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Thread Number: 4773
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Original Message
"Chat - 6pm Pacific"

Posted by sharnina on 07-06-06 at 08:38 PM
Don't forget the chat tonight, July 6. We had a great time last week and we welcome those of you who have not joined us yet.


Just a note - this chatroom works best in Firefox.

For future chats check the Starting Over General Discussion


God is good all the time and all the time, God is good.

Table of contents

Messages in this discussion
"RE: Chat - 6pm Pacific"
Posted by sharnina on 07-20-06 at 01:23 AM
LAST EDITED ON 07-20-06 AT 01:25 AM (EST)

Don't forget the chat tonight, July 6. We had a great time last week and we welcome those of you who have not joined us yet.


Just a note - this chatroom works best in Firefox.

For future chats check the Starting Over General Discussion


A Tribe Original.
God is good all the time and all the time, God is good.

"RE: Chat - 6pm Pacific"
Posted by sharnina on 07-20-06 at 11:45 AM

"RE: Chat - 6pm Pacific"
Posted by sharnina on 07-20-06 at 08:20 PM

"RE: Chat - 6pm Pacific"
Posted by sharnina on 07-26-06 at 05:15 PM
Don't forget the chat tomorrow night! Thursday at 6pm Pacific.

Just click on the link and you will automatically be in the chat room. You will automatically be assigned a screen name but you can change it once you are there.


What time is that for me?

Eastern - 9pm
Central - 8pm
Mountain -7pm

What time zone am I in?

A note - this chat works best in Firefox. If you don't have it you can get it free here -

A Tribe Original
God is good all the time and all the time, God is good.

"RE: Chat - 6pm Pacific"
Posted by Incognito on 07-26-06 at 09:38 PM
I'm in, but no one else is...

"RE: Chat - 6pm Pacific"
Posted by sharnina on 07-27-06 at 01:41 AM
pssst... *whisper* Today is Wednesday.

See you tomorrow on Thursday. BTW - check the chat forum on the other site for a new sig for you.

A Tribe Original
God is good all the time and all the time, God is good.

"RE: Chat - 6pm Pacific"
Posted by Incognito on 07-27-06 at 04:16 AM
sharnina writes:
>pssst... *whisper* Today is Wednesday.
>See you tomorrow on Thursday. BTW
>- check the chat forum
>on the other site for
>a new sig for you.

Oh dear. Color my face red and I'm rarely late for dinner! Now, I might have to put out plate of food for DH so he'll leave me alone at 6pm Pacific. Probably not though because the County Fair has traffic badly mucked up.

I love the siggies, Sharina, thank you so much. The movies I got to see were highly predicated on what "The Tidings" deemed appropriate. Hayley Mills' "The Parent Trap" was 'objectionable in part to all.'

I'll need very detailed instructions how to have my siggie in place for tomorrow's soirée. My significant other has been being a bit of a stinker for a while. Should I include him or solo for the event? Decisions, decisions. :::wink:::

"RE: Chat - 6pm Pacific"
Posted by sharnina on 07-27-06 at 04:02 PM

I hope some of you new people will join us tonight.

A Tribe Original
God is good all the time and all the time, God is good.

"RE: Chat - 6pm Pacific"
Posted by Incognito on 07-27-06 at 07:42 PM
Bump and, um, uh... I obviously did something wrong... H-E-L-P!

"RE: Chat - 6pm Pacific"
Posted by staceeturner on 07-30-06 at 01:26 PM
I really wish that I could be there I work grueling hours so I'm at work at this time I hope some time to be able to join. just know my thought are with ya. LOL!!

Sig by Sharnina

"RE: Chat - 6pm Pacific"
Posted by sharnina on 08-03-06 at 02:13 PM
Don't forget the chat for tonight!
Thursday at 6pm Pacific. (08/03/06)


A note - this chat works best in Firefox.
If you don't have it you can get it free here-

A Tribe Original
God is good all the time and all the time, God is good.

"RE: Chat - 6pm Pacific"
Posted by sharnina on 08-10-06 at 04:49 PM
Don't forget the chat for tonight!
Thursday at 6pm Pacific. (08/10/06)


A note - this chat works best in Firefox.
If you don't have it you can get it free here-


A Tribe Original
God is good all the time and all the time, God is good.