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Thread Number: 79
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"Where's Kathy Griffin?"

Posted by Bri Guy on 11-14-03 at 05:06 PM
I initially tuned into AJ because Kathy Griffin was to be the host. But aside from very brief intros to each episode, she really has only appeared in the dressing room pep-talk scene with Malena on episode 1. I expected a lot more from/of her, especially considering her love of the genre and her own appearance on Celebrity Mole.

Did anyone catch her appearance on Oprah yesterday? Admittedly, the show concentrated on Extreme Makeover and Kathy's many (lovely) surgeries, but I felt that she could have plugged AJ much more.

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"RE: Where's Kathy Griffin?"
Posted by EnglProf on 11-14-03 at 05:52 PM
The RTVW homepage printed an article a few days ago suggesting that the editors/producers of Average Joe have changed the overall tone of the show from sardonic laughs AT the Average Joe's to sympathizing WITH them as lovable "underdogs," etc.

This seems to be why we haven't seen much of the hilarious Kathy Griffin (who was the absolute only redeemable thing about Celebrity Mole IMO)-- they've edited out (or quickly changed the format of) her sarcasm to make the tone of the show appeal to viewers' interests more. Disappointing, but it probably makes the Average Joe's more fun to root for.

"RE: Where's Kathy Griffin?"
Posted by Guppin1234 on 11-14-03 at 09:54 PM
I agree. Her increased presence could have been like boot camp for nerds.

I think I
just thought of
another reality
TV show!