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"What a cheap shot!"

Posted by strange_encounter on 11-17-03 at 11:11 PM
LAST EDITED ON 11-17-03 AT 11:12 PM (EST)

I think "Average Joe" will take a big hit in the wallet from viewers who turn away in disgust over the decision to bring in new players, replacing those already booted off, and then to upstage the existing average guys with these cuties.

To me, the premise of the show was to cheer on your favorite "average" guy - irregardless that most of the guys were well below the average mark. The show gave us all hope as we cheered for the guy that resembled our dorky co-worker, or looked like our very-single friend.

It is now just another canned dating show where the beauties will ride off together. That, or the show hopes she will choose heart over looks. Either way, the crowd will not be happy with this cheap theatrics shown here.

Boo-hiss NBC. You jumped the shark in the first season.

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"RE: What a cheap shot!"
Posted by ladro on 11-18-03 at 00:07 AM
well put.

"RE: What a cheap shot!"
Posted by fishtank on 11-18-03 at 08:27 AM
It may be a cheap shot but it's probably the kindest thing they could do for the average guys. At some time or another they are going to have to woo the fair Melana in the presence of guys who are better "endowed" than they are. Better now than when one is completely emotionally involved with her. They need to see whether she is the real thing or not, whether a relationship with her is worth the effort they must put in. Face it, it's reality television and in the real world average joes have to compete with hotties all the time, and a good portion of the time, they win. A long time ago, I was an attractive young woman who could have her choice of guys. Ultimately I chose an average joe, one that other guys mocked. We've been married for nearly forty years. Don't underestimate the value of personality in a relationship. If Melana is genuine, and some of her earlier choices indicate to me that she may be, then if the average guy is right for her, having the hotties around can only make her choice sweeter for the average joe. I.e., if she chooses Zack, how much nicer for him to know he is not just the best of a bad lot, but her choice over what he would consider "real" competition. He would know that he wasn't chosen "just for his looks."

"RE: What a cheap shot!"
Posted by queenzentar on 11-18-03 at 02:31 PM
Though it was predictable, the hunks walking in was awesome. And ooooh baby, gotta looove that preview.

My husband and I were debating this last night, and we came up with something. Women are JUST AS shallow as men. Men can't accept the fact that no, the hottie isn't going to date/mate with you unless you are equally as hot, or have a load of cash.

It's a big generalization, but it's true. I'm a geek, and my spouse is a geek. And we are happy and in love. We obviously were attracted to one another...

But honestly, do you think any of these guys would be all "I think I'm in love" if Melina WASN'T an ex-beauty pagent and ex-cheerleader? If she was an Average Jane, they would probably be friends with her and thats it.

Many men seem to think they can get any woman they lust. Often, this is assumed to be confidence, but it isn't. It's delusion. But who can blame them, media tells them "use this product and she'll want you!". Women suffer from the same thing, although we torture our bodies more throughly to gain acceptance.

(For more one this I recommend Marshall McLughan)

Ultimately, to be happy we have to love ourselves as we are before anyone else can. This show is a great experiment in the superficiality of our society, and how both sexes can vain and lustful.

I think many men in North America are going to be "mad" at Melina once she starts getting her claws into these hunks -- because thier perception of reality will be total shattered. Women have a sex drive after all. Even the "fake" ones.

"RE: What a cheap shot!"
Posted by moxiegirl on 11-18-03 at 09:27 AM
LAST EDITED ON 11-18-03 AT 09:28 AM (EST)

I agree. I saw it coming, but thought it was a cheap shot even for producers with no class or scruples. I was happy to see a show with the run of the mill people, but it has now turned into "Beauty and the muscle beach boys". Now it is not much better than a poorly scripted high school drama project.

Too bad NBC. Back to the ratings drawing board.

"Cheap shot!"
Posted by Wacko Jacko on 11-18-03 at 10:27 AM
NBC loses either way.

1) Melana choses a 'hunk' over a 'joe'. That defeats the appealing ascpect of the show.
2) Melana choses a 'joe over a 'hunk'. The final result appears contrived or fixed.

So either way not a good idea for NBC. It was interesting just to see the look on the 'Joes' faces but that is done but now it's down hill from here.

"RE: What a cheap shot!"
Posted by ablemable on 11-18-03 at 10:28 AM
I LOVE it!!! I think we will see new sides to the "Average Joe's" personalities to which we have not yet been privy. I can hardly wait to see Zach's evolution. The Average Joe's comfort zone has been erased, and the new dynamic will be most intriguing to watch. There are always temptations in life, and one of Melana's new temptations is awfully tempting (#2). Hubba hubba! I'm hooked on this one. So much more exciting than The Bachelor, and don't you love the dialog exchanges???!!!

"RE: What a cheap shot!"
Posted by SurvivorOverlord on 11-18-03 at 11:22 AM
I agree....I was watching this show cause it was nice to see a few normal guys get a chance for a change.....now it's just mean......get these guys hearts all in it and give them the confidence to make them feel like that for once they might actually "get the girl".....then bring in the "studs" to crush their spirit....nice going NBC.....I am done!


"RE: What a cheap shot!"
Posted by LeftPinky on 11-18-03 at 03:28 PM
Dittos to the sultan of smooches! I'm done with average Joe!

"RE: What a cheap shot!"
Posted by thebob on 11-18-03 at 11:28 AM
AMEN!!! I was so mad. I thought for once one of the money hungry greedy networks would do it right. Give an average Joe a chance at a hotty. But no, they bring in three artificial plastic men that would make anyones heart stop, including some men. The looks on the average Joes faces was too painful to watch and just burned me. Worse was the look on her face, she lit up like the White House Christmas tree!

Once again the good guys come in last. You NBC bastards!!!

"RE: What a cheap shot!"
Posted by ddubois on 11-18-03 at 12:54 PM
LAST EDITED ON 11-18-03 AT 12:57 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 11-18-03 AT 12:56 PM (EST)

From the first two shoes, my concern was she was going to pick the "rude jock bully guy". It seemed all-too steroetypical, the cheerleader bypasses the nerds and goes for the jock, who everyone knows is a jerk, but she doesn't care because she only cares about his looks, and misinterprets his arrogance as "self-confidence". I thought it would be a strike to average joes everywhere, to have the girl pick who is by all rights "the jerk". I wanted Melina to restore my faith in humanity.

Her picking Zach is now no longer my concern. In fact, now I have no concerns, because I could not care less what happens to this girl. I could not fathom who she could, as thebob said, allow her face to "light up like a christmas tree". Does she not have a shred of empathy? Does she not see how cruel this is to the men standing right next to her, with whom she supposedly "has a connection" with? How can anyone be so oblivious, and so shallow?

It's nice to see Zach put in his place, but yeah, this show jumped the shark in Episode 3.

Posted by Angelfood on 11-18-03 at 11:56 AM
hey guys (you're all guys, right?),
not disagreeing, but

why would anybody still want her (or want the joes to "get the girl"), if she DOES go for the models? Is she still a "catch"?

Just me, but I wouldn't want to be with someone who didn't think I was hot. Maybe its different for guys, i dunno.

I also would rather see them with a pretty girl who would really appreciate them, not a beauty queen who smiles at the pretty boys. Would that not be as much of a "prize" for the guys or for the viewers?

"I don't want to be evil now, I'm just saying the truth" - Olinda

"RE: question"
Posted by PEEJOLA on 11-18-03 at 12:47 PM
This is my first time, bear with me. This is the 1st. show like this that I have watched since "The real world, San Fransisco".
Been a while! Liked Melana at 1st., she seemmed nice, but the preview for next week shows her kissing "model boy" #2 on the 1st. date. Thats ok , just indicates she is less deep than I thought. I think it's an interesting twist, but I didn't feel that the 3 new guys were any better that the rest of the selection. Really anyone can look above average given the right clothes, hairstyle, etc.. Those fellas just were not that hot, but as someone above said she "lit up like a Christmas tree".

"RE: question"
Posted by strange_encounter on 11-18-03 at 02:34 PM
Interesting comments. I also agree that she "lit up," although time will tell if she was reacting to them or making an innate nervous response. I believe she really thought some of the remaining guys were interesting and fun, but still not anyone she would normally match up with.

BUT, the truly funny thing is how predictable these shhows are and then along comes the "big surprise" which was about the most predictable part of the show thus far. Hmmmm, I wonder if any reruns of Gilligans Island are on during that time slot. I can skip a few weeks, watch the show after that, and know right where they are.

"RE: question"
Posted by JustMe2001M on 11-18-03 at 02:40 PM
Here's a spoiler.....I'm guessing Jason goes for Zach, Kathy goes for the greasy haired guy, and Melena goes for the full length bathroom mirror.

"RE: What a cheap shot!"
Posted by CanadianJoe on 11-18-03 at 07:28 PM
If their history in itself isn't enough, now NBC has shown it can't even get reality TV right. I also thought this show could give hope to people who might be considered average, that they can finish first for a change. But I would never have thought this kind of twist would make it to the screen. It's fine if you had brought in more average guys of the same caliber, but they brought in the very kind of guys that dashed many average people's hopes in the first place. Some posters couldn't help but notice, as did I, how Melana's face just lit up like a Christmas tree when she saw the bodybuilders they brought in. It was like "yes, I WILL have a chance to get a cutie and not have to leave with one of these other dorks". Her shallowness was evident from the beginning! She came out with the usual "looks don't matter" bit, but you could see in her eyes that she was still expecting to meet a handful of prince charmings. Why would she say that she thought someone was playing a joke on her with these guys if she really thought the guys' looks were not important? Gimme a break! If the "looks aren't important" bit were true her face would have lit up when she would have gotten to know the average guys and NOT when she saw the hunks later on. And it's too bad for the average Joes, most of them were nice guys. I'm sure Dennis reminded a lot of us about past rejections and past emotional setbacks. But I have to say I'm happy for him, because when he ultimately finds his soulmate chances are now that it won't be someone as shallow as Melana. He deserves better than her.
In fairness, perhaps it's too soon to say anything about Melana as she only just met the new guys. Perhaps in time when she gets to know them she might just realize that maybe they might be all she's looking for and wind up with one of the Joes. But given how most pretty-girls are like, it's just hard to believe it will be so.

"RE: What a cheap shot!"
Posted by DEDEM45 on 11-18-03 at 07:48 PM