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"Christie's Instant Beauty Pageant begins on Style Channel on June 30"

Posted by knitgirl50 on 06-23-06 at 02:43 AM
Have any of you seen the commercials? I saw it yesterday on the Style network.
Christie said that she "felt" something about herself, forgetting that she is no longer on SO, but another tv show.

I thought all the past reports were just jokes, but there it was, the commercial played all day.

Christie, must have been groomed to do production. Something that they didn't want another houseguest to do.

I just can't believe that Chrisite would get a chance that no other houseguest got.


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"RE: Christie's Instant Beauty Pageant begins on Style Channel on June 30"
Posted by kawyar on 06-23-06 at 09:52 AM
I haven't seen the commercial yet (here in Canada maybe it won't be aired...?). Can you give a brief description, please?

"RE: Christie's Instant Beauty Pageant begins on Style Channel on June 30"
Posted by c_ya_so on 06-23-06 at 10:13 AM
knitgirl50 wrote: Christie, must have been groomed to do production. Something that they didn't want another houseguest to do.
I just can't believe that Chrisite would get a chance that no other houseguest got.

no disrespect at all, but how is going on that "sleazy, cheap" show getting a CHANCE that no other hg got? I'm sure no other hg is quite as hard up and as sleazy as christie is to be back in the "spotlight"

remember, christie THINKS she is a hot, sexy, model type with beauty beyond belief that she is EVEN going on that show ... I think she REALLY thinks she will be DISCOVERED as a model.
oooohhh, if she only knew. and could SEE what we see

YES, the other hg's like christina, jill, etc., would love to be in the spotlight, but REALLY ... they are a lot better off staying put. from what people have been saying who have been at the "production" sites .... the show will be a BIG FLAT FLOP!

no "self respecting" person would WANT to be on this show. I bet ... christie will be the OLDEST and FATTEST person on this show.
christie's mind is not all their ... because anyone else as fat as she is, or has the butt the size of montana would go and make a big @ss fool of themselves. she is quite delusional!

and christie as much as she would like us to think did NOT get CHOSEN out of a mall or a crowd to compete on this show. her "good friend" rhonda pulled this off for her. and with "friends" like that, who AREN'T watching out for your back ... is no kind of friend! christie will be LAUGHED right off the stage when she comes out in a SWIMSUIT! i can see it now

"RE: Christie's Instant Beauty Pageant begins on Style Channel on June 30"
Posted by sharnina on 06-23-06 at 03:33 PM
knitgirl50 wrote: Christie, must have been groomed to do production. Something that they didn't want another houseguest to do.

I just can't believe that Chrisite would get a chance that no other houseguest got.

c_ya replied: no disrespect at all, but how is going on that "sleazy, cheap" show getting a CHANCE that no other hg got? I'm sure no other hg is quite as hard up and as sleazy as christie is to be back in the "spotlight"

Um... I think knitgirl was being sarcastic considering the tone of the rest of her post.

God is good all the time and all the time, God is good.

"RE: Christie's Instant Beauty Pageant begins on Style Channel on June 30"
Posted by creepyoldwoman on 06-23-06 at 10:47 AM
Have any of you seen the commercials? I saw it yesterday on the Style network.<

No, I have not seen what appears to be the next Emmy award winning show.

Christie said that she "felt" something about herself, forgetting that she is no longer on SO, but another tv show.<

I don't understand what she means. She felt something about herself?

I have really decided for myself that except for very few of these women, the rest were all actresses and pretty shoddy ones at that. I don't feel 100% duped, more like 60% duped that I was watching a show for the first time that I thought was actually concerned more with making a difference in peoples lives then money.

however, it doesn't change anything I've learned from the show that worked.

It's too bad we had to suffer through christie and not a real woman who might really blossomed by being on SO and may have been inspirational to us all.

"RE: Christie's Instant Beauty Pageant begins on Style Channel on June 30"
Posted by sm2 on 06-23-06 at 03:15 PM
Oh, gee wiz, golly, gee, I don't have cable or dish. I guess I'll have to run out and get it.......no way, no how....

"RE: Christie's Instant Beauty Pageant begins on Style Channel on June 30"
Posted by maryellennaco on 06-23-06 at 05:14 PM
Thankfully, even though I have cable, I don't get the STYLE network. Thank you Jesus!!!
Although, the thought of Piss-T coming out onstage with a bathing suit on..... I'm remembering some of those photos of her in a bathing suit in another thread here and man, were they FUNNY!!!! Can you imagine what that big old hind end (the size of Montana - LOL!) would look like on a big screen????
Whoa, nellie!!

"RE: Christie's Instant Beauty Pageant begins on Style Channel on June 30"
Posted by slickeronstate on 06-24-06 at 02:56 AM
I wonder.........during the question/answer portion of the "pageant" if instead of proposing world peace, Christy may break down, start bawling, and state - my goal is to live in a world in which my half brother Cain can ride his bike to remedial community college from the tuition raised by my ebay "fans".....

"RE: Christie's Instant Beauty Pageant begins on Style Channel on June 30"
Posted by knitgirl50 on 06-25-06 at 06:38 AM
Hi, Knitgirl here. Sorry I didn't answer sooner, my tummy was ill for a day or so. Feeling better now so will continue to post.

Christie is Hosting the show, not a contestant. Unfortunately my first post didn't make that too clear.

To explain what i meant when I said that she made a "feeling" comment, it was made sometime during the hosting of the show. It went something like, "I didn't think that I could change my life so much at to be able to be a host on a tv show." Her saying that was presuming that all the audience will know her drug addict background and that she "Started Over" and now is worthy of being a host on a tv show. Clear as mud? (It's three thirty here and I need to get to bed, so I'm hoping I'm making sense, unlike the first message I gave that made no sense.)

The other HG that I didn't want to mention was Somer. sp? ( I didn't want to mention a second HG, per Realitytvworld, rules.) Somer wanted to get into production and SO kicked her out for it. However, the rules somehow were changed for Christie. Unless, that is, she went to some sort of school on how to produce your own tv show. (I'm speculating that she produces the show, but it is so her, don't you think?)

I hope no one thinks that I am unsympatheic regarding drug addicts, I love one person in my life who has this disease. If Christie stays clean and sober, I give her all my respect for that aspect of her life. I don't dislike Christie. I don't think the total of SO is the real truth.

I'm watching it the second time around, and I just want to scream at the staged parts of the program. I also cannot believe how IV and Rhonda say the exact opposite of what recovery programs say. I can't believe that they haven't had charges made against them for practicing medicine without a license.

Also, please disregard any mispellings. I'm can't stay awake long enought to check the spelling. There is no spell check on this site is there?


"RE: Christie's Instant Beauty Pageant begins on Style Channel on June 30"
Posted by staceeturner on 06-25-06 at 11:28 AM

Oh what do we have to endure next? big sigh!!!

pics by sharina

"RE: Christie's Instant Beauty Pageant begins on Style Channel on June 30"
Posted by staceeturner on 06-25-06 at 11:38 AM
OOPS, I mean pictures that can be seen are by sharina Lol, my mistake.

Pics by sharnina

"RE: Christie's Instant Beauty Pageant begins on Style Channel on June 30"
Posted by gsmom on 07-17-06 at 00:02 AM
She is NOT the host...she is a contestant. Is she kidding? She goes on SO.....acts like she is the epitomy of poor pitiful me and then goes on this show? I was flipping through channels and saw her face and stopped. I didn't even know what I was watching. A beauty pageant....Oh come on! And they sent Sommer home?

"RE: Christie's Instant Beauty Pageant begins on Style Channel on June 30"
Posted by JustBNMe on 06-25-06 at 12:34 PM
I have a hard time seeing the words Christie and beauty in the same sentence. I would think it would damage her self esteem to see herself on tv looking and acting as she does. She is such a desperate person looking for the limelight and trying to get out of doing real work to earn money.

"RE: Christie's Instant Beauty Pageant begins on Style Channel on June 30"
Posted by BlingBlong on 06-25-06 at 02:52 PM
LAST EDITED ON 06-25-06 AT 09:30 PM (EST)

Sommer got kicked out not for trying to be in production but for allegedly trying to get into SO files in the private office.

Christie was on Jill's chat last week, and she said she will be on the Aug 6th (or thereabouts) episode of this show. I don't think she is on the others. She said she was on the last of 6 episodes. The chat might be posted on the WCW website transcripts.

She also said on the chat that she had 7 years experience in the family thing when someone asked about her work background. SO only made it appear they have no job skills. She said Allison and Jodi were well off before SO and after.
ETA: There are some great recent photos posted of Christie and Jill by the guy who did their DVDs over on Jokers Updates. They both look GREAT!!!

"RE: Christie's Instant Beauty Pageant begins on Style Channel on June 30"
Posted by sharnina on 07-21-06 at 11:47 AM
Your link is too long. Try replacing it with this one instead.


God is good all the time and all the time, God is good.

"RE: Christie's Instant Beauty Pageant begins on Style Channel on June 30"
Posted by beckettrep on 06-26-06 at 07:21 AM
Someone must have taught her how to speak without sounding like she has a mouthful of marbles. I couldn't understand half of what she was saying on SO and the other half was just whining and moaning. How in the world could anyone who can't articulate, the way she can't articulate, host a show?

"RE: Christie's Instant Beauty Pageant begins on Style Channel on June 30"
Posted by alaholly on 07-15-06 at 12:11 PM
I was enjoying a cup of coffee this morning and doing a little channel surfing and happened to land on the Style Network where Christie was "starring" in the Instant Beauty Pageant. (!?!)

She was actually a contestant, not the host. I only saw the last half of the show but she did compete in the swimsuit,(she was the only one wearing a wetsuit and carrying a surfboard to cover herself up), evening gown, and talent (???) competitions. Her talent was giving an impassioned speech and a sort of poem during which she of course cried.

She was so far away from the rest of the competition in terms of looks, fitness, talent etc. But I think the audience felt sorry for her after her speech and she came in third out of six.

It really was painful to watch.

"RE: Christie's Instant Beauty Pageant begins on Style Channel on June 30"
Posted by slickeronstate on 07-15-06 at 11:36 PM
Combine the dramatic tears with her inability to enunciate at all and you end up with a bunch of jibberish stated with clenched teeth - how pathetic!

Did her speech (from what you could comprehend) include any references to the "raising Caine" charity?

"RE: Christie's Instant Beauty Pageant begins on Style Channel on June 30"
Posted by alaholly on 07-16-06 at 11:58 AM
LAST EDITED ON 07-16-06 AT 07:00 PM (EST)

No reference to Caine or charity. It was ALL about her. "I'm so proud of myself...I've come so far...etc." I, I, I.

Compared to the other contestants she looked completely out of place. I'm very surprised the show let her compete. I do think the audience felt sorry for her after her "emotional outpouring" on stage and the fact that she looked so sad and pathetic.

I was embarrassed for her but apparently she doesn't embarrass easily.

ETA: She listed her occupation as: Job Developer. (???)

Also the show is being re-run tonight (at 9:00 in CA) if you want to be horrified. It's the Orange County pageant.

"RE: Christie's Instant Beauty Pageant begins on Style Channel on June 30"
Posted by gsmom on 07-17-06 at 00:20 AM
She sat in a chair getting her hair done crying and said"I usually don't let this out. I keep it inside." Is she nuts? The whole world has seen her on SO and know her entire pitiful life story. Did she not think anyone would notice? I just don't even believe this!!!!!

"RE: Christie's Instant Beauty Pageant begins on Style Channel on June 30"
Posted by EMTBGRL on 07-18-06 at 07:56 AM
>No reference to Caine or charity.
> It was ALL about
>her. "I'm so proud
>of myself...I've come so far...etc."
> I, I, I.

*Sigh* doesn't Christie know the last real moments of Sally Field's acting career were ALMOST her acceptance speech? You know, "You LIKE me, you REALLY, REALLY *LIKE* me!" Fortunately for SALLY, she had a lot of people to do PR and damage control. Christie? Uh. Nope.
>>I was embarrassed for her but
>apparently she doesn't embarrass easily.

"Embarrassment" would indicate a level of self-awareness that Christie does NOT possess. (If she did, she wouldn't be a beauty pageant contestant. MC? Maybe. Contestant? No.)
>Also the show is being re-run
>tonight (at 9:00 in CA)
>if you want to be
>horrified. It's the Orange
>County pageant.

I'd rather chew nails, and I don't mean FINGERnails! LOL!

"RE: Christie's Instant Beauty Pageant begins on Style Channel on June 30"
Posted by pnina on 07-17-06 at 12:39 PM
LAST EDITED ON 07-17-06 AT 12:39 PM (EST)

I saw it this weekend also and thought I would just die when she commented that she represented everywoman. NOT!

Also, I was under the impresssion that wet suits sort of sucked you in --- when I saw her leaving the stage in her black wet suit bottom and bikini top, I could not believe what a huge rear end and legs she had. She would have been better off wearing the bikini top and a sarong coverup for the bottom. Then, to top it off, she and her bleached blonde friend chose one of the most unflattering dresses for her -- it made her look twice as fat. For someone who has modelling(?) aspirations and thinks that she is a trendy dresser, she really has a poor sense of style.

FYI for those who didn't have the courage (or the good sense!) to watch the whole show -- she only made it into the final 3 because of her tear jerky, maudlin speech about all that
she's overcome... blah, blah, blah. Of the ladies chosen, she was the least attractive physically. I guess somehow she feels that doing this gave her some sort of empowerment and pushed her beyond her comfort level. I just hope that it used up all of her allotted 15 minutes of fame.

"RE: Christie's Instant Beauty Pageant begins on Style Channel on June 30"
Posted by staceeturner on 07-17-06 at 12:50 PM
I saw it for the first time yesterday, just cause I was flipping through channels and there she was in that gawd-awful brown thing they call a dress, I was horrified at how ugly that one was compared to the rest of them, I got interrupted before they announced the winner, so out of the three where did she end up? does anyone know that yet? probaly says so on her myspace LOL. she really needs to get a life....
Sig by Sharnina

"RE: Christie's Instant Beauty Pageant begins on Style Channel on June 30"
Posted by pnina on 07-17-06 at 06:27 PM
LAST EDITED ON 07-17-06 AT 06:27 PM (EST)

Fortunately she came in third and left the stage so they could announce the "winner". I understand the 2nd place woman won a trip to Hawaii.

Yes, that brown dress was a hideous and horrible choice. I understand they had limited time to chose something but surely they could have found something with a more becoming color and style. The impression I got from the show is that it was the first thing she tried on. Sad to say that she had no taste on SO and no taste in her "real" life.

It's a weird show so it's only fitting that one of our DAW SO girls would be willing and eager to participate. I'm surprised her talent didn't consist of yelling out to the Universe or standing in her authentic self and her truth.

"RE: Christie's Instant Beauty Pageant begins on Style Channel on June 30"
Posted by EMTBGRL on 07-18-06 at 07:59 AM
I'm surprised her
>talent didn't consist of yelling
>out to the Universe or
>standing in her authentic self
>and her truth.

From what I've read here? It sounds like her Speech was her idea of her "standing in her authentic self" and "in her truth."

(I didn't know you could STAND in "truth" I thought it was spoken or observed. Just me, perhaps.)


"RE: Christie's Instant Beauty Pageant begins on Style Channel on June 30"
Posted by goodgirl101 on 07-20-06 at 09:51 AM
i totally thought y'all were saying she was a HOST but a guest? oh. that's not such a big deal or "opportunity."

here's a link to the show description. thanks for continuing to post the good dirt!!!


"RE: Christie's Instant Beauty Pageant begins on Style Channel on June 30"
Posted by MichaelB on 07-20-06 at 09:59 AM
Her calves look like Popeye's arms.

"RE: Christie's Instant Beauty Pageant begins on Style Channel on June 30"
Posted by Esparzafan on 07-20-06 at 10:30 AM
She's a nightmare. Did anyone else think her friend looked like a male cross dresser posing as a woman? When Christy referred to her pal as a "blonde bombshell" I thought I'd lose it.

And if Christy didn't stop using her psychobabble..."fearless, taking a risk, blah blah blah" ...she fancies herself a mini Rhonda.

I still can't get over that she wore a WETSUIT! Oh my god.

"RE: Christie's Instant Beauty Pageant begins on Style Channel on June 30"
Posted by carriem on 07-20-06 at 08:18 PM
Was this a pageant in which the biggest hips or fattest legs were rewarded?If so,she better have won.Credit where credit is due,even if you can't stand the bi#$@.