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Posted by Carybobski on 11-11-03 at 04:31 PM
Poor Dennis. He showed his strength of will climbing that rock only to be outdone in speed by the Cromagnon.

Did anyone else notice that after she eliminated him, as he walked out, he ran into the chair with his hip? That had to be embarrassing for him, albeit funny for the viewers.

I suspect on this particular show they leave in all these goofs to make the guys look even more awkward.

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"RE: Dennis"
Posted by breaddown on 11-11-03 at 05:21 PM
She was sending him mixed messages, she gave him a hint that he wouldn't be cut (when she talked to David about him, in the massage room) and she was totally praising him, even when she cut him. The Today Show said that when he cut, the other guys gave him an ovation. He earned everybodys respect and praise.
Appartently he was too good for Melana ?

"RE: Dennis"
Posted by peanutluvr on 11-12-03 at 01:04 PM
malana is pure evil!
She is shallow, fake, rude.
The fact that she even likes Zach proves what kind of person she is! I hope she ends up with that moron and he beats the crap outta her (he seems to be on "on the edge" kind of guy). My question is...what is wrong with her? She's gorgeous but can't get a man on her own? Maybe cause she can't stop looking at herself in the mirror....Dennis is lucky to be away from her...I'm sure he'll find someone to really love him!

"RE: Dennis"
Posted by Carybobski on 11-12-03 at 04:02 PM
Wow, peanut, that's pretty brutal talk about our little cheerleader! She probably has hopes this show will help her start a career in entertainment. I don't think there's anything wrong with Miss Melana other than her taste in men.

As far as Dennis is concerned, he seems to be a really nice guy but a little odd to me. Dennis became really emotional about the first three guys being eliminated. I didn't tape it, so I can't be sure but I believe he cried about it at some point. That was strange to me and it catapulted him into a new realm of dorkdom. When I see the tears flow following a first elimination and it's women, I think they need to get a grip, so I certainly thought Dennis should keep it together a bit better.

Not that I don't have any criticisms for Melana, but overall, I think she's OK.

Zach is another story!

"RE: Dennis"
Posted by Wacko Jacko on 11-12-03 at 04:19 PM
They are all crying.

Didn't you see even Zach cry when Dennis got eliminated?

I think the whole show is scripted. Too bad because the premise was interesting.

The Dennis character was brought on to add emotion to the show. Everything he did our said was to get emotion. Example: the rock climbing, him saying he tried out for Survivor two times and didn't get in, him just being mr nice guy that everyone on the cast loved, etc. He's playing a character. I don't feel sorry for him at all.

"Re: Dennis"
Posted by PokeyOkie on 11-12-03 at 04:42 PM
This show is no more than a very long and painful version of the show ELIMIDATE. It IS funny though.

Dennis was also brought on to do the laundry. =)


"You can pick your friends and you can pick your nose. But you can't wipe your friends on the couch."

"RE: Re: Dennis"
Posted by Carybobski on 11-12-03 at 05:04 PM
I so agree with you. How can something be so painful to watch and yet, so funny? Average Joe should prove to be a homerun for NBC.

"RE: Dennis"
Posted by Carybobski on 11-12-03 at 04:48 PM
Interesting point. If your theory is true then apparently it worked as he seems to have garnered a lot of sympathy.

"RE: Dennis"
Posted by southofboston on 11-13-03 at 07:34 AM
I posted this elsewhere but thought it needed to be again. In regards to Dennis L, I know him personally and have to say that what you saw is exactly Dennis! He left MA to pursue a acting career, but is working a real job to make ends meet. I can assure you all that the overly nice, awkward Dennis you saw on TV is pretty much the real Dennis.

"RE: Dennis"
Posted by breaddown on 11-13-03 at 11:34 AM
some people are angry at the show for "planting" actors in the show. I think the actors are alright, especially if they don't put on a show, like Dennis let his guard down.
They use cheerleaders for "The Bachelor" Show, where are they going to find average-looking male cheerleaders?

"RE: Dennis"
Posted by Guppin1234 on 11-14-03 at 10:36 PM

I suppose even
actors need loyal
booty too!

"RE: Dennis"
Posted by sinisterpaloma on 11-14-03 at 03:25 AM
how do you personally know Dennis?I know Marc and spoke to him a few times on phone, but no luck with dennis

"RE: Dennis"
Posted by southofboston on 11-14-03 at 07:15 AM
Dennis and I worked together for quite some time and like many others here he checks in with us often.

"RE: Dennis"
Posted by sinisterpaloma on 11-14-03 at 12:17 PM
would you mind giving me his email?

I really would love to talk to him :/

"RE: Dennis"
Posted by southofboston on 11-14-03 at 12:49 PM
email me, and i'll give you his address.

"RE: Dennis"
Posted by Guppin1234 on 11-14-03 at 10:29 PM
LAST EDITED ON 11-14-03 AT 10:31 PM (EST)

I know what you mean about Dennis' crying. That's another inequity between Melana and the guys. She is so emotionally confident (maybe too much) and Dennis easily falls prey to stressful situations. Melana never cries at the eliminations!

Don't get me wrong, I love a sensitive man, but I prefer a strong and sensitive man.

Dennis tried out twice for Survivor, and that's a signal to most of us that he's really not in touch with who he really is vs who he wants to be.

He should be proud of the way he has been on the show. It's one thing to talk about reality TV shows, but it's quite another to put yourself on the line on national TV. He's trying.

I still think a
geriatric Bachelor
would be hilarious!

"RE: Dennis"
Posted by Carybobski on 11-17-03 at 08:00 PM
"Who he is versus who he wants to be"...

That's really very insightful.

I wonder if these men were told about the premise of this show. I recall the homo sapiens erectus being annoyed that he was grouped with men he felt were inferior to him. That seemed to imply that the producers were not entirely forthcoming with the guys.

"RE: Dennis"
Posted by Tiger Lily on 11-17-03 at 08:18 PM
LAST EDITED ON 11-17-03 AT 08:19 PM (EST)

I wonder if these men were told about the premise of this show.

As per Webby's update a little while ago regarding Dennis, the guys thought they were on a show called "Life of the Party".

Sentence first. Verdict afterwards.

"RE: Dennis"
Posted by Puppy Piddle on 11-18-03 at 02:27 PM
"That seemed to imply that the producers were not entirely forthcoming with the guys."

I know what you mean, they never are it seems. I wonder if it's a way to get a more honest response from people or see what they are really made of?

homo sapiens erectus - Zach
so true! Good one Carybobski!

"RE: Dennis"
Posted by Tiger Lily on 11-17-03 at 08:21 PM
I still think a geriatric Bachelor would be hilarious!

Now that idea, I LIKE!

Sentence first. Verdict afterwards.

"RE: Dennis"
Posted by Bluejay321 on 11-18-03 at 04:31 PM
They already did this - it was called "Who Wants to Marry My Dad"

>I still think a
>geriatric Bachelor would be hilarious!

>Now that idea, I LIKE!

"RE: Dennis"
Posted by SurvivorBlows on 11-18-03 at 04:28 PM
It might just be me, but I think Dennis scared Melina off when he implied he was a 35-year-old virgin during their sitdown session right before the elimination ceremony.

But then again, Melina should be used to that by now -- Eric Ferch, the 27-year-old guy (and later "For Love Or Money 2" contestant) that her parents selected for her to go to Hawaii with her during her appearance on "Meet My Folks" also professed to be a virgin:
