworn it was Mike Skuuuupin that said this. Maybe I'm mistaken. {grin}

-- JV

OMG! {click} It's so CUTE!

"Michael Skupin"
Posted by AyatollahKhomeini on 05-08-01 at 02:37 PM
rhino, isn't that coded into the Rhinosoft Interactive software? Along with "Mark Burnett is the walrus" and "I buried Piggy"??

But I think you have to play the Survivor tapes backward to pick up the full message...

"RE: Michael Skupin"
Posted by desert_rhino on 05-08-01 at 06:22 PM

-- JV

Icarus steps out for a good belly-laugh!