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"Can you identify the Actors they planted?"

Posted by KirschRooney on 11-04-03 at 04:34 PM
LAST EDITED ON 11-04-03 AT 04:35 PM (EST)

Sorry, these guys aren't all "average Joe's." Some of them are actors planted to add some drama.

Can you identify which one's? Post your answers below!

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"RE: Can you identify the Actors they planted?"
Posted by Wacko Jacko on 11-04-03 at 04:42 PM
It is obvious to me Zach is an actor. he aint all that dorky. The show is supposed to be about nerds and he doesn't fit that category. He is a bully.

Zach is my guess.

"RE: Can you identify the Actors they planted?"
Posted by Angelfood on 11-04-03 at 04:52 PM
I say John
maybe Adam
maybe jerry
maybe Marc

And that Mike guy - definitely!

Evil Queen in Disguise

"RE: Can you identify the Actors they planted?"
Posted by KirschRooney on 11-04-03 at 05:20 PM
Marc is a plant. Obviously.

Zach is an actor. His job is to be the mean bully. The test is to see whether she will take him, the one decent looking, normally built guy, in spite of the fact that he's a complete jerk.

Tareq is an actor. He supposedly teaches in Nigeria. You believe that? He is the bizarre, intelligent freakshow guy.

Dennis L is an actor also. His job is also to push the level of dork-dom as far as possible.

Joe: I'm undecided, but I think he's proabably planted too. In fact, the only reason I hesitate to believe it is because that would make five plants, which is a lot. My money says he's an actor too, the guy who will make comments about her body, look at her butt, etc.

If these guys weren't actors, do you think Zach would have smashed an egg over Marc's head? Usually there is a standing rule that if you attack anyone, you are automatically off the show.


"RE: Can you identify the Actors they planted?"
Posted by hunterjax on 11-04-03 at 05:38 PM
I know for a fact that Marc is not an actor.

I hope that Dennis L is the genuine article. I think his extreme nerdiness is novel in this day and age. I wouldn't want to date him but I'd like the opportunity to watch him work those hula hoops some more.

Melana is by far going to have to do the best acting. Since she's already been on the reality show circuit she should be pretty good at acting by now.

"RE: Can you identify the Actors they planted?"
Posted by NedSchneebly on 11-04-03 at 08:44 PM
Sorry to disappoint, but ZACH and ADAM are NOT plants. Whether or not they're putting on a show for the cameras as most contestants on reality shows do is another story, but they are NOT actors.

"RE: Can you identify the Actors they planted?"
Posted by KirschRooney on 11-04-03 at 11:33 PM
First off, how about this: Some of these guys were paid to cooperate with the producers, to follow some sort of scripting or otherwise control, alter, or direct the outcome of the show?

Whether or not they have actually gone out and auditioned to be in a Shampoo commercial is besides the point.

The point is that some of these guys are not genuine contestants at all. There are clues all over the freaking place.

And while it's true that all contestants are paid to be on these shows, it's not necessary, or normal, to post that disclaimer at the end of the show.

I'll leave it all to speculation until another show or two airs and then I'll come back. But I find the whole thing tranparently manipulated, yet still funny. In fact, the manipulation makes it more palatable.

Watch and see: someone will be humiliated, but the one humiliated will turn out to be on the dole.

"RE: Can you identify the Actors they planted?"
Posted by sinisterpaloma on 11-14-03 at 03:33 AM
from the 20 minutes I spoke to Marc on the phone, he spoke about Zach as though he didnt expect anything bad to happen and such...Marc was not a plant I don't believe, but I don't think he was there for a girl...he told me when he signed up for A.J., he was with someone (but isn't now)

"RE: Can you identify the Actors they planted?"
Posted by KScott on 11-04-03 at 05:12 PM
Welcome to the Boards, glad to see new peeps getting involved. Why are you saying that there are actors planted? Have you heard something or know something that we do not? Don't keep us in the dark here.


"RE: Can you identify the Actors they planted?"
Posted by Kelliebelly on 11-04-03 at 09:30 PM
If you watch the closing credits you will see a disclaimer at the end that says some of the guys are paid actors. It's that clear.
But it doesn't say which ones.

Posted by Angelfood on 11-04-03 at 09:42 PM
No, I think it just claims that participants were paid for their appearance (I read it too). And I believe that means ALL of them were reimbursed financially, just like they give all of the Survivor contestants money based on how long they were there. They probably have to so the contestants can't come back and try to sue for unpaid work hours or some such.

But we could wish they are actors, huh?

Evil Queen in Disguise

Posted by AyaK on 11-11-03 at 06:15 PM
Angelfood, you're correct about the language -- see Webby's vidcap thread (vidcap #59).

We know that Melana was paid, although we don't know how much. I'd be quite surprised if anyone else was paid, except for maybe some minimal amount -- although there could be a "reward" for the "winner."

"RE: Can you identify the Actors they planted?"
Posted by Tiger Lily on 11-04-03 at 05:28 PM
Can you post a source? I'd love to know why you're saying that.

Sentence first. Verdict afterwards.

"Here's One"
Posted by Whatname on 11-04-03 at 10:01 PM
Dennis Luciani

"RE: Here's One"
Posted by Gustavgirl on 11-05-03 at 09:51 AM
Well, well, well, isn't that interesting? Yup, Dennis has GOT to be an actor hired for this. And it is making me wonder. I know that John has worked as an actor and all I heard from him when I worked with him was that he was going to be on a reality show. Now I'm not sure if he was planted or not.... I really think that Tareq must be planted. His lines just don't seem like anything anyone would actually say.

"RE: Here's One"
Posted by JustMe2001M on 11-09-03 at 05:03 PM
I know for a fact that Tareq is a model. I've seen replicas of him hanging from car rear view mirrors.

"RE: Here's One"
Posted by Spokie on 11-11-03 at 02:12 AM
A model? He's definitely not got the body for that.

"RE: Here's One"
Posted by weltek on 11-05-03 at 11:35 AM
Just because they are actors doesn't mean it has anything to do with the plot. Look at the Survivor contestants who are aspiring Hollywood wannabees. Of course they are out for any exposue they can get. Dennis is still an accountant, they probably just thought his acting skills would make him good in front of the camera, much like Jerry Manthey in Survivor.

"RE: Here's One"
Posted by Whatname on 11-05-03 at 12:25 PM
LAST EDITED ON 11-05-03 AT 12:29 PM (EST)

I think that when you take the fine print disclaimers thta ran at the end of the show:

Some participants were paid in connection with their appearance.


Participants may have consulted with producers regarding their choices and decisions.

And then combine these with the fact that at least one of these guys has an actor's resume and web site, I think this is a clear indication that at least some of these people are playing a part on the show.

Also I think that probably the producers are limiting the field of guys that she can kick off each round.

Based on these disclaimers it does not seem that this is a "true" reality show, but is at least partially scripted.

"RE: Here's One"
Posted by Tiger Lily on 11-05-03 at 12:33 PM
They say those same kinds of things after lots of reality shows. Many dating shows say they have the producers consulting the contestants about their decisions, and like weltek said, they reimburse survivors for their time on the show. IMHO, these are too general to be definitive.

I'm not saying you're wrong or anything, I'm just not totally convinced yet. Remember most of these guys come from LA and New York, the lands of the aspiring actors.

And the Joe Schmo conspiracy theory paranoia runs rampant. Stone Stanley has really created a monster.

"RE: Here's One"
Posted by Whatname on 11-05-03 at 02:52 PM
LAST EDITED ON 11-10-03 AT 08:08 AM (EST)

>They say those same kinds of
>things after lots of reality
>shows. Many dating shows
>say they have the producers
>consulting the contestants about their
>decisions, and like weltek said,
>they reimburse survivors for their
>time on the show.
>IMHO, these are too general
>to be definitive.

I see your point. And though I'm not too familiar with other dating show policies, I don't think that the reference to compensation on shows like Survivor is all that relevant to this particular show.

Survivor is very up front about the fact that their show is a contest, and they state in the rules on their website that the contestents receive cash consolation prizes starting at $2500.

I think Average Joe is something different. NBC is clearly marketing this as an actual reality show, an "unscripted relationship drama" (quote from their website). The ads, the website, and the show (right up until that quick disclaimer at the end) all indicate that the only thing these guys are playing for is to "win her heart", which itself is pretty vague.

Along those lines, I don't see where the Paid Participants come in.

Who knows, maybe it's all part of the big "twist" they were advertising?

Posted by Wacko Jacko on 11-05-03 at 03:29 PM
It is obvisious from his website that the "Dennis L" on Average Joe and the real Dennis L are two totally different people.

On his webstie Dennis describes himself as a character actor and on his website one of those characters pictured is a nerd.

I wouldn't jump to conclusions yet that this is a scripted reality show. Maybe the twist will be revealed later that Dennis is an actor. I seem to recall Marc saying that he hopes she picks Dennis because he seems the most real - foreshadowing??????

"RE: Dennis"
Posted by sinisterpaloma on 11-14-03 at 03:41 AM
I watched a mini clip with some of the Dennis from the sites acting and Dennis' hair and lisp was the same....he had the same voice,etc...its a 99% chance that its the same dennis

"RE: Here's One"
Posted by Wacko Jacko on 11-05-03 at 11:40 AM
What a disappointment. Makes me not want to watch the show.

It's all a scam. He's not even a nerd or even being himself.

"I don't know..."
Posted by weltek on 11-05-03 at 11:31 AM
Maybe some are actors, but maybe they do it in their spare time. Here is an excerpt from the interview with John:
Badger Herald: How did you originally hear about the show?

John Baumgartner: A website had a posting in its entertainment career section that NBC was casting for a new reality series. In the posting they said they were looking for guys who love travel and romance to be "The Life of the Party." That was actually the working title of the series -- or at least that was what they told us. They requested a headshot and then said "no actors or models please." Well, I was a little flip with them and I sent in a picture of me from my web-cam with a note that "real people don't have headshots, I hope this shot from my web-cam will suffice." I never really thought it would pan out, but they called me the very same day to set up an interview.

First, I wonder why he was looking through entertainment careers...fishy. Second, but then why does it say "no actors or models"? Is he lying?

"RE: I don't know..."
Posted by buffguy on 11-05-03 at 01:42 PM
LAST EDITED ON 11-07-03 AT 10:49 PM (EST)

I don't know if this is how it's done on other reality programs, I know that the Survivors each got some compensation for their time, but I was VERY surprised to find that the Joe's were paid anything.

"RE: I don't know..."
Posted by buffguy on 11-05-03 at 01:51 PM
LAST EDITED ON 11-07-03 AT 10:46 PM (EST)

>First, I wonder why he was
>looking through entertainment careers...fishy.
>Second, but then why does
>it say "no actors or
>models"? Is he lying?

As a John friend, I can tell you that John is not an actor.

"My Analysis"
Posted by Angelfood on 11-05-03 at 05:43 PM
I believe that Dennis L is definitely an Actor, albeit not a professional one yet, (the producers can't have actors who would be recognized by viewers). but I watched his videos of different scenes and he has more breadth than a real nerd who has done 1 or 2 things, he just has some nerd tendencies and knows how to play them up (I say this as an amateur actress myself). But he has gone overboard with a couple of things (clues if you will). I know "the genuine article" and he is close. YES, a real one does exist.

I think KirshRooney is hitting closest to the mark. I don't think its quite scripted with all actors, but there are a few who are cooperating with producers. Maybe they are slightly nerdy and play it up alot, just in order to get on the show and get the exposure. "Gee, John, we like you as a life of the party, but we really need someone a bit nerdier." "I can be nerdy!" "OK then". I don't know how I feel about this - but it sure is a Hoot!

Evil Queen in Disguise

"Clues that they are going overboard"
Posted by Angelfood on 11-05-03 at 05:50 PM
Let's examine some clues.
Dennis L -
1. an accountant? kinda stereotypical I thought at the time. Should've chosen the new ones - professor, computer tech, etc. (unless he really is an accountant, as said above).
2. Hula Hoops - no nerd would actually bring them. nerds are aware that others don't share their odd hobbies.
3. Too naive - he's bonded with every single one of them? Puleeze. Playing the nice guy a little too much.
Marc -
4. Egg Incident - surprised he didn't go to Producers
5. Tap Shoes - he just happened to have them with him?
6. Broccoli - we all saw how awkward THAT was. If he was as unhappy about their private meeting as he Says he was, then I would expect him to be a little more shy or reserved about the whole thing.
7. bios - how is it that so many can claim that their worst trait is speaking before thinking? Odd.

Please feel free to add more or dispute. Lets figure this out.

Evil Queen in Disguise

"a possible one"
Posted by Tiger Lily on 11-05-03 at 06:03 PM
Maybe Zach- the fact that he is so different from the rest of them, and seems to think he's too good to be an average joe.
Someone mentioned earlier that Zach might be there to test her, and see if she'll eliminate the "jerk" and keep the more goofy looking guys. I don't know if I believe that's what they did, but it's a good idea. If I were producing this show, I'd plant a guy like Zach just for that purpose.

Zach reminds me of someone, and I can't think who... it's pissing me off.

"RE: My Analysis"
Posted by Tiger Lily on 11-05-03 at 05:56 PM
I like your analysis, Angelfood. It's easier for me to believe a few of them are amateur actors willing to cooperate with producers and play it up for their chance at their 15 min. than it is for swallow the idea that they are all plants, and that the whole thing is a sham, a la Joe Schmo.

It'd be interesting to know if any of the other guys have a website or anything about a quasi acting career like Dennis does.

Sentence first. Verdict afterwards.

"RE: Can you identify the Actors they planted?"
Posted by Mikiala on 11-06-03 at 09:13 AM
It is quite possible that the paid participants could refer to lets say the limo drivers, waiters, other on camera people that are not actually "playing" the game.


"Dennis is a plant"
Posted by Wacko Jacko on 11-06-03 at 09:38 AM
LAST EDITED ON 11-06-03 AT 10:54 AM (EST)

Have you looked at the website? He says he is a character actor and one of the characters shown on his website is a nerd. Also shows a GQ guy. Now if you had your choice in real life would you try to be the nerd or the GQ guy?

Also there were clues like:
1) Marc saying "I hope she picks Dennis. He is so real."
2) Dennis saying he tried out for Survivor two times and didn't get selected because he was a nerd. Jab at Survivor - CBS show.
3) Next weeks episode previews show Dennis saying the girl has a nice ass. Kinda out of character for the nice guy nerd he is supposed to be.
4) Also if his website indicates that he is an actor why doesn't the Average joe website indicate this? On Survivor for example the contestants are blatant about their acting ambitions.

He is obvisiously not a nerd in real life.

"RE: Can you identify the Actors they planted?"
Posted by NedSchneebly on 11-06-03 at 01:41 PM
LAST EDITED ON 11-06-03 AT 01:42 PM (EST)

I think everyone has pointed out enought clues that Dennis is an actor. Again, I know for a fact that Zach and Adam are NOT. Are the rest? I don't know.

What I do know, however, is that this show is an example of how far reality tv has gone. From day one, whether it be THE REAL WORLD, SURVIVOR, etc., these tv shows have been just that...shows. Their purpose is to entertain millions and millions of viewers. That means that the producers, writers, etc. jobs are to create the best stories. They will stop at nothing to do this. Play with editing, reshoot scenes, push the "contestants" to say something they don't mean, etc.

So, if AVERAGE JOE uses actors and it's all scripted...guess what? It is no different from any other reality show out there. AVERAGE JOE is simply taking advantage of the fact that the masses will believe whatever the media tells them.

"RE: Can you identify the Actors they planted?"
Posted by JustMe2001M on 11-09-03 at 05:10 PM
The real clue will be how quickly Dennis' website comes down.

"RE: Can you identify the Actors they planted?"
Posted by emmie on 11-11-03 at 01:05 AM
I know one of the guys as well in real life. As far as I know there were not any "actors" as in paid with a script in hand.

I do know that the guy I know was picked because of his loud and fun self and they came up to him in a bar. I wont say which guy I know..lol....But I will say that the person I saw on the tv was not the same person I know. He is alot of fun, and can be some of what was seen...but for the most part he is a really sweet and nice guy.

All men have their brains in the gutter...I think some things were played up for the camera and im sure it was encouraged by the producers.

Oh..btw..Hi..Im new here!!!


"RE: Can you identify the Actors they planted?"
Posted by NedSchneebly on 11-11-03 at 01:11 PM

If you're referring to Zach, then you didn't meet the real Zach. Sorry to burst your bubble ;)

"RE: Can you identify the Actors they planted?"
Posted by emmie on 11-11-03 at 06:19 PM
Quote "Emmie,

If you're referring to Zach, then you didn't meet the real Zach. Sorry to burst your bubble ;) "

Sorry, Zach is not the person that I know. The person I do know is not an actor though. But I do know he was encouraged to play up his "Bad Boy" "Outrageous" attitude on camera.


"tareq is an actor"
Posted by lizzy on 11-11-03 at 04:01 AM
I found out that Tareq is an actor.....he has a website that details lots of acting experience. I was hoping he wasn't an actor.


"RE: tareq is an actor"
Posted by Tiger Lily on 11-11-03 at 05:02 AM
Welcome, lizzy! Glad to have you, and we hope you stick around.

Yaceface, who apparently knows Tareq, has already pointed out in this thread that Tareq studied theater in college. That doesn't necessarily mean he's a planted, paid actor, though. Many (if not all) of these guys come from LA and New York, so it's not surprising that some of them are aspiring actors (see the Dennis discussion above for more viewpoints on this subject).

Good find, though. It's interesting to see what some of the people on these shows do with their 15 minutes of fame.

Sentence first. Verdict afterwards.

"RE: tareq is an actor"
Posted by strum4life on 11-11-03 at 05:19 AM
Tiger Lily, are you autistic or just retarded? How can you say Tareq is NOT a planted, paid actor after viewing his ACTING site? Get a clue. Do you also believe he's working on his PHD and has visited over 60 countries?

"RE: tareq is an actor"
Posted by Ahtumbreez on 11-11-03 at 08:02 AM
strum4life - just in case you missed the fine print above here's an excerpt *but intolerance for other viewpoints is NOT welcome and respect for other posters IS required at all times. Jump in and play, and you'll soon find out how easy it is to fit in*.

We don't personally attack each other on this board. So play nice and have fun. Thank you.


a beautiful kyngsladye original

"RE: tareq is an actor"
Posted by Tiger Lily on 11-11-03 at 09:57 AM
Nope, I'm not either. I also don't use words like "retarded" in reference to human beings. And you do know that autism is an actual medical condition that real people suffer from, right?

I'm not claiming that Tareq is not an actor, as I clearly stated above. Please re-read my post. I just don't choose to believe that he is a plant. I'm not the only one on the site that thinks this.

Actually, I do believe that Tareq has a Ph.D. This is not so far-fetched. I had a very good childhood friend who was homeschooled along with all of her brothers and sisters, and every one of them graduated from Ivy League universities before their peers were finished with high school.

I could choose to be angry at your post, but I prefer not to let things like that influence me. Instead I will just wish you a long, happy, healthy life, and move on.

Sentence first. Verdict afterwards.

"RE: tareq is an actor"
Posted by Bri Guy on 11-11-03 at 01:57 PM
>Actually, I do believe that Tareq
>has a Ph.D. This
>is not so far-fetched.
>I had a very good
>childhood friend who was homeschooled
>along with all of her
>brothers and sisters, and every
>one of them graduated from
>Ivy League universities before their
>peers were finished with high

Your friends may very well have graduated from college by 18, but I seriously doubt that they could earn Ph.D.s by then or by age 21.

I still don't believe Tareq has his Ph.D. at 21 or 22, or however old he really is (AGAIN, Tareq admitted to Melena that he doesn't have one). I know that yaceface (in another thread) claims that she knows Tareq and he was awarded his degree. If that is the case, from what school did he receive it, and where did he receive his Master's degree(s)???

Posted by Godd3ss on 11-11-03 at 05:50 PM
You dont have to get your master's first to get a PhD. You can get into a program which combines both - my brother did one at Stanford. Also realize that he is from India and having a PhD at 22 is not that unusual. Plus, he might have been a PhD candidate at the time that the show was taped and was awarded it a few months later, which would mean that when the show was edited, he would be a PhD. As soon as you finish your dissertation and it is approved, you are awarded your PhD.

"RE: PhD"
Posted by grammarisgood on 11-11-03 at 07:00 PM
Godd3ss & Tiger Lily are right - just for the record. As I was struggling to get through a tough finance class, the guy breezing through with perfect scores sitting next to me was taking it as a lark - something he was interested in for fun - while he finished his dissertation in Statistics. His dissertation was finished and his PhD awarded before he turned 22. Plus, being a PhD candidate conceivably gives you a lot of free time - especially if you're not horribly behind working on your dissertation - perfect for being on a reality TV show or pursuing an acting career.

"RE: tareq is an actor"
Posted by Guppin1234 on 11-14-03 at 11:25 PM
LAST EDITED ON 11-14-03 AT 11:27 PM (EST)

"I also don't use words like "retarded" in reference to human beings."

I would. I can describe the *social workers I have had to deal with as retarded, and they don't even carry the official diagnosis.

"Actually, I do believe that Tareq has a Ph.D."

I do to. It's something about his culture. They are almost always extremely smart, disciplined, articulate, deep, reserved in a classy way, so they must be doing something right. Can you imagine graduating from college as the rest of us are barely finishing high school? You'd grow up so fast. May make some of us (me) feel grossly inadequate standing next to something like that.

Gump! Best movie ever!

*Disclaimer: I can only speak from personal experience and in no way reflects on the social workers that could possibly be posting in this forum.

"RE: tareq is an actor"
Posted by Sophie on 11-11-03 at 02:37 PM
Bashing of other posters is not tolerated here. Act like an adult or post somewhere else.

Posted by Bebo on 11-11-03 at 03:22 PM
LAST EDITED ON 11-11-03 AT 03:29 PM (EST)

Strum, consider this your official warning.

We have guidelines on these forums, which you need to read. Between your bashing of other posters and insistance on starting duplicate threads, every one of your posts so far have been in violation of these guidelines. Please apologize for your derogatory comments.

We encourage new posters, but only if they are willing to abide by the Guidelines.

And for the other posters on this forum...please hit the Alert button when you see posts in violation of the guidelines and leave it to the moderators to handle theses situations. Thanks.

We really do have guidelines here. Believe it or not, the Guidelines make things more fun. Really.

"Word finding ability...."
Posted by Guppin1234 on 11-14-03 at 11:06 PM
General discussion:

Autistic opinion: Known for being reserved and conveys direct and concise viewpoints. A good way to be.

Retarded opinion: Known for holding back until all the facts are in before judging the situation too soon. A good way to be.

Many great people are felt to be autistic or have autistic tendencies: Bill Gates and Albert Einstein among others.

All my son has to say is 'bad man', and I know exactly what he means.


"RE: tareq is an actor"
Posted by triednottowatch on 11-11-03 at 09:22 AM
Without being as harsh as strum4life, I do have to say that there is no way to deny the fact the Tareq is an actor. There is quite a list of film and theater credits on his bio. And he ALREADY has a PhD.

Bottom line, this guy IS an actor. Funny thing on his bio, he mentions broccoli on there as well. Contrary to his statement, I believe he IS fascinated with green vegetables. LOL

"RE: tareq is an actor"
Posted by joannie on 11-11-03 at 09:50 AM
Well, even actors need some love! Maybe they have a hard time finding dates.

I think when the nerds were "discovered" or recruited, producers told them they were going to be on a new reality show called "Life of the Party", or something like that. Bring your tap shoes! Bring your hula hoops! Play up your personality traits! Little did they expect it would be a dating show. But now that we're here, Melana is very nice! Who WOULDN'T want to date her?

"RE: tareq is an actor"
Posted by Wacko Jacko on 11-11-03 at 11:39 AM
The more I watch this show and the more I read posts on this site i realize that this is not a reality show at all. It is all a bunch of actors.

The thing that bothers me is that these guys (so far Tareq and Dennis) are actors and are obvisiously playing characters. Both say that they are character actors on their websites.

Someone on this website said they know Tareq and said he is not 21. Dennis's website shows's him playing a nerd. Dennis obvisiously looks different in real life.

I mean think about last nights episode. The character of Dennis was created to evoke emotion. Did you see the tears shed when he was eliminated? Even Zach was crying. Makes nice tv don't it?

I still can't get over the first 4 eliminations. Many of those guys were the best of the bunch. I think his name is Craig. The guy was hugely overweight. All he talks about is partying. His job is cigar rolling. Then you look at melana and she is so physically fit that you can see the muscles in her stomach. I could go many places here but people generally date/marry people that are like themselves. I feel that the producers give her lists and she can pick only guys from the lists they are given. For example she was probably give a list that included all the over weight guys - producers say pick one from this list.

I now watch this show and everything seems contrived. I have lost all the enjoyment from this show.

I will finish out this season, but season two is already filmed and forget it. I aint watching.

"RE: tareq is an actor"
Posted by FunkyCeili on 11-11-03 at 03:32 PM
Tareq may be an actor and have designs on becoming a superstar, but if you check out his website (www.tareqkabir.com) you'll see that he is also a professor and currently teaching.

Maybe everyone looks at it this way: if they don't find "true" love, they may get a tv show pilot? Or is it the other way around?

"RE: tareq is an actor"
Posted by Tiger Lily on 11-11-03 at 03:42 PM
Thank you. This is exactly what I've been trying to get across. Dennis's case is the same; on his site in addition to being a character actor, he is also listed as actually having an accounting degree.

Love the user name! Funky!

Sentence first. Verdict afterwards.

"RE: tareq is an actor"
Posted by Guppin1234 on 11-14-03 at 11:57 PM
Actually, I could see all of these guys acting in the right role for them. Some of the best actors I've seen have been the geeky ones.

In my high school, you got in trouble for being a thesbian. I didn't fit into any group, not the cheerleaders, not the stoners, not the academics, not the delinquents. Me and my best friends kind of did our own thing, and we went in and out of the typical sterotypes all on our own and partying with guys/gals much older than we.

When we see some older pictures of the hollywood hotties today, it's funny how geeky they used to be.

TV reminds us just as fast as we forget.

"RE: tareq is an actor"
Posted by truiz30 on 11-12-03 at 12:53 PM
If he is a professor then where and what is he teaching? I think that the website www.tariqkabir.com in my opinion is a fraud.

"RE: tareq is an actor"
Posted by Tiger Lily on 11-12-03 at 01:36 PM
According to the website, Baruch College, Brooklyn Collage, and Hunter College. He teaches a variety of things, including Artificial Intelligence and other computer science related classes.

Here's a link to the website:
Tareq Kabir

It seems pretty legit to me.

Sentence first. Verdict afterwards.

"Maybe they are like serial reality TV contestants..."
Posted by Guppin1234 on 11-14-03 at 11:45 PM
After Melana rejects them, we'll see them again on Extreme Make-Over, then they will revive Boot Camp, and then finally again on the next Bachelorette!

It's like Hotel California,
you can never leave!

"But he can turn a woman on just by touching her ankles..."
Posted by Guppin1234 on 11-14-03 at 11:35 PM
First Tareq said he didn't care for green food.

Then they showed the guys in the mud bath with the green facial mask...

the first thing I thought of was Veggie Tales and how these guys looked like talking bowls of guacamole.

They all looked like green food at that moment.

Eat me!

"RE: tareq is an actor"
Posted by JustMe2001M on 11-12-03 at 02:12 PM
LAST EDITED ON 11-13-03 AT 10:39 AM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 11-12-03 AT 02:22 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 11-12-03 AT 02:14 PM (EST)

This should put to rest any question as to whether or not Tareq is an actor.

"RE: Can you identify the Actors they planted? Yes. It's Dennis!"
Posted by baronessv on 11-11-03 at 01:36 PM
LAST EDITED ON 11-11-03 AT 01:41 PM (EST)

Dennis is an actor! Go to his Web site and see his credits and reel. Then decide whether or not that "nerd" routine is really an act.


"RE: Can you identify the Actors they planted?"
Posted by CatsMeow on 11-11-03 at 02:17 PM
oooh lookie all the little sleuths we have haha. Just cuz some guy is an actor, or has acted doesn't indicate he was hired by the show. c'mon, think bout it now, use some of those problem solving skills you think you all have... a lot of wannabe actors audition for these reality shows these days hoping to get a break, and a lot end up getting chosen cause they perform better at the auditions and come off as candidates that would be interesting for the viewers. hehe, it doesn't mean they are paid actors by the show so all this "it's CONFIRMED" is cow manure.

Remember kiddies, opinions aren't facts... !

"RE: Can you identify the Actors they planted?"
Posted by Sophie on 11-11-03 at 02:41 PM
Welcome to the board's CatsMeow! I agree that just because a contestant has acting experience does not mean it's confirmed that he's a paid actor for NBC. How many Survivor contestants have acting history?

"RE: Can you identify the Actors they planted?"
Posted by Wacko Jacko on 11-11-03 at 03:14 PM
LAST EDITED ON 11-11-03 AT 03:15 PM (EST)

Yes, and the difference with Average Joe and Survivor is the contestants have admitted to being actors and no one has ever accused Survivor of being fixed. The Survivor contestants use the show to further their acting careers and win the game. If they pretend to be someone else and win the Million that congrats to them they pulled the wool over everyones eyes. But acting on this show is different - you can't tell me that Dennis acting more nerdy than he really is is going to better his chances with the football cheerleader. Actually if he acted more 'normal' he'd stand a better chance. If for example Dennis potrayed the GQ guy rather than the nerd.

Look at Dennis's website. He has three photo's. One is of a nerd. One is of a regular guy and one is of a GQ guy. Dennis mentions he is a character actor. Do those that doubt there is acting going on on the show really think the real Dennis is the nerd and not the other two guys. Why would Dennis if given the chance not to be a nerd be a nerd in real life?

The fact that he is an actor, the warning on the screen after the show, Tareq being an actor, the suspicious first eliminations, etc. The whole show has a phoniness to it. Like it is contrived. That really bothers me. It is masqueraded as a reality show when the people on the show are not even being themselves they are pretending to be other people - NOT TO GET THE GIRL. It's a contradiction.

"RE: Can you identify the Actors they planted?"
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 11-11-03 at 03:42 PM
>no one has ever accused Survivor of being

Stacey Stillman (S1) and Bitchell Olson (S2) might have something to say about that.

Heidi: My biggest assets to the tribe are my athletic skills and my intelligence. I've lost one of them.
Jiffy: Which one?

"If they are actors, why would they use their real names?"
Posted by Migraine on 11-11-03 at 05:01 PM
The network must have decided to let them use real names that could be easily researched on the web for a reason... If the network wants them to play a role secretly, why not disguise their names?

I think actors are the type of people to audition for these shows, and the network likes them because they are entertaining on camera...and the network turns a blind eye if they are playing a role on the show instead of really competing for the prize maybe.

One thing I never understand, by the way, is the logic of one person choosing between many, and all of them having preemptively chosen that person without knowing her/him at all!

"RE: Can you identify the Actors they planted?"
Posted by Wacko Jacko on 11-12-03 at 11:21 AM
I thought of Stacey Stillman as I was writing that but I have my doubts on that one.

As for Mitchell Olsen - explain. I have no idea what you are talking about. He bsaically quit the season he was on. he tied Keith and when asked "Mitchell why should you tribe keep you over Keith?" Mitchell said that they shouldn't Keith is stronger and provides more than he does. How is that a fix?

"RE: Can you identify the Actors they planted?"
Posted by Guppin1234 on 11-15-03 at 00:09 AM
Reminds me of the typical bar scene where most people lie about who they really are and/or do for a living.

The boys all look
prettier at closing time!

"RE: Can you identify the Actors they planted?"
Posted by jimboalso on 11-11-03 at 05:54 PM
Uh...NO! They're not actors. They're nerds. Zack is a less than nerdy nerd, but a real person.

"RE: Can you identify the Actors they planted?"
Posted by JustMe2001M on 11-11-03 at 06:25 PM
Zach is definitely less than a nerd.....but I'm not so sure about him being a real person.

"My take on the Actor scandal"
Posted by ladro on 11-11-03 at 06:57 PM
For what it is worth, I don't think there is an actor scandal. I have seen the websites. The fact that a few of the contestants have acting resumes doesn't surprise me in the slightest. This must have been a hard show to cast, most nerd types are introverted, finding someone like Dennis L. must have been like finding a gold mine for the casting agents, in fact I would not be surprised if they contacted him based upon his website. He may have been exaggerating in hopes of getting a future acting job, but I don't believe that there was colusion between Dennis L (or other actors) and the producers. There seems little to gained from such colusion, and much to be lost. Alcohol and editing add the best drama and intrigue. I read that there is a 2nd Average Joe already filmed, exposure of plants would completely destroy the marketability of both shows. This discussion reminds me of all the people that *knew* matt kennedy gould (Joe Schmoe) was really an actor.

"RE: Can you identify the Actors they planted?"
Posted by LolaLolaLola on 11-11-03 at 07:29 PM
Hi! First time posting here...

Someone started another thread about this, but I thought it was better to reply here.

David Lopez has been reported on the other thread to have been on Ghostwriter and the Cosby Show. I'm not positive about this but I think there may be two David Lopez's and the one from the show isnt the same guy...at least he looks different to me...

Check this out ---> http://www.geocities.com/hollywood/heights/1973/

"RE: Can you identify the Actors they planted?"
Posted by Tiger Lily on 11-11-03 at 10:27 PM
*fake gasp* OMH, you mean there's actually two people on the planet named David Lopez? It's such an uncommon name!

LOL. I would say based on that picture, that it's... definitely a different person.

Thanks for posting that, Lola! Glad to have you here.

Sentence first. Verdict afterwards.

"Revised Disclaimers"
Posted by Whatname on 11-11-03 at 10:08 PM
At the end of the second episode, the show again flashed up the disclaimers, but the language was revised from the first episode. They were as follows:

Original: Some participants were paid in connection with their appearance.

Revised: Melana Scantlin was reimbursed for certain living expenses during her participation in the show.


Original: Participants may have consulted with producers regarding their choices and decisions.

Revised: Participants may have consulted with producers regarding their choices and decisions, however all decisions are made solely by the participants.

These revisions would appear to take steam out of my argument that these guys being paid to play a part and that the producers are dictating some of the decisions.

"RE: Can you identify the Actors they planted?"
Posted by silent_miketv on 11-11-03 at 10:27 PM
Sorry to disappoint those who were looking for a nerd-hero, especially in that great guy "Dennis", but go search for his name, Dennis Luciani, or better yet, http://killerreel.com/dennis_luciani/dennis_luciani.html

Man was I disappointed. But he was honest...read his skills, it says he specializes in hula hooping and character acting as an accountant.

Nothing on Zac.

Have fun, walk in His word, live in prayer, see you thhere.

"RE: Can you identify the Actors they planted?"
Posted by jimboalso on 11-12-03 at 09:51 AM
I do walk in His word, and my life and soul are better for it!

Thanks for the Word.


"RE: Can you identify the Actors they planted?"
Posted by kittentoes on 11-12-03 at 00:19 AM
You are absolutely right about Dennis. He duped the viewers to be sure. However, Tareq was 100% honest about being an actor. In episode one, he clearly stated that he would be the only contestant who would both win an Oscar and be Prime Minister of a country.

"this is horrible!"
Posted by guiltypleasure03 on 11-12-03 at 03:07 AM
I can't believe all this stuff I'm hearing about these men not actually being who they seem to be on the show. I'm especially upset about Dennis. He sure did a great job pretending to be one of the nicest, most genuine guys on the planet. I can't believe he was a plant.... and I thought that there really were nice guys like that that existed, whether they're nerds or not.

"RE: this is horrible!"
Posted by southofboston on 11-12-03 at 07:44 AM
In regards to Dennis L, I know him personally and have to say what you saw is exactly Dennis! He did leave MA to pursue a acting career, but is working as an accountant to make ends meet. I have spoken with him many times and can assure you all that the Dennis you saw on TV is the real Dennis.

"In defense of Dennis L!!!!"
Posted by SharronFromCleveland on 11-12-03 at 12:40 PM
I am a local Cleveland community theatre actress, and I know TONS of actors like Dennis in Cleveland... After all, anyone who was involved in drama in high school is usually not the non-nerd type.

9 out of 10 of the straight guys who acts and are in their 30s are Dennis types.

He seems like a really sweet guy. Don't be horrified.

I would date him in a second. He could balance my checkbook any night he wanted to! I am sure there are many many women that feel the same way!

His "full" e-mail box is proof of that.

"RE: In defense of Dennis L!!!!"
Posted by Tiger Lily on 11-12-03 at 01:42 PM
My high school was like that. Drama kids were pretty much all nerdy type kids. That doesn't mean that they couldn't play a "cool" part though. There are some that were really good at acting suave or what have you, but when it came back to real life, they were who they were.

Knew a guy in high school who reminded me of what Christopher Walken must have been like as a teenager. Completely weird, but an awesome guy.

"RE: this is horrible!"
Posted by jimboalso on 11-12-03 at 02:21 PM
Is he really a wirgin, waiting on that perfect girl?

"RE: this is horrible!"
Posted by Wacko Jacko on 11-13-03 at 10:25 AM
See what I mean another reason to not believe that the Dennis played on tv is the real Dennis. There is so much to what he says or does that is to work the emotion and gather sympathy for his character.
1) Dennis says he is a virgin and waiting for the right girl. For one why would he say that on national tv? Why would he tell Melana that? It does not make him more appealing to her.
2) Dennis climbing the rock. He climbed it in a way to gather sympathy. Every guy climbed the rock not just him.
3) Dennis sayig he was too nerdy to be on Survivor. Applied twice.
4) Marc saying Dennis is a real guy and that he hopes she picks him.
5) Dennis got along with everyone on the set. And had even Zach crying when he got eliminated.
6) Dennis's website saying he is a character actor. And one of the characters he played was a nerd not to mention a 'GQ guy'. So get this right Dennis could be GQ but chooses instead to be a nerd? Why was it not revealed that Dennis wants to get acting roles?

There is so much and if I taped each episode and went back and played them it is easy to see that Dennis is playing a character. One added to add a likable character and gather emotion from the viewers.

"RE: this is horrible!"
Posted by sinisterpaloma on 11-15-03 at 00:29 AM
Dennis is not an actor, I spoke to Marc personally and he said there were no actors planted for more viewers; Dennis is like that on AND off television

"RE: this is horrible!"
Posted by jimboalso on 11-12-03 at 02:23 PM
Is he really a wirgin waiting on that right girl?

"RE: Can you identify the Actors they planted?"
Posted by Guppin1234 on 11-14-03 at 10:49 PM

Melana is probably
the actor!

"Dennis' story"
Posted by SurvivorBlows on 11-17-03 at 06:36 PM
Can we finally drop the "he's a paid actor" schtick?


"I *heart* Webby."
Posted by Tiger Lily on 11-17-03 at 07:21 PM
Interesting article.

Sentence first. Verdict afterwards.

"RE: Dennis' story"
Posted by Chrissy gal on 11-17-03 at 10:40 PM
I don't get it SB. How can the article say:

NBC is looking for people who think they're the life of the party.

You answer the ad. They telephone and invite you to an interview. Being the life of the party, you promise to bring your hula hoop, and while you gyrate, they ask you about your career.

You are hired, although you're not sure of the role.

And then finish with:

You received no money from NBC. You lost two weeks' pay.

Shouldn't Dennis have known how much the job paid before the left on the bus? I figure they don't get paid until the show ends, just like Survivor and Big Brother, that way he is telling the truth when he says he hasn't been paid by NBC.

Chrissy gal

"Never underestimate the potential psychosis of a reality show contestant." managerr

"RE: Dennis' story"
Posted by SurvivorBlows on 11-18-03 at 04:36 PM
I think the writer was paying kinda loose with the terminology when he wrote "You are hired, although you're not sure of the role" -- or maybe that was part of what he was "unsure" about.

He applied and was selected to appear on the show like any other reailty show... call it "cast," call it "picked," I thing the point is that he "got it."


"RE: Dennis' story"
Posted by Wacko Jacko on 11-18-03 at 05:07 PM
The article could've been written to combat the talk on the web.

I don't know and don't care anymore. Many things could be happening.

Really though if his dream is to be an actor why does he live in Massachusetts?

"RE: Dennis' story"
Posted by SurvivorBlows on 11-18-03 at 05:12 PM
LAST EDITED ON 11-18-03 AT 06:31 PM (EST)

>The article could've been written
>to combat the talk on the web.

Ah yes, now a New York Times company is getting involved in a conspiracy to cover for piddling six-episode reality television show... sounds completely plausible, dunno why I didn't think of that!

>Really though if his dream is
>to be an actor why
>does he live in Massachusetts?

Apparently you didn't read the article very closely because it clearly states he moved to LA several years ago:

- "Buried" in the first statement of the second paragraph: "You make the long trek to Hollywood..."

- And again near the end:

"But now you are home in Sherman Oaks, Calif., and back at your 9-to-5 job as an accountant."

- And again in the close:

""I've got a place to live out here, and I've got a job to sustain me while I chase the dream."