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"What a Shallow Ho"

Posted by Spokie on 11-11-03 at 02:09 AM
LAST EDITED ON 11-11-03 AT 02:09 AM (EST)

I cannot believe how typical and shallow this gal turned out to be. There were some really nice guys that were let go and to keep Zach?

The guy is a complete A$$. Ever heard that story of wanting to change someone? This is playing out to be just that. Lets go with the best looking guy, regardless of how much of a broke jerk he is, and make him a husband. Then Melana can change him right? The guy is almost 30 years old. He's not going to change!

This happens with either sex..unfortunately. I just thought that this woman would have a lot more compassion now that we're all watching her....at least.



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"RE: What a Shallow Ho"
Posted by amberdean on 11-11-03 at 01:31 PM
I agree, she's shallow and does care about looks a lot. She lied. That's why she got rid of all the overweight guys last night even though she enjoyed Jay's company. She does not even deserve most of these guys and those are the ones she got rid of. It's typical that she's keeping bad boy no manners Zach the ape and Tareq the bookworm who I don't even think can socialize. What's he going to do, everytime they go out to party, he's going to bring along a book to study? Probably not, he'll stay at home and do it while she's out partying. She's sooo naive.

"RE: What a Shallow Ho"
Posted by snowytejc on 11-12-03 at 08:27 PM
I am so with you, amber on the whole Tareq thing. He is so annoying. I don't think he has laughed yet and when he does smile, he looks like he is trying to hold it back. I think that he thinks he is being all mysterious and sexy. Dude, asking a girl if she likes broccoli five seconds after meeting her...he is a weirdo.

"RE: What a Shallow Ho"
Posted by ladro on 11-11-03 at 03:25 PM
My thoughts are along the same lines, though I don't see any reason to call her a ho. At first I thought the show's concept was lame, I can see a bunch of not ready for prime time guys trying to romance a hot chick any night at most bars. But after seeing the show I think there was hidden joke behind the casting. I think it was the plan of the producer to throw a couple or attractive guys into the mix that have lame personalities, i.e. Zack whom reminds me of Biff from Back to the Future, and I think there is one tall dark haired guy that is attractive but mute.

The joke is that the hot chick repeatedly asserts that she is only concerned with inner beauty, but that her decisions contradict her assertions. All the classic nerds and fat guys got cut on the 1st and 2nd shows with the perfunctiary *this was such a hard decision* (yea right). She ended one night sucking face in the Hot Tub with Biff. The show will most likely end with a show down between Biff and the Mute guy. She will rationalize her decisions by saying that she was very lucky to find two men that she had a lot in common with that just happen to be attractive. She will dismiss charges that she is superficial by saying that Biff and the Mute guy have big hearts once you get to know them. Some people will actually believe her. The moral of the story: When a hot chick says that she is looking for someone with inner beauty, it really means *I am looking for someone with inner beauty that is hot looking like me, I plan on dating only hot guys till I find one that has inner beauty*.

"RE: What a Shallow Ho"
Posted by patric on 11-11-03 at 04:13 PM
The real "shock" (NOT) will be when model Mike returns and she chooses him over A$$ hole Zack. Zack's reaction will be priceless. Do you really think Mel will develop such a strong relationship with Zack that it will withstand Mike's undeniable physical beauty? I don't think so!

"RE: What a Shallow Ho"
Posted by schmoe on 11-11-03 at 05:43 PM

Let those who are not shallow cast the first stone. Are we not being a little hypocritical?

Yea, she let the largest of the largest go. Who hear would have done any differently? Looks are extremely powerful instinct. There are still plenty of average and ugly guys left. She still has a chance to dump Zack and pick the nice, "average" guy.

"RE: being hypocritical"
Posted by ladro on 11-11-03 at 06:18 PM
To be clear, I was critizing her for being hypocritical. Had she asserted from the start that a particular look was important to her, that would be a completely different issue to me. But, she has continually asserted that looks are not imporant to her, that inner beauty and personality are more important to her, yet her decisions appear to be based primarily upon looks, that makes *her* a hypocrite.

"RE: being hypocritical"
Posted by boxofrain36 on 11-12-03 at 04:54 PM
I was just reading an interview in Star magazine with Her parents, and they said she was on Meet My Folks, and something else, and is definfetly just looking to further her acting career. They said she isn't in it for love at all because her career comes first.
She is pretty average looking if you want my opinion, and I don't see her ever getting a serious acting job. Did anyone notice the crows feet on her eyes. She is so young to have them already. She must be a sun worshiper.

"Me, me! I want to be a hypocrite too!"
Posted by Blow by Blow on 11-12-03 at 07:22 PM
Well, if we're going to be shallow and dump on her appearance, let me join in.

NFL Cheerleading - this is a fast-track career for future strippers or NFL wives. Looks like she struck out in the wife challenge.

Stomach - a little too much flab Malena (Melena?, Melana?, buy a new name). Don't tell me she's ripped, that's just her ribs sticking out.

Breasts - did you pick that tan suit to run in? Those things were floppping all over the place. Two directions you can go -- better support (my recommendation) or implants.

Otherwise I think she's a lovely girl and is doing remarkably well in socializing with a bunch of guys who scare the crap out of me.


"Yeah, they weren't what she expected..."
Posted by Guppin1234 on 11-15-03 at 03:47 AM
Does she have an evil twin? or would that make her the evil twin?

"RE: being hypocritical"
Posted by schmoe on 11-13-03 at 07:53 PM
> To be clear, I was
>critizing her for being hypocritical.
>Had she asserted from the
>start that a particular look
>was important to her, that
>would be a completely different
>issue to me. But, she
>has continually asserted that looks
>are not imporant to her,
>that inner beauty and personality
>are more important to her,
>yet her decisions appear to
>be based primarily upon looks,
>that makes *her* a hypocrite.

I understand your point. I'm just a tad more cynical. When someone says that looks aren't that important, they still usually have some minimum standard that must be met.

Posted by Fast Eddie on 11-12-03 at 07:52 PM
>The guy is almost 30
>years old. He's not
>going to change!
>This happens with either sex..unfortunately.

No it doesn't. As the old saying goes: A woman marries a man hoping to change him. A man marries a woman hoping she'll never change. Both are usually disappointed.

"RE: What a Shallow Ho"
Posted by micro on 11-13-03 at 03:00 PM
I totally agree with you. I thought that she is interested in personality than looks. Why was she sucking face with Zack? Zack was the nost obnoxious among the guys. I think this is a trick to the viewers that they want to project Zack as a bully and later on be rehabilitated and then he will win the girl.
But what the producers should have done Malena should have not kissing Zack right away they whould have waited for him to be rehabilated first before they let the girl started sucking face with Zack.