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"Kudos to Adam"

Posted by Carybobski on 11-17-03 at 11:11 PM
He was a stand-out on tonight's show! Very clever and caring of him to distract Melana from her fears of the glider with the riddle. Way to go!

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"RE: Kudos to Adam"
Posted by strange_encounter on 11-17-03 at 11:16 PM
Agreed. He was the winner tonight.

I'm still wondering about that attempt to discredit Zack by ? (can't remember the name). As soon as they started that segment in the limo, I knew he was in trouble for wasting his "private time" with Melana by talking about another player. Costly mistake.

And I thought Tareq was only a matter of time as well. He was rather full of himself.

"RE: Kudos to Adam"
Posted by Tiger Lily on 11-18-03 at 00:15 AM
And I thought Tareq was only a matter of time as well. He was rather full of himself.

But he was so amusing... How funny was his little temper-tantrum in the yard the night before the date? Not to mention his outfit on the date. Too.Freaking.Hilarious.

Sentence first. Verdict afterwards.

"RE: Kudos to Adam"
Posted by Carybobski on 11-18-03 at 00:45 AM
Tareq's golf get-up was hysterical. Mr. Control throws a hissy fit...classic! And did you get a load of that suit he wore during elimation? What was that made of...crushed velvet or something?

"RE: Kudos to Adam"
Posted by Chrissy gal on 11-18-03 at 02:15 AM
I think Tareq is really cute, and tonight just made me like him more! I also thought his golf clothes were hysterical and his talking to himself and throwing the golf club was unbelievably funny.

Chrissy gal

"Never underestimate the potential psychosis of a reality show contestant." managerr

"RE: Kudos to Adam"
Posted by Puppy Piddle on 11-18-03 at 01:46 PM
I agree. I pretty much suck at golf, but still have fun doing it. I could totally relate to Tareq's anger, and Melana was too quick to judge his anger as an overall problem. It was nice to see Tareq snap out of his coma!

I think Adam brought up the riddle to ease the silence as well. He's still at that akward stage where he can't take extended pauses in conversation - understandable.

Plaid gets
me hot!

"RE: Kudos to Adam"
Posted by heracane on 11-17-03 at 11:17 PM
I agree, I like him. He will make some lucky girl a great husband, unfortunatly for Malena, it won't be her. He has confidance in himself, and i liked his bee sting analogy. She deserves those pretty boys, she was luck to get to know adam.

on a side note.. BRAD>> finally. That quinten tarentino look alike gave me the creeps. Tattling didn't get you anywhere on the playground, why would it get you a girlfriend?

"RE: Kudos to Adam"
Posted by Carybobski on 11-17-03 at 11:31 PM
I agree with both of you, Strange Encounter and Heracane...Brad dug his grave in that limo tonight. He was a bit delusional, anyway...Melana came down the waterslide and he said he caught her so he was the big hero. That was pretty darn funny.

I don't think the three new guys are all that great looking. I know they are supposed to be, but I just don't see it, especially the third guy that came through the door. He was really weird looking.

"RE: Kudos to Adam"
Posted by tisasortofaffair on 11-17-03 at 11:35 PM
I dig Adam. I liked him from the moment I saw him. And their date was so sweet that I thought they could really make a nice couple. Of course, that was when I liked Melana. You know, before the introduction of the "studs." Adam is much too good for that silly little girl.

"RE: Kudos to Adam"
Posted by Tiger Lily on 11-18-03 at 00:13 AM
Does Adam remind anyone else of Joey from "Friends"?

I didn't think Adam had much of a chance at first, but now that he's gotten more face time... I like him.

"RE: Kudos to Adam"
Posted by Angelfood on 11-18-03 at 01:40 AM
yes, but I equate him more to be the love child of
Dave and Keith (PHotel)

+ =

"I don't want to be evil now, I'm just saying the truth" - Olinda

"RE: Kudos to Adam"
Posted by Chrissy gal on 11-18-03 at 02:13 AM
Good one Angelfood!! I see the resemblance. And there also seems to be a little mixture of Dave and Keith in Adam's personality too!

Chrissy gal

"Never underestimate the potential psychosis of a reality show contestant." managerr

"RE: Kudos to Adam"
Posted by EnglProf on 11-18-03 at 10:49 AM
Ha Ha Angelfood!

I kept trying to figure out who Adam reminds me of last night-- and I think you hit it right on the head with the Keith thing. Especially if you mix in a little bit of Dave. Right on!

"RE: Kudos to Adam"
Posted by MTW1961 on 11-18-03 at 11:01 AM
That is hilarious! I like Adam too, but to me, it always looks like his mouth is full of spit!

He came across looking good last night and finally we have someone who may be the anti-Zach.

"RE: Kudos to Adam"
Posted by Puppy Piddle on 11-18-03 at 01:51 PM
I see Ben Afflect in Adam.

"RE: Kudos to Adam"
Posted by Carybobski on 11-18-03 at 11:27 PM
I love that visual!! He does look like the two of them!