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"The Twist..."

Posted by KScott on 11-04-03 at 09:23 AM
What do you think it is? I think they are going to bring some good looking guys on the show to stir it up a bit. One of the previews they showed last night showed one of the guys (can't remember who) saying it just wasn't fair. That is my thought anyway, anyone else?

- Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life; define yourself. - Harvey Fierstein

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"RE: The Twist..."
Posted by ttb on 11-04-03 at 09:38 AM
that's my guess too, but then they must have some incentive for her to pick the average joe over the good looking guys....maybe they will make all the good looking guys have really bad personalities or something.

"RE: The Twist..."
Posted by djk on 11-04-03 at 10:09 AM
My husband and I both think they will bring in some good looking guys to compete. My husband thinks they will bring back the guy who got out of the limo at the beginning of the show.

"I could see him returning..."
Posted by northernlights on 11-04-03 at 10:25 AM
They could have introduced the average joes without him and not made a huge difference in the show so it makes me wonder why they did include him.

I had just started watching when he got out of the limo and thought to myself that if he was one of the Average Joe's I would have been okay with him!

"RE: The Twist..."
Posted by Reality_Chick on 11-04-03 at 10:11 AM
I thought the exact same thing.
I can't wait to see what's gonna happen.

The look on her face when she saw the 1st average joe was priceless. I laughed my butt off when she saw them.

"RE: The Twist..."
Posted by GeekCity on 11-09-03 at 00:13 AM
Maybe they will take away the beer. Then she can see who they really are. That wouldn't be fair...

"RE: The Twist..."
Posted by Canada Girl on 11-04-03 at 10:32 AM
At first I thought the twist of bringing a hot guy or two in would be really sad for the nice normal guys. However, I think it will do one really important thing, show this girl for what she really is. If she has "fallen" for someone already, in theory she will send Mr. Hot packing. If she doesn't, these guys are better of without her.

Of course I HAVE to keep watching now!

"RE: The Twist..."
Posted by sbeck on 11-05-03 at 09:15 PM
Agreed. I think that at the end of the episode it seemed like she wasn't too disappointed at the way the guys look. We'll see...

"RE: The Twist..."
Posted by Tiger Lily on 11-04-03 at 12:04 PM
That's what I was thinking the twist would be, too. How sad for the Average Joes that would be.

I do think Canada Girl is right, though. It will give everyone a chance to see what's really important to her. She was really disappointed when she first met the guys, but once she decided to be a good sport, I believe she really lived up to it. And she went by personality in the elimination, because the guys she got rid of were not all that bad looking. Who knows? If they do bring in models or something, maybe she will decide she likes the Average Joes.

Sentence first. Verdict afterwards.

"RE: The Twist..."
Posted by Schnookie Palookie on 11-04-03 at 12:46 PM
When I first saw the preview about the twist, I saw the open door with the glowing light, then one of the Joe's standing there looking pretty cleaned up. So, I thought the twist was that they all got a makeover like some of the guys got on Cupid LOL. I realized it wasn't that when I saw the preview a second time. Still, would be a good idea to give them makeovers cause some of them look really nasty (and I mean in an unclean / unshaven kind of way).

*What if the Hokey-Pokey is really what it's all about?*

"RE: The Twist..."
Posted by Joyful on 11-06-03 at 05:28 PM
Still, would be
>a good idea to give
>them makeovers cause some of
>them look really nasty (and
>I mean in an unclean
>/ unshaven kind of way).

I thought that myself. And I realize they were swimming earlier that day but why were so many of them SO red in the face! It made them look awful!!!! Don't Average Joe's know about sunscreen!

"RE: The Twist..."
Posted by GeekCity on 11-09-03 at 00:30 AM
Good idea, there are a couple guys that could use cleaning up.
The guy with the dark hair and black rim glasses is good looking with out the glasses. Get him some contacts. And a couple of them could have a stiffer wrist.

"RE: The Twist..."
Posted by MizLiz on 11-12-03 at 12:40 PM
And a couple of them could have a stiffer wrist.

Well, I believe Melana has enough experience to avoid picking those guys...<LOL>

"RE: The Twist..."
Posted by Alexia on 11-04-03 at 01:05 PM
I'm sure they will bring in some good looking guys. If you look at one of the previews for next week, they show her kissing someone. Her head is blocking the guy's face but you see his forehead and hair. The guy's hairdo doesn't look like any of the "average Joe" guys already there. From his forehead up, this guy didn't look too bad.


"RE: The Twist...another girl"
Posted by plimtuna on 11-04-03 at 01:15 PM
LAST EDITED ON 11-04-03 AT 05:01 PM (EST)

Last night when they mentioned the twist, I thought they would bring in another girl.

It would go like this....

Melena would be the screener for another girl. After a couple episodes a new girl would arrive and have to work with whatever Melena left her. It would be cruel in that the guys had already fallen for Melena.

Just my first thoughts last night.

"Now that reality has been redefined, can I start living my dreams?"

edited to clean up some typos

"the Decoy"
Posted by Wacko Jacko on 11-04-03 at 04:53 PM
LAST EDITED ON 11-05-03 AT 12:00 PM (EST)

oops you can lock the trend I started.

I think the twist will be one of these two:
1) Something involving the Decoy that appeared briefly at the beginning. maybe he joins.
2) Some guys are actors - namely Zach. he isn't dorky enough to be with the other guys. he is more of a jock. Just doesn't fit. Yeah, his personality leaves something to be desired but we aint talking Mr Average Personality.

Edited to say we already know one guy (Dennis L) for sure is an actor so that could be the twist.

"RE: the twist"
Posted by leogirl_21 on 11-05-03 at 08:42 PM
When I saw Melana's facial expressions during the episode, I was like, OMG she looks like she's gonna faint. She looked really freaked at times...but I think this show is gonna be interesting. Its a different way of showing the same old lovey dovey shows. I wonder what will happen. Like the most of you, my immediate first impression of the twist was that they will bring in some hot guys later on...I would like to see that cute guy though, the one that faked being one of the contestants at the start .

"Well, if you're moving over here, than so am I! (RTVW fauspaux)"
Posted by Guppin1234 on 11-06-03 at 05:55 PM
LAST EDITED ON 11-15-03 AT 03:30 AM (EST)

I'll mark WackoJacko's marker with my mark!

Absolutely, they are obligated to explain the stranger's presence. Perhaps he represents the one that got away.

I think they (NBC Sharks) are trying to get a baseline from Melana as to what she really wants, what would make her happy, and what she cannot stand -- testing her limits! It reminds me of 9-1/2 Weeks.

I think they are stand-ins for the real average joes / spokespersons. All of the theories in this thread are really good. It's gonna be good.

A Geek on a Dating Show
is like a fish that cries
in the ocean....
nobody notices.

"RE: The Twist...another girl"
Posted by Guppin1234 on 11-15-03 at 03:27 AM
That WOULD be exceptionally cruel to everyone. Would Melana have agreed to that?

"RE: The Twist..."
Posted by amberdean on 11-11-03 at 01:34 PM
Yes, let the limo guy come back and we can then watch dump everyone for a hunk, I mean she so shallow why not?

"RE: The Twist..."
Posted by triednottowatch on 11-11-03 at 02:43 PM
My wife thought of an interesting twist, that when you think of it, wouldn't be too far-fetched since this is on NBC and they've already had some cross-overs.

The fab five from Queer Eye for the Straight Guy show up and give the remaining men make-overs and suddenly they aren't such nerds anymore. Heck, from what we've seen thus far, this whole thing could just be one big QE promotion.

"RE: The Twist..."
Posted by ladro on 11-12-03 at 00:15 AM
i just don't see them bringing models in to compete, I can't quite figure out why this is such a popular idea, it would be too 'in you face'. I think the twist will be a monetary incentive. Something like, *we will give both the girl and the final guy she selects $500,000 each if they get married and live together for a year*

"The best possible twist!!"
Posted by Chrissy gal on 11-12-03 at 00:18 AM
I think the best possible twist would be to introduce a couple of Average Janes for Malena to compete with. Would the guys continue to chase shallow, well indowed Malena, or would they turn their attention to women who have something else to offer?

Unfortunately, I don't think that Reality TV producers are that creative, so the twist will probably be some "hunks" for Malena to drool over.

Chrissy gal

"Never underestimate the potential psychosis of a reality show contestant." managerr

"RE: The best possible twist!!"
Posted by MizLiz on 11-12-03 at 12:43 PM
How about this...they bring in some gorgeous guys, but tell her that she'll only get a million dollars if she picks the average Joe. Which will she go for? money or beauty?

"RE: The Twist..."
Posted by tisasortofaffair on 11-13-03 at 04:22 PM
No matter how many of these reality shows I watch, I am never good at predicting what "the twist" will be. And you would think that I would learn by now NOT to take the people on these shows at face value. *sigh* For what it's worth, here goes:

Since it has become evident that many of these guys are aspiring actors, my thought is they were asked to play up their dorky, nerdy, goofy, outrageous side. (Since they thought the show was "Life of the Party" anyway...) I believe that in the next epi, the cut guys are going to be cleaned up, toned down and reintroduced to Mel. Not too exciting, I know. However, the look on her face in the previews seems to show that she knows whoever is walking through the door. And it's also a look of confusion. So that's the best I could come up with.

I like many of the other ideas submitted, especially the one that some "average" girls will be brought in to compete for the remaining guys affection.

(Hi, all. Obviously a newbie here.)

"RE: The Twist..."
Posted by Chrissy gal on 11-13-03 at 05:12 PM
Welcome tisasortofaffair!

I won't hold my breath waiting for the Average Janes to show up, but it would be fun!

I've always said that my husband in a "diamond in the rough", but I'm not sure if some of these guys could be "cleaned up and toned down" enough to make a big difference in Melena's eyes. Anyway, I like many of them just the way they are.

Chrissy gal

"Never underestimate the potential psychosis of a reality show contestant." managerr

"RE: The Twist..."
Posted by sinisterpaloma on 11-14-03 at 03:06 AM

look at the 3rd picture on the right and tell me you couldn't "tone down" someone

"RE: The Twist..."
Posted by ladro on 11-14-03 at 11:11 AM
Looking moderately sauve in a black and white still photo is hardly impressive.