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"Photo of the Average Joes"

Posted by SurvivorBlows on 10-20-03 at 08:50 PM

From the Reality TV World Average Joe image gallery:


...I also have some vidcaps from a promo that aired last night that I'll try and get to in the next couple of days

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Photo of the Average Joes"
Posted by WhippedCreamLvr on 10-21-03 at 03:20 PM
Ha! if this is them at their best imagine how they look in real life. the one of the left with the blue tie looks normal and the one on the right with the long coat looks like he don't want to be there already.

"RE: Photo of the Average Joes"
Posted by WhippedCreamLvr on 10-22-03 at 11:25 PM
nbc's site is up, has more info on the joes. worth a look


"RE: Photo of the Average Joes"
Posted by Guppin1234 on 10-23-03 at 03:10 AM
Thanks for the info. Any speculation/clue as to what the twist will be?

Maybe they have to vote each other out or the viewing audience will get to vote them off? That would be fun as long as the lines didn't get bogged down.

- Push my button baby!

"RE: Photo of the Average Joes"
Posted by WhippedCreamLvr on 10-23-03 at 10:27 AM
hard to tell what can be more twisted than having these guys on. some of the guys profiles are impressive like investment banker, profesor, parner in law firm so maybe the twist is that depending on who she goes for she gets a certain amount of money. i don't know -- i'm still trying to get over the fact that these guys are so goofy

"These guys are so goofy..."
Posted by Guppin1234 on 10-23-03 at 03:51 PM
Do you think they are really average though? They seem below average to me. Some might be high achievers academically and overcome their physical attributes with personality, but so far they don't seem to have either. What could they possibly have to talk about with Melena?

- Touch the monkey!

"RE: Photo of the Average Joes"
Posted by BrassFan on 11-04-03 at 08:34 AM
>Thanks for the info. Any speculation/clue
>as to what the twist will be?

I heard that the guy from the very beginning
will be coming back to join the rest of the

Perhaps he's an actor who's going to try and
be shallow and self-centered to see if she'll
stick with the "personality is more important
than looks" idea?

"RE: Photo of the Average Joes"
Posted by Guppin1234 on 11-14-03 at 08:56 PM
Now THAT's a good theory.

I'm the one
in the

"More Photos"
Posted by KScott on 10-23-03 at 11:49 AM
Here is a link to the NBC website, click on the guys and get the bios.


- Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life; define yourself. - Harvey Fierstein

"RE: More Photos"
Posted by SurvivorBlows on 10-23-03 at 12:29 PM
So what'd they do, set up one casting call in LA and another in NYC and then call it a day?


"RE: More Photos"
Posted by KScott on 10-23-03 at 12:58 PM
looks that way

- Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life; define yourself. - Harvey Fierstein

"RE: More Photos"
Posted by SurvivorBlows on 10-23-03 at 01:41 PM
Talk about giving the relationship no chance for success... take a girl from Kansas City and then cast 16 guys --- none of which lives within 1000 miles of her.

Then again, if she picks one of the LA guys, it might help things work out when she does the inevitable and moves to LA to "pursue her entertainment career" like any true media whore.


"RE: More Photos"
Posted by Guppin1234 on 11-14-03 at 09:03 PM
"Talk about giving the relationship no chance for success"

Okay, I will. That's a good theory, perhaps it's a way to guarantee that Melana wont have to follow through with the outcome of the show giving her a 'saving face' escape while humiliating all the men on the show and disgracing the viewer all at the same time.

NBC Casting Agent

"RE: More Photos"
Posted by WhippedCreamLvr on 10-23-03 at 04:16 PM
Notice how there aren't any guys of african american decent. what gives? there's always at least one -- did the girl put on her application that she wounldn't do it otherwise

"He was the fitness correspondent"
Posted by Guppin1234 on 11-14-03 at 09:08 PM

He was the nerd coach.

"RE: Photo of the Average Joes"
Posted by Chrissy gal on 10-23-03 at 04:18 PM
It seems to me that the lighting on this picture and the pictures on the website are designed to make the guys look worse than they really are.

Here is a picture of Marc from the website:

Here is a picture of him with Bachelor Bob:

I think he looks much better in the properly lit picture.

I also wanted to say that my husband works at a major electronics company, and these guys would pass as average looking at my husband's company.

Chrissy gal

"Never underestimate the potential psychosis of a reality show contestant." managerr

"RE: Photo of the Average Joes"
Posted by WhippedCreamLvr on 10-23-03 at 06:03 PM
I dunno he still looks pretty bad but i know what you mean, i'm sure that they will get them in compromising positions to milk the average angle. where is the bachelor bob picture from?

"RE: Photo of the Average Joes"
Posted by Chrissy gal on 10-23-03 at 06:13 PM
>>where is the bachelor bob picture from?<<

I don't know where it came from, but someone posted it here recently.

Chrissy gal

"Never underestimate the potential psychosis of a reality show contestant." managerr

"RE: Photo of the Average Joes"
Posted by SurvivorBlows on 10-23-03 at 06:42 PM
>>>where is the bachelor bob picture from?<<
>I don't know where it came
>from, but someone posted it
>here recently.

Marc himself posted it... he's very thinly veiled as "artvanderlay"

...and here I thought Chrissy might have been kissing up knowing one of the media whores themselves were around


"RE: Photo of the Average Joes"
Posted by sinisterpaloma on 11-14-03 at 04:03 AM
how do you figure marc is artvandalay

I've only seen something once from artvandalay and it said nothing suspicious, just said average joe looked cool

"RE: Photo of the Average Joes"
Posted by ladro on 11-14-03 at 07:44 PM
(lol)I don't know Bachelor Bob from Adam, so when I was scrooling down the page slowly and I saw Bob's head first, I started thinking: OMG they really did mess with Marc's picture big time!!

"RE: Photo of the Average Joes"
Posted by MakeItStop on 10-23-03 at 06:39 PM
OMG I just saw the commercial for this show last night. You should have seen the look on the single girl's face when she sees some of the average Joes (fat and balding) for the first time. Her jaw drops but she quickly recovers and pastes on a smile. What a trooper! LOL

Let's hope Webby got a vidcap of her face before she regains composure.

If you want breakfast in bed then sleep in the kitchen.

"RE: Photo of the Average Joes"
Posted by SurvivorBlows on 10-23-03 at 06:44 PM
>Let's hope Webby got a vidcap of her face before she
>regains composure.

I got two promos of the big promos recorded... what I think is the original one where they show the guys and show them all barechested in a lineup, and the second one where they talk about "challenges or skill..." etc.

I'll try and get them online tonight when I do the Survivor vidcaps.


"RE: Photo of the Average Joes"
Posted by katshark1969 on 11-05-03 at 03:02 PM
really like jerry ferrara. and chris shirt wasnt too bad. that show made me laugh. i feel bad for these guys. and what is with that uppity indian guy? he stands alone and acts snobby to everyone. he should have gotten an egg on the noggin.

"Uppity Indian Guy"
Posted by Guppin1234 on 11-14-03 at 09:15 PM
I think his behavior may be a cultural courtship thing, but in America, the courtship thing is more like beer nuts and draft rather than curry chicken with chutney. He's never gonna get a woman like Melana that way.

Tareq's webcam

"RE: Uppity Indian Guy"
Posted by sinisterpaloma on 11-14-03 at 09:28 PM
not all the guys are on AJ just for love...and from what I heard from marc about Tareq...he was making fun of Mel when he asked the stupid questions...he is most likely not interested in her