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Thread Number: 29
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"average joe wally n tareq"

Posted by milkchocolateladybug on 11-05-03 at 06:35 AM
Okay so I'm watching it and call my girl in OR and we decide to watch it together(i'm in CA). First of all the mix still had a cutie in it Tareq, The man is classy. I decided that when and if he gets the cut I'm out! Wally woulda been cool just to add a twist. NBC still needs a lil more diversity what's up with the "tokens". I hope that Tareq stays single cause he will have women who would die for that extioc hunk! Lastly the twist prob. is that they are going to bring in some cuter guys to mix it up a lil. Next season NBC please Plain Jane! I am a reality tv addict it teaches you about yourself as well! Every season I get hooked... last season "Paradise Hotel". I used to dance with my baby during the opening credits, friends knew not to call, I felt anger, relief, sadness, it doesn't get much better! I am a voyer, anyones life can be just as interesting... dang i'm even interesting enough to base a tv show on. The have a spanish reality tv show a woman, wealthy w suitors the twist she has a child ... I'm your girl! Watch on America!

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: average joe wally n tareq"
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 11-05-03 at 06:46 AM
wow. my head's still spinning 10 minutes later. make it stop.

Heidi: My biggest assets to the tribe are my athletic skills and my intelligence. I've lost one of them.
Jiffy: Which one?

"RE: average joe wally n tareq"
Posted by milkchocolateladybug on 11-07-03 at 03:44 AM
lol! Okay the real deal is I have never seen an Indian man I found attractive before and I am attracted to the different so give me a break.

"RE: average joe wally n tareq"
Posted by Survivorchick on 11-05-03 at 02:09 PM
At first I was thinking that Tariq looked like a decent catch too. A little short, but not bad looking (and how the hell do you become a professor at 21?) but the guy speaks in monotone and appears to have absolutely NO personality. What was with the green food talk?

"RE: Tariq DOES NOT HAVE a Ph.D."
Posted by Bri Guy on 11-06-03 at 10:56 PM
NBC definitely should not have put "Ph.D." after Tariq's name. He doesn't have one -- Tariq even admitted he did not have a Ph.D. -- and he is definitely not a professor! If anything, he is a Ph.D. CANDIDATE, and likely -- at age 21 -- in the very early stages of his work. Big difference.

I don't understand what you find attractive in Tariq. He's pompous, massively egotistical, and, based on his loser conversation with Melena -- with his arms crossed!! -- he seems afraid of women.

Posted by Bri Guy on 11-06-03 at 11:39 PM
Tareq gets weirder and weirder. Check these out:

Photos of Tareq in a Baruch College play at:


In addition to his super-strange and conceited website www.tareqkabir.com, see his OTHER WEBSITE www.fabgen.com. However, he seems to have taken most of it down for the time-being. But you can still access his guestbook for the site which he runs with his sister (this also includes a menu for the entire site) at:


Posted by milkchocolateladybug on 11-07-03 at 03:56 AM

"PhD Spring 2003 (after the show was shot)"
Posted by yaceface on 11-09-03 at 03:18 AM
Actually, Tareq is a PhD. I worked on the play with him (Angela) and he got his degree this spring. If I remember correctly that was after he came back from the show. He's 22 now I think as well.

NBC wouldn't have put his degree there unless they knew it (yes, their a$$holes but they also have a legal department)

"RE: PhD Spring 2003 (after the show was shot)"
Posted by Chrissy gal on 11-09-03 at 08:54 PM
LAST EDITED ON 11-09-03 AT 08:56 PM (EST)

Welcome yaceface! We love having people join us who actually know the Reality TV show participants. Thank you for clearing up our confusion about the PhD.

Just so you know - we LOVE to bash reality show contestants, but most of us don't take it too seriously. We know that what we see on TV is not the "real" person, but rather the person the producers want us to see. So if you see us bashing Tareq, remember it is "Tareq the participant in Average Joe" we are bashing and not the person you know.

So, now I have a couple of questions - What kind of PhD does Tareq have? And, is he an aspiring actor?

Chrissy gal

"Never underestimate the potential psychosis of a reality show contestant." managerr

"RE: PhD Spring 2003 (after the show was shot)"
Posted by yaceface on 11-10-03 at 09:59 AM
Okay, thanks for the warning about how you talk about these guys.

Tareq did his phd in computers and artificial intelligence - it's things that none of us non-computer people could understand.

When I went to school with him, he was a double major in Computers and in Theater so that's why he was in all the shows. I am pretty sure that he only studied computers at grad school though.

Its hard to tell with him what he wants to do because he was studying two complete opposite things. Everyone who knows him would tell you that he could do either or both.

"RE: PhD Spring 2003 (after the show was shot)"
Posted by JustMe2001M on 11-10-03 at 12:05 PM
Thank you....now I think I understand Tareq a little bit better. It's "artificial" intelligence he's been exhibiting.....that's what was confusing me.

"RE: PhD Spring 2003 (after the show was shot)"
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 11-11-03 at 11:52 AM
LAST EDITED ON 11-11-03 AT 11:52 AM (EST)


"RE: PhD Spring 2003 (after the show was shot)"
Posted by Chrissy gal on 11-11-03 at 06:08 PM
Thank you yaceface.

Strange field of study! He seems like an interesting guy, but too deep for Malena.

Chrissy gal

"Never underestimate the potential psychosis of a reality show contestant." managerr

"RE: Tariq DOES NOT HAVE a Ph.D."
Posted by Guppin1234 on 11-07-03 at 00:25 AM
How do you know he's not a professor?

As far as how he comes across, I think it's cultural differences in courting and upbringing.

"I would drink
the bath water." - Tareq

"RE: Tariq DOES NOT HAVE a Ph.D."
Posted by milkchocolateladybug on 11-07-03 at 03:51 AM
Yes, it could be the cultural difference but if that's the case my friends and I should high tail it to India! LOL I just can't wait to see what happens PHD or no PHD I'm watching him!

"RE: Tariq DOES NOT HAVE a Ph.D."
Posted by Bri Guy on 11-07-03 at 12:44 PM
"How do you know he's not a professor?"

How???? Because he DOES NOT HAVE a Ph.D.

He could be an "instuctor" or a "lecturer" ... but not a "professor."

"RE: Tariq DOES NOT HAVE a Ph.D."
Posted by milkchocolateladybug on 11-07-03 at 04:01 AM
I get a weird sort of vibe from him that makes me attracted to him. the way he dresses, he seems to think things out maybe he wrote down "100 cool things to say while on tv" but he is fooling me for the moment. There is conceit there but we have to see if it is warranted. HOw do YOU know so much?

"RE: Tariq DOES NOT HAVE a Ph.D."
Posted by mel2222 on 11-11-03 at 10:20 AM

"RE: average joe wally n tareq"
Posted by milkchocolateladybug on 11-07-03 at 03:49 AM
LAST EDITED ON 11-07-03 AT 03:52 AM (EST)

I don't know about the whole PHD thing, but the whole fact that he wasn't foaming at the mouth at the sight of this girl intrigued me and why is she so typical all american white bread beautiful? There's at least 7 girls at my job that can be her sister can we see some damn brunettes on tv? Not to mention my latino, asian and soul sistas?(excuse the tangent)! I think his monotone voice makes him a lil smooth. I think he may be the snake in the grass that woos her. Is he really short?.... Why did you have to ruin my fantasy?

"Average Jane en Espanol"
Posted by Guppin1234 on 11-07-03 at 00:20 AM
I'd like to see that spanish show, but they only speak en espanol, si? When is it on? That's going to be interesting, and a very good idea on the creator's part. Finding someone to accept your child with an open heart is extremely difficult and a very fragile situation. I hope they don't exploit the little girl.

"RE: Average Jane en Espanol"
Posted by milkchocolateladybug on 11-07-03 at 03:39 AM
I don't speak much spanish ( the spot was in English go figure) but I heard about it on a radio show ...power 106 I believe that has a large hispanic listening crowd. I will get back to you on that one... I'll talk to my co-workers they know everything!

"RE: Average Jane en Espanol"
Posted by escapedude on 11-07-03 at 04:30 PM
<<<<<<<<<I hope that Tareq stays single cause he will have women who would die for that extioc hunk! Lastly the twist prob. is >>>>>>>>>>>

you are kidding right..?

"RE: average joe wally n tareq"
Posted by JustMe2001M on 11-09-03 at 04:50 PM
I keep wanting to call Tareq Kip......wonder what's up with that?

"Tareq Kip!"
Posted by Guppin1234 on 11-15-03 at 07:44 PM

Who stirred this?
I pop your curry right now! - TareqKip

That's a funny observation.... you never know!

"RE: average joe wally n tareq"
Posted by WizardMary on 11-09-03 at 11:10 PM
>>had a cutie in it
>Tareq, The man is classy.
>I decided that when and
>if he gets the cut
>I'm out! ... I hope
>that Tareq stays single cause
>he will have women who
>would die for that extioc

I think Tareq looks a bit much like Michael Jackson!