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"Larissa: "Soon as I find out who it is, they're gone.""

Posted by Howard Dean on 02-05-04 at 11:25 PM

I caught one of NBC's promos this evening for Average Joe (while watching The Apprentice, of course .... lol).

Anyway, that's what Larissa says about the guys who blew up the boat she was in with Tony.

Will she find out who it is? Will Brian tell her? Will someone else tell her? Will the guys fess up?

(It's two of the nondescript himbos, who did it, by the way.)

This should be a very interesting episode! lol

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"RE: Larissa: "Soon as I find out who it is, they're gone.""
Posted by Rockytop Chick on 02-06-04 at 09:22 AM
They actually blow up a boat she and Tony are in???? wtf??? If they do that, they should not only be gone from the show, they should be arrested. That goes way beyond the typical Big Man on Campus high school prankster stuff we are used to seeing from them.

"RE: Larissa: "Soon as I find out who it is, they're gone.""
Posted by Shakespeare_Thompson on 02-06-04 at 10:10 AM
From the clip I saw I don't think they really knew what they were doing.

It just showed a couple of himbos standing around an explosive detonator; like the kind you used to see on cartoons; a box with a handle on top that you press down to make Wiley Coyote explode.

Then it shows Michael C. standing there next to it saying "We just blew up something". Then they cut to an underwater clip of a small bomb on the bottom of the boat that Tony and Larissa were in.

It looks absolutely hillarious, but I'm almost positive it was something set up by the producers, not a prank pulled by the himbos.

"RE: Larissa: "Soon as I find out who it is, they're gone.""
Posted by mrc on 02-06-04 at 01:27 PM
I suspect the producers leave a very suspicious-looking detonator in the middle of the house with a cryptic sign: "DO NOT PRESS!" Who could resist? I mean, surely the detonator won't affect Larissa on her date, right? Right?!?!?!?!

"RE: Larissa: "Soon as I find out who it is, they're gone.""
Posted by hunterjax on 02-06-04 at 01:33 PM
Maybe there's a sign on the red button that says, "Whatever you do, don't touch this button." Any himbo could not resist that temptation.

The hunks are jerks but I just don't believe that they'd willingly blow up the boat with Larissa was in it. Plus, I bet it just blows a small hole in the boat and Tony gets to rescue Larissa by plugging the hole with his painting of her.

"RE: Larissa: "Soon as I find out who it is, they're gone.""
Posted by Howard Dean on 02-06-04 at 01:44 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-06-04 AT 02:06 PM (EST)

Yes of course it was set up by the producers.

Yes, it is indeed very cartoonish, and yes it probably does have some silly sign on it that says "push me," or "don't push me." lol

Or at least it ought too ... he he

In my original post above, I was anticipating the drama that this will create when Larissa finds out who did it.

Two of the nondecript himbos pushed the plunger, and it was Italian Michael "Corleone" who urged them on. I hope she eliminates all three of them with a sneer on her face.


To see Larissa read the riot act to these himbo jerks will be extreeeeeeeeeemly amusing.

At least that's what I hope happens. Another possibility is that she won't find out who did it right away, and will end up being perhaps a little bit bitchy for an episode or two until she finds out.

And then she REALLY lets them have it!

We'll see..... lol

I'm not usually a fan of such ridiculous "drama," but since that appears to be what the producers have in mind for this silly show, I figure ... what the heck .... go for it! lol

"Revenge is a dish best served up cold"

Ricardo Montelban as Kahn
Star Trek II

"RE: Larissa: "Soon as I find out who it is, they're gone.""
Posted by KScott on 02-06-04 at 02:03 PM
The sad part is the painting is going to get ruined. I bet that is why she is more pissed than anything. He had been working on that since the beginning.

a proud Lvoe Butt Connector

"RE: Larissa: "Soon as I find out who it is, they're gone.""
Posted by Howard Dean on 02-06-04 at 02:08 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-06-04 AT 02:11 PM (EST)

Yeah I was thinking that too. It is really sad, since that painting came out of such a beautiful date that the two of them had, one of the few true moments of romance so far on this silly show.

>The sad part is the painting
>is going to get ruined.
> I bet that is
>why she is more pissed
>than anything. He had
>been working on that since
>the beginning.

"RE: Larissa: "Soon as I find out who it is, they're gone.""
Posted by Leadoff on 02-07-04 at 09:49 PM
The unfortunate thing about the painting is that is really doesn't look like her (from what I can see), and it basically kind of sucks. This guy makes his living as an artist? I guess it's the thought that counts.

"RE: Larissa: "Soon as I find out who it is, they're gone.""
Posted by Howard Dean on 02-07-04 at 10:43 PM

Well, it's not a portrait painting. It's abstract. It seems to be somewhat in the style of cubism or Picasso.

Larissa, by the way, likes cubism, according to one of her websites.

>The unfortunate thing about the painting
>is that is really doesn't
>look like her (from what
>I can see), and it
>basically kind of sucks. This
>guy makes his living as
>an artist? I guess it's
>the thought that counts.

"RE: Larissa: "Soon as I find out who it is, they're gone.""
Posted by Howard Dean on 02-10-04 at 06:43 PM

Well of course now that we've all seen the episode, we know that Tony saves the painting. Bravo Tony!

>The sad part is the painting
>is going to get ruined.
> I bet that is
>why she is more pissed
>than anything. He had
>been working on that since
>the beginning.

"RE: Larissa: "Soon as I find out who it is, they're gone.""
Posted by ladro on 02-08-04 at 11:41 AM
larissa honey, you can't vote off the producers.

I can see the resumes now:

July 2003: Average Joe 2; nondescript himbo #3, blew up boat

"RE: Larissa: "Soon as I find out who it is, they're gone.""
Posted by Howard Dean on 02-08-04 at 04:41 PM


>I can see the resumes now:
>July 2003: Average Joe 2; nondescript
>himbo #3, blew up boat

"RE: Larissa: "Soon as I find out who it is, they're gone.""
Posted by mookiemeister on 02-10-04 at 00:00 AM
Well, it looks like Michael C dodged under Larissa's boot this week and is still in the game. He's the guy who called her beaver a few weeks ago and tonight is one of the guy who push the detonator and sabotage Tony's date with Larissa. I think once Larissa find out about Michael C, he's a goner.

"As far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they are not certain; and as far as they are certain, they do not refer to reality." - Einstein

"RE: Larissa: "Soon as I find out who it is, they're gone.""
Posted by Howard Dean on 02-10-04 at 00:41 AM
I'm just glad that Michael Kline is gone!

"RE: Larissa: "Soon as I find out who it is, they're gone.""
Posted by Chrissy gal on 02-10-04 at 10:52 AM
Larissa is sending so many mixed signals, I don't think we can predict what she will do. I would have let Michael C. go with the beaver comment and lame excuse.

"RE: Larissa: "Soon as I find out who it is, they're gone.""
Posted by Wacko Jacko on 02-10-04 at 12:24 PM
Is this Michael C, Bad Luck Schleprock?

I mean everything he touches turns to poop. Bad things and controversy seem to follow this guy everywhere. Larissa should of gotta rid of this guy for that alone (not mentioning he's a jerk on top of it).

"RE: Larissa: "Soon as I find out who it is, they're gone.""
Posted by leogirl_21 on 02-10-04 at 01:34 PM
Yeah I think that Larissa should have eliminated Michael C too!

"RE: Larissa: "Soon as I find out who it is, they're gone.""
Posted by Howard Dean on 02-10-04 at 02:25 PM

Here's what Larissa said on the show last night about Michael:

"Cardemone, I think he does things without thinking about it. However, he seems like a funny guy. He seems very sincere. I always have to go with my instincts."

Without a doubt Michael did a good job of talking himself out of a mess when Larissa brought pizza and confronted him and Michael Kline about what had happened. He apologized well and Larissa bought it, whereas Michael Kline gave the lamest "unapology" that I have ever seen!

Larissa has a good heart and gave Michael the benefit of the doubt this time. But as we all know, Michael did not deserve that. Hopefully he gets his ass sent packing the next time he screws up.

>Yeah I think that Larissa should
>have eliminated Michael C too!

"RE: Larissa: "Soon as I find out who it is, they're gone.""
Posted by Leadoff on 02-10-04 at 03:32 PM
I wouldn't be surprised to see Michael C"orleone" in the Final 2 (with Tony). He has a silver tongue (I mean his way of talking himself out of trouble, don't get nasty!) and women go for that in a big way. Plus, he seems a decent sort at heart, genuinely remorseful for any mistakes he may have made. He's shown more depth as a human being than any of the other himbos and I think Larissa looks at him as a puzzle to be solved. Again, the right way to "position" yourself with ANY woman!

"RE: Larissa: "Soon as I find out who it is, they're gone.""
Posted by Wacko Jacko on 02-10-04 at 04:32 PM
You really think he was apologetic about the Beaver comment?

Really he only apologized because he thought she would find out and even when he apologized he had to drag Theo into it. His apology should of been unconditional - it was lame in my opinion.

His apology was just a lame excuse.

Kline I agree. He totally blew it.

"RE: Larissa: "Soon as I find out who it is, they're gone.""
Posted by mojoutd on 02-10-04 at 05:16 PM
LEADOFF! Woah man.. Say it aint so?

>>I wouldn't be surprised to see Michael C"orleone" in the Final 2 (with Tony). He has a silver tongue (I mean his way of talking himself out of trouble, don't get nasty!) and women go for that in a big way. Plus, he seems a decent sort at heart, genuinely remorseful for any mistakes he may have made. He's shown more depth as a human being than any of the other himbos and I think Larissa looks at him as a puzzle to be solved. Again, the right way to "position" yourself with ANY woman! <<

I hope BeaverBoy doesn't make it to the final Two. If Larissa is that kind hearted, or he that smooth, each of us might be looking at a serious debacle.

What i'm really worried about is that, he does seem like the kind of Jerk to pull it off. He's one of those @$$holes, who gets the girl and you and everyone knows he's just WRONG for her, but she can't see through it, and So far, Larissa has like missed every cue..

Kudos for getting rid of Michael Klein, he was an @$$! The minute he paused to think about her question or that he was pointing fingers, i was like, you're GONE! Dude! You don't even know it.

The Sad thing about the episode was the placement of the bomb.
What keeps the producers from Adding a button to the next Average Joe? That gives each of them the chance to ruin the date. I think it's just wrong, but you know the direct thing, i think it was poetically apped. None of the Joes pressed it, and i heard Fredo directly say., "Iwouldn't touch it.. i don't think we should." which was so funny when they were pointin fingers afterwards. He shoulda just say. "Are you dead Paison, i know exactly what i said." I gotta say, Tony's a good sport, and i'm pullin for all three of the Joes.

Michael C is a sleeze. I'm prayin he don't get to the final two. God no, not to the final two.. I'm hopin they allow her to bounce more Jerks (jocks) so it comes down to 2 Joes.

I think the last three got a shot.. Seriously. I'm thinkin Michael C will open his mouth and blow it for himself next week when Larissa is dressed up as the mother. Michael C don't mess up when he's before Larissa. Cause he's slick Mickey... Yep, he'sa smooth talker. Half the time, i just want to scream! Larissa, listen to what he's sayin! IT's no sincere, it's fluff! He'd make a great politician...

Michael C:

"What i meant when i said that things would be better with Segregation, um is that most Blacks like havin their own groups, you know? Like Italians and spicks, and Japs and Limeys, you know? They like havin their own room and sittin on the back of the bus? You know? I think people like not causin trouble and being in their place? A lot of Black kids were suddnely confused, being made equal and all and being able to use the bathroom any time they wanted. You know? That's all i mean." Sorry i wasn't clearer. Women like being called symbolic animals that represent innuendos ..."


"I can see what you mean. Yeah, well i accept your apoligy. I'm goin with my gut here. I' m cuttin Fredo, and Tony. (Tear).

I know she's not that bad, but thats how i feel about Michael C.

"RE: Larissa: "Soon as I find out who it is, they're gone.""
Posted by texasfancy on 02-10-04 at 05:20 PM
So why did Mike C. get to stay...that was sooo not fair!

"RE: Larissa: "Soon as I find out who it is, they're gone.""
Posted by Howard Dean on 02-10-04 at 07:15 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-10-04 AT 11:43 PM (EST)

Michael C will be gone sooner or later.

> He's
>one of those @$$holes, who
>gets the girl and you
>and everyone knows he's just
>WRONG for her, but she
>can't see through it, and
>So far, Larissa has like
>missed every cue..

Oh I don't know. I think Larissa just hasn't had a chance to go on a date with him yet. She likes to do that before she kicks a guy off. She said that Michael had asked to be given a chance, so she will give him one.

I've seen relationships like the one you were talking about. I just don't think Larissa is going to fall for it. As she said in the previews for next week, "some of these guys are really on thin ice already."

>The Sad thing about the episode
>was the placement of the

Yeah .... but did you notice that the incident actually seemed to bring Tony and Larissa even closer together?

"RE: Larissa: "Soon as I find out who it is, they're gone.""
Posted by geg6 on 02-10-04 at 05:03 PM
Good God, I hope you're wrong! He's a total creep and wasn't in the least bit remorseful for the nasty remarks. I don't see any depth in him at all, just slick talk and HUUUUGGGGE ego. I'm "any woman" and his crap wouldn't cut it with me.

"RE: Larissa: "Soon as I find out who it is, they're gone.""
Posted by Howard Dean on 02-10-04 at 06:53 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-10-04 AT 07:04 PM (EST)

Michael dodged a bullet, but he is not going to win in the end, in my opinion.

>I wouldn't be surprised to see
>Michael C"orleone" in the Final
>2 (with Tony).

Well that's just your speculation...

>He has
>a silver tongue (I mean
>his way of talking himself
>out of trouble, don't get
>nasty!) and women go for
>that in a big way.

Yeah ... until they realize that what he is saying is just talk and not the truth.

>Plus, he seems a decent
>sort at heart, genuinely remorseful
>for any mistakes he may
>have made.

That much I'm not sure about.

>He's shown more
>depth as a human being
>than any of the other

That's not saying much .... ROFL!!

>and I think Larissa
>looks at him as a
>puzzle to be solved.

No doubt she does ... I hope she figures him out before the end ... for her sake.

>the right way to "position"
>yourself with ANY woman!

God I hope not! LOOOOOOOL

But I see what you are saying. The key question: is Michael just a screw up? Or is he ruthless and Machiavellian? I'm not convinced yet that he doesn't know exactly what he is doing and just has the gift of talking his way out of it.

At any rate, if it's Michael and Tony in the final two, Tony wins hands down!

"RE: Larissa: "Soon as I find out who it is, they're gone.""
Posted by Leadoff on 02-11-04 at 00:40 AM
Wow! Thanks for all the feedback. I hope people don't think I'm ROOTING for Mikey to make it to the end. I was just looking at the match-ups. There's NO WAY the producers will have TWO AJs in the Final Two...it's gotta be an AJ and a himbo.

Look who he's up against--cipher Jim (I think that's his name--see what a strong impression he's made?) and fair-haired Gil. Theo told Larissa to watch out for the blondes, and I think she'll heed that advice (even though it came from Theo). She seems to like dark-haired (or no-haired) guys, anyway.

You can't overlook the "bad boy" syndrome when it comes to Mikey. He's a bit of a rogue, but not so much that Larissa probably thinks she can "change" him.

If he sticks his foot in his mouth again with the "mother," he may doom himself. But doesn't it make sense that the producers would throw in some red herrings? Make us think he's screwed himself but have him come back to life again and again, like in a horror movie?

"RE: Larissa: "Soon as I find out who it is, they're gone.""
Posted by Howard Dean on 02-11-04 at 05:08 AM

You make some good points! It will be a lot of fun to watch and see what finally happens.

>You can't overlook the "bad boy"
>syndrome when it comes to
>Mikey. He's a bit of
>a rogue, but not so
>much that Larissa probably thinks
>she can "change" him.

Yeah I know a lot girls are like that. Larissa may be like that too. But based on some of the things that she has said to Tony, why would Larissa want to change a misfit when she has other guys she likes that she doesn't have to change?

>but have him come back
>to life again and again,
>like in a horror movie?

LOL ...... Think you might be watching too many horror movies?

"RE: Larissa: "Soon as I find out who it is, they're gone.""
Posted by Reeflex7 on 02-11-04 at 12:56 PM
Love the Michael C horror movie reference, but I don't think there's a chance in Hades that he will be in the final two. When Larissa says in the promo that "some of these guys are on thin ice", who else could she be talking about? By his own admission he does something boneheaded again next week, which means he's gone.

This is Tony's to lose. Fredo will be the next AJ to go, then Brian Worth. No himbo has even come close to connecting with Larissa the way Tony has, (although it didn't take long for her to start making out with Jim, which makes me wonder). If Tony is not the last man standing, that sound you'll hear will be my jaw dropping 5 feet to the floor.

"RE: Gil and James"
Posted by leogirl_21 on 02-11-04 at 02:04 PM
Does anyone have anything to say about either Gil or James? What do you think their possibilities are of making it further in this game vying for Larissa? They haven't really gotten much onscreen face time but Gil seems to be kinda laid back and in chill mode...kinda nice. James..I dunno what to think of him.
Any other opinions on these two?

Posted by tig_ger on 02-11-04 at 02:16 PM
Based on the editing of the show alone, I would say Tony and Gil are in the final two. They've both been edited as the nicest guys.

Same thing in AJ1. Adam and Jason were edited as the nicest guys.

But she does seem attracted to dark haired guys...and intelligence....

"RE: Editing"
Posted by Howard Dean on 02-11-04 at 04:15 PM

Yep. That seems to be the case.

>Based on the editing of the
>show alone, I would say
>Tony and Gil are in
>the final two. They've
>both been edited as the
>nicest guys.
>Same thing in AJ1. Adam
>and Jason were edited as
>the nicest guys.
>But she does
>seem attracted to dark haired
>guys...and intelligence....

"RE: Larissa: "Soon as I find out who it is, they're gone.""
Posted by mojoutd on 02-11-04 at 02:27 PM
I'm worried about Larissa's compulsions too. She's really prone to occasional boughts of losing control when it comes to the Himbos.

Watching the Pool fight a couple of nights ago, was in my opinion like watching some bad Teen movie from the 80's.

I fully expected Sex to Soon ensue. IT's pretty sad, how much intensive contact she gives to the Himbos, who are as friggen BLAND as they come, in my opinion, in contrast to the occasional Hand holding, pecks she occasionally, and less often give sthe AJs?

I really hate the whole, let's get in a hot tub thing they constantly do on these shows. You know? it's so Cheap.

What i actually like is how Brooke Burns made her a little jealous. Heh. "what is she doing hanging on my guys?"

Oh? Now they are your guys? Oh, they'll be glad to know this. They're hanging on for their life here against the Himbnos!

Reality shows really do bring out the truth about people. i sensed the same sort of stuff when i was watching Paradise Hotel. It's like a train wreck, you know? you want to scream, you know, if you have a great body you get exactly what you want.

I hope I'm right about Michael C. I really hope he blows it tommorrw. I'm sad to see Fredo Go,, but I"'d REALLY REALLY REALLY prefer if it came down to Two Joes. Iknow it won't happen.

Does anyone know what the success rate is with many of these relationships? I know Joe Millionarie is the one that apparently can't hold a relationship, and the Bachelor has a lot of cheating and broken relationships, but i'm wondering aobut the Fox stuff, including Mr. Personality... I also wonder if Maleena is actually still with her, Hunk?


"Track Record"
Posted by tig_ger on 02-11-04 at 02:35 PM
According to People magazine, (consider the source) the only reality show contestants that are still together are Trista & Ryan (Bachelorette) and Erin & Chad (For Love or Money 2). Nothing was said about Cupid's Lisa & Hank, but none of the Bachelors or Mr Personality contestants stayed together. Malena is most definitely not still with Jason. Their relationship may have lasted the plane flight to Hawaii, but not so much afterwards.

A Kyngsladye Original

"RE: Track Record"
Posted by geg6 on 02-11-04 at 02:46 PM
Not that I'm sure that there is any significance to this, but it is interesting. In the group of people you discuss, the only two relationships that actually had staying power were ones in which the woman made the choice of the man. And when you think about it, there have probably been more shows in which the men made the choice. Kind of makes a rather low success rate all the more impressive when you think about it. Are the ladies a little better at this?

"RE: Track Record"
Posted by tig_ger on 02-11-04 at 02:55 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-11-04 AT 02:58 PM (EST)

That's my theory also. Melana is the only instance with a break up where the woman chose.

ETA that I forgot about Mr. Personality.

I was seriously rooting for Andrew Firestone and Jen S.

"RE: Track Record"
Posted by NorthShoreJane on 02-11-04 at 03:29 PM
We cannot forget the last reality show when a gentleman provided the lady with his own "art". Oops, they got married. That "painting" of Larissa was a bit cheesy, no?

"RE: Track Record"
Posted by Howard Dean on 02-11-04 at 04:20 PM

The painting reminded me of a lot of spanish and mexican art that I have seen. Different yes, cheesy no.

>We cannot forget the last reality
>show when a gentleman provided
>the lady with his own
>"art". Oops, they got
>married. That "painting" of
>Larissa was a bit cheesy,

"RE: Track Record"
Posted by Chrissy gal on 02-11-04 at 06:21 PM
I saw something on TV recently that said that Lisa and Hank are still together.

"RE: Larissa: "Soon as I find out who it is, they're gone.""
Posted by Howard Dean on 02-11-04 at 04:11 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-11-04 AT 04:29 PM (EST)

I think Larissa is actually very sympathetic to the Joes. The himbos are just a flash in the pan to her, by comparison.

>I'm worried about Larissa's compulsions too.
> She's really prone to
>occasional boughts of losing
>control when it comes to
>the Himbos.

Yes, but later in the same episode she admitted that she was not proud of herself for some of the dates she'd had. She realized that she needed to get away from all of that and get back to just being herself and really getting to know the guys.

>Watching the Pool fight a couple
>of nights ago, was in
>my opinion like watching some
>bad Teen movie from the

Sure, but even that was an example of getting away from all the kissey kissey hot tub stuff and just being yourself.

>I fully expected Sex to soon
>ensue. IT's pretty sad, how
>much intensive contact she gives
>to the Himbos, who are
>as friggen BLAND as they
>come, in my opinion, in
>contrast to the occasional Hand
>holding, pecks she occasionally, and
>less often give sthe AJs?

Yes, but that's because she actually connects with them on a real level, especially Tony.

>I really hate the whole, let's
>get in a hot tub
>thing they constantly do on
>these shows. You know?
>it's so Cheap.

Yes it is.

>What i actually like is how
>Brooke Burns made her a
>little jealous. Heh. "what
>is she doing hanging on
>my guys?"
>Oh? Now they are your
>guys? Oh, they'll be
>glad to know this.
>They're hanging on for their
>life here against the Himbnos!

I don't know how long you've been watching Average Joe 2, but again, after watching all the episodes, it seems to me that Larissa is actually connecting quite well with the Joes, and views the himbos as being very superficial, eventhough she admitedly indulges for a while with them.

Then after that, she sends them home. For example: Todd, whom she sent home on Monday. He couldn't understand why Larissa sent him home after he had so much kissy face with her.

>Reality shows really do bring out
>the truth about people.
>i sensed the same sort
>of stuff when i was
>watching Paradise Hotel. It's
>like a train wreck, you

Oh My God! Don't get me started! Paradise Hotel was the biggest reality farce of all time! But not because of the bodies and the hot tubs, just because they changed the rules constantly with so many twists each episode that by the time it was over the conclusion had become meaningless.

>you want to
>scream, you know, if you
>have a great body you
>get exactly what you want.

On some shows, maybe. But I don't think that's where Average Joe 2 is headed.

>I hope I'm right about Michael
>C. I really hope
>he blows it tommorrw.

Even if he doesn't, I don't think Larissa will chose him in the end.

>sad to see Fredo Go,,
>prefer if it came down
>to Two Joes. Iknow
>it won't happen.

It won't happen simply because the producers are requiring Larissa to eliminate equal numbers of Joes and Himbos each episode.

>Does anyone know what the success
>rate is with many of
>these relationships? I know
>Joe Millionarie is the one
>that apparently can't hold a
>relationship, and the Bachelor has
>a lot of cheating and
>broken relationships, but i'm wondering
>aobut the Fox stuff, including
>Mr. Personality... I also
>wonder if Maleena is actually
>still with her, Hunk?

They say that he and Maleena see each other about twice a year. As for the Fox stuff, it's all garbage in my opinion. lol

"RE: Larissa: "Soon as I find out who it is, they're gone.""
Posted by Chrissy gal on 02-11-04 at 06:20 PM
HD, some of us had so much fun discussing Paradise Hotel! We call it P-ho. I hope you stick around this summer to enjoy the absurdity with us!!

"RE: Larissa: "Soon as I find out who it is, they're gone.""
Posted by Howard Dean on 02-11-04 at 11:35 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-12-04 AT 00:33 AM (EST)

>HD, some of us had so
>much fun discussing Paradise Hotel!
> We call it P-ho.
> I hope you stick
>around this summer to enjoy
>the absurdity with us!!

Yeah I had fun bashing it over on Fox's BB. I must have made a million posts over there, and I read a lot of the posts here too.

But it was so disgusting! I just don't know if I can stand another summer of that kind of crap! lol

What *really* bothered me about that show was all of the twists. One week the originals were winning, the next week the barbies, and back and forth. That would have been fine if it was the result of genuine competitiion by the players, but instead it was just manipulated and controlled by the producers. Who needs it!

Survivor it was not!

And as far as romance goes, I'd take any of the relationships Larissa has over the so called romance on that show any day!

But maybe I'll join you. I dunno. I get so bored in summer when Survivor isn't around!

"RE: Larissa: "Soon as I find out who it is, they're gone.""
Posted by Howard Dean on 02-11-04 at 03:47 PM

Yep. I agree with you.

>Love the Michael C horror movie
>reference, but I don't think
>there's a chance in Hades
>that he will be in
>the final two. When
>Larissa says in the promo
>that "some of these guys
>are on thin ice", who
>else could she be talking
>about? By his
>own admission he does something
>boneheaded again next week,
>which means he's gone.
>This is Tony's to lose.
>Fredo will be the next
>AJ to go, then Brian
>Worth. No himbo has
>even come close to connecting
>with Larissa the way Tony
>has, (although it didn't take
>long for her to start
>making out with Jim, which
>makes me wonder). If
>Tony is not the last
>man standing, that sound you'll
>hear will be my jaw
>dropping 5 feet to the

"RE: Larissa: "Soon as I find out who it is, they're gone.""
Posted by Reeflex7 on 02-11-04 at 09:28 PM
Something's been kind of bugging me a little as far as Larissa's dates with the AJ's. There's this odd formality she has with them that almost patronizing. I think she genuinely admires some if not most of them as people, but compare her private time with Thomas on last night's episode vs. her private time with Jim. Thomas got a speech about "you have a light inside you", or something, I can't remember, but I'm not sure how sincere it was. There was no touching or flirting and no sparks. With Jim there was all of the above. It was the same thing with Gil at the chocolate factory. She seems to be able to let go, clown around, and be herself with the attractive guys more. It bugs me.

I do think there's something going on with Tony that's genuine and perhaps we're not seeing everything, but I would like to see some electricity there soon between them.

Mr. Dean - boy did you read my mind re: Paradise Hotel. I swear they set it up so that Charla & co. could win it.

"RE: Larissa: "Soon as I find out who it is, they're gone.""
Posted by Howard Dean on 02-11-04 at 11:54 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-12-04 AT 00:39 AM (EST)

I would agree with what you are saying about Larissa and the Joes, except in the case of Tony, where I see a true romance.

Tony's first date with Larissa was intimate and personal, in a way that none of her dates with the himbos have been. It was also romantic in a way that none of her dates with the other Joes have been.

And I think it was also more romantic and electric than any of the dates she's had with the himbos.

Why? Because Tony and Larissa touched base on a spiritual and artistic level. That in turn made it romantic and just a little physical. You don't see all of those elements in her dates with anyone else. This alone was the total package.

Their second date, although cut short by the bomb stunt, reaffirmed all of those things, and in a way brought them even closer together as they reacted together to the stunt.

By the way ... thanks for the comment about Paradise Hotel.

Talk about true romance! That was a show with absolutely NONE of it ... he he

But as I said elsewhere, what *really* bothered me about that show was all of the twists. One week the originals were winning, the next week the barbies, and back and forth. That would have been fine if it was the result of genuine competitiion by the players, but instead it was just manipulated and controlled by the producers. Who needs it!

Survivor it was not! lol

>Something's been kind of bugging me
>a little as far as
>Larissa's dates with the AJ's.
> There's this odd formality
>she has with them that
>almost patronizing. I think
>she genuinely admires some if
>not most of them as
>people, but compare her private
>time with Thomas on last
>night's episode vs. her private
>time with Jim. Thomas
>got a speech about "you
>have a light inside you",
>or something, I can't remember,
>but I'm not sure how
>sincere it was. There
>was no touching or flirting
>and no sparks. With
>Jim there was all of
>the above. It was
>the same thing with Gil
>at the chocolate factory.
>She seems to be able
>to let go, clown around,
>and be herself with the
>attractive guys more. It
>bugs me.
>I do think there's something going
>on with Tony that's genuine
>and perhaps we're not seeing
>everything, but I would like
>to see some electricity there
>soon between them.
>Mr. Dean - boy did you
>read my mind re: Paradise
>Hotel. I swear they
>set it up so that
>Charla & co. could win