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"What "average" means"

Posted by Fast Eddie on 11-12-03 at 12:25 PM
LAST EDITED ON 11-12-03 AT 12:33 PM (EST)

There are 3 definitions:
1. the mean: add up the items and divide by how many you have. The mean of (1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 18) is 4.
2. the median: the one in the middle. The median of the above numbers is 2.
3. the mode: the one that occurs most often. The mode of those numbers is 1.

You rarely see definition 3 used. But that must be what they're using here. What other explanation can there be? Using either of the first two suggests that half the population of men is "less" than these guys (by whatever criteria they used to choose them). Is that your experience?

Of course, if they use #3, that suggests that probably most men are like these guys.

I don't know. Somehow I doubt there can be so many losers in the country - let alone that half the men are even worse losers. Perhaps the whole idea of the show was to make real average guys feel superior so they'd keep watching.

There are 10 kinds of people in this world: those who understand binary and those who don't.

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: What "average" means"
Posted by ladro on 11-12-03 at 12:39 PM
or they just thought that "average joe" would be a more compassionate and marketable Title than "fill in the blank".

"RE: What "average" means"
Posted by Tiger Lily on 11-12-03 at 01:27 PM
#3. I definitely think that there are more guys like these in the world than there are model types. None of these guys are all that horrible either (except maybe Zach), when all is considered.

Great thread, Fast Eddie!

"We have news for the beautiful people: There are a lot more of us than there are of you."

"RE: What "average" means"
Posted by Blow by Blow on 11-12-03 at 06:54 PM
I think in casting this show they didn't look for guys who would all fit the average (185 lbs, etc.). Instead, I think they looked for guys who were pushing the bottom of the barrel and then went up the spectrum to true "averageness" and perhaps slightly above.

Shall I go ahead and rank these guys?

Way below average
Joe (Very, very big)
Walter (y'know, he seems like a nice guy, but needs a serious makeover)
Marc (seriously, he's only on the show to be the dwarf character)
Craig (very, very, very big. I think he'd benefit from some time in counseling. I think he consumes food and alcohol to compensate for lack of affection in his life.)

Below average
Adam (big teeth, stubble)
Jay (big guy, funnyish)
Dennis L (I know, you all love him. So what? He's below average. Teeth, hair, posture, hearing, self-worth.)

Clint (congressional aide, mole)
David (D.Lo., nice face, a little overweight)
Brad (nerdy, but in an average way)
John (very nerdy, but reasonable appearance except for the hat and shades and personality. Y'know John, one slip up and I'm downgrading you.)
Eric (cop, cut in first show)
Dennis S. (chiropractor, cut in first show)

Slightly above average
Tareq (arrogant scholar/actor, bad skin and poor choice in facial hair)
Jerry (tall guy, "Kennedy" type)
Zach (hey, I think he's an ass, but appearance-wise he ain't bad. Well, except for the early balding.)

Way above average
The guy who hopped out of the limo at the start of the show. But I heard somewhere that he drowns kittens for a living.

Eric and Dennis (both cut in first episode) were the only two guys who struck me as completely average. I guess that's why they got the boot. Anyway, my point is that the show is packed with guys on the lower half of the spectrum.


"RE: What "average" means"
Posted by ladro on 11-13-03 at 00:38 AM
good list. I agree with it for the most part. I read somewhere that Mel said in an interview that she 'fell' for 3 different guys (which of course means that she didn't really fall for any of them). I would wager that at least two of your top three are Mel's last 3 guys.

"RE: What "average" means"
Posted by Bebo on 11-12-03 at 01:44 PM
Somehow I doubt there can be so many losers in the country - let alone that half the men are even worse losers.

I don't know about that. I must have gone to the wrong bars when I was single, LOL.

- As far as we know, none of them are convicted felons. This is an important criteria to many women, and would thus move these guys ahead of a significant percentage of the male population.

- They are all gainfully employed. Again, a criteria that ranks high for a number of women.

- They are all single. I know women who have found out that their Mr. Right already has a Mrs. at home that he didn't bother talking about.

- They are interested in women. Gay men are great for friendship, but definitely not as desirable in the date/soulmate category.

Those 4 categories include a large percentage of the American male population...so yeah, these guys could be considered "middle of the road".

We really do have guidelines here. Believe it or not, the Guidelines make things more fun. Really.

"RE: What "average" means"
Posted by ladro on 11-12-03 at 03:23 PM
You say 'they are all gainfully employed'. I would disagree with that. The only job description that I heard that impressed me was Targue's. I haven't heard a lot of their job descriptions, which leads me to believe a lot of the jobs are not particulary 'gainful' (or I need to do more research). I do remember that one guy was a superviosr at a cigar shop, I would not describe that as gainful employment. A job description of salesman could mean anything. Because of all the controversy surronding Dennis L., I did some research on him, although he does have a degree in Accounting from the University of Mass. at Boston (hardly a prestigious school), he has never owned a home and his father's home in Quincy was foreclosed upon 3 years ago (Norfolk County, MA Clerk and Recorder).

"RE: What "average" means"
Posted by heracane on 11-12-03 at 03:39 PM
WHAT? A Cigar Shop Manager isn't gainful employment?? Since when? I manage a coffee shop, I suppose i am not gainfully employed either.

"RE: What "average" means"
Posted by ladro on 11-12-03 at 03:54 PM
That would depend on how much you make, and what the oppoutunites for advancement/wage increases are. To me a 30ish year old guy not making $30,000/year ($40,000+/year in high priced areas) is not gainfully employed. I highly doubt a cigar shop supervisor makes much money.

"RE: What "average" means"
Posted by Bebo on 11-12-03 at 04:01 PM
LAST EDITED ON 11-12-03 AT 04:01 PM (EST)

That would depend on how much you make, and what the oppoutunites for advancement/wage increases are.

You prove my point with that statement right there. There's a threshold used to define gainfully employed. Your opinion is that it falls at a certain income level. Others consider gainfully employed to have a job with certain benefits, like healthcare and retirement funds. Others would expect gainful employment to include the potential for a steady income stream with possible advancement. YMMV.

But these guys aren't just hanging out at McDonald's slinging burgers, or sitting at home with the want ads.

We really do have guidelines here. Believe it or not, the Guidelines make things more fun. Really.

"RE: What "average" means"
Posted by Carybobski on 11-12-03 at 04:23 PM
These guys may not be slinging hash but a lot of them seem somewhat socially retarded which is one of the reasons it's going to be a great show. The guy that serenaded her at the campfire (how funny was that?) and almost died of ecstasy over that peck kiss she gave him was totally entertaining.

What I'm waiting to see is Melana making out with some of the more socially inept and naive ones. It was gross when she made out with beefy, knuckle-dragging boy so I hope she doesn't disappoint!