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"O*M*G! Today's show."

Posted by buttercup2 on 07-20-06 at 03:15 PM
LAST EDITED ON 07-20-06 AT 03:23 PM (EST)

I just finished watching today's episode and I CAN-NOT (yes, hyphenated) believe what went on. It was probably the most disturbing episode I have watched.

Lisa: I would have allowed TJ to go on for an hour trying to pinpoint just what it is about Lisa that makes her so completely out of touch with reality and annoying.

How dare they allow Lisa to act like an insolent child and resort to threats of physical violence--try doing that at a job! What does Lisa do when she doesn't get her way or doesn't like what she hears? She has a skanky tantrum and tries to get people on her "side," of course. It was completely irresponsible and unacceptable for Iyanla to allow it and not penalize her for that type of unacceptable behavior.

Holy Vomit Bag about her perceptions of marriage, men, and life.

I was not surprised when they revealed that she had been molested. Sometimes people who have been a victim of this are known to be solicitous of sexual attention (even passively) as well as using a little girl voice. In her case, it is running around in "do me" clothing and acting like a giddy pre-teen around men.

TJ: Rhonda was so condescending with her that it was criminal. She spoke to her like she was a bad child. TJ's expression was priceless when Rhonda said, "Stay right here." TJ lifted her eyebrows and responded like you would to someone teaching you how to do basic math, "I'm not going anywhere." She did have a look on her face like this whole show is more or less a waste of my time--I do more important things on a daily basis. She is a very. good sport, in my opinion, considering all the nonsense she puts up with.

I loved how TJ behaved in the "What I think you'll be pleased/displeased to hear about yourself" exercise. She doesn't fight things; just seems to try to keep an open mind.

Iyanla couldn't have been more invalidating if she had tried by telling TJ to give her opinion and then to tried to shape it. It was absolutely rude to tell TJ to clip her thoughts and to insinuate that TJ was passing judgment. Hell yes she was passing judgment--what else was the exercise all about? A description is naturally going to carry a judgment. Also, if it takes TJ 150 words vs. a bumper sticker to express herself, then so be it. Iyanla was rude, wrong, and playing favorites.

Jill: Way to tell Lisa off. I practically stood up and did a dance.

Christina: Well me oh my, but doesn't she have Iyanla wrapped around her little waist? I think Iyanla is not only being manipulated by her goody-goody little girl act, but she would just adopt her and Jackson if she could. Remember, "I am NOT going to let you con me!"? Oops Iyanla, looks like you been hustled, girlfriend.

Allison: Previews for tomorrow seem to show her passive aggressiveness (smile while you say something very nasty and threatening).

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: O*M*G! Today's show."
Posted by slickeronstate on 07-20-06 at 06:52 PM
Allison is vile. Her revisionist history about her upbringing changes with the wind.

Lisa should put down the Cinderella/Snow White fairy tales and realize she will never be Anna Nicole and marry a death row billionaire.

Christina - sigh - her aspirations for Jack are almost as unrealistic as Lisa's "Prince Charming" fantasy. A race car driver? Olympic athlete? Doctor? Let's be practical - his mother doesn't even have her GED - do you think she has the drive to put down her arts and crafts crap and raise her kid properly?

"RE: O*M*G! Today's show."
Posted by sm2 on 07-20-06 at 08:31 PM
yes, spittle Lisa has had one opportunity after another, leaves the house for a month and is still allowed to graduate. I personally think that they did not know what in the world to do with her, so they graduated her. She never finished an assignment, spittled, lied, whined, fake cried threw tantrums throught the whole show. It is as bad as Christina's condensedning way's. I've said all along, I have no idea how TJ stood it in that house long enought to graduate. I would have been out the door a long time before this.